University of New South Wales, Center for Climate Change Research
flowchart I[University of New South Wales, Center for Climate Change Research] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (162)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (14)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Contribution of Indian Ocean SST to Regional Rainfall Variability: Mechanisms and Implications for Forecasting
- Downscaling an Eddy-Resolving Global Model for the Continental Shelf off South Eastern Australia
- Incorporating Irrigation Parameterizations into a Regional Climate Model
- Southern Hemisphere westerly wind control over the ocean's thermohaline circulation
- The Role of Indian Ocean SST Anomalies in Modulating Regional Rainfall Variability and Long-term Change
- The role of extra-tropical to tropical Pacific Ocean exchanges in the variability of ENSO in CCSM3
- A study of GCM skill in modeling precipitation interannual variability using wavelets
- On the Southern Ocean response to poleward intensifying winds: Coarse versus eddy-permitting simulations
- Climate-carbon cycle simulations of the Permian-Triassic boundary: Implications for the extinction event
- Defining and weighting for model dependence in ensemble prediction
- Drivers of interannual variations in Australian extremes
- Emphasizing history in communicating scientific debates
- Exploring the role of mesoscale forcing on deep convection
- Impact of clouds on thermodynamic variables in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL)
- The Future of Food: Regional Adaptation Strategies for Optimizing Grain Yields Under Climate Change
- The dynamics of a poleward shift of the westerlies in a heirarchy of GCMs
- Using data to assess model dependence in ensemble prediction (Invited)
- Australian water mass variations from GRACE data linked to Indo-Pacific climate variability
- Cross-Continental Comparisons of Grain Yields Under Climate Change: Potential for Agricultural Adaptation to Offset Losses
- Exploring Impacts of Groundwater Dynamics on Catchment Scale Land Surface Fluxes
- High resolution simulation of historical droughts in the Murray Darling Basin with VIC hydrological model
- Regional scale assessment of evaporation: a multi-spatial and -temporal analysis over Australia's Murray Darling Basin
- The role of Southern Ocean gateways in controlling global climate
- Variable sea ice contributions to seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O on glacial-interglacial timescales
- A multi-model-proxy comparison study to refine the climatic interpretations of a speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O record
- A new paradigm for ENSO-annual cycle interactions
- A stability analysis of ENSO over multi-decadal time-scales in a 1000-yr coupled general cirlculation model simulation
- AMSR-E satellite observed rainforest responses during the 2005 and 2010 Amazon droughts
- Affect of including satellite observed land surface conditions on the modeled energy and water budgets of the Murray-Darling basin Australia
- Assessing the Impact of Model Spin up on Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Using an Integrated Hydrologic Model
- Bayesian uncertainty analysis of the input meteorological variables in estimation of the sensible heat flux
- Changes in South Pacific rainfall bands in a warming climate
- Changes to Sub-daily Rainfall Patterns in a Future Climate
- Computing Entrainment Rates in Cloud Simulations Based on a Simple and Intuitive Definition of a Cloud
- Constraining wind stress products with sea surface height observations and implications for Pacific Ocean sea-level trend attribution
- Daily observations of rainfall, vapour and pan water δ2H for improved quantification of atmospheric and terrestrial water interactions
- Fusion Of Proxy And Model Data To Resolve Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Patterns During The Common Era
- Holocene climate change and carbon cycling in the Subantarctics
- It's all about consistency: Combining global observational, reanalysis and multi-model ensemble data sets in the trend analysis of climate extremes
- Mechanism for Asymmetry in Zonal Phase Propagation of ENSO Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
- Meridional movement of wind anomalies during ENSO events and its role in event termination
- Model Predictions of the Nannoplankton Response to the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Modelling the speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O proxy using an isotope-enabled dual-porosity groundwater model
- Multi-model drought estimation using regional climate model output
- NARCliM: Regional climate modeling over Australia
- Novel applications of multiple-point geostatistics in remote sensing, geophysics, climate science and surface hydrology
- Regional patterns of surface wind change over the tropical Indo-Pacific: Evidence of the Walker circulation slowdown
- Seasonal-scale features and forcing of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation 4,400-4,200 years ago
- Sensitivity of Groundwater Dynamics to Land Cover Change
- The effects of eddies on the millennial global overturning time scales of North Atlantic Deep Water
- The influence of physics parameterizations on precipitation extremes in the Newcastle east coast low of 2007
- Using observations from marginal snowfields to further understand variability in snowpack properties
- Visualising the past: potential applications of Geospatial tools to paleoclimate research
- ?18O signature of phytoliths from the last interglacial Lynch's Crater sediments (Qld, Australia): insights on changes in precipitation sources
- A Novel Method for Assessing Rainfall Extremes from GCMs and RCMs using Areal Reduction Factors
- An interhemispheric tropical sea level seesaw due to El Niño Taimasa
- Decoupled response of ocean acidification to variations in climate sensitivity
- Estimating maritime snow density from seasonal climate variables
- Evaluation of Noah land surface models in the FLUXNET sites using the Land Information System
- How Can the Required Spin-up Time of Integrated Hydrologic Models be Reduced?
- Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change (Invited)
- Interaction Between Orbital and Millennial Forcing of the Australasian Monsoon Over the Last 40,000 Years
- Potential Vorticity as a Measure of Atmospheric Physical Consistency in Bias Corrected Fields
- Rapid hydroclimatic shifts in the Eastern Mediterranean in response to unstable North Atlantic circulation
- Reducing uncertainty in the climatic interpretations of speleothem ?<SUP>18</SUP>O (Invited)
- Validation of WRF Downscaling Capabilities Over Western Australia to Detect Rainfall and Temperature Extremes
- Antarctic contribution to meltwater pulse 1A from reduced Southern Ocean overturning
- Assessing Sensitivity of Surface Water-Groundwater Exchanges to Model Initialization
- Climate Projections from the Narclim Project: Model Biases and Significance of Projected Changes
- Comparing Temperature and Precipitation Extremes Across Multiple Reanalyses and Gridded in Situ Observational Datasets
- Constraining cloud responses to CO2 and warming in climate models: physical and statistical approaches
- Contribution of enhanced Antarctic Bottom Water formation to Antarctic warm events and millennial-scale atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> increase
- Design of a Regional Climate Model Ensemble That Incorporates Model Performance and Independence
- Global Observed Changes in Temperature Extremes
- How Sensitive Is the Australian East Coast Low to Its Definition?
- How variable is deep convective depth?
- Millennial to orbital-scale ice sheet effects on drought intensity in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Millennial-scale Variability in Antarctic Ice-Sheet Discharge Throughout the Last Deglaciation From Scotia Sea Records of Iceberg-Rafted Debris
- Multi - Region Analysis of a New Climate Extremes Index
- Persistent teleconnection of North Atlantic and sub-Antarctic climate anomalies during the last glacial period
- Possible ocean-forced East Antarctic Ice Sheet instability and sea level change at the Last Interglacial
- Rapid Thinning of an East Antarctic Outlet Glacier During Stable Holocene Climate
- Response of riparian vegetation across Australia's largest river basin to inter and intra-annual flooding: dynamics quantified from time series of Landsat and MODIS data
- The Amplification of Australian Heatwave Characteristics in a Large Single-Model Ensemble.
- The Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014: Practicing 'Citizen-Science' in a Changing World
- Toward quantifying the deep Atlantic carbon storage increase during the last glaciation
- Climate Projections from the NARCliM Project: Bayesian Model Averaging of Maximum Temperature Projections
- Cumulus Thermals Throughout Different Convective Regimes: Sticky or Slippery?
- Did the North Atlantic Ocean sequester more CO<SUB>2</SUB> during the last glacial?
- Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?
- Evidence for a substantial West Antarctic ice sheet contribution to meltwater pulses and abrupt global sea level rise
- Impact of Convective Invigoration due to Aerosol on Shallow Couds during Shallow Meridional Circulation.
- Impact of oceanic circulation changes on atmospheric δ<SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Obliquity Control on Southern Hemisphere Climate during the Last Glacial
- Revisiting PLUMBER: Why Do Simple Data-driven Models Outperform Modern Land Surface Models?
- Simulating Roll Clouds associated with Low-Level Convergence.
- Transient earth system model simulations as age-scale generators for paleo proxy data?
- Trends in atmospheric temperature and winds since 1959
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge Driven by Atmosphere-Ocean Feedbacks Across the Last Glacial Termination
- Convective development as seen by cumulus thermals
- Future Changes to ENSO Temperature and Precipitation Teleconnections Under Warming
- Investigating event-specific drought attribution using self-organizing maps
- New Perspectives on Processes Responsible for Cloud Feedback: Beyond Warm Low Clouds
- Why does Antarctic sea-ice and Southern Ocean surface water appear to be oblivious to global warming?
