JAMSTEC, Frontier Research Center for Global Change
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of HALOE/UARS Derived Methane Profiles With Balloon Measurements
- Atmospheric Input of Mineral Dust to the Western North Pacific Based on Direct Measurements and a Regional Chemical Transport Model
- Baroclinic Responses Caused by Barotropic Rossby-Wave Incident to Steep Bottom Topography : A Semi-analytical Study
- Causes of Downward Motion Around the Tropopause Over Indonesia
- Disturbances in Russian Forests in 1950-2000: Impact on the Carbon Budget
- Evidence of European Emissions Perturbation on the Background Tropospheric CO and Ozone in Remote Siberia/East Asia
- Far-Reaching Effects of the Hawaiian Islands on the Pacific Ocean-Atmosphere System
- Importance of Permafrost for Water Cycle and Vegetation in East Siberian Taiga
- Observed and Simulated Seesaw Between Aleutian and Icelandic Lows and its Interdecadal Modulation
- On the distributions and EOFs of HALOE/UARS Ozone and Methane
- Significance of the Interannual Seesaw Between the Aleutian and Icelandic Lows in the Interannual Variability Over the Wintertime Northern Hemisphere
- Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison in Barrow Alaska, 2000-2001
- The Role of the Indian Ocean Dipole in Weakening of the Relationship Between the Indian Monsoon Rainfall and ENSO
- Variability and Trends in the Annual Snow Cover Cycle in Northern Hemisphere Land Areas, 1972-2000
- Wavelet Analysis for Data Assimilation: Application in Ocean Model
- Where is an Entrance of the air to the Tropical Stratosphere?
- A Comparison of Several Chemical Transport Models With Aircraft Derived Plumes of CO From East Asia During the Spring 2001 NASA/TRACE-P Mission
- A test for annular modes
- An Ecosystem Model Including C, N and P Cycles Applied to Stn ALOHA: Simulating Primary Production, Organic Matter Stoichiometries and Export
- An Estimation of the Future Development of the Ozone Layer by a Coupled Chemistry-Climate Model
- An Identical Twin Experiment for the Development of A 4D-VAR Data Assimilation System for the ARGO Data
- Asian dust transport during the springtime of year 2001 and 2002 with a nested version of dust transport model
- Atmospheric processes responsible for the interannual seesaw-like summer dry and wet regimes in Northern Eurasia
- Climate simulation for typhoongenesis by high resolution AGCM
- Climatic change and river ice regime in the Lena River during the last 16 years
- Development of a High-Resolution Climate Model for Future Climate Change Projection on the Earth Simulator
- Direct observations of atmospheric boundary layer response to SST variations associated with tropical instability waves over the eastern equatorial Pacific
- Estimates of N2O, NO and NH3 Emissions From Croplands in East, Southeast and South Asia
- Estimation of the contribution of inter-continental transport during the PEACE-A campaign by using a global chemical model
- Formation mechanism and multi-decadal modulation of the Aleutian-Icelandic low seesaw: Distinctive chacteristics from the annular mode
- Global-scale, seasonal carbon sources and sinks from the TransCom atmospheric inversion experiment
- Interannual variations of vegetation activity and hydrologic cycle observed in Eastern Siberia using stable isotopes of water
- Multi-tracer constraints on ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
- NMHC emissions from Asia: sources and transport
- Network Design for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observation With High Resolution Inversions
- Ozone Production and Export From East Asia During the TRACE-P Campaign: Regional vs. Global Production and Sensitivity to Meteorology
- Pan-Observation Results on Snow Sublimation and its Parameterization in Both forested and Open Environment in Taiga of Eastern Siberia
- Preliminary results from pressure tank test and field acceleration test of New-Profiling float of Japan (NINJA)
- Recent changes of CO total column amount over Russia.
- Seasonality and Trends of Snow-Cover, Vegetation Index, and Temperature in Northern Eurasia
- Sensitivity of the Precipitation Gauge Correction for the Estimation of Global and Continental Water Balance
- Signal of vegetation variability found in large-scale evapotranspiration as revealed by NDVI and assimilated atmospheric data
- Snow ablation process in the southern mountainous taiga of eastern Siberia, during an early spring
- Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison in Barrow Alaska, 2001-2002
- Spectroscopic Measurements of CO and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Total Column Amounts: Trajectory Analysis Using ECMWF Data Set.
- The Indian Ocean Dipole - Impact on the Indian and Australian Climates During Boreal Summer
- The relationship Between the East Asian Summer Climate Variability and the Indian Ocean Dipole
- Topographic Effects of the Ice Sheets on their Self Maintenance and Shaping the Climate during the LGM
- Toward 10-km mesh global climate simulations
- Water and Energy Fluxes over Tundra near Tiksi, Siberia
- Wind Profiler Observations of the Meiyu/Baiu Precipitation in the downstream of the Yangtze River
- A model simulation of carbon dioxide and stable carbon isotope exchange between the atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere: Is the terrestrial d13C discrimination effect decreasing?
