Kyushu University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A numerical simulation of thermal convection in the Martian lower atmosphere with a two-dimensional anelastic model.
- Energy Storage and Release in the Magnetotail as a Function of the Position and the Substorm Magnitude
- LT and MLT Dependencies of Pc 4 Amplitudes at CPMN Conjugate Stations
- Locking State of the Northern Cascadia Megathrust Fault Inferred From Inversion of GPS Velocities
- Pi2 onset time determination with information criterion
- Relationship Between Polar Auroral Images and Low-latitude Pi2 Pulsations
- Shear-wave polarization anisotropy in the focal region of the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake
- The Influence of the Temperature-Dependence of Phonon Lifetimes in Lattice Thermal Conductivity on Mantle Convection
- A Numerical Simulation of the Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse
- A Search for Biomarkers in Microbial Origin in Hydrothermal Fluids From Hydrothermal Vents at the Suiyo Seamount
- A study of Pc 3-4 pulsations observed by the Cluster satellites and multiple ground-based observatories
- Aftershock Observation of the 22 June 2002 Changoureh-Avaj Earthquake (Mw 6.5), NW Iran
- An Efficient Finite-Difference Time-Domain Solution for Seismic Plane-Wave Incidence Problems of Vertically Heterogeneous Media
- Archaeal Community in the Hydrothermal System at Suiyo Seamount on the Izu-Ogasawara Arc
- CO enrichment in hydrothermal plumes: Suiyo seamount, Izu-Bonin arc
- Hodograph Method to Restore the Radial Profile of Magnetospheric Plasma Density From Data of Ground-Based ULF Observations
- Influence of Magmatic Volatiles to Hydrothermal Activity at Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Ogasawara Arc, Western Pacific
- Local-time Distribution of Low-latitute Ground Magnetic Disturbances at Sawtooth Injections of April 18-19, 2002
- Multipoint Observations of a Pi2 Pulsation on Dayside
- Periodic sampling of diffuse flow to monitor chemical fluctuation
- Polar cap Bifurcation During Steady-State Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field With |B<SUB>Y</SUB>|~B<SUB>Z</SUB>
- Role of field-aligned current closure via the Pedersen, Hall, and atmospheric displacement current in the formation of ionospheric current system
- Solar Wind Activity Dependence of the Occurrence of Field-Line Resonance at low Latitudes (L~1.3)
- Time Variation of Fluid Chemistry at Iheya North Seafloor Hydrothermal System, mid-Okinawa Trough
- An example of volcano-hydrothermal sequence in Middle Archean: 3.2-Ga Dixon Island Formation, coastal Pilbara terrane, Australia.
- Data-mining Analysis and Multi-dimensional Visualization of Earthquake Clusters in a GRID-Like Interactive Environment
- Effects of asymmetric plasmasphere on MHD waves in a three-dimensional dipolar magnetosphere
- Interplate Coupling and a Recent Aseismic Slow Slip Event in the Guerrero Seismic gap of the Mexican Subduction Zone, as Deduced From GPS Data Inversion Using ABIC
- On the use of Hough Mode Extensions (HMEs) to fit Tidal Structures From SABER and TIDI Measurements
- The Magnetospheric Convection System in the Sudden Impulse
- 3D Geometric Structure of the Blind Fault for the 2003 Bam Earthquake_CSoutheast Iran_CInferred From the Aftershock Distribution: Existence of the Arg-e-Bam Fault Proposed
- Carbonaceous Matter in the Black Cherts from the Dixon Island Formation, Western Pilbara, Australia (3.2 Ga)
- Characteristics of Dayside Pi 2 Events During Magnetospheric Substorms
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter from Deep-sea Floor Hydrothermal Vents in South Mariana Backarc Spreading Center
- Direct Measurement of Microbial Methane Oxidation at Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystems.