- 140-year subantarctic tree-ring temperature reconstruction reveals tropical forcing of increased Southern Ocean climate variability
- Air Pollution Episodes Associated with Prescribed Burns
- Localized Rapid Warming of West Antarctic Subsurface Waters by Remote Winds
- Processes of 21st Century Ice Sheet Melt and their Global Consequences
- Regional warming of hot extremes accelerated by surface energy fluxes consistent with drying soils
- The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Themes and Call for Participation
- Comparison of variability in air-sea heat fluxes and Subantarctic Mode Water formation from concurrent mooring observations in the Southeast Indian and Southeast Pacific
- Drivers and Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Pacific Shallow Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Exploring Global Precipitation Extremes with CHIRPS v2.0
- Indian Ocean Dipole variability during the last millennium
- Insights Into Phasing and Evolution of the Ocean Bipolar See-Saw from the RICE Ice Core.
- Land Management in the Earth System: An Overlooked Driver of Temperature Extremes in Low-Emissions Scenarios
- Marine Nitrogen Fixers, Low Oxygen Zones and Iron Supply: a Low Latitude Control on Atmospheric CO2
- Observed Characteristics and Dynamics of ENSO Extremes
- Rapid Ross Sea Deglaciation as captured in the RICE Ice Core
- The PAGES 2k Network: Status update on Phase Three projects
- The Southern Westerly Winds throughout the Holocene in climate model simulations
- The effect of representation of boundary layer mixing on the simulation of the mid-level clouds over Sahara
- The radiative forcing and Global Warming Potential of near-surface water vapor emissions
- When citizen science meets urban climate: The Sydney Schools Weather and Air Quality (SWAQ) monitoring network
- Analysis of dynamic sea level projections and uncertainties in CMIP6 models
- Contrasting Decadal and Inter-decadal Components of ENSO-like Variability in the Pacific
- Exploring convective memory and quasi-equilibrium
- Framework for high-end estimates of sea-level rise for stakeholder applications
- Observational uncertainties in the estimation of precipitation extremes
- Projected changes to the regional impacts of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- The PAGES 2k Network: Overview, Progress and Vision
- Tight Coupling of Tropical Indo-Pacific Climate Variability through the Last Millennium
- Uncertainty in near-term global surface warming linked to tropical Pacific climate variability
- Weather and Climate Extremes
- A Last Interglacial cooling event in New Zealand and its regional teleconnections
- A Mass and Energy Conservation Analysis of Drift in the CMIP6 Ensemble
- A review of ENSO atmospheric teleconnections in the present and future climate
- Advancing community-led research into the climate of the Common Era
- An Introduction to "El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate"
- Butterfly effect and a self-modulating El Niño response to greenhouse warming
- Challenges in simulating extreme precipitation: observational uncertainties and influence of increasing spatial resolution in global climate models
- Connections of climate change and variability to the 2019/20 Black Summer megafires in southeast Australia
- Contribution of Subtropical Spiciness Anomalies to Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability
- ENSO Response to Greenhouse Forcing
- ENSO-Driven Ocean Extremes and Their Ecosystem Impacts
- Impact of Southern Hemisphere westerlies on deglacial and recent changes in oceanic carbon and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Impacts of Model Mean Biases and Climate Sensitivity on Regional Dynamic Sea Level Projections in the CMIP5 and CMIP6 models
- Key Role of Diabatic Processes in Regulating Warm Water Volume Variability Over ENSO Events
- Large eddy simulations of upper-ocean turbulence across the equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue
- Midlatitude Jet Position and Shift Linked to Atmospheric Convective Types
- North Atlantic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Pulses and Warm Stadials Linked to AMOC Variability
- Off-equatorial deep cycle turbulence forced by Tropical Instability Waves in the equatorial Pacific cold tongue
- Projected Sea Level Changes in the China Marginal Seas Based on Dynamical Downscaling
- Reconciling global mean and regional sea level change in projections and observations
- Reduced ENSO variability driven by mean state changes in the Pliocene: insights from PlioMIP
- Sea level fingerprints associated with future ice sheet mass changes
- Examining the Role of Environmental Memory in Carbon and Water Fluxes across Australian Ecosystems
- Influence of ENSO and IOD on compound drought and heatwaves in Australia
- Opening Pandora's box: How to constrain regional projections of the carbon cycle
- A coordinated enhanced network strategy proposal to monitor North America's major agricultural systems, prove NASA's satellite products, and improve hydrologic prediction
- Historical Soil Moisture Drought Breaking Probabilities in Australia
- Robust Future Changes in Meteorological Drought in CMIP6 Projections Despite Uncertainty in Precipitation