Kanazawa University, Department of Earth Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Coastal Paleoclimate: Unraveling Temperature and Salinity History Using Ostracode Shell Chemistry
- Helium in the Archaean komatiites revisited: significantly high <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He ratios revealed by fractional crushing gas extraction
- Seismic Wave Velocity Change and Stress Build-up in the Crust of the Kanto-Tokai Region
- Temporal Change of the Fireball Energy along the Fall Path from Shock Wave Analysis
- Subduction-related metasomatism recorded as noble gas compositions in the Finero Phlogopite-Peridotites, Italian Western Alps
- Zn Speciation in two Fe-Mn Banded Systems
- Bubble size distributions in a convecting layer
- Helium Isotope Signatures of Peridotites and Basalts from Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean
- A Possibility For Biological Origin Of Iron Oxides In The Marble Bar Chert, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- Deformation of a Partially Molten D'' Layer by Small-Scale Convection and the Resulting Seismic Anisotropy and Ultralow Velocity
- Mantle metasomatism to form kosmochlor-bearing diopside in peridotite xenoliths from North Island, New Zealand
- Influence of a basal thermal anomaly on mantle convection
- Ophiolites and oceanic plateau remnants (greenstones) in Japan and Far East Russia
- Rheology of Suspensions and the Emplacement of Tongues Crystal-Rich Magma Within Sills
- The petrological study on the dredged volcanic rocks from forearc seamount along Ogasawara-Mariana forearc
- MND(microlite number density) water exsolution rate meter
- Petrological feature of crust and mantle xenoliths in petit spot volcano: Implications for the structure of the old oceanic plate
- Mafic mantle sources indicated by the olivine-spinifex basalt-ferropicrite lavas in the accreted Permian oceanic LIP fragments and Miocene low-Ni basalt and adakite lavas in central Japan
- Reconstruction of the East China Sea paleoenvironment at 16 ka by comparison of fossil and modern Faviidae corals from the Ryukyus, southwestern Japan
- Subduction of Seawater-Derived Noble Gases and Halogens: Evidence from Wedge Mantle Peridotite
- The conditions of the formation of the sheeted dike complex at superfast spread East Pacific Rise revealed by deep ocean crust drilling at ODP Hole 1256D
- A Missing Link in Understanding Mantle Wedge Melting, Higashi-akaishi Peridotite, Japan
- Olivine and Antigorite Lattice Preferred Orientation Patterns in Hydrated Peridotite and their Implications for Forearc Seismic Anisotropy
- Structure of Submarine Large Lobate Sheet from the Oman Ophiolite
- A review of petrological characterisitics of mantle xenoliths from Japan arcs: Implications for the structure of the sub-arc lithospheric mantle
- Detection of Pre- and Post-Eruptive Deformation of Eyjafjallajökull and Katla volcano in 2010 from Interferometric Analysis of ALOS/PALSAR data
- Distribution of similar earthquakes in aftershocks of inland earthquakes
- Seawater-Derived Noble Gases and Halogens Preserved in Peridotite and Eclogite from the Subduction-Type Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt
- Exhumation-related serpentinization of the Higashi-akaishi ultramafic body in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, southwest Japan
- Experiments on Upward Migration of a Liquid-Rich Layer in a Granular Medium: Implications for Slab Fluid
- Lattice preferred orientations of olivine in the schistosed antigorite serpentinite
- Monitoring of slip at the transition zone on the plate interface estimated from non-volcanic deep low-frequency tremors in southwestern Japan
- Petrology of the spinel peridotite xenoliths from petit spot volcanoes
- Shear wave anisotropy in the mantle wedge beneath southwest Japan
- A comparative petrological study of the Siberian and Ethiopian Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and a case study on Triassic mafic rocks in Chukotka, NE Russia
- Oriented growth due to topotactic replacement of antigorite by olivine as a mechanism for the formation of B-type olivine CPO in convergent margins
- Petrology and geochemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalts along southern Central Indian Ridge
- Ferropicrite from the Lalibela area in the Ethiopian large igneous province
- Mantle Metasomatism under Island Arcs, Magnetic Implications
- The earliest mantle fabrics formed during subduction zone infancy
- Crystallographic Preferred Orientations and Seismic Properties of troctolitic rocks from fast-spread lower ocean crust (IODP Expedition 345 at Hess Deep
- Geochemical characteristics of fast-spreading lower oceanic crust: an example of troctolites at the Hess Deep Rift (IODP Expedition 345)
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Shear on the Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline Olivine and the Role of Grain Boundaries
- Rheological weakening due to phase mixing in olivine + orthopyroxene rocks
- Drilling the Crust-Mantle Transition at Oman Drilling Project Sites CM1 and CM2
- Metasomatic and metamorphic overprints on the Archean Ulamertoq ultramafic body in the southern West Greenland
- Evidence for multi-stage metasomatism and metamorphism of the Mesoarchean Ulamertoq ultramafic body in southern West Greenland