- Discovery and drilling of on- and off-axis hydrothermal sites in backarc spreading center of southern Mariana Trough, Western Pacific
- Effect of water on garnet-perovskite phase transformation in MORB system
- Estimation of Broadband Ground Motion at Ocean-bottom Strong-motion Stations for the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake
- Fluctuations of Sulfur and Strontium Isotope Ratios of Fish Specimens in Lake Biwa, Japan, During Recent 40 Years
- Hydrothermal circulation within modern sediment layer in a shallow submarine volcano, Wakamiko crater, south Kyushu, Japan
- Mesosphere-Thermosphere Coupling
- Microbial Community in the Hydrothermal System at Southern Mariana Trough
- Microbial Community in the Hydrothermal System at Suiyo Seamount on the Izu-Bonin Arc
- Molecular ecological analysis of the distribution and diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes and microbes in deep-sea hydrothermal sites of the Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, and the Mariana Arc-Backarc, Western Pacific
- Multipoint Observations of Pi2 pulsations During Substorm Recovery
- New Perspectives on Atmospheric Tides and Planetary Waves From the TIMED Mission
- Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Anisotropy in a Fault Zone on Seismic Wavefield
- Numerical Modeling of Cloud Convection With High Condensation Threshold: Implication to Methane Convetive Clouds in Titan's Atmosphere
- Pi2 Observations by Cluster and Ground Stations
- Plausible Solar Influences on Wave Activities in the Middle and Lower Atmosphere
- Quasi-Spherical Approach: A Fast Method for Modeling of Seismic Wave Propagation in a 2D Slice of a Global Earth Model With Lateral Heterogeneity
- Rheology of ice II at low differential stresses
- Seasonal Variations of the Intensities of Large-scale Field-aligned Currents
- Seismic Wave Radiation of Rupture in Branched Fault Modeling
- Silicon diffusion in wadsleyite at high pressure and implications for rheology of the mantle transition zone
- Statistical Analysis of Flux Transfer Events Simultaneously Observed by ISEE-1 and ISEE-2
- Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Mariana Arc Hydrothermal Systems
- Systematic Survey of the Kermadec-Tonga Intra-oceanic arc Between 1999 and 2004: a Significant Source of Diverse Submarine Hydrothermal Emissions
- Thermal Conductivity of Deep Mantle Phases: Grain-size as a Primary Control of Radiative Transfer
- Focal depth distribution using sP depth phase and implications for plate coupling in the Hyuganada region, Japan
- Gyroresonant surfing acceleration mechanism in space and astrophysical plasmas
- Hydrothermal alteration and bulk rock chemistry of basaltic rocks in the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge, IODP Expedition 301
- Middle Archean island arc volcano-hydrothermal sequence: 3.2-Ga Dixon Island Formation, coastal Pilbara terrane, Australia
- Pi2 Observations by Cluster in the Magnetotail
- Quasi-statically Self-chosen Faulting Path Modeling in Heterogeneous Medium: FEM-beta Approach
- Seismic Imaging of the Subduction Zones Beneath Kyushu, Japan by Receiver Function Analysis
- Tidal Waves in the Middle Atmosphere and Their Modulation Caused by the 11-Year Solar Cycle
- A Satellite-Ground Study of Low-Latitude Pi2 Pulsations
- BND (bubble number density) decompression rate meter for explosive volcanic eruptions
- Electrical conductivity of mantle minerals
- Global Lunar Gravity Field Determination Using Historical and Recent Tracking Data in Preparation for SELENE
- Global MHD Simulation Using New Magneosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Algorithm
- Global Wave Characteristics of Pi 2 Pulsations Extracted by Independent Component Analysis
- Have We Seen Comet Wild 2 Samples Before?
- Kinetics of diffusion-controlled growth of Ringwoodite and Mg-perovskite
- MND(microlite number density) water exsolution rate meter
- Microbial Community in a Sediment-Hosted CO2 Lake of the Southern Okinawa Trough Hydrothermal Field
- Paleoceanography of the Eocene Central Arctic Basin Based on Geochemical Measurements of Biogenic Matter
- Predictability of stratospheric sudden warmings in the Northern Hemisphere as inferred from ensemble forecast data
- Relation between microlite textures and discharge rate during the 1991-1995 eruptions at Unzen, Japan
- Seismic Radiation from Crack Coalescence Model and Reconstruction of Seismically Equivalent Single Crack Model
- Source Process of The July 17, 2006 Java Earthquake by Using a Fine Crustal Structure Model of The Java Trench And a 2.5D FDM Computations
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- The Middle Eocene Paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean Based on Silicoflagellates and Ebridians
