Kyushu University, Space Environment Research Center
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ionospheric Electric Field Perturbations at the Nightside Equator Associated With a Geomagnetic Sudden Commencement
- Local-time Distribution of Low-latitute Ground Magnetic Disturbances at Sawtooth Injections of April 18-19, 2002
- Near-Earth Reconnection Confined in the Plasmasheet during the Substorm Growth Phase: A Study of the November 24, 1996, Event
- Auroral particles associated with a brightening arc
- Coordinated Polar Spacecraft, Geosynchronous Spacecraft, and Ground-based Observations of Magnetopause Processes and Their Coupling to the Ionosphere
- Pi2 pulsations associated with poleward boundary intensifications during the absence of substorms
- Daytime, Low Latitude Electric Fields, Inferred From Ground-based Magnetometer Networks in the Peruvian and Philippine Longitude Sectors
- Pi2 Pulsations Observed From the Polar Satellite Outside the Plasmapause
- Characteristics of Long-period ULF at Ground and Satellite during Huge Magnetic Storms
- FM-CW Radar Observation of the Electric Fields Penetrating into the Low Latitude Ionosphere at the Time of SC
- Global Wave Characteristics of Pi 2 Pulsations Extracted by Independent Component Analysis
- Monitoring of Ionosphere-Atmosphere Electrodynamic Coupling by Geomagnetic Network Data
- Relating the Interplanetary Electric Fields (IEFs) With the Low Latitude Electric Fields (LLEFs) Under Both Geomagnetically Quiet and Disturbed Conditions
- UltraMAGNET: A Global Magnetometer Network for Space Physics Research
- Characteristics of Pi2 Electric Pulsations at the Ionosphere
- Contribution of Sudden Solar Wind Compression to Substorm Triggering
- Highly periodic activations observed by THEMIS prior to substorm onset
- Midlatitude Pi2 Timing of a Multiple Onset Substorm Observed by THEMIS on March 23, 2007
- Mutual Information based clustering of Pi 2 magneic pulsations observed at CPMN stations
- A Proxy Method for Estimation of EE-index using MAGDAS/CPMN Data
- Characteristics of 3-component Magnetic Fields of Equatorial Pi 2s - MAGDAS/CPMN Observations in Daytime and Nighttime -
- Characteristics of a new type of SFE observed at CPMN dip-equator stations : SFE*
- Global nature of Pc 5 magnetic pulsation during the WHI observation campaign
- Investigation of longitudinal distribution of thermospheric density by an empirical model derived from the CHAMP data
- Long-term Spectral Peaks of EEJ amplitudes observed by MAGDAS/CPMN
- Low-latitude Pi2 Pulsations observed by an FM-CW Radar and CPMN Stations
- Night-side DP2 Fluctuation Observed MAGDAS/CPMN Network
- Anomalous Enhancement of Occurrence of the Preliminary Impulse of Geomagnetic Sudden Commencement (SC) at Low Latitude in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region
- EEJ and Sq Variations Observed at MAGDAS/CPMN Stations
- Empirical Sq field model obtained from the 210°MM CPMN data during 1996-2007
- Identification of substorm precursor and expansion onsets by applying Singular Spectrum Transformation to ground-magnetometer data
- Pc 5 Spectral Density at ULTIMA stataions and its Radial Diffusion Coefficients for REE
- Pi 2 Pulsations observed at the FM-CW Radar and MAGDAS station
- The World's Largest Real Time Magnetometer Array: MAGDAS
- Estimation of the radial diffusion coefficient using REE-associated ground Pc 5 pulsations
- Formation of vortices on the Kronian magnetosphere with the high temporal and spatial resolution for MHD simulation
- Improved hodograph method applied to ground magnetometer data to determine and error-estimate the field-line eigen-frequency
- Ionospheric Current System over the African Region and East Asian Region as Observed by MAGDAS Stations (Invited)
- Night-side DP-2 type fluctuations observed by the FM-CW Radar and MAGDAS stations
- On the Responses of Geomagnetic Field at African and Asian Longitudes during the Storm of April 2010
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Solar Quiet Daily Sq Variation and Equatorial Electrojet Over Africa: Results From International Heliophysical Year
- Study of Geomagnetic Anomalies Related to Earthquakes at Pisco Peru 2007 (M=8.0) and at Taiwan 2009 (M= 6.4) (Invited)
- The Longitudinal Variation of Equatorial Electrodynamics Observations
