Kyoto University, Department of Geophysics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Application of multivariate Maxwellian mixture model to plasma velocity distribution function
- Late Quaternary Vertical Displacement of Osaka-wan Fault on the Basis of Correlation of Drill Cores, Central Japan
- Moment Tensor Inversion of Recent Small to Moderate Sized Earthquakes: Implications for Seismic Hazard and Tectonics Acting Beneath the Sea of Marmara
- Nonthermal Ions With Partial Ring Structure in the Lunar Upstream Region
- Observations of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using GPS networks
- Paleoseismologic Findings on the Duzce Fault: North Anatolian Fault Zone, NW Turkey
- Recurrence Interval of the Izmit-Type Earthquakes along the Western North Anatolian Fault
- Seasonal Variation of Baseline Length Changes Observed in GEONET GPS Sites
- Short Period Aliasing Effects of Atmospheric Mass Variations on Satellite Gravity Mission Data
- Validation of Limited Data Assimilation for Regional Low-Latitude Ionosphere
- A Challenge to the Detection of Regional to Local Scale Ice Sheet Movements in JARE Research Area by the Combination of GPS and Precise Gravity Measurements
- Aseismic Deformation, Plate Subduction and Stress Localization in Kanto-Tokai (Central Japan) Revealed by GPS
- Gravity Changes Caused by Subducting the Philippine Sea Plate
- Multipoint Observations of a Pi2 Pulsation on Dayside
- Recurrence of Large Earthquakes on the 1999 Izmit Surface Rupture, North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Storm Dependence of Occurrence Probability and Spatial Distribution of Upstream Events: Its Implication for Their Origin
- The Propagation Features of Tidally Generated Internal Waves in the Intermediate Regime of Unsteady Lee Waves and Internal Tides
- Threshold of Geomorphic Detectability Estimated from Geologic Observations of Active Slow-Slipping Strike-Slip Faults
- True Strike-slip Displacement Accompanied by Non-brittle Vertical-axis Deformation Around an Active Fault Revealed by Paleomagnetic Analysis: a Case Study of the Enako Fault in Central Japan
- Upper Mantle Velocity Structure of the East Antarctica Derived from P, PP, S, and SS Waveforms
- A numerical simulation of eastern subarctic circulation in the North Pacific
- Contribution of ion flow-out and charge exchange processes to the decay of the storm-time ring current
- Effects of the interplanetary magnetic field and substorms on nightside upward field-aligned currents during storm-time inferred from geomagnetic data at mid-latitudes
- High-Velocity Lid Structure of East Antarctica and its Implication
- Localized and Continuous Nature of the Ionospheric Plasma Cloud Ejection: Solar Wind-Venus Global Hybrid Simulation Perspective.
- Refining and understanding the auroral electrojet index AL
- Reverse faulting Events of the Ohchigata Fault Zone, Central Japan
- The Impact of the 1991 Pinatubo Volcanic Eruption on Climate Using a Vertically Resolved Stratospheric Aerosol Data Set Derived from SAGE II Observations
- An Estimation of Atmospheric Moisture Transport Over Indian Sub-continent by Using 4D-VAR Data Assimilation System
- Charge States of O Ions Injected at Substorm Onset and Estimation of the O+/O6+ Flux Ratio: Geotail/EPIC Observation
- Contribution of charge exchange at high altitudes to ring current decay: IMAGE/HENA observation
- Effects of GRACE orbit decay on the gravity field recovery
- Electromagnetic Particle Code With Adaptive Mesh Refinement Technique: Application to the Plasma Sheet
- Estimation of global distribution of large-scale field-aligned currents on the basis of ground-based magnetic data at mid-latitudes and in the polar-cap
- GEOTAIL Observation of Interplanetary Shock-Magnetic Hole Interaction on 25 September 2001: An overview
- Interhemispheric Conjugacy of Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Late Quaternary Activity of active faults in the Unzen Graben, western Kyushu, Japan, based on tectonic geomorphology
- Motion of near-Earth neutral line in substorm recovery phase
- Relationship between surface ruptures and subjacent source faults