- Analytical Computation of Effective Grid Parameters for the Finite-Difference Seismic Waveform Modeling With the PREM, IASP91, SP6, and AK135
- Characteristics of Pi2 Electric Pulsations at the Ionosphere
- Deep mantle dynamics in 3D spherical geometry incorporating a realistic phase diagram calculated by free energy minimization
- Effect of The Heterogeneous Structure Near The Source on The Teleseismic Body Waveforms From The Sunda Trench Earthquakes Analyzed by a 2.5D Finite-Difference Method
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emissions From Venus: VEX Observations and Theoretical Modeling
- Experimental constraints on P-T-t conditions for plagioclase amorphization and crystallization of high-pressure phases in shocked meteorites
- Magnetospheric responses to periodic variations in the solar wind dynamic pressure
- Mineralization of Fe/Mn-precipitates From Hot Springs in the Sanbe Volcanic Area, Japan
- Mutual Information based clustering of Pi 2 magneic pulsations observed at CPMN stations
- Paleoceanography Of The Middle Eocene Arctic Ocean Based On Geochemical Measurements Of Biogenic Matter
- Paleoceanography of the Eocene Arctic Basin Reconstructed With Chemical Parameters and Siliceous Microfossils
- Predicting Seismological and Geochemical Observations Using Global and Regional 3-D Spherical Convection Models Incorporating Self-Consistently Calculated Mineral Physics
- Quasi-static Analysis of Strike Fault Growth in Layered Media
- Resolution Analysis of Teleseismic Waveform Inversion of Rupture Process of Tsunami Earthquake Using 1D and 2.5D Green's Functions
- Tectonic evolution of the northernmost Okinawa Trough
- The silicoflagellates and ebridians from the central Arctic Ocean in the early middle Eocene
- Tidal Waves in the Upper Stratosphere and Lower Mesosphere as Inferred From Coupled Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations
- Whole Mantle Thermo-Chemical Convection Models With Realistic Mineral Physics Naturally Develop Chemical Stratification
- A Proxy Method for Estimation of EE-index using MAGDAS/CPMN Data
- Analysis of tracking data and results from Kaguya (SELENE) satellites for lunar gravity field estimation
- Characteristics of 3-component Magnetic Fields of Equatorial Pi 2s - MAGDAS/CPMN Observations in Daytime and Nighttime -
- Characteristics of a new type of SFE observed at CPMN dip-equator stations : SFE*
- Dynamical Effects of the Post-Perovskite Transition in Thermal and Thermo-Chemical Mantle Convection
- Global nature of Pc 5 magnetic pulsation during the WHI observation campaign
- Hydrographic Changes In The Bering Sea Responding To The Rapid Climate Transition In The North Atlantic During The Last Deglaciation
- Investigation of longitudinal distribution of thermospheric density by an empirical model derived from the CHAMP data
- Long-term Spectral Peaks of EEJ amplitudes observed by MAGDAS/CPMN
- Low-latitude Pi2 Pulsations observed by an FM-CW Radar and CPMN Stations
- Metastable transformations of eclogite to garnetite in subducting oceanic crust
- Night-side DP2 Fluctuation Observed MAGDAS/CPMN Network
- Observation of Lightning on Jupiter by a Future Mission
- Predictability of Stratospheric Circulations in Northern Hemisphere Winters From 2001 to 2006
- Seismological and experimental constraints on metastable phase transformations and rheology of the Mariana slab
- Sensitivity to initial CMB temperature of structure and evolution of the Earth's mantle and core based on 3-D spherical models of thermo-chemical mantle convection
- Shallow-water hydrothermal system and sedimentation of the ferric deposit in the Nagahama-bay, Satsuma Iwo-jima Island
- Si and O diffusion in (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 wadsleyite and ringwoodite and its implication for rheology of the mantle transition zone
- The 10,000 Year-scale Paleoceanography Based on Silicoflagellate and Ebridian Assemblages in the Middle Eocene Arctic Ocean
- Transient Meridional Circulations in the Stratosphere Associated With Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events
- Accurate and Efficient Modeling of Global Seismic Wave Propagation on a Whole Cross Section of the Earth
- An attempt to extract climatic factors from δ13C record of sphagnum peat cores in both the hemispheres
- Anomalous Enhancement of Occurrence of the Preliminary Impulse of Geomagnetic Sudden Commencement (SC) at Low Latitude in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region
- EEJ and Sq Variations Observed at MAGDAS/CPMN Stations
- Effects of insoluble particles on grain growth in polycrystalline ice: Implications for rheology of ice shells of icy satellites
- Effects of upward propagating tides on longitudinal and day-to-day variations in the thermosphere/ionosphere simulated by an atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model