- A numerical simulation of eastern subarctic circulation in the North Pacific
- Covariability Found in Evapotranspiration and Satellite-derived Vegetation Index Interannual Change Over Northern Asia
- Cyclone Activity associated with the Summer Precipitation Dipole Pattern over Northern Eurasia
- Future Changes in Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange and Those Impacts on Future Tropospheric Ozone
- Integration of MODIS-LAI with Sim-CYCLE to Estimate the Net Primary Productivity
- Interannual Variability of Eurasian Snow Cover in Spring and its Possible Link With Atmospheric Circulation
- Interannual variability in ocean and land CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes derived using Time Dependent Inverse model
- Inversion of Column-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations from Space Using a High Resolution Inverse Model
- Measurement of total OH reactivity in the urban atmosphere by Chemical Perturbation using a Laser-Induced Fluorescence technique
- Meteorological impact on eastern Asia tropospheric ozone during 1995-1996
- Observation And Simulation Of Monsoon Rainfall Over A Tropical Mountainous Region In Southeast Asia
- On the Construction of Reanalysis Argo Dataset Using a 4DVAR Data Assimilation System
- Signatures of stratospheric intrusions in TOMS swath data
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Global and Diffuse PAR in the Amazon Region and its Significance for Tropical Forest Photosynthesis
- Trajectory Assisted Analysis of Long-Term Ozonesonde Data Over N. America: A Comparison With Europe and East Asia
- An Estimation of Atmospheric Moisture Transport Over Indian Sub-continent by Using 4D-VAR Data Assimilation System
- An Experiment of Ocean State Estimate by Using Argo Data and a 4D-VAR Data Assimilation System
- Annual Freshwater and Heat Content From 2003-2004: First Results from the Beaufort Gyre Observing System
- Application of ensemble Kalman filter to coupled atmosphere-ocean model
- Asian monsoon change in the Mid-Holocene: Influence of ocean coupling for GCM simulations
- CO2 Exchanges Between The Atmosphere And An Alpine Meadow Ecosystem On The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Characterizing Model Errors for Inverse Modelling of Atmospheric Trace Gases
- Comparison of Mixed Layer Depths Calculated Using the Vertically Discrete TRITON Temperature and Salinity Data
- Comparison of the two biosphere models to estimate global terrestrial carbon fluxes
- Constraining Flows of Nitrogen by Assimilating Data into a Multi-Element Marine Ecosystem Model
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere multi-decadal oscillation in the Southeast Pacific Basin simulated by a climate model
- Effects Of Temperature On The CO2 Flux In An Alpine Meadow Ecosystem On The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Estimation and Validation of \delta<SUP>18</SUP>O Global Distribution with Rayleigh-type two Dimensional Isotope Circulation Model
- Importance Of Recent Shifts In Soil Thermal Dynamics On Growing Season Length, Productivity, And Carbon Sequestration In Terrestrial High-Latitude Ecosystems
- Interannual variability in summer precipitation and surface cyclone activity in northern Eurasia
- Intercomparison of Photosynthetically Active Radiation Measurements Obtained With Different Sensor Types at Hokkaido, Japan
- Intercomparison of interannual changes in NDVI from PAL and GIMMS in relation to evapotranspiration over northern Asia
- Isotopic composition and origin of snow over Siberia
- Isotopic composition of atmospheric water vapor observed at Taiga forest in Eastern Siberia
- Modeling and observations of atmospheric CO2 in PBL over Siberia
- Observational Study on Sublimation from the Snow Surface in Northern Eurasia
- Parameterizing Ocean Eddy Transports From Surface to Bottom
- Response of Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean GCM to Ice Age Conditions and CO2 Changes
- Response of the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation to Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration Octupling
- Revisit of WHP P17N in 2001
- SWING - The Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group
- Seasonal linkage of the Arctic Oscillations and its solar cycle modulation
- Sensitivity of key climate parameters to global NPP using a process-based model integrated with remote sensing data
- Simulating and Investigating the 100ka ice age cycle with a three dimensional ice sheet model and GCM.
