University of Chile, Department of Physics
flowchart I[University of Chile, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (47)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Self-Organization in a plasma transport model in the tail
- Linear Beam-Plasma Instabilities in the Presence of Finite Amplitude Backward Propagating Waves
- Linear and Nonlinear Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Instabilities in a Plasma With two ion Beams
- Electrostatic ion-acoustic-like instabilities in the solar wind with a backstreaming alpha particle beam
- Study of the turbulent transport processes in the plasma sheet using the THEMIS satellite data
- Computational and Theoretical study of the acceleration and heating of ions in the Solar Wind
- Statistical study of the properties of the turbulent plasma sheet using the Cluster and Themis satellite data
- Study of turbulent spectra of the geomagnetic field using the data of the THEMIS satellite mission and ground magnetometers
- The influence of big earthquakes on volcanism in Chile since 1900, including the recent M=8.8 offshore Maule event
- Field Line Resonance conjugate studies in the dayside inner magnetosphere using SAMBA antarctic magnetometers and THEMIS mission probes
- Primary and High School resources for teachers and students to improve the space physics education in Chile
- Quasi-linear heating of protons due to resonant interaction with Gaussian and Lorentzian electromagnetic wave spectrum
- Study of the turbulent transport in the plasma sheet related to eddy-diffusion using THEMIS satellite data
- Computational and Theoretical study of the acceleration and heating of ions in the Solar Wind
- Fractal analysis of intraplates seismicity in the central zone of Chile
- Is there a relationship between solar activity and earthquakes?
- Study of the Temporal Evolution of Complexity in the Sun-Earth System for the 23th Solar Cycle
- Study of the turbulent processes in the plasma sheet using multi-point satellite and ground-based measurements
- Analyzing the validity of a possible relation between solar-terrestrial magnetic activity and earthquakes
- Electromagnetic Fluctuations in Electron Non-thermal Plasmas (Invited)
- Ion-Cyclotron Resonant Heating in the Solar Wind
- Magnitude Characterization Using Complex Networks in Central Chile
- New lab scale approaches for quantification of redox conditions
- Study of Fractal Features of Geomagnetic Activity Through an MHD Shell Model
- Weak Turbulence Cascading Effects in the Acceleration and Heating of Ions in the Solar Wind
- Organic chemical degradation by remote study of the redox conditions
- Simulating Ramp Compression of Diamond
- 3D resistivity method to monitor degradation of an organic contaminant in sand boxes
- Combining point and distributed snowpack data with landscape-based discretization for hydrologic modeling of the snow-dominated Maipo River Basin, in the semi-arid Andes central Chile
- Critical Parameters for Landau Damping in non-Maxwellian Plasmas
- Statistical Study of the Evolution of kappa Distribution Functions in the Plasma Sheet
- Time-based network analysis before and after the Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake 2015 Chile
- Whistler-cyclotron spontaneous fluctuations. A proxy to identify thermal and non-thermal electrons?
- Heating of Solar Wind Ions via Cyclotron Resonance
- Ion and electron Kappa distribution functions in the plasma sheet.
- Landscape-based discretization for modeling of hydrological processes in the semi-arid Andes Cordillera: a case study in Morales Basin
- Pedotransfer functions in Earth system science: challenges and perspectives
- Spontaneous magnetic fluctuations and collisionless regulation of the Earth's plasma sheet
- How collisionless are solar wind electrons? The role of skewed kappa distributions in the solar wind heat-flux transport
- Intermittent dissipation on fractal regions: the effect of non-localty
- A Robust System Science Approach to the Complex Magnetospheric dynamics
- Feasibility of Ion-cyclotron Resonant Heating in the Solar Wind
- Modeling the whistler-heat flux instability in the solar wind using skew kappa distribution functions
- On the effect of ULF waves on the outer radiation belt during geomagnetic storms
- On the multifractality of plasma turbulence in the solar wind
- Study of the relationship between the observations of electron distribution in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations
- The role of O+ and He+ on the propagation of Kinetic Alfven Waves in the Earth's inner magnetosphere