- Empirical Sq field model obtained from the 210°MM CPMN data during 1996-2007
- Evidence for diffusion and folding process based on the Mg# profile and the symmetrical layered structure in Horoman peridotite, Hokkaido, Japan
- Fundamental and statistical characteristics of experimental geyser
- Identification of substorm precursor and expansion onsets by applying Singular Spectrum Transformation to ground-magnetometer data
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at Saturn's Magnetopause
- Novel FDTD Approach for Seismic Response of Three-dimensionally Heterogeneous Model to an Oblique Plane-wave Incidence
- Numerical simulations of temperature distributions associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate in southwest Japan
- Occurrence of cyclic layering: natural examples and numerical simulations
- On the Importance of Solar Wind Observations Upstream of Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Oscillations of Atmosphere-Solid Earth Coupled System Excited by the Global Activity of Cumulus Clouds
- Pc 5 Spectral Density at ULTIMA stataions and its Radial Diffusion Coefficients for REE
- Pi 2 Pulsations observed at the FM-CW Radar and MAGDAS station
- The Bering Sea Drilling, IODP Expedition 323 in 2009: Pliocene-Pleistocene climate change with high sedimentation rates
- The α- and β-current separation of MI-coupled system using Whalen-relation and Hall conjugate current analysis
- Transformation experiment on sodium feldspar using deformation-Cubic Anvil, D-CAP 700, with synchrotron X rays
- UV absorption spectra of oxygen isotopomers of SO2, and implications for possible oxygen-mass independent fractionation (MIF) in the Archean
- Vertical variation of δ13C of sphagnum in the four peat cores collected from both the hemispheres
- Vortex Splitting of the Major Stratospheric Sudden Warming in January 2009 and Its Predictability
- Accelerating Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation by Multi-GPUs (Invited)
- Boron isotope geochemistry to reveal evolutional process of the Wakamiko submarine hydrothermal systems, south Kyushu, Japan
- Coupled organic and inorganic carbon diagenesis in the deeply buried sediment of the northeastern Bering Sea Slope (IODP Exp. 323)
- Effects of trench migration on fall of stagnant slabs into the lower mantle
- Improved hodograph method applied to ground magnetometer data to determine and error-estimate the field-line eigen-frequency
- Ionospheric Current System over the African Region and East Asian Region as Observed by MAGDAS Stations (Invited)
- MHD Simulations of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn
- Molybdenum Enrichment in the 3.2 Ga old Black Shales Recovered by Dixon Island-Cleaverville Drilling Project (DXCL-DP) in Northwestern Pilbara, Western Australia
- Night-side DP-2 type fluctuations observed by the FM-CW Radar and MAGDAS stations
- Numerical analysis of long-range trans-boundary pollution during the 2008 W-PASS field campaign at Cape Hedo, Okinawa
- Receiver Function From Deep Borehole Seismograms
- Rheology of two-phase aggregates of H2O and CO2 ices
- Sedimentary Environment of 3.2 GA Dixon Isalnd and Cleaverville FORMATIONS:DXCL-DRILLNG, West Pilbara, Australia
- State transition of the magnetosphere-ionosphere compound system due to a northward turn of the interplanetary magnetic field revealed from a global MHD simulation and formation of the overshielding potential
- Study of Geomagnetic Anomalies Related to Earthquakes at Pisco Peru 2007 (M=8.0) and at Taiwan 2009 (M= 6.4) (Invited)
- Various Aspect of the Field Line Resonance Phenomena Observed at the South Pole Station
- Winter-summer asymmetry of auroral intensities revealed from a global MHD simulation
- A new method for describing the Cowling channel coupling to the FAC system via shear Alfven wave: Conjugate Hall current analysis
- An experimental study on the transformation kinetics of spinel lherzolite to garnet lherzolite
- Atmospheric Dynamical Coupling through Activity Changes of Gravity Waves during Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events
- Biological response to the global climate regime shift in the Bering Sea and the central subarctic Pacific: Synthesis of multi-decadal long time series sinking particle study
- Changes in flow strength induced by the decomposition of polycrystalline albite
- Computation of Nearfield Tsunami as a Seismic Wave With a Finite-Difference Scheme for Gravitational Elastodynamic Equation
- Depositional age of the mesoarchean strike-slip basins in the Cleaverville area, West Pilbara
- Effectiveness of S-wavevector Receiver Function Imaging for Subducted Slab
- Eleven-years-long record of ferric hydroxide sedimentation in Satsuma Iwo-Jima island, Kagoshima, Japan
