Geophysical Institute of Israel
flowchart I[Geophysical Institute of Israel] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (54)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Passive Seismic Array Across the Dead Sea Transform
- Crossing the Dead Sea Fault System - First Results of the Near-Vertical Seismic Reflection Study within Project DESERT 2000
- Evidence for Olivine Alignment Parallel to the Dead Sea Transform From Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Mapping in Israel
- The Earliest Hominid Migration out of Africa and Near East Colonization
- The Potential Fields Along the DESERT Transect - Data and Preliminary Interpretation
- A Transportable and Stable Regional Magnitude Based on Coda Envelopes
- Gravity Field Analysis and 3D Density Modeling of the Lithosphere Along the Dead Sea Transform
- The Active Structure of the Greater Dead Sea Basin
- Automatic picker of P & S first arrivals and robust event locator
- Crustal structure along the DESERT 2000 Transect inferred from 3-D gravity modelling
- Evidence for Non-Constant Energy/Moment Scaling
- Niklas - a Hitherto Unknown Deep Magmatic Massif in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Using high-resolution aeromagnetic survey to map tectonic elements of plate boundaries: An example from the Dead Sea Fault
- Integrated study of seismicity and subsurface geology (Arava valley)
- Subsurface imaging of the eastern Ramon fault, Wadi Neqarot, south Israel
- Unified Treatise of Phenomena of Seismic Fusion-Fission Under Seismonomy in the Light of Monistic Weltanschauung: the Doctrine of Dynamics Monism With Implication to the Earthquake Source Physics}
- Continuous Seismic Monitoring by Permanent and Portable Seismic Networks of the Dead Sea Basin in the Last 25 years
- Magmatics within the Dead Sea transform valley (insights from magnetic data)
- Quaternary Transform Kinematics Constrained by Sequence Stratigraphy and Submerged Coastline Features: The Gulf of Aqaba
- Spatial delineation of groundwater salinity using deep TDEM geophysical measurements: a feasibility study
- A receiver function study across the Dead Sea Basin (DSB)
- Combined ERT-TDEM measurements for studying submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) at Dor Beach, Israel
- First results from a temporary seismological network in the Southern Dead Sea area
- Crustal structure of the Dead Sea Basin (DSB) from a receiver function analysis
- Infrasound Calibration Experiment at Sayarim, Israel: preliminary tests
- Moment Tensor Inversions of Earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and their Tectonic Implications
- Near surface structure of an active transform fault, North Dead-Sea Basin
- Seismic-Stratigraphic Framework for the Northern Gulf of California
- Seismicity as a key to Understanding the Dead Sea Transform Fault - Results From a Temporary Dense Seismic Network in the Southern Dead Sea Basin
- Simulations of CO2 injection at the Heletz site - providing guidance for optimal design of a planned field injection experiment
- Crustal structure of the Dead Sea Basin (DSB) from a receiver function analysis
- Crustal structure of the Dead Sea basin from local earthquake tomography
- Design and Analysis of Field Experiments for the Investigation of In-Situ CO2 Trapping
- Refinement of the velocity model of the Eastern Mediterranean based on waveform inversion and their tectonic implications
- Modelling and Design of Field Tests for Characterization and Monitoring of CO2 Injected to a Deep Saline Aquifer at the Heletz Site
- Wrinkles as a model for flower structures along strike-slip faults: example from Dead Sea Transform
- Field Test for Measurement of In-Situ CO2 Dissolution and Residual Phase Trapping at the Heletz Experimental CO2 Injection Site
- 1516 meters inside the earth - observations of seismic activity in the Dead Sea basin using borehole seismometer
- Estimation Source Parameters of Large-Scale Chemical Surface Explosions and Recent Underground Nuclear Tests
- Explosion Source Location Study Using Collocated Acoustic and Seismic Networks in Israel
- Focal mechanisms in the southern Dead Sea basin and related structural elements based on seismological data
- Sinkhole Precursors and Formation Mechanism along the Dead Sea Shorelines, Israel, Analyzed by InSAR, Field Mapping, Water Analysis and Elastic Modeling
- Real-time realizations of the Bayesian Infrasonic Source Localization Method
- Stress tensor and focal mechanisms in the Dead Sea basin
- Empirical estimate of resonance frequency at the Dead Sea basin
- Study of observed microearthquakes at Masada Deep Borehole
- A Fullband Seismometer for Installation in Slim, Deep, and Tilted Boreholes.
- Dead Sea Fault area microearthquake observations from 4 borehole stations
- New borehole seismic instruments, installations, and data from 3 different geologic settings
- Dead Sea Fault microearthquake observations using 40 s-to-400 Hz Fullband sensors in two, 500 m deep, slim-borehole stations near Sea of Galilee
- Ductile thrust splays off a pull apart - new earthquake data from Lake Kinneret
- TRUAA Project: Upgrading Israel Seismic Network - Towards Earthquake Early Warning in Israel
- Groundwater Flow Patterns in a Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifer Under Seasonal and Tidal Fluctuations