JAMSTEC, Center for Deep Earth Exploration
flowchart I[JAMSTEC, Center for Deep Earth Exploration] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (126)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Pre-stack depth imaging of the Nankai Trough accretionary prism off Shikoku Island, Japan
- Detailed Structure of the Large Thrust Slice Zone in the Nankai Trough off Muroto
- Fate of an Oceanic Island-arc at the Collision Zone: Insight From a Modern Case at the Izu Collision Zone, Central Japan
- Kumano Seismogenic Zone Imaging and Splay Fault Property
- Pre-stack Depth Imaging of NanTroSEIZE Drill Targets in the Eastern Nankai Accretionary prism, Kumano Basin
- Along strike changes in basement topography and sediment thickness in the northern Shikoku Basin: Variable inputs to the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone
- Massive sediment underthrusting beneath the Nankai Trough splay fault inferred from 3D seismic reflection data
- An Information Management System for CHIKYU Operation and its Future
- Correlations Among Various Physical Properties of Fault Zone Cores Retrieved From TCDP Hole-B
- Massive Early Cretaceous volcanic activity in the Nauru Basin related to emplacement of the Ontong Java Plateau
- Non-destructive measurements of cores retrieved from TCDP Hole-B
- Pressurization effect on bulk properties and pore connection of sedimentary rock specimens from TCDP cores
- Stress Magnitudes and Orientations from Geophysical Logs and Leak-Off Tests in the Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project
- Wavelet Analysis of Fabric in Deformed Granites
- 3-D Seismic Images of Thrust Systems along the NanTroSEIZE Kumano Basin Transect, Southwestern Japan
- Composition of Clay Minerals from Mudstones in the Nankai Accretionary Prism, Tenryu and Shiono-misaki Canyons
- Contamination of the Environmental Records by Resuspended Particles to the Sediments at IMAGES Coring Sites in the Pacific
- New 3D Seismic Reflection Images from the NanTroSEIZE Kumano Transect
- Orientation determination of in-situ horizontal principal stresses by using drilling-induced breakouts and tensile fractures in an active fault drilling hole
- Pore pressure near the plate boundary decollement in the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan
- Spatial Distribution of Pore Pressure and Effective Stress at the Western Nankai Trough Plate Interface Based on 3D Seismic Reflection Data
- Thermal Stability of Amino Acids in Siliceous Ooze under Alkaline Hydrothermal Condition
- 3D Interpretation of Active Thrust Systems, Nankai Accretionary Wedge: Relationship Between In-Sequence and Out-of Sequence Thrusts
- Automatic Quantification of X-ray Computed Tomography Images of Cores: Method and Application to Shimokita Cores (Northeast Coast of Honshu, Japan)
- BSR 3D Architecture and Heat Flow Derivation on the Kumano Forearc Basin - Nankai Margin
- Hydrothermal fountains imaged by high resolution side-scan sonar equipped on a cruising AUV, URASHIMA
- Massive sediment underthrusting beneath the Nankai Trough splay fault inferred from 3D seismic reflection data
- Prediction of magnitude of minimum horizontal stress from extended leak-off test conducted by the riser vessel CHIKYU
- Simulating the effects of hyperpycnal events on the stratigraphy of Poverty Shelf, New Zealand
- Tectonic underplating in the Nankai Trough off the Kii peninsula: Insight from Kumano 3D seismic reflection data
- The youngest blueschist belt in SW Japan
- Using Research Data to Stimulate Critical Thinking in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses: Examples and Future Directions
- 2D and 3D Prestack Depth Migration Seismic Imaging around NanTroSEIZE LWD sites as a mission for the IODP Implementing Organization
- A low velocity zone revealed by 3D prestack depth imaging of the Nankai subduction zone off Kii Peninsula, southeast Japan
- Accretionary wedge growth and the limit of the seismogenic zone.