- Euxinic Deep Ocean Inferred from 3.2GA Black Shale Sequence in Dxcl-Dp Pilbara, Western Australia
- Foraminiferal oxygen isotope records at the Bering slope (IODP exp. 323 site U1343) provide an orbital scale age model and indicate pronounced changes during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Generation, segregation and migration of Cl-charged aqueous fluids in a crystallizing magma reservoir -A geochemical study of the Murotomisaki Gabbroic Intrusion
- Giant grains from Pennsylvanian Dust of the Panthalassic Ocean: Evidence for Extreme Winds and a Paleo-Tethyan Monsoon
- Global Lunar Current System during Sudden Stratospheric Warming in December 2002
- Ground-satellite observation of Pc 4 pulsations by MAGDAS/CPMN and ETS-VIII geosynchronous orbit satellite
- Improved hodograph method to estimate the field-line resonance frequency and the resonance width as a function of latitude: Application to ground magnetometer data
- Kinetics of the post-spinel transformation and mantle flow across the 660-km discontinuity
- Low viscosity of the bottom of the Earth's mantle inferred from the decay time of Chandler wobble and tidal deformation
- Mesoarchean oceanic sedimentary sequences: Dixon Island-Cleaverville formations of Pilbara vs Komati section of Fig Tree Group in Barberton
- Modified two-stream instability at perpendicular shocks: Full particle simulations
- Pliocene to Pleistocene radiolarian biostratigraphy at IODP Site U1341 in the Bering Sea
- Relationship of solar wind parameters to dayside equatorial Pc4 pulsations
- Rupture Process And Waveform Modeling of The 2011 Tohoku-Oki, Magnitude-9 Earthquake
- Simulation study on gravity waves in the Martian atmosphere
- Simultaneous ground-satellite observation of Pi 2 pulsations associated with upward/downward FACs of the substorm current wedge
- Solar activity dependence of the thermosphere and ionosphere: contributions from 10 years of CHAMP observations
- 3.2 Ga ocean sedimentary sequence in the Komati section of the Mapepe Formation in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- A study of the planetary wave effect in the MLT airglow using observations and model simulations
- An attempt to estimate the static stability and the abundance of oxygen of Jupiter's lower atmosphere based on the vertical structure of large-scale disturbances
- Application of the improved hodograph method to ground magnetometer data to estimate the FLR frequency and the resonance width as a function of latitude
- Asymmetrically multi-collapsed structure of Kikai caldera in southern off Kyushu Island, Japan: A reconstruction from seismic reflection images
- Biogeochemistry of C, N, S, Fe, and Mo and origin of organic matter in the 3.2 and 2.7 Ga sulfidic black shales from Pilbara, Western Australia: A synthesis
- Current circuit connecting the polar and equatorial region deduced by a global ionospheric potential solver
- Equatorial counterelectrojets during geomagnetic storms and their possible dynamos in the magnetosphere
- Evolution of biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus during 45~50 Ma revealed by sequential extraction analysis of IODP Expedition 302 cores from the Arctic Ocean
- Formation of Cowling channel from Polar to Equatorial Ionosphere
- Global-mode Pc 5 pulsations: Ground distribution and correlation with energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere
- Gravity Waves in the Thermosphere/Ionosphere simulated by a Whole Atmosphere Model
- Helium isotopes and mineralogy of hydrothermal ores from the Okinawa Trough
- Impact of SST resolution on cyclone activity over the Kuroshio
- Implementation of bin scheme into sulfate aerosol module in aerosol climate model
- In-situ XRD study of the olivine - ringwoodite transformation kinetics: application for effects of water on its growth kinetics
- Inversed estimation of critical factors for controlling over-prediction of summertime tropospheric O3 over East Asia based of the combination of DDM sensitivity analysis and modeled Green's function method
- Investigation on the Possible Relationship between Magnetic Pulsations and Earthquakes
- Mesoarchean black shale -iron sedimentary sequences in Cleaverville Formation, Pilbara Australia: drilling preliminary result of DXCL2
- Numerical Modeling of Tidal Dynamics in the Java Sea
- REE geochemistry of 3.2 Ga BIF from the Mapepe Formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Receiver functions at virtual receivers in the basement under the thick sedimentary basin for viewing the crustal and deeper structures beneath the Kanto plain, Japan
- Redox stratification of the ocean 2.7 billion years ago: Preliminary results from Fe speciation analysis of shallow- and deep-facies black shales
- Rupture Process of The 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake by a Waveform Inversion Using Green's Functions Computed For Laterally Heterogeneous Structure Model
