Osaka University, Department of Earth and Space Studies
flowchart I[Osaka University, Department of Earth and Space Studies] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (64)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Electron-Density Analysis and Phase Transition of SiO2 under Pressures over 50GPa using Single-Crystal Diffraction Study
- Helium in the Archaean komatiites revisited: significantly high <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He ratios revealed by fractional crushing gas extraction
- Subduction-related metasomatism recorded as noble gas compositions in the Finero Phlogopite-Peridotites, Italian Western Alps
- High-pressure, high-temperature Raman spectroscopic study of ilmenite-type MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB>, MgGeO<SUB>3</SUB> and MgTiO<SUB>3</SUB>
- Experimental constraints on the low gas permeability of vesicular magma during decompression
- In-situ Visible Microspectroscopy of Color Change Processes of Olivine by High Temperature Oxidation
- Water Diffusion in Basaltic to Dacitic Melts and Glasses
- Big earthquakes produce carbon dioxide in crustal faults
- Colors of Volcanic Ashes From 3 Different Summit Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan.
- Pressure-Induced Structure Change With Electron-Lattice Interaction in Oxide Minerals Bearing Transition Elements
- Shear-induced Bubble Coalescence in Rhyolitic Melts with Low Vesicularity
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- The time scale evaluation of volcanic eruptions by dehydration and color change rates and permeabilities of volcanic materials
- Effects of solution composition on water permeability in a Fontainebleau sandstone
- Experimental simulation of organic matter alteration in carbonaceous chondrites under an in situ micro FTIR spectroscopy
- Measurement of contact angles of aqueous solutions on some rock forming minerals
- Melting curve of iron-silicon alloy to the core-mantle boundary pressure and the thermal structure of the Earth's core
- Partitioning of Potassium Between Fe-S and K-rich Silicate at High Temperature
- Physicochemical states of water at high temperatures in the microcrystalline silica (chalcedony) by in-situ infrared spectroscopy
- Structure transition of post-spinels, CaTi2O4, CaMn2O4 and CaFe2O4 under high pressures up to 75GPa
- Estimated dynamic shear stress and frictional heat during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake: a chemical kinetics approach with isothermal heating experiments
- Permeabilities and pore characteristics of vesicular volcanic products: the relationship among permeability, porosity, and pore radius
- Quantitative evaluation of the density-driven flow during the through-diffusion experiment: experimental and theoretical approach
- Westerly jet-Asian Monsoon Coupling During the Last 30 kyr
- Detection and Temperature Estimate of Fluid-Rock Interactions in Fault Zones Based on Trace Element and Isotope Systematics of Fault Rocks
- Helium Isotopic Ratios of Core Samples from IODP Exp. 319 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2)
- High remanence intensity of breccia samples: Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP)
- Millennial-scale provenance changes of aeolian dust in the Japan Sea sediments during the last glacial period (Invited)
- Noble gas mass spectrometry with a compressor driven recycling system for improved sensitivity
- Relationship between water content and permeability of a rock: an example of Fontainebleau sandstone
- The role of water in neocrystallization of feldspar during shear deformation: water distributions revealed by FT-IR mapping
- Geochemical signals for determining slip mechanism occurred in an ancient megasplay fault within the Shimanto accretionary complex
- Metal ion effects on the kinetics of abiotic formation of glycylglycine and diketopiperazine under the simulated conditions of the Lost City hydrothermal field
- Progress Report on Landing Site Evaluation for the Next Japanese Lunar Exploration Project: SELENE-2
- Thermoelastic properties of ice VII and its high-pressure polymorphs
- Boundary pressure of inter-connection of Fe-Ni-S melt in olivine based on in-situ X-ray tomography: Implication to core formation in asteroids
- Can the evolution of nitrogen cycle be traced by the N isotopic composition in mica?
- Compressional velocities of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S at room temperature and high pressures using inelastic X-ray scattering
- Geochemical signature of fluid-rock interaction in the fault gouge from the Middle Tectonic Line, Japan
- Landing Site Evaluation for the Next Lunar Exploration Project: SELENE-2
- Melting and solid-melt partitioning in iron-light element systems under megabar conditions: Implications for the thermal state of the Core
- Melting relationships in the Fe-Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S system based on X-ray diffraction up to 180 GPa
- Penetration of various projectiles into low-density aerogels
- Phase relation of C-Mg-Fe-Si-O system under various oxygen fugacity conditions by in situ X-ray diffraction experiments: Implication for planetary interior
- Characterization of carbonaceous materials in the Taiwan Chelungpu fault by microRaman spectroscopy
- Development for sound velocity and density measurements of liquid metal at high pressures
- Influence of Mg component and pressure on magnetic ordering of (Mg,Fe)O
- Phase relations and sound velocity measurements of iron-sulfur systems at high pressure: implications for the Earth's inner core
- Stability of iron-rich magnesiowüstite in Earth's lower mantle
- The effect of carbon content on density of liquid Fe-C at high pressure
- The effect of oxygen on density of liquid iron at high pressure
- Transport of water and hydrogen into the lower mantle and core
- Sulfur Effect on the Space Weathering of Airless Bodies: Laboratory Simulation
- Brightness and Color Variations on the Surface of 162173 Ryugu: Space Weathering, Thermal Fatigue and Mass Movement
- Global distribution of lineaments on Ryugu
- Initial report of Hayabusa2 laser altimeter (LIDAR)
- Visible Spectrophotometry of 162173 Ryugu
- Comparative study of ions, electrons flux and pressure variations in inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms using Arase observations, RAM-SCB simulations and ground magnetic data
- First observation of source plasma and field variations of a substorm brightening aurora at L=6 by a ground-based EMCCD camera and the Arase satellite on 12 October 2017
- Modeling tremor with cellular automaton by competing time scales of stress accumulation and rupture propagation.
- Modulation of energy transfer between hot protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves by compressional Pc5 ULF waves
- Observations of mass- and charge-dependent ion energization in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Simultaneous observations of the electric field and particle characteristics in the plasmapause / SAPS region with the Arase satellite and SuperDARN radars
- Seismic modeling with cellular automata considering competing time constants