- Summer Northern Hemisphere annular mode revealed from observation and AGCM simulation
- Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Amounts Obtained by GOME Over East Asia in 1996-2002: Validation and Trend Analyses
- Wind directional dependency of surface energy fluxes over north-eastern Siberia and its implications
- A simple bias-correction procedure to estimate false precipitation due to blowing snow flux into the precipitation gauge
- Change in Winter-to-Spring Interactions Between Snow and Atmosphere in Eurasia Examined by an AGCM
- Changes in the Variability of the Thermohaline Circulation Associated With Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in a Coupled Model
- Climate Records of Snow, Glaciers and Sea Ice
- Compound Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CSRA) Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in Fine Organic Aerosols From Residential Area Of Suburb Tokyo
- Development of an Integrated Earth System Model on the Earth Simulator
- Ecosystem carbon isotopic discrimination in a cool-temperate deciduous forest at Asian Monsoon region: Implication from aerosol-leaf wax biomarkers
- Estimation Of Photic Zone Integrated Primary Production Using Satellite Chlorophyll a, Sea Surface Temperature And Light
- Glacial-Interglacial Variations of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration: A Modeling Study for the Effect of the Southern Ocean
- Gravity Wave Characteristics Over Equator Observed During CPEA Campaign Using Simultaneous Multiple Stations Data
- Identifying critical parameters in a terrestrial ecosystem model for accuracy improvement through integration of data and/or assimilation
- Impact of Extended Chemistry for Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds on Tropospheric Ozone and Implications for Radiative Forcing
- Large-Scale Atmospheric Pollution Over Eastern China: Results From Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Observation
- Oxidation of Reactive Nitrogen and Ozone Production in Tokyo
- Ozone Production in Global Tropospheric Models: Quantifying Errors due to Grid Resolution
- Reconstruction Of Global Solar Radiation In Japan From Dairy Weather Records For The Period 1720-1902
- Response of Greenland Ice Sheet to the Global Warming Simulated by a High Resolution Atmosphere-Ocean GCM coupled by an Ice Sheet Model
- Role of the Freshwater Forcing on the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation in Climate Changes
- Seasonal heat budget in the mixed layer of the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean in a high-resolution ocean general circulation model
- Simulation of the Northern Hemisphere Ice sheet throughout ice age cycles: Impact of Mass-Balance-related parameters
- Soil respiration model with a plant canopy: Hydrological and thermal effects of canopy characteristics on soil respiration
- The Preliminary Application of a Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System in Kanto Area, Japan
- Tropospheric-Wide Assessment of Binary and Ternary Aerosol Nucleation Using a Chemical Transport Model
- Warm water pool influence on a tropical cyclogenesis in an aqua planet experiment
- 137Cs and Pu Isotope Distribution In The Subtropical Gyres In The Southern Hemisphere In 2003-2004
- A Forest Biomass Survey by Bitterlich Method With an Electronic Relascope for Satellite Data Validation
- Air Quality Perturbations Over Rural Mountain Regions by Large-Scale Urbanization in China
- Analysis of ENSO with an intermediate model through the ensemble Kalman filter and smoother
- Asia-Pacific Monsoon Climate in the Past, Present and Future Simulated with the MRI Coupled Model
- Changes in Position and Elevation of Dome Fuji, east Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, during the Ice Age Cycle, Simulated by a Three-Dimensional Numerical Ice Sheet Model
- Control of Salinity on the Mixed Layer Depth in the World Ocean
- Decadal Variability of the Kuroshio Extension: Observations and an Eddy-Resolving Model Hindcast
- Diurnal patterns of rainfall over the Indochina Peninsula - Observations and Model Simulations -
- EBBR Observation and fluctuation of evapotranspiration in a Cambodian evergreen forest
- ENSO-like forcing over the Sea Surface Temperature and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) outgassing during the last 80Ky, off northern Chile (27.5ºS).
- East - West Differences in the Distributions of Nutrients and Chlorophyll a in the Canada Basin
- Estimating global specific leaf area from MODIS leaf area index and model-simulated foliage mass
- Estimation of steric sea level variations from combined GRACE and Topex/Poseidon data.
- Glacial-Interglacial Variations of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration: the Effect of Ocean Physical Field on the Carbon Cycle
- Global Cloud Resolving Simulations By NICAM
- How Many New Sulfate Aerosols Can Be Produced From Anthropogenic SO2?
- Hydrodynamic Controls on the Age and Composition of Terrestrial Organic Matter Distributed over the Washington Margin
- Influence of canopy snow on water and energy balances above and below the canopy of a coniferous plantation in northern Japan
- Interdecadal Modulations and Seasonal Dependence of the Icelandic and Aleutian Lows: Their Inter-Basin Link and Impacts on High-Latitude Climate
- Intra-seasonal relationship between the Northern Hemisphere sea ice variability and the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Modified Lagrangian-Mean Analysis Of The NH Polar Vortex Evolution
- Pausing Mechanism of Transition from La Nina to El Nino: a View from Observational Heat Balance in the Mixed Layer from 1999 to 2002
- Power-law scaling in atmospheric-CO2 time series - implications for forward and inverse modelling
- Redistribution of ocean heat and heat uptake under global warming in a climate model
- Regional Chemical Weather Forecast Over The Central Japan: PBL Structure And Chemical Transport For A Hindcast During July 2-21, 2004
- Role of climate feedback processes and ocean heat uptake in transient climate responses to CO2 increase on the atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
- Simulation Of Growing Season Length Of A Deciduous Forest In A Dry Tropical Area
- Simulation of rainfall interception using multilayer model in evergreen broadleaf forest, Cambodia
- The Influence of Somalia and Oman Upwellings on the Indian Summer Monsoon
- The influence of the annual Arctic Oscillation on the negative correlation between Okhotsk sea ice and Amur River discharge
- Top-down approach to West Siberian regional carbon budget: combination of the CO2 observations and inverse modeling
- Tropical Eastern Pacific Climate, Biases, and Sensitivities in the IPRC Regional Ocean- Atmosphere Model (IROAM)
- What Can We Find By Using The Global Cloud Resolving Model?
