University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Earth and Space Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Global Simulation of the Interaction of Interplanetary Shocks with the Magnetosphere
- Orientation Of Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds Associated With Filament Eruptions And Major Geomagnetic Storms
- A Potential Impact on the Chemical Composition in the Marine Boundary Layer in the Arctic Ocean by Ship Emissions
- Density Depletion and Hall Effect in Magnetic Reconnection
- Scalings of steady state Hall MHD reconnection in high-β space plasmas
- A Study of Lg attenuation around the Korea
- Dynamic Processes in Silica: Impact and Radiation Effects
- Effects of gas Hydrates on Archaeal Community Structure and Carbon Cycle in the Gulf of Mexico
- Natural And Primary Moissanite In Serpentinite From The Dabiemountains In China
- New Insights into Static and Dynamic Melting Processes
- Slow rupture velocity of the July 17th, 2006 Java earthquake from high frequency analysis
- The non-resonant interactions between Alfven waves and energetic electrons in the solar wind
- Dating "Dirty" Carbonates by U-series Isochrones: Insight Into Why Leaching Methods Don't Work
- Non-resonant heating of ions by Alfven waves with a spectrum
- Reanalysis of the stationary phase method in ambient noise study
- An Improved Boundary Integral Equation Method for Modelling Dynamic Ruptures in Half- Space
- Cluster and Double Star Multipoint Observations of a Plasma Bubble
- Finite difference calculation of traveltime in rectangular topology mesh
- Focal Depth of the WenChuan Earthquake Aftershocks from modeling of Seismic Depth Phases
- Impact agglomeration of silica and Cu nanoparticles
- Investigation on the key parameters of slip weakening law in dynamic rupture simulations
- Modeling 3D Dynamic Rupture on Arbitrarily-Shaped faults by Boundary-Conforming Finite Difference Method
- Numerical Simulation of Strong Ground Motion for the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake of 12 May 2008 With Realistic Surface Topography
- Rupture models for the recent Chino-Hills Earthquake(SC)
- Shock front non-stationarity and ion acceleration in supercritical perpendicular shocks
- Strength of Coronal Mass Ejection-Driven Shocks Near the Sun and Their Importance in Predicting Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Adakite and mineralization: Major contributions from slab melting
- Can complete Green's function be retrieved from ambient seismic noise?
- Effects of lateral crustal variation on the focal mechanism inversion and relocation of the Wenchuan Mw7.9 Earthquake aftershock sequence
- Estimates of source parameters for the Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 from near-field seismograms
- Focal Depth Accuracy of Earthquakes Beneath Sedimentary Basins: Cases study of the 2009 M4.7 Inglewood Earthquake Sequence Beneath the Los Angeles Basin and the 2006 M5 WenAn Earthquake Beneath the Bohai Basin
- Geochemical contrast of early Cretaceous adakitic rocks in central-eastern China: implications for petrogenesis and mineralization
- Magnesium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust
- Pacific subduction and Mesozoic mineralization in eastern China
- Shallow Velocity and Q Structure of Tianjin Basin from P, PP, PPP and Psed
- Shock-induced structural changes in silica upon compression and release
- Source parameters of M5.5-6.5 earthquakes from joint inversion of local, regional and teleseismic data
- Tectonic settings and water distribution in mantle pyroxenes
- The Interactions of Alfven Waves with Perpendicular Shocks
- The effects of vacancy on melting of Cu under hydrostatic and shock wave loading
- Current Sheets Observed by ACE and Ulyssess at Different Heliospheric Distances
- Deflected Propagation ---- A Factor Deciding the Geoeffectiveness of A CME
- Focal Mechanisms of Wenchuan Aftershocks and Stress Field around Longmenshan Fault Zone
- Impact of Shock Front Nonstationarity on the Acceleration of Heavy Ions by Perpendicular Collisionless Shocks
- Inter-annual variability of the middle atmospheric temperature observed by Rayleigh lidars and comparisons with ECMWF and TIMED/SABER results
- Interchange Oscillations
- Investigation on the Rupture dynamics of non-planner seismic fault
- Investigation on the radiation of super-shear rupturing seism source