- Seasonal Variation Of Atmospheric CO2 And Carbon Flux From Biosphere Simulated By A Global Coupled Model
- Source Mechanisms of Moonquakes Derived From Apollo Data
- Substorms During Prolonged Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Upper-Mantle Velocity Structure Beneath Northwestern Australia From Waveforms of P, PP, S, and SS Waves
- Automated Detection of Pi2 Pulsations by Wavelet Analysis and its Application to Real-time Data From Longitudinal Network of Geomagnetic Observatories
- Average Plasma Vorticity Field in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Crustal Deformations Associated With the Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Deduced From Continuous GPS Observation
- Lake Biwa sediments in Japan: Correlation of deep drilling cores and reconstruction of paleoenvironment during Quaternary
- Mantle Structure Beneath Three Subduction Zones Derived From ScS Reverberations in a Ray Summation Method
- Plasmoids Observed in the Near-Earth Magnetotail at X=-7 Re
- The Dayside Superfountain Effect: October 30, 2003 (Halloween) Magnetic Storm
- Mass-dependent Ion Acceleration in the Plasma Sheet at Storm-time and Non-storm-time Substorms
- Near-zero ozone concentration in the Tropical Tropopause Layer at Christmas Island (2N, 157W) in the equatorial central Pacific
- Occurrence characterisitcs of plasma bubble derived from global GPS-TEC data
- Polarization Analysis of Pi2 Pulsations Using Continuous Wavelet Transform
- Solar wind control of plasma number density in the near-Earth plasma sheet: Correlation analysis of WIND-ACE/GEOTAIL observations
- Source Characterization of the 13 June 2005 Tarapaca, Chile, Intermediate-depth Earthquake (Ms7.8)
- Statistical analysis of Pi2 pulsation by polar orbiting DE-1 satellite and three mid- and low- latitude ground stations
- Statistical signatures of ionospheric ion outflow obtained by IMAGE/LENA: Storm phase dependence
- Summer-Winter Hemispheric Asymmetry of Sudden Increase in Ionospheric Total Electron Content
- Superposed-Epoch Analysis of Magnetotail with Geotail Data and Implied Model of Substorm
- Antarctic ice sheet mass balance estimation by combing GRACE, ICESat and in situ data
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure beneath Central South America Deduced from ScS Reverberation Waveforms and Receiver Functions
- Dagik: A Quick Look System of the Geospace Data in KML format
- Evolution of the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorm expansion onsets
- GPS Ionospheric Tomography over Japan with Constrained Least-squares Method
- Occurrence characteristics of plasma bubble derived from global ground-based GPS receiver networks
- Russian auroral and polar ionospheric disturbance magnetometers (RapidMag)
- Simultaneous Observation of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances Using a GPS Receiver Network and the GRACE Satellites
- The relationship between high- and low-latitude Pi2 pulsations simultaneously observed by DE-1, AMPTE/CCE, and ground stations
- Transition to Pulse-Like Rupture, With and Without Inclusion of Evolving Temperature and Pore Pressure, When Accounting for Extreme Weakening at High Slip Rates
- An attempt to detect preseismic displacement field of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake using InSAR small baseline time-series analysis
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Variation Using GRACE Satellite Gravity Data- Removal of Atmospheric Correction Error and Recalculation of the Interannual Mass Trend-
- Japan contribution to studies of low-latitude and equatorial ionosphere over Southeast Asia
- Longitudinal association between magnetotail reconnection and auroral breakup based on Geotail and Polar observations
- Pressure Change Associated with Dipolarization in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Rupture Propagation beyond Fault Discontinuities: Significance of Thermal Pressurization
- Slip Distribution of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku, Japan, Earthquake Inverted from PALSAR Data
- The 2005 Tarapaca, Chile, Intermediate-depth Earthquake: Evidence of Heterogeneous Fluid Distribution Across the Plate?