- A Coupled GCM Intercomparison Study of the South Pacific Convergence Zone
- A Joint Satellite and Global Cloud-Resolving Model Analysis of the 2006/07 Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Accuracy of precipitation measurements in the Arctic, Barrow, Alaska
- An Improved Methodology to Estimate Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity by Integrating MODIS-LAI to Ecosystem Model SimCYCLE
- Carbon Fluxes From Land-Use Change and Forestry: A Multi-Model Study
- Climate Response to Global Ozone Changes: Impacts of Tropospheric Ozone Increase and Stratospheric Ozone Decrease During the 20th Century
- Cloud Effects on Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Tropical Forest Canopy PAR Absorption and Photosynthesis in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Determination of formaldehyde mixing ratios in polluted air with PTR-MS: Laboratory experiments and field measurements
- Effects of Mountain Height on the Atlantic and Pacific Thermohaline Circulations
- Geoscientific Model Development: A new EGU Journal for Descriptions of Numerical Models of the Earth System and its components
- Laboratory Studies of Heterogeneous Reactions of HO2 Radical with Inorganic Aerosol Particles under the Ambient Conditions
- Latitudinal Patterns of N2O Concentration Variations Over The Northern And Western Pacific For 1992-2006
- Measurements of Mass Concentrations of Black Carbon by Using Four Instruments at the Summit of Mount Tai, in the Center of the North China Plain in June 2006
- Millennial-Scale Variation of Intermediate Water Intensity in the Bering Sea During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle
- Numerical improvement on simulation over the margin area of the Greenland ice sheet
- Recent Signal of Vegetation Change in Siberia Using Satellite Data
- Regional Air Pollutions in Three Different Regions of Asia From a Transcontinental Transport Perspective
- Role of Ice Sheets in Thermohaline Circulation Changes Under High Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration
- Seasonal Turnabout of the Air-Sea Correlation in Mid-latitudes and Its Effects on the Baiu Frontal Activity
- Simulating Arctic bromine explosion and surface ozone depletion with the GEM-AQ model
- Spring phenology in taiga and tundra
- Study of the Regional Carbon Fluxes Through Inverse Modeling of the Siberian Atmospheric CO2 Observations
- Transport and Chemical Production of Ozone in the East Asian Pacific Rim Region: -Modeling Study Based on Observation-
- Tropical Cyclone Formation in 30-day Simulation Using Cloud-System-Resolving Global Nonhydrostatic Model (NICAM)
- Validation of OMI Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Column Data Using MAX-DOAS Measurements Deep Inside the North China Plain in June 2006
- An Application of TRMM and CloudSat Observations to Global Model Diagnosis
- Atmospheric aerosol variation in Okinawa Island in Japan by MAX-DOAS using a new cloud screening method
- Biomass Estimation by ALOS/PALSAR over Boreal Forest in Alaska Accompanied with Ground-based Forest Survey
- Changes in C37 alkenones flux on the eastern continental shelf of the Bering Sea: the record of Emiliania huxleyi bloom over the past 100 years
- Decadal Sea Level Variability in the South Pacific in a Global Eddy-Resolving Ocean Model Hindcast
- Decadal Trend of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Subarctic Western North Pacific Ocean
- Development and assessment of a 59-year (1948-2006) global 0.5-degree near-surface atmospheric data
- Diagnostic evaluation of a Global Cloud-Resolving Model simulation of a Madden-Julian Oscillation event
- Eddy Permitting Simulations of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Global Ocean
- Eddy permitting simulation of the global ocean model COCO4.3 driven by the CORE inter- annual forcing
- Enhanced PAR Irradiance Under Broken Cloud Fields and its Significance for Tropical Forest Photosynthesis
- Estimating permissible carbon emission for CO2 concentration stabilization using an Integrated Earth System Model
- Impact of the Inter-annual Variability in CO2 Growth Rate from Atmospheric Transport and Contribution from Latitudinal Partition
- Interannual to Interdecadal CO2 Flux Variability in the Earth System Model
- Intra-Asian Air Pollutions and Their Transport: Characterization From Ground Based Observation
- Modeling the Global Emissions From Vegetation Fire for the Scenario Data of Integrated Assessment Model
- Multi-model analysis of terrestrial water and carbon cycles in Japan: Japan-MIP
- North Pacific Deep Water Formation and Carbon Dioxide Rise During the Last Deglaciation
- Parameter uncertainty analysis using an EMIC and a terrestrial vegetation model
- Rapid Chlorophyll-a Increase Events With Sea Surface Cooling in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Detected From Satellite Data
- Seasonal and interannual variations of subsurface zonal currents in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean
- Simultaneous multi-component measurements by MAX-DOAS in Okinawa, Japan
- Spatial-temporal structures of intraseasonal precipitation oscillations over northern Eurasia during summer
- Transport model simulation of atmospheric CH4 - implications for surface flux estimation
- Uncertainties in Estimating Tropical Emissions From Biomass Burning
- Variations of East Asian Summer Monsoon Deduced from the Results of Mg/Ca and Oxygen Isotope of Planktic Foraminifera in the East China Sea Since the Last Deglaciation
- A document centric metadata registration tool constructing earth environmental data infrastructure
- Above-ground Forest Biomass Estimation by ALOS/PALSAR over Boreal Forest in Alaska Accompanied with Ground-based Forest Survey
- Another look at the possible role of OH in nighttime air chemistry (Invited)
- Assessment of climate model performance from three generations IPCC assessment reports, on the sub-regional scale
- Atmospheric Circulation Attribution to Recent Intensification of Arctic Hydrological Cycle
- Atmospheric aerosol and gas variations over ocean as seen by MAX-DOAS on a research vessel
