Geo Research Institute, Osaka, Japan
flowchart I[Geo Research Institute, Osaka, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (78)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Study on Ground Motion and Fault Rupture Due to Subsurface Faults
- A recipe of strong motion prediction for scenario earthquakes
- Coseismic Growth of Active Fault-Propagation Folds by Heterogeneous Shear, Kansai Region, Japan
- Late Quaternary Vertical Displacement of Osaka-wan Fault on the Basis of Correlation of Drill Cores, Central Japan
- A Study on Simulating High-Frequency Strong Vertical Motions
- Modeling experiments of fluid injection and the application of the inversion using the surface deformation
- A Holocene Seismic Event and Earthquake Potential of the Uemachi Fault in Metropolitan Osaka, Estimated From High-resolution Analyses of Continuously Cored Boreholes and Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Characterization of Dynamic Source Parameters for Strong Motion Prediction
- Permeable image using surface deformation and pore pressure through modeling tests
- Stratigraphic Correlation of Core Samples From the Osaka Bay off Kobe Based on Magnetic Properties and its Implication for Tectonic Activity of the Osaka-wan Fault for the last 6300 years
- Coastal Deformation Sssociated with the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake, Central Japan, Determined by Uplifted and Subsided Intertidal Organisms
- Dynamic Source Parameters of Characterized Source Model for Strong Ground Motion Prediction
- High attenuation in the lower crust in Kinki region, Japan
- Relationship between surface ruptures and subjacent source faults
- Characterized Source Modeling of Surface and Subsurface Faulting for Strong Motion Prediction
- Ground Motion Characteristics Considering Magnitude Dependency and Difference Between Surface and Subsurface Rupture Earthquakes
- Basin and crustral velocity structure modeling for strong motion simulation in Kinki area, Japan
- High Frequency Cut-off Characteristics of Strong Ground Motion Records at Hard Sites, Subduction and Intra-Slab Earthquakes
- High-Resolution Imaging of Rupture Process of The 2005 Fukuoka Earthquake (Mw6.6)
- Late Holocene marine terraces along the northeastern Japan Sea: Evidence of coseismic uplift associated with large earthquakes beneath an active fold and thrust belt
- Relationship between Gravity Anomaly and Subjacent Source Fault in Japan
- Relationship between subjacent source faults and surface ruptures - For the purpose of estimate of source fault using active fault -
- Scaling Relation of Mega-fault Systems for Strong Ground Motion Prediction
- Search for Evidence of Past Earthquakes Similar to the 2004 Event: Paleoseismological Surveys in Andaman Islands and Rakhine Coast of Myanmar
- Source Modeling of Recent Large Subduction Earthquakes in Japan and validation of the Recipe for Strong Ground Motion Prediction
- Basement and Stratigraphic Characteristics around Kansai International Airport (KIX), Osaka sedimentary basin, Japan - Integrated Analysis of Geophysical Data -
- Coastal Deformation Sssociated with the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake, Central Japan, Determined by Uplifted and Subsided Intertidal Organisms
- High-Resolution Source Imaging of the 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake From Dense Strong-Motion Networks: Focus on the First 5 Seconds of the Rupture Process
- Rupture Process of the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake Inferred From Local P-wave Records: Second hypocenter, Initial Rupture, Main Rupture, Asperity and Killer Pulse
- Rupture process and strong ground motions of the 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-Oki earthquake -Directivity pulses striking the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant-
- Stratigraphy around Kansai International Airport - reconstruction of the Plio-Pleistocene Osaka Group in the southern Osaka Basin
- Subsurface geology of Kansai International Airport: sequence related to global glacial - interglacial cycles and island tectonics
- Imaging of the First Five Seconds in the Rupture Process of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku (Inland, Japan) Earthquake From the Local Strong-motion Records
- Relationship between Bouguer anomaly and active fault ( source fault) - For the purpose of estimate of source fault -
- Relationship between earthquake source faults and 3D density structures derived by gravity anomaly inversion in Japan
- Empirical Estimation Technique for Non-stationary Site Effects with Revised Meyer-Yamada Wavelet Analysis