- Kinetic Alfvén wave and ion velocity distribution functions in the solar wind
- Non-linear Finite-Frequency Waveform Inversion for 1-D Structures
- Observational study of the 1997/1998 El Nino-Induced Changes in Rainfall Vertical Structure in the East Pacific
- Petrofabrics and Water Contents of Peridotites from the Western Gneiss Region (Norway): Implications for Fabric Transition of Olivine in Continental Subduction Zones
- Point source stacking method to compute the coupled seismic and electromagnetic waves radiated from a finite fault in layered porous media
- Precursor activation and substorm expansion associated with observations of a dipolarization front by Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS)
- Reconcilition of the Geophysical and Geochemical Observations: Inferences from Numerical Models of Thermochemical Mantle Convection
- Signatures of transition region explosive events in hydrogen Ly-beta profiles
- Silicon diffusion in MgSiO3 perovskite under lower mantle conditions
- Transverse instability and perpendicular electric field in two-dimensional electron phase-space holes
- A Fault Evolution Model Including the Rupture Dynamic Simulation
- A Systems Approach to Venus Express Magnetic Field Data Cleaning
- An iterative algorithm for separation of S and ScS waves of great earthquakes
- Are current sheets the boundary of fluxtubes in the solar wind? -- A study from multiple spacecraft observation
- Constraining cooling rates of UHP metamorphic rocks with closure temperature geospeedometry: a case study from the Dabie orogen
- Finite-difference method for irregular surface boundaries in coupled seismic and electromagnetic waves simulation in porous media
- Influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the middle atmosphere temperature and ozone
- Longitudinal variations of nighttime electron auroral precipitation in both the northern and southern hemispheres from TIMED/GUVI
- Mantle transition zone in the views of seismology and mineral physics
- Observations of Narrow Bipolar Events during Two Thunderstorms in Northeast China
- Physical mechanisms of coupled seismic and electromagnetic phenomena
- Pn Tomographic Velocity and Anisotropy beneath the Iran Region
- Rapid and precise determination of natural carbonate rare earth elements in femtogram quantities by ICP-SF-MS
- Resolving Station Time Shift with Teleseismic P Arrivals
- Rupture Dynamics Simulation for Non-Planar fault by a Curved Grid Finite Difference Method
- South China Sea hydrological changes and Pacific Walker Circulation variations over the last millennium
- Stochastic heating and acceleration of minor ions by turbulent Alfven waves
- Thermoelastic Properties of Olivine and Wadsleyite (Fe<SUB>x</SUB>,Mg<SUB>1-x</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>: Their Relationship to the 410 km Seismic Discontinuity
- Transverse instability and magnetic structures associated with electron phase space holes
- Video Observation of Propagation of An Intracloud Discharge
- 27-day, 13.5-day and 9-day responses of lower thermosphere to solar activity and geomagnetic activity
- 2D Tomography with Topographic Effects Based on Finite-Difference and Adjoint Methods
- A method to calculate synthetic waveforms in stratified VTI media
- Anisotropic Shear-wave Velocity Structure of East Asian Upper Mantle from Waveform Tomography
- Bounce-averaged advection and diffusion coefficients for monochromatic electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave: Comparison between test-particle and quasi-linear models
- Comparison between magnetic coplanarity and MVA methods in determining the normal of Venusian bow shock
- Determining rupture process of great earthquakes with a joint method of back projection and polarization analysis
- Evidence of gravity wave and tidal interactions observed by a sodium temperature/wind lidar over Hefei, China
- First-principles calculation for silicon isotope fractionation among mantle minerals
- Frequency-dependent seismic radiation of megathrust earthquakes and depth-varying properties of the subducting plate
- Geomagnetic and auroral activity driven by corotating interaction regions during the declining phase of Solar Cycle 23
- Helical motion during a failed eruption of a filament
- Joint inversion of 3D crustal structure with ambient noise and earthquake body wave travel time