- Comparison between LAI estimation based vegetation index and MODIS LAI for gross primary productivity estimation, deciduous broadleaf forest in Japan
- Constraints on CO2 flux emissions: reconstructions of in-situ measurements from Lagrangian stochastic inversion
- Development of Atmospheric Chemistry-Aerosol Transport Model for Bioavailable Iron From Dust and Combustion Source
- Development of atmospheric N2O isotopomers model based on a chemistry-coupled atmospheric general circulation model
- Distinguishing the Asian dust sources based on cathodoluminescence analysis of single quartz grain
- Effectiveness Of Different Cleaning Protocols For Foraminiferal Trace Metals Analyses: New Insight From Microanalytical Analysis Using Laser Ablation ICP-MS
- Excursions into the strong precipitation regime; long tails in water vapor and other tracers (Invited)
- Field test to the use of vegetation indices for phenology detection
- Glacier condition and variation studies in the Mongolian part of the Altai Mountains. (Invited)
- Greenhouse-gas exchange of croplands worldwide: a process-based model simulation
- Impact of dynamical downscaling of surface winds on surface waves around Japan coast
- Implications for an Enhanced Biological Pump in the Sea-Ice Reduction Region of the Western Arctic Ocean
- Marine carbon cycle sensitivity to background glacial climate states
- Millennial-scale provenance changes of aeolian dust in the Japan Sea sediments during the last glacial period (Invited)
- Modulation in Interannual Sea-Ice Patterns in the Southern Ocean in Association with Large-Scale Atmospheric Mode Shift
- Observed and Modeled Variations of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide over Japan
- Orbitally Modulated Changes in the African Monsoon System during the last 5 Million Years
- Origin and recycling process of eolian dust emitted from the Tarim Basin deduced from the ESR signal intensity and Crystallinity Index of quartz
- Possible increase in reservoir age of the surface water in the northwestern Bering Sea during the deglacial period: Evidence of ascending aged North Pacific deepwater?
- Precipitation characteristics in a mountainous region of the Tuul river basin, Mongolia
- Simulation of maturity and decay of methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) in the atmosphere
- Spatially explicit scenario of terrestrial emissions from biomass burning and net land-use change for the use of climate projection
- Structural similarities and differences in climate feedback processes between two perturbed physics ensembles
- The Effect of Tibetan Plateau Uplift on the Early Monsoon onset over the Indochina Peninsula
- The recent glacier changes in Mongolian Altai Mountains
- Understanding geographical distribution of future sea level projections in a Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate version 3.2(MIROC3.2)
- A method to treat climate changes of year-to-year variations in the pseudo-global-warming method as a dynamical downscaling
- An ENSO-timescale variation in the sea-surface heat flux in the North Pacific mid-latitude region
- Analysis of consistency of global net land-use change carbon emission scenario using offline vegetation model and earth system model
- Biomass Burning Emissions From Large and Mega Fires in East Siberia
- Characteristics of Coastal Trapped Waves along the Southern and Eastern Coasts of Australia
- Comparison between measured and calculated density salinity for standard seawaters and real seawater
- Constructing a Depth-Stratified Model for Soil Organic Carbon: Dynamics of Past, Current, and Future Accumulation and Decomposition
- Development of the Ensemble Kalman Filter for the analysis and prediction of the Kuroshio variations south of Japan (Invited)
- Downscaling of snow depth and river discharge in Japan by the Pseudo-Global-Warming Method
- Formal blind intercomparison of HO2 measurements during the HOxComp campaign
- Global distributions of nitrous oxide and implications for emissions: Measurements from the HIPPO (HIaper Pole to Pole Observations) campaign and comparisons to a global model
- Heterogeneous Reaction of HO2 Radical with Dicarboxylic Acid Particles
- Inhomogeneity of NO2 over Yokosuka, an urban site in Japan observed by MAX-DOAS
- Latitudinal gradient of nitrous oxide: inferring source distribution from global measurements and model
- Numerical analysis of long-range trans-boundary pollution during the 2008 W-PASS field campaign at Cape Hedo, Okinawa
- On the role of along-shore wind anomalies in the development of Benguela Niños
- One-dimensional land surface model coupled with a blowing snow model and its application to the snowy region
- Oxygen production/consumption rates in the upper layer of the northwestern subtropical North Pacific
- Projection of Summer Climate on Tokyo Metropolitan Area using Pseudo Global Warming Method
- Quasi-decadal scale variability of upper ocean salinity in the western tropical Pacific
- Recent ecohydrological change in relation to permafrost degradation in eastern Siberia
- Reduced Sea Ice and its link to frequent intraseasonal cold air outbreak during the 2009-2010 abnormal winter in Japan and East Asia
- Reliability of multi-model and structurally different single-model ensembles
- Results from IODP Exp. 323 to the Bering Sea: sea ice history and seasonal productivity for the last 5 Ma
- Sea surface and subsurface temperature changes in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent North Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation
- SeaRISE: Modelling the present-day state and future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet with the models SICOPOLIS and IcIES (Invited)
- Simulations of the terrestrial carbon cycle using DGVM under RCPs scenarios
- Structure of a polar low over the Pacific Arctic observed by a shipboard Doppler radar (Invited)
- Subsurface new production in the northwestern subtropical North Pacific fueled by nutrients from the Subtropical Mode Water
