Kyoto University, Radio Atmospheric Science Center
flowchart I[Kyoto University, Radio Atmospheric Science Center] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (34)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Electron Acceleration and Heating Influenced by Whistler Wave Packets at Quasi-Parallel Shock Waves
- Enhanced Escaping Terrestrial Continuum Radiation and Kilometric Continuum Radiation Observations and Implications
- Interchange Instability at the Leading Edge of Reconnection Jets
- Propagation Characteristics of Lobe Trapped Continuum Radiation in the Distant Magnetotail
- Rheometry Experiment of Electric Dipole Antennas Onboard GEOTAIL
- Signal Processing Techniques for a Planetary Subsurface Radar Onboard Satellite
- Source and Characteristice of Kilometric Continuum
- Study of Atmospheric Dynamics With the new Rotational Raman Lidar of RASC at Shigaraki, Japan
- The association of kilometric continuum with plasmaspheric bite-outs: a multi-event study using IMAGE, GEOTAIL and WIND measurements
- Three-dimensional hybrid simulations of magnetic reconnection in a two-dimensional magnetotail-like equilibria
- AKR Disappearance During Magnetic Storms
- An artificial aurora emission observed in the SEEK-2 rocket experiment
- Analysis of DC electric fields and ELF band waves observed by SS-520-2 sounding rocket in the polar region
- Detection of Filamentary Structures in the Polar Ionosphere Using the EISCAT Svalbard Radar as an Interferometer
- Direct observations of atmospheric boundary layer response to SST variations associated with tropical instability waves over the eastern equatorial Pacific
- Electron Heating Process at Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks: Shock Parameter Dependence
- Finite Larmor Radius Effects in Ponderomotive Force
- GEOTAIL Observations of a Moving Type IV Solar Radio Burst, Type III Solar Radio Bursts, Type II Solar Radio Bursts, and Solar Wind and Magnetospheric Plasma Wave Emissions During the May 19-25 Solar Wind Event
- Harmonic Langmuir Wave Turbulence Generated by Beam-Plasma Instability: Theory and Simulation
- Investigation of Electron Density Profile in the Lowest Ionosphere by SRP-4 rocket experiment
- Magnetosheath and plasma sheet observations by GEOTAIL during the low-density solar wind event on 24-25 May 2002
- Magnetotail Behavior Associated With `Sawtooth Injections' During the Magnetic Storm in April 2002
- Source of Diffuse Upstream Ions: Injection from the Thermal Solar Wind Distribution, Acceleration of a Suprathermal Population, or from the Magnetosphere?
- Cluster Wideband Observations of Low Frequency Bursts
- Generation mechanism of chorus emissions in the dayside magnetosphere
- Linear Property and Nonlinear Evolution of Buneman Instability
- Mesosphere Thermosphere Experiments for Coupling Studies
- Particle simulation of electromagnetic field signature associated with electrostatic solitary waves
- Rheometry experiment for a wire antenna aboard spacecraft at low frequencies
- Space as Humanosphere: Role of space physics for human activities in the near-Earth Space
- The Impact of the 1991 Pinatubo Volcanic Eruption on Climate Using a Vertically Resolved Stratospheric Aerosol Data Set Derived from SAGE II Observations
- Two-Dimensionally Isolated Potential Structure in Foot Region of Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks
- Characteristics of Electric Wire Antennas Onboard Scientific Spacecraft
- First Simultaneous MLT and Thermospheric F-region Observations