Interferometrics, Inc., Herndon, Virginia
flowchart I[Interferometrics, Inc., Herndon, Virginia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (33)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Solar Irradiance Variability Modeled Near Mg II Using Plage and Sunspot Contrast Factors Measured by HRTS
- Solar UV Spectral Irradiance Variation During Solar Cycle 23
- The MgII core-to-wing ratio: An update of the multi-satellite composite index
- LASCO C2 and C3 Level-1 Images: Calibration and Pipeline Processing
- Masses and Energetics of CMEs Observed by SOHO/LASCO
- Solar UV and EUV Irradiance and Solar Indices
- Comparison of Tomographic and Forward Modeling 3D Reconstructions of a Coronal Streamer
- Solar UV Irradiance Measurements from SUSIM UARS
- Evaluation of Solar Indices Used in Semi-Empirical Proxy Models
- Maintaining the Solar UV Database in the 21st Century
- Solar Cycle UV Irradiance Variation During Cycles 22 and 23
- Thermospheric Remote Sensing by Occultation: Comparison of SUSIM and SOLSTICE O2 Measurements.
- EUV and UV Irradiance Variations and Evolution of Magnetic Fields
- Solar Cycle Dependence of Solar UV Irradiance
- 20th Century Solar Spectral Irradiance Modeling Based on Solar Cycle 22 and 23 Measurements
- Observations and analysis of the April 9, 2008 CME using STEREO, Hinode TRACE and SoHO data
- STEREO Observations of a post-CME Current Sheet
- Interplanetary Proton and Electron Enhancements Associated with Radio-loud and Radio-quiet CME-driven Shocks
- Irradiance Calibration Using a Cryogenic Radiometer and a Broadband Light Source
- Kinematical characterization of intensity fluctuations observed in STEREO EUVI images: 1. On-disk case
- Kinematical characterization of intensity fluctuations observed in STEREO EUVI images: II. Off-disk case
- Relation between Magnetic Helicity and CME Speed in Source Active Regions
- The Evolution Of The Brightness Of The White Light Corona Over A Solar Cycle
- The subdued solar cycle 23/24 minimum revealed by microwave butterfly diagram
- Center-to-Limb Variation in the Solar HeII 30.4 nm Emission Line from STEREO EUVI
- The Solar Ultraviolet Spectrum Estimated Using the Mg II K Index and Ca II K disk Activity
- Estimating the Mg II Index from 1961 Through 1981 Using Ca II K Images from the MtWilson Observatory
- Observations from the HRTS-9 Rocket in the NUV Passband of the IRIS Mission
- Solar UV Spectral Irradiance Measured by SUSIM During Solar Cycle 22 and 23
- Solar UV Spectral Irradiance Measurements at 0.15 nm Resolution by SUSIM
- Solar spectral irradiance variation and its impact on earth's atmosphere as observed by SCIAMACHY
- Measurements and Modeling of Heliospheric EUV Spectral Irradiance and Luminosity
- V2 Composite Solar Spectral Irradiance Data Set - Status and Plans