- Survey of Bi-directional Reflectance Factor of Black Spruce Forest in Alaska for Validation of GCOM-C Remote Sensing
- The 8-component retrievals from ground-based MAX-DOAS observations
- Time-series observations of phytoplankton productivity in the western North Pacific by an underwater profiling buoy system
- Towards the establishment of the Southeast Asia carbon budget (Invited)
- Understanding regional sea level change under CO2-induced global warming in a Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate version 3.2(MIROC3.2)
- Variations of the three-dimensional atmospheric CO2; implications for carbon budget from model simulations and aircraft measurements
- What is in the flask? Going beyond inventories
- A Generalized Transformed Eulerian Mean (TEM) Based on Non-neutral Waves in a Boussinesq Stratified Fluid
- Analysis of Trends in the Seasonal Cycle of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Northern Hemisphere from 1958 to 2010
- Application of a land surface model coupled with a blowing snow model to the semi-arid region, Nalaikh, Mongolia
- Arctic cyclogenesis at the marginal ice zone: A contributory mechanism for the temperature amplification ?
- Atmospheric Dynamical Coupling through Activity Changes of Gravity Waves during Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events
- Carbon balance of South Asia constrained by passenger aircraft CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements
- Climate constraints on Inverse-derived Regional Net Carbon Ecosystem Exchange over North America
- Comparison of Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Functions of Black Spruce Forest in Snow and No-snow Seasons in Alaska
- Comparison of sensitivity of an ice-sheet model among different horizontal resolutions and other uncertain processes
- Correlation of black carbon aerosol and carbon monoxide in the high-altitude environment of Mt. Huang in eastern China
- Deep oceanic zonal jets constrained by fine-scale wind stress curls in the South Pacific Ocean: A high-resolution coupled GCM study
- Dependence of aerosol scattering coefficients on relative humidity observed at two coastal sites on the East China Sea: Comparison to remote observations and influence of chemical composition
- Evaluating Global Land-use Change Scenario: Carbon Emission in RCP Scenarios and its Effects on Climate Response
- First quantitative bias estimates for tropospheric NO2 data from SCIAMACHY, OMI, and GOME-2 using a common standard
- Global N2O emissions - with a focus on natural soil
- Global statistics of MJO and its relationship to tropical cyclone in Athena project
- Importance of structural diversity of climate model ensembles
- Indian Ocean Subtropical Dipole Modes in the CMIP3 Twentieth-Century Climate Simulations
- Intraseasonal Cold Air Outbreak over East Asia and the preceding atmospheric condition over the Barents-Kara Sea
- Long-term trends in Arctic and Boreal CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake from 1986 to 2007 inferred from a time dependent inversion compared with satellite NDVI observations to identify likely regions of change
- Measurement of Fluorescence Spectra from Ambient Aerosol Particles Using Laser-induced Fluorescence Technique
- Micrometeorological and flux measurements over a permafrost black spruce forest in Interior Alaska
- NO2 variations over the remote ocean observed by MAX-DOAS on a Japanese research vessel
- Ocean Science Communication in Japan
- Paleoproductivity and paleoceanography of the last 4.3 Myrs at IODP Exp. 323 Site U1341 in the Bering Sea based on biogenic opal content
- Recent environmental changes enhance coccolithophorid blooms in the Bering Sea
- Redox Conditions and Related Color Change in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sediments: IODP Site U1334
- Reference Radiative Transfer Model Including the Polarization Effect in a Coupled Atmosphere-ocean System
- Role of Acid Mobilization in Iron Solubility of Smaller Mineral Dust Aerosols
- Scale interactions in the tropical Pacific: the role of ocean mixing
- Seasonal and Short-term Variation of Water Vapor Isotope ratios in Surface Air in Sapporo, Japan
- Simulating the Last Glacial Termination Using a 3-Dimensional Coupled Climate-Ice-Sheet Model
- The North Pacific's role in Pleistocene climate
- Turbidity anomaly and probability of slope failure following the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake
- Understanding and validation of cloud response to CO2 increase using state-of-the-art climate model ensembles
- Why GCMs refuse to simulate cold SSTs in the eastern and southeastern tropical Atlantic
- A global reconstruction of temperature changes at the Last Glacial Maximum
- A high-resolution hindcast of sub-mesoscale Kuroshio-islands-tide interactions in the Izu Islands region, south of Japan
- ALOS-PALSAR multi-temporal observation for describing land use and forest cover changes in Malaysia
- Abrupt Cooling and the Oceanic Rossby Wave Observed during CINDY2011
- Cloud evaluation using satellite simulators and cloud changes for global nonhydrostatic simulations with NICAM
- Coastal dispersal of radionuclides released from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
- Contribution of tropical cyclone for the preconditioning of the Madden-Julian Oscillation during CINDY2011
- East meets West: Differing views of the Aleutian Low's role in affecting Holocene productivity in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean
- Eastern Indian Ocean warming associated with negative Indian Ocean dipole: Case study on the 2010 event
- Effect of the Ise Bay SST on the summer air temperature of the Nagoya urban area
- Effects of Deep Bottom Topography on Dynamical Structure of the Kuroshio Extension
- Equatorial Atlantic variability and its relation to mean state biases in CMIP5
- Evaluation of ACTM forward simulations using HIPPO
- Formation and Development of Transient Eddies within an MJO
- Global distributions of CO2, trace gases and potential temperature in HIPPO: lessons about global rates of tracer transport and inverse modeling.