- Magnesium isotope variations in cratonic eclogites: origins and implications
- Magnesium isotopic composition of global loess
- Method for inferring the axis-orientation of cylindrical flux rope or plasmoid based on single-point measurement
- New Insights into the Temporal Context of Multiple Compact Intracloud Discharges
- Nonlinear interaction between ring current protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
- Numerical studies on the structure of Venusian mantle convection constrained by the geoid and topography
- Planktonic foraminiferal rare earth elements as a potential new aeolian dust proxy
- Profile of strong magnetic field By component in magnetotail current sheets
- Simulating Wave Propagation in a Faulted Medium Using a 3D Finite Difference Method
- Strong Seismic Scatterers near the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary in the Location of the Past Sunda Subduction
- The relationship of velocity structure, slip distribution and aftershock in the hypocenter area of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- The terrestrial water storage changes in the continental United States inferred from GRACE data and simulations from land surface models
- 3-D Global Hybrid Simulation of the Storm-Time Magnetotail and Ion Injection
- A Case study of the daytime D-layer height variation in East China
- An Extended SPAC Method For Dispersion Curves Extraction From Microtremor
- Broadband Ground Motion Simulation of the 3 June 2007 Ninger, China, Earthquake
- Combining broadband Seismometer and High-rate GPS velocity data for real-time earthquake hazard response
- Crustal and upper mantle S-wave velocity structures across the Taiwan Strait from ambient seismic noise and teleseismic Rayleigh wave analyses
- Detecting Low-Frequency Seismic Signals From Surface Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing of a Tight-Sand Gas Reservoir
- Determination of the full elastic moduli of single crystals using shear-wave velocities by Brillouin spectroscopy
- Distinguishing structures of northern Vietnam revealed by ambient noise and teleseismic surface wave analyses
- First direct detection of resonant energetic electron scattering by whistler-mode waves in a laboratory plasma
- First-principles calculations of high-pressure and -temperature properties of stishovite
- Geochemistry of banded iron formation (BIF) host rocks, Yishui county, North China : major element, REE and other trace element analyses
- Lateral velocity variations of ferropericlase in Earth's lower mantle
- Numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection in an asymmetric current sheet
- Observation of electron acceleration in the separatrix region during magnetic reconnnection
- Pathways to thermospheric heating via cusp electron precipitation
- Penguin population dynamics over the past 1500 years in response to climate change in the Ross Sea region, East Antarctica
- Questions that we are facing in forecasting CME's arrival
- Relationship of Rain Top to the Tropopause from TRMM and COSMIC GPS radio occultation measurements
- Seismic ambient noise tomography and azimuthal anisotropy of the central Tien Shan
- Stable Finite Difference Seismic Wave Modeling Using Discontinuous Grids with non-Uniform Time step 4th RK Method
- Substorms under northward interplanetary magnetic field: Statistical study
- Toward understanding the Sun-to-Earth evolution of the 2012 July 12-16 Coronal Mass Ejection Using Three-dimensional MHD Simulation
- Iron-spin Transition Controls the Structure of LLSVPs beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean
- Latitudinal Expansion of the Holocene Optimum in the East Asian Monsoon Region
- Magnesium isotope fractionation during continental weathering
- Solar Imprints on Asian Inland Moisture Fluctuations over the Last Millennium
- The Super Arctic Storm in 2012 - Investigation of Dynamics Mechanism
- Thermoelasticity of (Mg,Fe)SiO<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite
- A Thorough Search of Normal Modes For the Ocean-Earth Model
- An Intrinsically Three-Dimensional Reconnection Process in Near-Earth Plasma Sheet*
- Elastic anisotropy of forsterite, wadsleysite, ringwoodite at high pressure and temperature and its geophysical significances
- Influence of the spin crossover in ferropericlase on the lower mantle geotherm
- Iron-spin transition controls structure and stability of LLSVPs in the lower mantle