- Initial results from the Nankai Trough shallow splay and frontal thrust (IODP Expedition 316): Structure and Evolution
- NanTroSEIZE Stage 1 operational review: Operational limits and data quality
- Silicic Magmas in the Izu-Bonin Oceanic Arc and Implications for Crustal Evolution
- Structural and Stratigraphic Setting of the NanTroSEIZE Kumano Transect From 3D Seismic Data
- Structural styles based on LWD data at IODP Exp. 314 and its comparison to seismic expressions
- Towards an Automated Production of Scientific Drilling Operations' Reports. Example from IODP Complex Nankai Through Seismological ZONE Experiment (Stage 1a)
- A preliminary result of stress orientation obtained from drilling induced tensile fractures and borehole breakouts at Site C0009 of Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE
- A “Mini-CORK” “smart bridge plug” for initial NanTroSEIZE borehole monitoring
- Defining Lithological Units by Cuttings, Core and Logging Data at Site C0009A in the Nankai Trough, Japan: IODP Expedition 319
- Downhole Hydrologic Testing in the Kumano Basin and Underlying Sediments: Results from NanTroSEIZE Expedition 319
- Evolution of the Miocene to Quaternary Nankai forearc from drilling results within the Kumano forearc basin (IODP Expedition 319)
- First riser drilling in Scientific Ocean Drilling history, Observatory drilling and casing in the Nankai Trough (IODP Exp 319)
- First time real-time mud gas monitoring during riser drilling in the Kumano Basin (IODP Exp 319)
- Helium Isotopic Ratios of Core Samples from IODP Exp. 319 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2)
- Hydraulic Fracture Measurements at Site C0009 of IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE
- In situ stress and deformation patterns across the Nankai Kumano basin and forearc: Results from IODP Expedition 319
- Petrophysical characterization of subduction input sediments off Kii Peninsula: Results from IODP NanTroSEIZE Stage 2
- Seafloor expressions of fault activities in the Nankai accretionary prism off Kumano
- Stress and Pore Pressure Measurement in IODP Riser Drilling: An Example from Expedition 319, Kumano Basin offshore SW Honshu, Japan
- Structural geology of cuttings and cores recovered from below the Kumano forearc basin, Nankai accretionary margin of Japan: Expedition 319 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
- Study on the installation method for the long-term observatory based on the field test during Chikyu Expedition 319
- Subduction inputs within the NanTroSEIZE transect area: Results from Expedition 322 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
- The Missing Oligocene Izu-Bonin Arc Crust: Consumed or Rejuvenated During Collision?
- Vertical Seismic Profiling at riser drilling site in the rupture area of the 1944 Tonankai Earthquake, Japan (Invited)
- A Geochemical and Lithologic Interpretation of Volcanic Ash and Sedimentary Inputs to the Nankai Trough, IODP Expedition 322
- Abrupt change in the rate of hemipelagic sedimentation at the Late Miocene (~11 Ma) in the Shikoku Basin: implications for the tectonic history of the southwestern Japan
- Composition of Sedimentary Strata Entering the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone: Implications for Diagenetic Transitions into the Seismogenic Zone
- Determination of Stress State in Deep Subsea Formation by Combination of Hydrofracturing Test and Core Analysis - A Case Study in the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 319
- Heat flow estimated from BSR distribution and thermal conductivity in IODP NanTroSEIZE boreholes in the Nankai Trough forearc slope region off Kumano
- NanTroSEIZE observatories: Installation of a long-term borehole monitoring systems offshore the Kii Peninsula, Japan
- Normal fault orientations in the Kumano forearc basin, Nankai Trough, from coherency data and automatic fault extraction
- Reconstruction of Volcanic History from Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rocks in Subducting Shikoku Basin: Results from IODP Expedition 322
- Tectono-stratigraphy, seismic character and the future position of the seismogenic zone, NanTroSEIZE Expedition 322 results (Invited)
- Three-dimensional stress orientation in the basement basalt at the subduction input site, Nankai Subduction Zone, using anelastic strain recovery (ASR) data , IODP NanTroSEIZE Site C0012
- Tuffaceous sandstones at Site C0011B, Nankai Trough: Sources and emplacement processes
- Age constraints for NanTroSEIZE sedimentary sequences: Drilling of Subduction input sediments and Mass transport deposits, IODP Expedition 333
- Deployment operation of NanTroSEIZE C0002 riserless LTBMS
- Downhole temperature measurements at NanTroSEIZE input Sites and their implications
- Drilling below the salt in the Western Mediterranean Sea: the GOLD project
- High Fluid Pressures and High Fluid Flow Rates along Splay Faults in the Realm of the 1944 M 8.1 Tonankai Earthquake, SW Japan
- Lessons Learned during Iodp Expedition 332 Ltbms Deployment
- Modeling of Permeability Structure Using Pore Pressure and Borehole Strain Monitoring
- Principal horizontal stress orientations from ODP Leg 186 sites on the deep-sea terrace of the Japan Trench prior to the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake
- Submarine Landslides and Mass-Transport Deposition in the Nankai fore-arc
- The Effects of Compaction on the Paleomagnetic Record from IODP Expedition 333, Nankai Trough and Shikoku Basin
- The deformation structure of submarine landslide recorded in the incoming sediments on the Kashinosaki Knoll, in the Nankai Trough