- Two-dimensional gravity modeling by inversion of Yufuin basin, Kyushu, Japan
- 3-D velocity structure model for long-period ground motion simulation of the hypothetical Nankai Earthquake
- Evaluation of Seismic Moments of Small Events Using Borehole Records of the KiK-net
- One of the proposals to estimation of the active fault with the flexure structure
- Relationship between earthquake source faults and 3D density structures derived by gravity anomaly inversion based on velocity structure in Japan
- Spectral Decay Characteristics in High Frequency Range of Observed Records from Crustal Large Earthquakes
- Study on the Effect of the Oceanic Water Layer on the Long Period Ground Motion Simulation
- Water velocity inferred from tsunami boulders around Hashigui-iwa, Pacific side of central Japan
- Development of High-resolution Real-Time Strong Motion Observation Network in CEORKA
- Relationship between displacement and gravity change of Uemachi faults and surrounding faults of Osaka basin, Southwest Japan
- Source Process of the 2011 Great Tohoku earthquake Inferred from Waveform Inversion with Long-Period Strong-Motion Records and its Validation by Tsunami Simulation
- Subsurface Flexure of Uemachi Fault, Japan
- Comparisons of Source Characteristics between Recent Inland Crustal Earthquake Sequences inside and outside of Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone, Japan
- Distribution of Subsurface Flexure zone caused by Uemachi Fault, Japan and its activity
- Effect of surrounding fault on distributed fault of blind reverse fault in sedimentary basin - Uemachi Faults, Osaka Basin, Southwest Japan -
- Reconstruction of the thermal environment evolution from subsurface temperature distribution in Japan and Thailand
- Verification and Improvement of the Three-Dimensional Basin Velocity Structure Model in the Osaka Sedimentary Basin, Japan Using Interstation Green's Functions and H/V Spectral Ratios of Microtremors
- Appearance ratio of earthquake surface rupture - About scaling low for Japanese Intraplate Earthquakes -
- Climate change for the last 1,000 years inferred from borehole temperatures
- Investigation of possibility of surface rupture derived from PFDHA and calculation of surface displacement based on dislocation
- Subsurface geology of Uemachi Fault zone in Osaka urban area, central Japan and its long-term activity
- Subsurface structure around Fukuoka using borhole data, Japan
- Uemachi flexure zone investigated by borehole database and numeical simulation
- Visualization of Green's Function Anomalies for Megathrust Source in Nankai Trough by Reciprocity Method
- Characteristics of On-fault and Off-fault displacement of various fault types based on numerical simulation
- Subsurface structure around Omi basin using borehole database
- Characteristics of strong ground motion generation areas by fully dynamic earthquake cycles
- Study on the Evaluation Method for Fault Displacement: Probabilistic Approach Based on Japanese Earthquake Rupture Data - Distributed fault displacements -
- Study on the Evaluation Method for Fault Displacement: Probabilistic Approach Based on Japanese Earthquake Rupture Data - Principal fault displacements -
- Study on the evaluation method for fault displacement based on characterized source model
- Waveform simulation of predominant periods in Osaka basin
- Earthquake cycle modeling of multi-segmented faults: dynamic rupture and ground motion simulation of the 1992 Mw 7.3 Landers earthquake.
- Holocene Paleoearthquake History on the Qingchuan Fault in the Northeastern Segment of the Longmenshan Thrust Zone and Its Implications
- Cosmogenic nuclide dating to determine timings of huge tsunami using tsunami boulders derived from a dike of quartz porphyry in Hashigui-iwa facing the Nankai Trough, Pacific side of central Japan
- Multicycle Simulations of Fault Parameters of Mw6-7 Inland Faults
- Relationship between Vs30 and fault displacement attenuation relation of PFDHA
- Subsurface structure around Wakayama plain using borhole database
- Characteristics of subsurface structure around Nara Basin using borehole database
- Heterogeneous source modelling by the earthquake cycle and dynamic rupture simulations and validation of results for a vertical strike-slip fault
- Paleoearthquake History Along the Southern Segment of the Daliangshan Fault Zone in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Range of distributed fault rupture - strike-slip and reverse-slip faulting -
- Differences in probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis results by dataset with recent geodetic measurement