- Manifestation of compositional heterogeneities and ferropericlase spin crossover on mantle velocities
- Barium isotopic compositions of oceanic basalts from São Miguel, Azores Archipelago
- Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Forearc Sediments from DSDP Site 144
- Crustal Footprint of the Hainan Plume beneath Southeast China
- Crustal and uppermost mantle S-wave velocity structure of Southern Yellow Sea and adjacent regions from gravity-seismic joint inversion and its implication for seismotectonics
- Direct inversion of surface wave dispersion for three-dimensional crustal azimuthal anisotropy based on frequency-dependent ray tracing
- Form the end of substorm growth phase till the first 1-2 minutes of onset: Evidence of a transitional stage in optical auroral and in-situ observations
- Postseismic Stress Evolution Following the 2011 M<SUB>w</SUB>9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- The effects of core-reflected waves on finite fault inversion with teleseismic body wave data
- The formation of LLSVPs by subducted oceanic crust from supercontinent cycle and iron-spin transition
- Three Dimensional Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation of the 2013 M<SUB>w</SUB>8.3 Okhotsk Deep-Focus Earthquake
- Wavelet-based group and phase velocity measurements: Method
- Wavelet-based group and phase velocity measurements: application to ambient noise cross correlation observations from OBS survey offshore Taiwan
- Association of Storm Height Variations with Aerosol Optical Depth over Atlantic Ocean
- Barium isotope geochemistry of subduction-zone magmas
- Calibrating NIST SRM 683 as A New International Reference Standard for Zn Isotopes
- Clustering P-Wave Receiver Functions To Constrain Subsurface Seismic Structure
- Collapse and Earthquake Swarm after North Korea's 3 September 2017 Nuclear Test
- Concentration effect on inter-mineral equilibrium isotope fractionation: insights from Mg and Ca isotopic systems
- Constraints on Small-scale Heterogeneity in the Lowermost Mantle from Observations of Near Podal PcP Precursors
- Detecting slab structure beneath the Banda Arc from waveform analysis of deep focus earthquakes
- Effects of spin crossover on iron isotope fractionation in Earth's mantle
- Elastic Properties of Orthoenstatite at Simultaneous High Pressure-Temperature Conditions and the Implication for the Origin of Low V<SUB>P</SUB>/V<SUB>S</SUB> Zones in the Mantle Wedge
- Elasticity of superhydrous phase B at the mantle temperature and pressure: Implications for 800-km discontinuity and water flow into lower mantle
- Elasticity of δ-AlOOH at high P-T conditions: Implications for seismic anomalies in the lower mantle
- Electron Acceleration In a Turbulent Magnetic Island
- Electrostatic waves and electron reflection mechanisms at moderate Mach number shocks driven by CME: 3D PIC simulations
- Evaluation of M<SUB>L</SUB>-M<SUB>C</SUB> as a Depth Discriminant in Yellowstone, USA and Italy
- Experimental investigation on V isotope equilibrium fractionation factor between metal and silicate melt
- Generation of Rising-tone Chorus in a Two-dimensional Mirror Field by Using the General Curvilinear PIC Code
- Heterogeneous Production of Sulfate Aerosol over China.
- High-precision Location, Yield and Tectonic Release of North Korea's 3 September 2017 Nuclear Test
- Hydrogen-bearing iron peroxide and its implications to the deep Earth
- Joint inversion of ambient noise surface wave and gravity data to image the upper crustal structure of the Tanlu fault zone to the southeast of Hefei, China
- Modeling and observational constraints on the sulfur cycle in the marine troposphere: a focus on reactive halogens and multiphase chemistry
- Observation and Modeling of the Generation Mechanism of Ion Upflow during Sudden Commencement
- Overturned Alboran slab beneath westernmost Mediterranean
- Religious Burning as a Major Source of Atmospheric Fine Aerosols in Lhasa city in the Tibetan Plateau
- Sensor Orientation Improvement by Utilizing Both Perforation and High-SNR Microseismic Events
- Shear softening of Earth's inner core indicated by its high Poisson's ratio and elastic anisotropy
- Simulating Chorus Waves in a Dipole Magnetic Field
- Temporal Change of Seismic Earth's Inner Core Phases: Inner Core Differential Rotation Or Temporal Change of Inner Core Surface?
