McGill University, Department of Physics
flowchart I[McGill University, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (66)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Anisotropic Cascades and Lidar Measurement of Atmospheric Passive Scalar
- Direct evidence for 23/9 elliptical dimensional atmospheric turbulence from fractal aircraft trajectories
- Fractional Differential Equations and Multifractality
- Multiscaling properties of the earth's topography from planetary scales down to 50cm
- Quadratic Generalized Scale Invariance
- Which Chaos in Geophysics ?
- Evidence That a Complex Atmosphere Shown by High Resolution Lidar Imagery can be Represented by a Stratified Mulitfractal Field
- Fractal aircraft trajectories and 23/9 dimensional atmospheric turbulence
- Multifractal continuum in rain
- Multifractality and Universal Laws of the Extremes, beyond Frechet and Gumbel.
- Percolating Magmas and Explosive Volcanism
- Scaling Analysis of Airborne Observations Near the Tropopause
- Stratified, causal, space-time multifractal modeling of anisotropic clouds, rain and pollution including radiative transfer
- The climate, high dimensional chaos and strongly non-gaussian perturbations.
- Anisotropic scaling of Hawaiian lava flow textures
- Lidar Investigation of Atmospheric Stratification: D<SUB>el=2</SUB>, 7/3, 23/9 or 3?
- Multifractal Large particle limit in rain: implications for radar rain measurements
- Multifractal Prediction in Hydrology
- Multifractals and Chaos, Predictability and Prediction Skills in Geophysics
- Multifractals and plankton
- Potential of Multifractals for Water Resources Planners
- Space-time multifractal models of rain, predictability and nowcasting
- Isotropic turbulence, stable layers: atmospheric fictions
- Multifractal Flood Frequency Analysis
- Mutltifractal Predictability and Mutltifractal Forecasts
- Scaling properties of meteorological analyses, numerical models, and atmospheric fields
- The Turbulent Structure of the Atmosphere: Vorticity, Winds and Temperature Emerge From Molecular Motion
- The remarkable wide range space-time scaling of atmospheric reflectivities and visible, infra red and microwave radiances
- The remarkable wide range spatial scaling of TRMM precipitation
- Climate Change and Hydrological Extreme Evolution Through a Multifractal Analysis of a Mesocale Model
- Multifractal Analysis of Rainfall Change Over France in a Climate Scenario
- Multifractal Rainfall: Utopia or Reality?
- Spatial and temporal stochastic cascade structure of deterministic numerical models of the atmosphere
- Techniques of Multifractal Nowcasting With Rada Data
- The Space-Time Statistical Structure of TRMM and MTSAT Precipitation and Radiances
- Turbulent Flux based approaches to satellite precipitation
- Reconciling deep convection with wide range statistical scaling
- Sensitivity of Hydro-Meteorological Extremes to the High Frequency Quality of Long Time Series
- The interplay between zero-rainfall and multifractal estimates of the extremes: a weighed analysis
- The space-time scaling of rain and thermal infra red radiances over weather and climate scales: theory and practice
- The transition from weather to climate
- Beyond Quasi-Geostrophic Turbulence: Generalized Scale Invariance and (2+Hz)-Dimensional Vorticity Equations
- Interdisciplinary graduate student symposium organized by students for students
- Singular measures versus nondifferentiability: from the solid earth to the atmosphere and their interface (Invited)
- The Weather - Climate Transition, the Spectral Plateau and the Emergent Climate Regime (Invited)
- Understanding the k-5/3 to k-2.4 spectral break in aircraft wind data
- Do GCM's Predict the Climate.... Or the Low Frequency Weather?
- Multifractal Resilience Metrics for Complex Systems?
- Multifractals for operational hydrology
- Quantifying the impact of scale-dependencies in satellite ocean color radiometry
- The emergence of the Climate
- Turbulence and the emergent laws of turbulence generated waves
- Cyanobacterial Blooms and Turbulence Intermittency in Lakes, a Multifractal Correlation Analysis
- Detection of High Quality Rainfall Data to Improve Flood Resilience
- GCM's and scaling climate sensitivities
- Multifractal Analysis of the Small Time-Scale Boundary-Layer Characteristics of the Wind: the Anisotropy and Extremes
- Outliers and Extremes: Dragon-Kings or Dragon-Fools?
- Singularity analysis of multiple upward continuations to detect edges in potential field data
- The Multifractal Flood Frequency Analysis to Account Long Range Dependencies and the Clustering of Extremes
- The climate is not what you expect
- The scaling cascade structure of the atmosphere and its models: emergent laws stochastic parametrizations
- GCM - free quantification of anthropogenic warming using scaling fluctuation analysis, including fat tailed extremes
- Using scaling fluctuation analysis to quantify global and regional precipitation and to estimate anthropogenic effects
- Scaling Properties of Climate Variability as Reconstructed from Different Paleo-Indicators : an Analysis of Holocene Time Series Based on Haar Fluctuations
- Macroweather Predictions and Climate Projections using Scaling and Historical Observations
- New Evidence of an Ancient Martian Ocean from the Global Distribution of Valley Networks