- Evidence of large prehistoric megathrust earthquakes along the Manila and Philippine trenches deduced from emergent Holocene coral reefs
- Interaction between terrestrial plasma sheet electrons and the lunar surface: Kaguya (SELENE) observations
- Plasma Sheet Changes Caused by Sudden Enhancements of the Solar Wind Pressure
- Slip History of the 1944 Rupture Segment on North Anatolia Fault Near Gerede, Turkey: Constraints on Earthquake Recurrence Models
- Surface Co-seismic Displacements Caused by Dislocations in a 3-D Heterogeneous, Spherically Earth Model
- The 2007 Java Intermediate-Depth Earthquake: Large Slip Triggered by Small Moment Release
- The Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Summer Nighttime Anomaly
- Violation of the Guiding Center Approximation for Energetic Ions in the Deep Inner Magnetosphere during Magnetic Storms
- A Catapult (Slingshot) Current Sheet Relaxation Model for Substorm Triggering
- An interpretation of the interannual mass trend change over the Indochina Peninsula observed by GRACE data
- Energy release and transport in the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorms: THEMIS observations
- Implication for O+ nonadiabatic acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
- Multipoint Observation of Fast Mode Waves Trapped in the Dayside Plasmasphere
- Observations and Modeling of the Nighttime Electron Density Enhancement in the Mid-latitude Ionosphere
- On comparison between 2-D magnetotelluric FEM modering using triangular and rectangular elements along sea-land array
- Precision, Repeatability and Accuracy of A10 Absolute Gravimeter
- Two-satellite observations of Pi2 pulsations in the inner magnetosphere
- Along strike variation of seismic behavior of the Philippine fault based on historical- and paleo-seismicity
- Analysis of tropical cloud systems using a new cloud-top height data by geostationary satellite split-window measurements trained with CloudSat data
- Educational and public outreach programs using four-dimensional presentation of the earth and planetary science data with Dagik Earth
- Evaluation of the earth-induced current contribution for a precise prediction of the Dst index
- Global distribution of small scale magnetic oscillations in the middle and low latitudes over the ionosphere as observed by CHAMP satellite
- Imaging observation of the Earth's upper atmosphere by Ionosphere, Mesosphere, upper Atmosphere, and Plasmasphere mapping observation (ISS-IMAP) mission
- Investigation of triggering mechanism of substorm through the analysis of Geotail and Themis data
- Ionospheric disturbances detected by GPS total electron content observation after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Limb Imaging of 630 nm Airglow Using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL
- Metadata database and data analysis software for the ground-based upper atmospheric data developed by the IUGONET project
- Non-gyrotropic electron velocity distribution functions near the lunar surface
- P and S Waves Traversing Beneath Western Japan and the Shape of the Subducting Philippine Sea Plate
- Reactivation of inland normal faults triggered by extensional stress associated with the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake
- Spontaneous dynamic rupture propagation with thermal pressurization: Phase transitions of pore fluid
- 300-km-long co-seismic surface rupture produced by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake along the active Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, China
- Combining GOCE and in-situ gravity data for precise gravity field determination and geophysical applications around the Japanese Antarctic station, Syowa, in Antarctica
- Imaging observation of the mesoscale structures in the Ionosphere, mesosphere, and plasmasphere from the international space station
- Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET)
- Investigation of the characteristics of the dipolarization region with THEMIS data
- Modeling study of the mid-latitude ionospheric nighttime electron density enhancement by SAMI3
- On the Transition Between the Inner Plasma Sheet and the Outer Plasma Sheet in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Oxygen Ion Flux Variations Associated With a Stormtime Dipolarization Event at L ~ 4
- Sounding rocket/ground-based observation campaign to study Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTID)
- Surface faulting along the inland Itozawa normal fault (eastern Japan) and relation to the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake
- Temporal variation of the cloud top height over the tropical Pacific observed by geostationary satellites
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- Three-dimensional presentation of the earth and planets in classrooms and science centers with a spherical screen
- Tidal signals in ocean bottom magnetic measurements of the Northwestern Pacific: observations versus predictions
- ARTEMIS observations of lunar dayside plasma in the terrestrial magnetotail lobe
- Along-arc variation in water distribution in the upper mantle beneath Kyushu, Japan, as derived from receiver function analyses
- Dual-band beacon experiment over Southeast Asia for ionospheric irregularity analysis
- Electromagnetic ion cyclotron rising tone emissions observed by THEMIS probes outside the plasmapause
- Forward solution of the electromagnetic field induced by tsunamis using non-uniform thin-sheet approximation
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- Inter-University Upper Atmosphere Global Observation Network (IUGONET) Metadata Database and Its Interoperability
- Structure Downdip of Deep Low-Frequency Earthquakes in Western Shikoku, Japan, Revealed by Later P and S Wave Arrivals Propagating with Slow Apparent Velocities from Intraslab Earthquakes
- Two-dimensional tsunami-dynamo simulations using the finite element method in the time domain
- Impact of Interactive Ozone on Climate Reconstruction in an Earth System Model: the Case of Antarctica in mid-Holocene
- Redetermination of the precise gravity fields around the Japanese Antarctic Station, Syowa, and evaluation of GOCE EGMs
- Statistical Study of Concentric Gravity Wave in the Lower Thermosphere by using the ISS-IMAP/VISI Data of 2013
- 3-years Occurrence Variability of Concentric Gravity Waves in the Mesopause Observed by IMAP/VISI
- Seasonal and spatial variation of topside He<SUP>+</SUP> column density obtained from Extreme Ultra Violet Imager onboard the International Space Station
- Fracture structures of active Nojima fault, Japan, revealed by borehole televiewer imaging
- In-situ stress measurements using core-based methods in the vicinity of Nojima fault.