- The vanadium isotope compositions of subduction zone lavas
- Thermodynamic and Thermoelastic properties of the NAL Phase
- Three Types of Earth's Inner Core Boundary
- Topography of the 410- and 660-km discontinuities beneath the central and eastern China using receiver function
- Variable Grid Traveltime Tomography for Near-surface Seismic Imaging
- Waveform complexity caused by near trench structure and its impact on earthquake source study: application to the 2015 Illapel earthquake sequence
- Why a geoeffective CME was missed by SOHO LASCO?
- A Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Database in China
- A Simplified Algorithm to Estimate Latent Heating Rate Using Vertical Rainfall Profiles over the Tibetan Plateau
- Acquiring Carbonate Phase Barium Isotopic Compositions of Loess and Sediments and Its Significance in Palaeoenviromental Study
- An extended semi-analytical approach for thermoelasticity of monoclinic crystals: application to diopside
- Analysis of corner frequencies and high-frequency components of seismic waves at near field based on rupture dynamics of complex faults
- Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Multiple High-pressure Metamorphic Veins from the Dabie Orogen, China
- Calcium isotope fractionation during melt-rock interaction in the lithospheric mantle
- Calcium isotopic signatures of Lesser Antilles forearc sediments from DSDP Sites 543 and 144
- Concurrent Postseismic Pore Pressure and Strain Changes Observed in Anza Region, California
- Crustal high-velocity zones in SE Tibet from dense array tomography: implication for complex crustal material transport patterns
- Dynamic rupture simulation of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake with the stress parameters estimated from empirical relations
- Earthquake Scenarios Determined from Dynamic Rupture Simulations on the Xiaojiang Fault System, Yunnan, China
- Earthquake cycling simulations by a Curved Grid Finite Difference Method
- Equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation among fluids and minerals: Insights from first-principles molecular dynamics simulations
- First-principles investigation of the concentration effect on equilibrium fractionation of K isotopes in feldspars
- Frequency Bessel Integration Method (FJ) to extract fundamental and higher order surface wave dispersion from seismic records
- Ice-VII inclusions in diamond as indicators for deep mantle fluids
- Image the crustal structure along the Ryukyu arc using teleseismic s<SUB>m</SUB>P and p<SUB>m</SUB>P underside reflections from the Moho
- Imaging shallow structure with active-source surface wave signals recorded by distributed acoustic sensing
- Imaging the subducted Gorda plate: Implications for the stress state and brittle-ductile transition of the Cascadia subduction zone
- Investigating emission uncertainties at city level over East China
- Joint inversion of surface wave dispersion and receiver functions for crustal azimuthal anisotropy: methodology and application in SW China
- Misfit functions for seismic waveform inversion based on adjoint wavefield using curvilinear grid finite-difference method
- Observations of red sprites from space in the vicinity of lightning mapping networks
- On the Frequency Chirping of Chorus Waves
- On the Performance of M<SUB>L</SUB>-M<SUB>C</SUB> as a Depth Discriminant for Small Seismic Events Recorded at Local Distances in Yellowstone, Oklahoma, and Italy
- Regional three-dimensional lithospheric seismic velocity model of the South Yellow Sea and surroundings from joint inversion of gravity and surface-wave data
- Self-reinforcing process of reconnection electric field in colisionless magnetic reconnection
- Strong Control on Aerosol Enhancement in the Tropical Tropopause Layer by Deep Convection
- Structural Control on Earthquake Initiation and Slip Distribution, Revealed by High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Fault Zones
- Surface-wave and Body-wave Tomography for Central California
- Tarim Large Igneous Province Constrained by Geodynamic Modelling and Geophysical Observations
- The influence of redox condition on crystal structures of bridgmanite at megabar pressure
- The study of the impact of meteorological conditions to aerosol concentrations in urban areas
- Three-dimensional finite element model of the viscoelastic postseismic deformation of the 1964 Mw9.2 Alaska earthquake
- Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of rising-tone chorus waves in a dipole magnetic field
- Vanadium Isotopic Compositions of the Panzhihua Layered Intrusion Associated with Giant Fe-Ti-V Oxide Deposit, SW China
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- A statistical study of magnetic flux ropes observed in the nightside induced magnetosphere of Mars and Venus
- A study of the role of CME-CME interactions on CME geo-effectiveness with EUHFORIA
- Along-strike segmentation of intermediate-depth seismicity along the Alaska Peninsula and implications for slab dehydration
- Anomalies in thermal properties and equations of state of ferromagnesite (Mg,Fe)CO<SUB>3</SUB> across spin transition
- Apply a Deep Learning Method to Identify Anomalous Patterns in Ambient Noise Data prior to Major Earthquakes in Sichuan, China
- Applying Machine Learning to Locate Earthquakes in Sichuan, China
- Chemical Composition and Sources of Aerosols in Summertime Lhasa on the Tibetan Plateau
- Decadal viscoelastic postseismic deformation of the 1964 Mw9.2 Alaska earthquake and its stress perturbations over crustal active faults
- Developing Advanced Time-lapse Seismic Tomography Methods For Reliably Detecting Subsurface Temporal Velocity Changes
- Diffusion in Stishovite and CaCl<SUB>2</SUB>-type Silica from First-principles Calculations: Implications for MORB Viscosity in the Lower Mantle
- Direct inversion of surface wave dispersion data with multiple-grid parameterization and its application to a dense array in Chaohu lake
- Dispersion curves extract by the Frequency Bessel Transformation (F-J) method
- Diurnal Variations of Precipitation over the Steep Slope of the Himalayas in Rainy Season Observed by TRMM PR and VIRS
- Dynamic Rupture Simulations Performed on the Northern and Eastern Boundary Faults of the Sichuan-Yunnan block, China
- Earthquake Data Denoising by Applying a Deep Learning Method
- Effects of sea animal colonization on community structures of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea and nitrogen conversion rates in maritime Antarctica
- Elasticity of Akimotoite under the Mantle Conditions: Implications for Multiple Discontinuities and Seismic Anisotropies at the Depth of 600-750 km in Subduction Zones
- Flat and Sharp Earth's Inner Core Boundary Beneath Mid-Eastern China Determined by PKiKP Spectrum Fitting
- High-resolution 3-D shear-wave velocity model of the Tibetan Plateau and its implication of crustal deformation in southern and central Tibet
- High-resolution Vs tomography of South China by joint inversion of body wave and surface wave data
- High-resolution full waveform migration based microseismic location by grouping imaging condition
- Imaging Urban Underground Structure Using Ambient Noise from Surface Wave Traveltime Tomography to Adjoint-based Waveform Tomography
- Joint Inversion of Body Wave Arrival Times, Surface Wave Dispersion Data and Receiver Functions: Method and Application to Southwest China
- Joint inversion of ambient noise and teleseismic body-wave data for linear arrays based on adjoint tomography
- Mass motions revealing double-decker magnetic field configuration of a filament
- Modeling extreme precipitation over East China with a global variable-resolution modeling framework (MPASv5.2):impacts of resolution and physics
- Observations of PKKPab Diffraction Waves Well Beyond Cutoff Distance
- On the paradox of very low differential stress causing permanent deformation in subduction zone forearcs
- Postseismic Deformation and Stress Perturbation in NE China due to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Potential methyl chloride and chloroform fluxes from the tundra soils in maritime Antarctica
- Potential volatile selenium fluxes from the tundra soils in maritime Antarctica
- Retrieval of the P wave reflections across the Cheng-Hai Fault Zone from the autocorrelation and cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise
- Revealing the pivot energy of Solar Energetic Particles Affecting the Martian surface radiation environment
- Rupture Directivity Analysis of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake and Its rheology Implication
- Rupture Process of the 26 May 2019 Mw8.0 Northern Peru Earthquake and Insights into Its Mechanism
- Sea Spray Aerosol Production Controlled by Wind and Sea Surface Temperature