- Ground-Truthing Moderate Resolution Satellite Imagery with Near-Surface Canopy Images in Hawai'i's Tropical Cloud Forests
- Hydrological simulation by using regional climate model output data
- Impact of abrupt stratospheric dynamical change on water vapor and ice cloud in Tropical Tropopause Layer : a case study of December 2011
- Impact of declining Arctic sea ice on recent decreasing terrestrial Arctic snow depths
- Impact of the Kuroshio paths on oceanic and estuarine circulations in and around Seto Inland Sea, Japan
- Large-scale increase in the seasonal cycle of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Northern Hemisphere since 1960
- Measurements of volatile organic compounds in rural area of Yangtze River Delta region: Measurement comparison and source characterization
- Multi-decadal sea level fluctuations in the North Pacific based on the historical ocean hydrographic data
- Numerical simulations of interactions between Typhoon Choi-wan (0914) and the ocean
- Permarfrost eco-hydrological changes in boreal larch forest manifested by wet climate in eastern Siberia
- Properties of the October/November MJOs Diagnosed from the DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE Sounding Arrays
- Relationship between carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios for lower trophic ecosystem in marine environments
- Role of Tropical Atlantic SST on the Relationship Between ENSO and Atlantic ITCZ
- Role of meteorology in simulating methane seasonal cycle and growth rate
- Role of the SST coupling frequency and intra-daily SST variability on ENSO and monsoon-ENSO relationship in a global coupled model
- Roles of deep convection in the tropical tropopause layer studied using the Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM)
- Sensitivity of Backscatter Intensity of ALOS/PALSAR to Above-ground Biomass and Other Biophysical Parameters of Boreal Forests in Alaska and Japan
- Sensitivity of topographic resolution to snow over the complex mountainous areas in Japan
- Skill and reliability of climate model ensembles at the Last Glacial Maximum and mid-Holocene
- Stratospheric impact on tropical convection: a case study of December 2011
- Structural diversity, degree of freedom, and reliability in climate model ensembles
- Structure and Evolution of Tropical Synoptic-Scale Wave Disturbances and Extratropical—Tropical Interactions over the Indian Ocean
- Submesoscale Frontal Dynamics in the Kuroshio Extension Jet
- Supply of Soluble Iron from Combustion and Dust Sources to the Ocean
- Teleconnections due the north Indian Ocean tropical disturbances
- The 3D plant canopy radiative transfer analysis in an Alaskan black spruce forest: the characteristics of fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation in the heterogeneous landscape
- The role of Barents sea ice in the wintertime cyclone track and emergence of a warm-Arctic cold-Siberian anomaly
- Using Bayesian optimization method and FLEXPART dispersion model to evaluate CO emission in East China based on three-year measurements at high altitude mountain site
- Variability in surface meteorological variables over the equatorial Indian Ocean and its relationship with the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Western North Pacific Integrated Physical-Biogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment (INBOX): Biogeochemical impact of mesoscale disturbance
- What does oxygen isotopic variation in paleo-archives reflect
- Wind-evaporation-SST feedbacks and their effects on development of interannual anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean
- 2-5 day period disturbances observed along a SST front - The initiation of the MJO in the late October 2011 -
- 2012/13 abnormal cold winter in Japan associated with Large-scale Atmospheric Circulation and Local Sea Surface Temperature over the Sea of Japan
- Carbon and energy fluxes of the understory vegetation of the black spruce ecosystem in interior Alaska
- Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models (Invited)
- Changes in Urban Climate due to Future Land-Use Changes based on Population Changes in the Nagoya Region
- Combined effects of physics and physiology explain the observed pattern of nitrate uptake kinetics in the ocean
- Development of a global LAI/ FAPAR estimation algorithm for JAXA's new earth observation satellite,GCOM-C1
- Development of three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer model for analysis of cloud-resolving radiation budget
- Extracting Features of Acacia Plantation and Natural Forest in the Mountainous Region of Sarawak, Malaysia by ALOS/AVNIR2 Image
- Extraction of oil palm plantations on the undulating terrains in the Borneo using PALSAR Global Mosaic
- Future change in wintertime urban heat island due to global climate change in Tokyo metropolitan area
- Global and regional emissions estimates for N2O
- Green up onset in the northern high latitude as observed from satellite data and the ground-based camera networks
- Interhemispheric gradient of hydroxyl in the troposphere
- Modeled Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet-climate interactions and contributions to sea-level change since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Moistening Processes for the October-November 2011 MJO Events (Invited)
- Moistening processes before the convection onset of Madden-Julian Oscillation events during the CINDY2011/DYNAMO period
- Multiple Influences on Equatorial Atlantic Variability
- On the Interaction Among Deep Convection, Surface Winds, and SST in the Equatorial Atlantic
