DTU, Riso National Laboratory
flowchart I[DTU, Riso National Laboratory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (30)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Forest Canopy Uptake of Atmospheric Nitrogen at a Midwestern U.S. Mixed Hardwood Site: Implications for Carbon Storage
- Satellite-based albedo, sea surface temperature and effective land roughness maps used in the HIRLAM model for weather and climate scenarios
- The NetLander Atmospheric Instrument System (ATMIS): Technology and Performance assessment
- Assessing Spatial and Temporal Variability and Source Attribution of Ammonia during Pacific 2001
- Carbon Budget in High-Arctic Greenland Analyzed by a Cascade System Approach
- Temperature Independent Thermal Expansivities of Silicate Melts in the System Anorthite-Wollastonite-Gehlenite (CAS) system
- Weichselian Glaciation History in the 'dry Valleys' of East-Central Southern Norway
- Upscaling carbon Budgets From Field to Region by Combining Flux Towers, Airborne Measurements and Remote Sensing - a Case Study From Zealand Denmark
- Multi-scale water balance evaluation using remote sensing and agro/eco-hydrological modeling
- Aerobic Emission of Methane by Terrestrial Plant Material in Response to UV- irradiance
- Attenuation of trace gas fluctuations associated with turbulent flow in tubes: application to closed-path eddy covariance systems
- Slow Vertical Downwasting of Cold-Based Ice Sheets in the Rondane Area, Central Scandinavia
- Effects and Feedbacks of Windthrow/breaks in Boreal Forest Ecosystems
- Methanol and other VOC fluxes from a Danish beech forest during springtime
- Remote Sensing of the 3D Wind and Turbulence Field by Coherent Doppler Lidars for Wind Power Applications
- Wind Resource Estimation: From Trades to Turbines
- Effect of Nocturnal Low-level Jet on Nighttime CO2 Concentrations and Fluxes: a Numerical Sensitive Study
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- The Bolund Experiment: Blind Comparison of Models for Wind in Complex Terrain (Invited)
- Complementarities between Biomass and FluxNet data to optimize ORCHIDEE ecosystem model at European forest and grassland sites
- Is optically simulated luminescence dating useful in our IODP sediment cores? - an interim report from IODP Exp.323 and 318-
- Sedimentary Carbon Flux and Source Apportionment in the Laptev and East Siberian Sea: Strong Shelf Imprint of Old Organic Carbon from Coastal Erosion
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- Modeling GPP in the Nordic Forest Landscape Using MODIS Time Series Data
- The Physics of OSL-Thermochronometry
- U-Pb detrital zircon ages to determine the provenance signature of late Quaternary paleo-channel systems in the western Indo-Gangetic basin, northwest India
- Eolian sand deposition during th Medieval Climatic Anomaly in Playa San Bartolo, Sonora, Mexico
- Characterization of Ambient Offshore Turbulence Intensity from Analysis of Nine Offshore Meteorological Masts in Northern Europe
- Challenges in Understanding and Forecasting Winds in Complex Terrain.
- Wind Ressources in Complex Terrain investigated with Synchronized Lidar Measurements