- Seismic Isotropy and Anisotropy Tomography of Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Seismic observations of an active detachment faulting system beneath the Longqi hydrothermal field at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Seismic wavefield induced by high speed train observed with the distributed acoustic sensing system
- Size Distribution and Sources of Organic Functional Groups in Wintertime Aerosols at an Urban Site in Eastern China
- Slab Subduction-Related Structure Complexity and Mineral Heterogeneity within the MTZ Revealed by Ambient Noise Interferometry
- Statistical analysis of relativistic electron precipitation in the magnetosphere from POES observations
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Acidity on Tropospheric Reactive Halogens and the Oxidation Capacity of the Atmosphere
- The Universal Time Variations of Postnoon Auroral Emissions in Equinoctial Seasons
- The unsustained and sustained free-surface-induced supershear rupture, and their effects on near-field strong ground motions
- Thermodynamic and Elastic Properties of Grossular at High Pressures and High Temperatures: A First-principles Study
- Towards a Refined 3D Model of the Western Pacific Slab to Investigate the Nature of Deep Earthquakes
- Two-dimensional general curvilinear particle-in-cell (gcPIC) simulation model
- Two-dimensional general curvilinear particle-in-cell (gcPIC) simulation of rising-tone chorus waves in a dipole magnetic field
- Upper Mantle Anisotropy in the Continental China from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Upstream structures and ion dynamics at a quasi-parallel shock: 2-D hybrid simulations
- Valence state of iron in iron alloys under high pressure: implications for Earth and planetary cores
- CALIPSO Aerosol Lidar Simulator in WRF-Chem: Development and Application
- Cij: A Python package for quasiharmonic thermoelasticity
- Crustal deformation of the Tibetan Plateau revealed by high-resolution shear wave velocity and azimuthal anisotropy models
- Deciphering water from molten rock: Insights into Uturuncu volcano, Bolivia, using seismic velocity and attenuation tomography
- Diffusion in Stishovite and CaCl<SUB>2</SUB>-type Silica from First-Principles Calculations: Implications for MORB Viscosity in the Lower Mantle
- Dissecting a Zombie: Shallow Volcanic Structure Revealed by Multiple Geophysical Data Sets at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Empirical Forecast of the GCR-Induced Radiation Environment on Mars
- Extracting Ambient Noise Dispersion in the North Western Pacific Ocean
- Gap Formation around 0.5Ω<SUB>e</SUB> of whistler-mode waves excited by electron temperature anisotropy
- High-resolution 3D Crustal S-wave Velocity in the shallow crust of the Tanlu Fault Zone in Hefei, Anhui, eastern China and its implication for urban sedimentary envoiroment
- Magnetic Reconnection with a Limited X-line Extent in a Force-free Current Sheet: Applications on Aurora Acceleration
- Mechanisms and Definitions of Supershear Rupture
- Multistage tectonic evolution of the Tanlu fault: Insights from upper-crustal anisotropies of the Chao lake segment
- Propagation and evolution of a rising-tone chorus wave investigated by particle-in-cell simulations
- Quantifying Nitrate Formation Pathways in Highly Polluted Environments Using Observations of <SUP>17</SUP>O excess (Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O) and an Air Quality Model
- Recovery of net magnetic moments from complex magnetic field maps using convolutional neural networks
- Seismic Imaging of the Double Seismic Zone in the subducting slab in Northern Chile
- Stepwise joint inversion for 1-D crustal V<SUB>p</SUB>/V<SUB>s</SUB> structure using surface wave dispersion, Rayleigh wave ZH ratio, and receiver function data
- The Origins of Seismic Heterogeneities in the Lower Mantle: Insights from Mineral Physics
- The effect of depth-dependent stress on supershear rupture velocity transition on strike-slip faults
- Three-dimensional Community Velocity Model in Southwest China from Joint Body and Surface Wave Traveltime Tomography
- Velocity and Density Characteristics of Subducted Oceanic Crust and the Origin of Lower-mantle Heterogeneity
- Whistler mode chorus waves guided by plasmapause density gradient
- Enhancement of planetary ions at Mercurys cusp during flux transfer event showers: MESSENGER observations
- Gap Formation Around 0.5Ωe in the Whistler-Mode Waves Due To the Plateau-Like Shape in the Parallel Electron Distribution