- Structure of a seafloor hydrothermal system in volcanic sediment: distribution of hydrothermal clay minerals, at the Iheya North Knoll, Okinawa Trough
- The Global Response of Dayside Ionospheric Currents to Changes of IMF Bz
- Two-dimensional propagation of compressional Pi 2 in the inner magnetosphere observed at low latitudes and geosynchronous altitude
- Vortex-Vortex Interactions for the Maintenance of Blocking
- Consecutive bursts of Pi2-band and long-period pulsations during a northward and low-clock-angle IMF period
- Estimating precise location the tremor triggered by the surface waves of teleseismic events beneath the Yatsushiro Sea, central Kyushu, Japan
- Field occurrence and lithology of Archean hydrothermal systems in the 3.2Ga Dixon Island Formation, Western Australia
- Finite-difference simulation of seismic wave propagation for explosion earthquakes at Sakurajima volcano, Japan
- Heterogeneities of sulfur isotope compositions of Mesoarchean minute spherical pyrites: NanoSIMS analysis of the 3.2Ga black shale recovered by DXCL Drilling Project in Pilbara, Australia
- Mesoarchean Banded Iron Formation sequences in Dixon Island-Cleaverville Formation, Pilbara Australia: Oxygenic signal from DXCL project
- Observed Circulation Changes up to the Mesopause during Sudden Warming Events
- Rotation of the ionospheric electric potential caused by spatial gradients of ionospheric conductivity
- Submarine counterpart of 7200 BP marine caldera formation in Kikai caldera in southern-off Kyushu Island, Japan
- Textural analysis of obsidian lava flow in Shirataki, Northern Hokkaido, Japan
- The structure of iron-hydroxide mounds at hydrothermal environment in shallow marine, Satsuma Iwo-Jima, Kikai caldera, Japan
- Equatorial Circulation Changes up to the Mesosopause during Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events
- Unusual Features of the Planetary Wave Predominance of Zonal Wavenumber Two in the Boreal Winter 2013/2014
- Circulation Changes in the Mesosphere and the Lower Thermosphere Associated with Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- Development Of Eej Model Based On Dense Ground-based Magnetometer Array
- Field-aligned Currents Induced by Electrostatic Polarization at the Ionosphere: Application to the Poleward Boundary Intensification (PBI) of Auroral Emission
- Generalized Description of Three-Dimensional Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling by Shear Alfvén Waves
- Possibility of Ionospheric Cause of FACs and Convection Field in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System: The Harang Reversal, Premidnight Upward-FAC, and the Ionospheric Hall Polarization Field
- Stratospheric Wave Activity and the Eddy-driven Jet for 1958-2014 Winters
- SuperDARN HOP radars observation of ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude aurora observed at Hokkaido, Japan
- Discovery of Fracture Networks in the Basal Part of Modern Hydrothermal System in Okinawa Tough, SW Japan
- Fracture Flow Characterization from Seismic and Electric Properties: Insight from Experimental and Numerical Approaches
- Spatial and temporal variation of seismic velocity during earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in western Japan: Insight into mechanism for seismic velocity variation
- High Resolution Shallow S-wave Velocity Structure of the Central Japan Using Surface Wave Tomography.
- Partitioning of rare earth elements on calcite at saturated and undersaturated stages, mimicking settlement through water columns
- Small Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2012 and 2017 and the Relationship to Dynamical Fields
- Surface displacements and groundwater level changes around the Kumamoto plain, Japan, associated with the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence
- Insight on the physical properties of sediments within the Nankai inner accretionary prism, from repeated borehole geophysics of NanTroSEIZE IODP expeditions 348 and 358.
- Relationship Between Traveling and Stationary Planetary Waves in the Northern Hemisphere Winter Middle Atmosphere
- Sediment compaction and fluid processes in the Nankai Trough forearc inferred from teleseismic body waves
- Stratigraphy renewal, magma chamber stratification, and conduit process of the 1815 Tambora caldera forming eruption
- Viscosity correction to classical homogeneous nucleation theory for water bubbles in silicate melts
- Characteristics of Northern Hemisphere cold spells with respect to the state of the stratospheric polar vortex
- Dynamical Features of the Polar Vortex Intensification in the Northern Hemisphere Winter of 2019/2020
- Stratigraphy and Magmatic Processes of Tondano Caldera I: Domato Tuff, Minahasa, NE Sulawesi, Indonesia