- Day-to-day Variation of Equatorial Electrojet Controlled by Mid-latitude Sq Current System
- Deformation of the ionospheric current around the dawn/dusk terminators
- Global Lunar Current System during Sudden Stratospheric Warming in December 2002
- Ground-satellite observation of Pc 4 pulsations by MAGDAS/CPMN and ETS-VIII geosynchronous orbit satellite
- Improved hodograph method to estimate the field-line resonance frequency and the resonance width as a function of latitude: Application to ground magnetometer data
- Magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to the passage of solar wind discontinuity on 24 November 2008
- Metadata database and data analysis software for the ground-based upper atmospheric data developed by the IUGONET project
- Relationship of solar wind parameters to dayside equatorial Pc4 pulsations
- Simultaneous ground-satellite observation of Pi 2 pulsations associated with upward/downward FACs of the substorm current wedge
- Application of the improved hodograph method to ground magnetometer data to estimate the FLR frequency and the resonance width as a function of latitude
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Evolution of negative SI-induced ionospheric flows observed by SuperDARN King Salmon HF radar
- First In-Situ Observation Of Tailward-Moving Rarefaction Waves Associated With Substorm Onset
- Global Pc5 pulsations during strong magnetic storms: excitation mechanisms and equatorward expansion
- Investigation on the Possible Relationship between Magnetic Pulsations and Earthquakes
- The Global Response of Dayside Ionospheric Currents to Changes of IMF Bz
- The Present Deployment Status of the MAGDAS Project
- Two-dimensional propagation of compressional Pi 2 in the inner magnetosphere observed at low latitudes and geosynchronous altitude
- ULTIMA: Array of ground-based magnetometer arrays for monitoring magnetospheric and ionospheric perturbations on a global scale
- Dynamics of the Landmark and Current Parameters of the Equatorial Electrojet Over India
- Latitude profiles of the FLR frequency and the resonance width estimated by using the improved hodograph method and the APGM method
- On formation of Global Cowling channel in the ionosphere and the generalized Ohm's Law
- Stochastic properties of the geomagnetic field across the 210 mm chain
- A Proposal of Global Data System for Solar-Terrestrial Science
- Dayside Pi 2 Pulsations Associated with Ionospheric Currents Produced By Oscillating Nightside Field-Aligned Currents
- On the Occurrence of Counter Equatorial Electrojet Over Africa
- Recent developments from ICSWSE/MAGDAS Research Project
- Relationship between Relativistic Electron Flux in the Inner Magnetosphere and ULF Pulsation on the Ground Associated with Long-term Variations of Solar Wind
- Sounding Rocket Experiments to Investigate Thermal Electron Heating in the Sq Current Focus
- The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
- Development Of Eej Model Based On Dense Ground-based Magnetometer Array
- Application of a global magnetospheric-ionospheric current model for dayside and terminator Pi2 pulsations
- In situ statistical observations of EMIC waves by Arase satellite
- Ion flux oscillations and ULF waves observed by ARASE satellite and their origin
- Magnetic Field Dipolarization and Its Associated Ion Flux Variations in the Inner Magnetosphere: Simultaneous Observations by Arase and Michibiki Satellites
- Quasiperiodic modulations of energetic electron fluxes in the ULF range observed by the ERG satellite
- The Study of the plasmaspheric refilling using the data from the ERG, the VAPs, the ground-based magnetometers and the IPE model
- The magnetic field investigation on the ARASE (ERG) mission: Data characteristics and initial scientific results
- Response of Schumann resonance parameters to intense solar activity
- Diurnal and seasonal variations in the Schumann Resonance observed at Kuju Japan
- Effects of an intrinsic magnetic field on ion escape under different solar XUV and solar wind conditions
- North-south asymmetric auroral surge development as reproduced by global MHD simulation
- The energy flow route from the solar wind to the magnetosphere for infinitesimal northward interplanetary magnetic field
- Simulation study on the roles of heliospheric boundaries and the effect of pitch angle scattering in the behavior of galactic cosmic rays