- Late Pleistocene Activity and deformation features of the North Margin Fault of West Qinling Mountains, northeastern Tibet
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene Activity of the Strike-slip Xianshuihe Fault Zone, Tibetan Plateau, Inferred from Tectonic Landforms
- Mitigation of global cooling by stratospheric chemistry feedbacks in a simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Optical Imaging Observation of the Geospace from the International Space Station by ISS-IMAP
- Seismic Moment and Recurrence using Luminescence Dating Techniques: Characterizing brittle fault zone materials suitable for luminescence dating
- Slip Zone versus Damage Zone Micromechanics, Arima-Takasuki Tectonic Line, Japan
- Thermoluminescence of quartz collected from Nojima Fault Trench excavated in 2015
- 3D Microstructural Features of the Fault Core Zones from the Nojima Fault and Arima-Takatsuki Fault Zones, SW Japan, Revealed by CT and μCT Scanning Techniques
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Radiated Seismic Energy Release Along the Guerrero Segment of the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Crustal stress states around Nojima fault measured by using a new testing system for hydraulic fracturing
- Crustal structure of the Eastern Carpathians (Romania) region as revealed by double-difference seismic tomography
- Current stress orientation around the Nojima Fault that triggered the 1995 M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.9 Kobe earthquake, Japan
- Drilling Into the Active Fault Damage Zone: the Use of Luminescence Dating Techniques on the Assessment of Previous Activations of the Nojima Fault-Japan
- Investigating the Seismicity Before and After the 2018 M6.1 Osaka Earthquake, Japan
- Luminescence and Esr Dating of Fault Gouge Materials from the Nojima Fault -
- Microstructural Character of Active Fault Zones, Southwest Honshu, Japan
- Multiple seismic slipping events recorded in a fault gouge zone: evidence from the Nojima Fault drilling holes, SW Japan
- Real-time operational aftershock forecasting in Japan
- Recovery process of temperature profile in a scientific-drilling borehole from a disturbed state caused by drilling mud circulation
- Topographic divides formed by active flexural folding in the NE marginal zone of the Tibetan Plateau
- Triggering and Decay Characteristics of Dynamically Activated Seismicity in Japan
- Activities of Education and Outreach by the Seismological Society of Japan
- Frequency dependent arrivals of regional P waves from deep earthquakes and their implication for slab structure and configuration
- Space-borne observation of the mesospheric airglow disturbances generated by tropical cyclones
- Shallow slow earthquakes and mechanical properties at the Guerrero seismic Gap, Mexico
- Dynamic simulations of coseismic slickenlines on non-planar and rough faults
- Investigation of Scaling Laws for Earthquake Source Parameters Using Simulations of Dynamic Rupture with a Hierarchical Patch Structure
- Periodic Pore Fluid Pressure Perturbations as a Viable Mechanism for the Generation of Slow Slip Events on Velocity-Strengthening Faults
- Temporal Evolution of b-values in Rate-and-State Fault Models with Frictional Heterogeneities