- The development and evaluation of borehole sensors installed at IODP Site C0002 observatory in the Nankai Trough
- Boron and Strontium Isotope Systematics of Interstitial Water from IODP Expedition 343, Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Efect of fluid flow and uneven slip distribution on temperature anomalies produced by fault slip
- Fracture and flow model constructed from X-ray CT
- Horizontal stress orientations in the largest displacement area of the Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake
- Interstitial Water Chemistry From the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): Results from Stable Isotopes and Dissolved Ions
- Log Data and Borehole Image Analysis of Hole-B, Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Rapid report of The IODP Expedition 337: Exploration of microbial processes and hydrocarbon system associated with deeply buried coalbed in the ocean
- The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (IODP Exp. 343&343T JFAST): Making Scientific Drilling History in the Japan Trench
- The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): Success in logging, sampling and instrumenting the megathrust in the region of large slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Changes in Advective Flow Rates and Flow Paths in Response to Earthquakes Recorded by Japan Trench Subseafloor Temperature Observations
- Coring Methane Hydrate by using Hybrid Pressure Coring System of D/V Chikyu
- Estimation of past intermittent methane seep activity using radiocarbon dating of Calyptogena shells in the eastern Nankai subduction zone
- IODP Expedition 338: Riser and Riserless Drilling Along the NanTroSEIZE Transect
- Low Coseismic Friction on the Tohoku Fault Determined from Subseafloor Temperature Measurements (Invited)
- Results from a new seismic survey around the JFAST drill site
- Revised temperature at the updip limit of locked portion of Nankai megasplay, inferred from IODP Site C0002 temperature observatory
- Characterizing the Inner Accretionary Prism of the Nankai Trough with 3D Seismic and Logging While Drilling at IODP Site C0002
- Drilling into the deep interior of the Nankai accretionary prism: Preliminary results of IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 348
- Mud Gas Logging In A Deep Borehole: IODP Site C0002, Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism
- New Era of Scientific Ocean Drilling
- Operations Summary During Riserless Drilling to >7700 mbsl in the Japan Trench for IODP Expedition 343 & 343T: JFAST, and Discussion of the Relationship Between Drilling Parameters and Rock Damage.
- Physical properties of the Nankai inner accretionary prism sediments at Site C0002, IODP Expedition 348.
- Porosity and Mineralogy Control on the Thermal Properties of Sediments in Off-Shimokita Deep-Water Coal Bed Basin
- Smectite Dehydration, Membrane Filtration, and Pore-Water Freshening in Deep Ultra-Low Permeability Formations: Deep Processes in the Nankai Accretionary Wedge
- Stress induced near fault-zone breakout rotation: Two case studies in TCDP and JFAST
- Temperature measurements at IODP 337 Expedition, off Shimokita, NE Japan.
- Bouncing Core Barrels: Measuring Elastic Rebound In Recovering Inner Core Barrels From 7000+ mBRT.
- Carbonate Cements and Veins as a Proxy for Paleotemperature and Fluid Evolution in the Deep Accretionary Prism, IODP Expedition 348, Nankai Trough, Japan
- Methane-related metabolisms of deep-sea sediments captured with a colonization experiment.
- Miocene-to-Recent sediment routing in the SW Japan forearc: implications for margin evolution
- Near-field observations of an offshore Mw 6.0 subduction thrust earthquake from an integrated seafloor and sub-seafloor borehole monitoring network at the Nankai Trough
- Repeating and triggered slow slip events in the near-trench region of the Nankai Trough detected by borehole observatories
- Shallow observatory installations unravel earthquake processes in the Nankai accretionary complex (IODP Expedition 365)
- Development of Next-Generation Borehole Magnetometer and Its Potential Application in Constraining the Magnetic Declination of Oman Samail Ophiolite at ICDP Drill Sites
- Discovery of Fracture Networks in the Basal Part of Modern Hydrothermal System in Okinawa Tough, SW Japan
- Distribution of hydrothermal fluid around the ore body in the subseafloor of the Izena hydrothermal field
- Equivalent formation strength as a proxy tool for exploring the existence and distribution of gas hydrates
- In-situ stress states at the toe of the Nankai Trough off Muroto, SW Japan determined by anelastic strain recovery method
- Long-term hydrothermal temperature and pressure monitoring equipped with a Kuroko cultivation apparatus on the deep-sea artificial hydrothermal vent at the middle Okinawa Trough
- Temperature Limit of the Deep Subseafloor Biosphere in the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone off Cape Muroto (IODP T-Limit Expedition 370)
- Advanced downhole hydrogeophysical logging during Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 - Correlation of hydraulic and fluid properties
- Development of New Triaxial Borehole Magnetometer and Its Application at Oman Samail Ophiolite, ICDP Drill Sites: The Set-up and Preliminary Results
- Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 Slimline Borehole Geophysics : Rock Parameters
- Towards correlating between magnetic measurements conducted on core-material and magnetic downhole-logs obtained using a new borehole magnetometer