- Precipitable water vapor budget associated with MJO represented in newly-released JRA-55 reanalysis data
- Retrieval of seasonal dynamics of forest understory reflectance over a set of boreal, sub-boreal and temperate forests using MODIS BRDF data
- Stratospheric dynamical signal propagating through TTL : a case study of SSW period using a global non-hydrostatic model
- Super High Resolution Airborne Remote Sensing for Evaluating the Decomposition Function of Ecosystem of Temperate Forest in Japan
- The tropical climate and vegetation response to Heinrich Event 1
- Variations of atmospheric CH4, N2O and SF6 over Japan and the East China Sea
- Analysis of atmospheric methane from Siberian tower observation using chemistry transport model
- Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Northern Ecosystems - Observations and Models
- Global Emissions of Refrigerants HCFC-22 and HFC-134a: Unforeseen Seasonal Contributions
- Increasing Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes and the Potential Role of Changing Plant Functional Types
- Re-examining the cost of stratospheric aerosol injection
- Vertical transport and removal of black carbon over East Asia in spring during the A-FORCE aircraft campaign
- Wet Deposition of Black Carbon at a Remote Site in the East China Sea
- Model analysis of long-range transport of black carbon and carbon monoxide from Asia to the Arctic
- Natural and anthropogenic decadal pH decrease in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea waters
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Individual Marine Aerosols Collected over the Arctic Ocean
- A decadal climate shift in the southwest Indian Ocean linked to recent malaria downturn in South Africa
- GCP-CH<SUB>4</SUB> round 3: protocols and first results of atmospheric inversions
- Global and regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget comparison between top-down and bottom-up approaches
- Global inversion of CH<SUB>4</SUB> during 1988-2016
- Intensive observations of imprints of the Oyashio (subarctic) front on the atmosphere in April 2013
- Reconciling conflicting estimates of the global methane budget during 1980-2012 using ensemble-based accounting
- The role of plant regrowth in recent enhancement of terrestrial carbon uptake
- The transport pathway of black carbon emitted from the Siberian forest fire in September 2016 with the NICAM-SPRINTARS and R/V Mirai
- Top-down estimates of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions over the past two decades
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- Advanced validation of TROPOMI satellite observations of NO<SUB>2</SUB> column densities using co-located direct and scattered sunlight measuring spectrometers (Pandora and MAX-DOAS) at Yokosuka, Japan
- Characterization of marine microplastics based on hyperspectral imaging: fundamental parameters
- City-level CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and NO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from Space: Airborne model demonstration over Nagoya
- Climate related uncertainties in integrated assessment models (IAMs)
- Earth - Socioeconomic System interaction: towards loosely coupling of an Earth system and integrated assessment models
- Estimation of anthropogenic GHG emission rate for different sources in Japanese megacity by using airborne imaging-spectrometer suites
- GNSS-Acoustic Observation Using the Wave Glider to Detect the Seafloor Crustal Deformation Associated with the Temporal Change in the Interplate Locking State
- Investigation of Transport Processes in Association with the Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Using Balloons, Lidars, and Aircrafts − Japanese Collaboration with the ACCLIP
- Is there an Optimal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Partial Column for Flux Inversions?
- Regional budgets of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide using JAMSTEC's MIROC4-ACTM inverse modelling
- Regional variability in black carbon and carbon monoxide ratio from long-term observations over East Asia: Assessment of representativeness for BC and CO emission inventories
- Sedimentary perspectives of Pleistocene ocean circulation and climate change from the southernmost Chilean continental margin
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- Advances in global NOx emission estimates using assimilation of TROPOMI NO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- Air quality response in China linked to the 2019 novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) mitigation
- Assessment of light-absorbing organic aerosols based on groundobservations at Fukue Island, Japan
- Contributions of Ten World Regions to the Global Tropospheric Ozone Burden Change from 1980 to 2010: High Sensitivity to Emissions from South and Southeast Asia
- Geographic distribution of marine bioaerosols and roles of biological gel particles over the Arctic Ocean
- Global NOx emission reductions and tropospheric chemistry response linked to the world-wide COVID-19 lockdowns
- How much remaining allowable warming is allowed for the 2 ° and 1.5 ° climate targets?
- Long-term variation in the tropospheric nitrogen dioxide vertical column density over Korea and Japan from the MAX-DOAS network from 2007 to 2017
- Rapid reduction in black carbon emissions from China: evidence from 2009-2020 observations on Fukue Island, Japan
- Small water parcels across the Kuroshio Extension region in the main thermocline detected by Seaglider and BGC Argo floats
- What can we tell about carbon emissions using a suite of satellite observations?