Radio Research Laboratory, Korea
flowchart I[Radio Research Laboratory, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (29)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Study of Predictability of STOA Model For Magnetic Storms Using Data From Ichon Solar Radio Observatory
- Enhancements of OI 630.0 nm Emission And Ionospheric Tomography Using GPS STEC Measurements During the Period of the Strong Geomagnetic Storm, 2003 Halloween Event in Korea
- The global morphology of the vertical ExB drift in the equatorial region
- The effect of the vertical ExB drift on the longitudinal plasma density structure in low-mid latitudes
- The Variability of the Zonal Plasma Drift in the Equatorial F Region
- The solar cycle dependence variability of the occurrence pattern of the equatorial plasma bubbles retrieved from TIMED/GUVI nightglow images
- Is DE2 the Source of the Ionospheric Wave Number 3 Longitudinal Structure?
- Longitudinal asymmetry in the crest intensity of the ionospheric tidal structure
- An Automated Solar Synoptic Analysis Software System
- Nonmigrating Tidal Features in the Equatorial Plasma Bubble Distribution
- Solar Flare Probability depending on Sunspot Characteristics and Their Changes
- The Study of the origin of broad plasma depletions in the equatorial F region
- The study on the new approach to the prediction of the solar flares: The statistical relation from the SOHO archive
- Investigation of the plasma bubble and blob connection in the low latitude ionosphere
- The Automatic Solar Synoptic Analyzer and Solar Wind Prediction
- 3D Analysis of Remote-Sensed Heliospheric Data for Space Weather Forecasting
- Determination of the North-South Heliospheric Magnetic-Field Component from Inner-Corona Closed-Loop Propagation
- Space Weather Services of Korea
- The role of TIDs in the creation of the electron density irregularities in the middle-latitude F region
- MHD modelling in space weather: Accuracy issues
- Space Weather Services of Korea
- The UCSD Time-dependent Tomography and IPS use for Exploring Space Weather Events
- The variability of the occurrence of the Field Aligned Irregularities in the middle-latitude F region using the VHF radar observation at Daejon, South Korea.
- Development of an Automatic Detection Program of Halo CMEs
- Study of GPS amplitude scintillations association with FAIs and TIDs in middle latitudes
- Development of Real-Time Verification System for the ASSA Model
- Korea Ionospheric Data Assimilative Regional Model (KIDARiM)
- The Current Status and Future Plan of Korean Space Weather Center