JAMSTEC, Earth Simulator Center
flowchart I[JAMSTEC, Earth Simulator Center] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (49)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Climate simulation for typhoongenesis by high resolution AGCM
- Toward 10-km mesh global climate simulations
- Application of the Yin-Yang grid to three-dimensional spherical shell convection at infinite Prandtl number
- High-Resolution 3-D Numerical Studies on the Interplay between Variable Thermal Conductivity and Post-Perovskite Phase Transition
- Injection rate in quasi-perpendicular shocks without cross-field diffusion
- Numerical Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation in Non\-Structural Grid System
- An MHD Simulation of the Magnetosphere Based on the HLLD Approximate Riemann Solver
- Enhanced Heating by Post-Perovskite Phase Transition: Implications for the Thermal and Mechanical State in the Lower Mantle
- Feedback Excitation of Double Reconnection as a Mechanism of the Impulsive Onset of Solar Flares
- Low-degree mantle convection in terrestrial planets: The style of numerically modeled mantle convection with strongly temperature- and depth-dependent viscosity in a three-dimensional spherical shell
- MHD-PIC Connection Model of Auroral Arc Formation Process in a Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling System
- Seasonal heat budget in the mixed layer of the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean in a high-resolution ocean general circulation model
- A Positivity-Preserving Projection Method for Multi-Dimensional MHD Solvers
- Decadal Variability of the Kuroshio Extension: Observations and an Eddy-Resolving Model Hindcast
- Eulerian numerical procedure for large deformation of visco-elastic fluid: Toward plate-mantle simulation
- Evolution of Ensemble Perturbations in an Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Impact of Submesocale Structures On Upper Ocean Dynamics
- MHD-PIC Interlocked Simulation Model for Magnetic Reconnection
- Seasonal and interannual variations of oceanic conditions in the Angola Dome
- Super-Droplet Method: a Particle-Based Cloud Microphysics Coupled with Nonhydrostatic Model
- A Coupled GCM Intercomparison Study of the South Pacific Convergence Zone
- A Robust MHD Scheme in Space Weather Modeling: A Carbuncle-Free HLL-type Solver
- Development of three dimensional Eulerian numerical procedure toward plate-mantle simulation: accuracy test by the fluid rope coiling
- Interlocked MHD modeling of the Launching and Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections
- MHD Simulation of the Magnetic Storm on the Solar Flare Event in December 2006
- MHD-PIC interlocked simulation model in space plasma: application to collisionless shocks
- Magnetohydrodynamic Relaxation Processes in the Solar Corona
- Simulation Study Of The Symmetry-Breaking Instability And The Dipole Field Reversal In A Rotating Spherical Shell Dynamo
- Towards the Evaluation of Cloud-Aerosol Interactions using Super-Droplet Method
- Decadal Sea Level Variability in the South Pacific in a Global Eddy-Resolving Ocean Model Hindcast
- Development of Eulerian numerical procedure for free surface toward plate-mantle simulation
- Fast magnetic reconnection driven by intermittent resistive tearing modes
- Kuroshio Large Meander in an Eddy Resolving Ocean Model
- Launching Process of Coronal Mass Ejections
- MHD-PIC interlocked simulation model in space plasma
- Multigrid-based Simulation Code For Mantle Convection In Spherical Shell Using Yin-Yang Grid
- Quasi-Stationary Striations in Basin-Scale Oceanic Circulation from Observations and Eddy-Resolving Model
- Spatial Structures Of Magnetic Clouds From The Helicity Conservation Law
- Three-Dimensional Magnetic Topology in the AR10930 based on the Non-Linear Force- Free Modeling
- Displacement of the conjugate point during the course of a substorm reproduced by a global MHD simulation
- Visual Analysis of Time-dependent change of 3D Magnetic Field Topology in the Earth’s Magnetosphere
- Descriptions of the sensitivity of zonal jets and Hadley circulations in Aqua Planet Experiments Project
- On the role of along-shore wind anomalies in the development of Benguela Niños
- Deep oceanic zonal jets constrained by fine-scale wind stress curls in the South Pacific Ocean: A high-resolution coupled GCM study
- Interdecadal Change in Development of the Baiu Front in a Coupled GCM
- The Effect of Cloud Particle Size on Climate Using an Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled General Circulation Model
- Vortex-Vortex Interactions for the Maintenance of Blocking
- Multiple Influences on Equatorial Atlantic Variability
- On the Interaction Among Deep Convection, Surface Winds, and SST in the Equatorial Atlantic