National Institute for Territorial Studies, Nicaragua
flowchart I[National Institute for Territorial Studies, Nicaragua] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (62)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Continuous Monitoring of Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>S Degassing Rates at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua, Central America
- Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- Forearc deformation in Nicaragua from GPS geodesy
- Magma-Tectonic Interactions along the Central America Volcanic Arc: Insights from the August 1999 Magmatic and Tectonic Event at Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
- Sediment Underplating Beneath Central America: Insights From N-He, δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Systematics of Volatile Discharges in Nicaragua
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Diffuse Carbon Dioxide Emission From Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua, Central America
- The Crustal Structure of the Convergent Nicaraguan Margin From a Combined Reflection and Refraction Study
- GPS Velocity Field in the Nicaraguan Forearc: Results from 2000-2003
- Monitoring Diffuse Carbon Dioxide Degassing and Surface Pressure Gradient at Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Volatile Release and Eruption Dynamics of a Basaltic Plinian Eruption From Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
- A.D. 1835 Eruption of Volcán Cosigüina, Nicaragua: New Data and Interpretations
- Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Arc
- Imaging the Subduction Factory Beneath Central America: The TUCAN Broadband Seismic Experiment
- Mantle anisotropy beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua and the TUCAN Broadband Seismometer Array
- Shear-Wave Splitting Tomography in the Central American Mantle Wedge
- Along-Arc Variations in Attenuation in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Mantle Wedge
- Constraining Upper Plate Deformation in Nicaragua Through Delineation of the August 3, 2005 Mw 6.3 Strike Slip Earthquake Fault Plane
- Crustal Thickness Variations Beneath the Central American Arc
- Rayleigh Wave Tomography in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Results From NICLAKES Survey of Active Faulting Beneath Lake Nicaragua, Central American Volcanic Arc
- Results from NICLAKES Survey of Active Faulting Beneath Lake Managua,Central American Volcanic arc
- Seismic Velocities and Earthquake Locations in the Central America Upper Mantle: results from the TUCAN Experiment
- Shear-wave Splitting Tomography in the Central American Subduction Zone: Implications for Flow and Melt in the Mantle Wedge
- Spontaneous Potential Anomalies on Active Volcanoes: New Time and Spatial Series from Masaya, Telica, and Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
- Studying Temperature Variations at Active Volcanoes to Create a Proxy for Mass Flow
- Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Front
- Halogen Oxide Measurements at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- Rayleigh-Wave Tomography in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Shear-wave Splitting Tomography and Flow in the Mantle Wedge Beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua
- Dynamics of diffuse CO2 emission and eruptive cycle at Cerro Negro volcano, Nicaragua
- Strong Along-Arc Variations in Attenuation in the Mantle Wedge beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Invited)
- CO2 emission from Costa Rica and Nicaragua volcanic lakes, Central America
- Implications for stress changes along the Motagua fault and other nearby faults using GPS and seismic constraints on the M=7.3 2009 Swan Islands earthquake
- Repeating LP events and increases in high-frequency seismic energy preceding the December 1999 eruption of the quiescently active Telica Volcano, Nicaragua
- May 2011 eruption of Telica Volcano, Nicaragua: Multidisciplinary observations
- Seismicity associated with the May 2011 eruption of Telica Volcano, Nicaragua
- δ13C Degassing Dynamics of a Young Volcanic Center, Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
- Decreases in LP seismicity before the May 2011 eruption of the persistently restless Telica Volcano, Nicaragua
- Collaborative Investigation of Remotely Triggered Tremor and Earthquakes in Latin America
- On the frequency distribution of volcanic degassing intensity obtained from scanning-DOAS monitoring at the NOVAC volcanoes
- Short-term seismic quiescence immediately preceding explosions during the 2011 eruption of Telica Volcano, Nicaragua
- The 10 April 2014 Earthquake in Central Nicaragua: Evidence of Complex Crustal Deformation in Central America
- Assessing the Applicability of Earthquake Early Warning in Nicaragua.
- Forecasting volcanic explosions based on seismic quiescence
- Increased degassing from the Southern Central American Volcanic Arc in response to crustal stress change following the 2012 Nicoya earthquake?
- Multidisciplinary Studies of the 2015-2016 Eruption of Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua
- Terrestrial Radar Survey of Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua
- Challenges for implementing Earthquake Early Warning: A Case Study in Nicaragua
- Exploring the thermal and mechanical contributions to lava channel erosion on Momomtombo Volcano, Nicaragua
- Rapid Determination of Appropriate Source Models for Tsunami Early Warning using a Depth Dependent Rigidity Curve: Method and Numerical Tests
- The Kinematics of Central American Fore-Arc Motion in Nicaragua: Geodetic, Geophysical and Geologic Study of Magma-Tectonic Interactions
- Using terrestrial radar to explore lava channel erosion on Momotombo volcano, Nicaragua
- Coordinated Rapid Response to the 2015-16 Eruption of Volcan Momotombo, Nicaragua
- Deep and rapid thermo-mechanical erosion by a small-volume lava flow
- Melt Inclusions and Their Application - New Perspective on the Subsurface Architecture of Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoecology of Neogene Central America: Bridging Continents and Oceans (NICA-BRIDGE)
- Dual-Waveband Modelling of Light Dilution for Accurate Quantification of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Rate Measurements from Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- Faulting and Fore-arc Sliver Transport in the Nicaraguan Subduction Zone
- Fore-Arc Sliver Transport Mechanism in Nicaragua Revealed by Upper-Plate Earthquakes
- The future strong-motion national seismic networks and earthquake early warning systems in Central America.
- Displacement and Deformation Models for Concepcion Volcano (nicaragua) with Gnss-Gps Techniques: Conceptepe Network
- The social component: Understanding the public perspective for the development of EEW systems across Central America