National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Institute for Space Astrophysical and Plasma Sciences
flowchart I[National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Institute for Space Astrophysical and Plasma Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (76)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Analysis on Source Mechanisms of Low-Latitude ELF-Whistlers
- Substorm Onset Arc Formation and Breakup by Kinetic Ballooning Instability
- Development of a High Energy Ion and Electron Beam Calibration System for Space Plasma Analyzers
- Ionospheric Electron Density Derived by Using the TIP and GOX of FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- Magnetic Reconnection Rate in X- and M-class Solar Flares
- Self-Consistent Hybrid Technique for Modeling Particle Acceleration in Space Plasma Outflow
- Substorm onset by kinetic ballooning instability
- Analysis on Ionospheric Electron Densities of Storm Events From FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Observations
- Are Double Coronal X-ray Sources in Solar Flares Two Magnetic Flux Ropes in Merging?
- Azimuthal structure of substorm breakup arcs prior to expansive phase onset using ISUAL/FORMOSAT-2
- Comparison of Ionospheric Radiance and Electron Density Over the Auroral Oval With FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Measurements
- Conversion Between Self- and Mutual Magnetic Helicities in the Stepwise Evolution of Cellular Flux Systems Towards Solar Eruption
- Distributions of Charged Particles for Non-storm Time Substorm Events from THEMIS observations
- FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Observations of the Ionospheric Response to Geomagnetic Activities Characterized by Global Indices
- ISUAL side-way observations of the OI(1D) night airglows
- Impulsive Magnetic Reconnection in Solar and Laboratory Plasmas
- Intermittency analysis of magnetic field disturbances in the fast solar wind
- Ionosphere tomography derived by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC TIP and GOX data
- Physical Mechanism of Substorm Breakup Arcs and Onset
- ROMA (Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analyses) Spectra for Intermittent Fluctuations in Space Plasmas
- The OI 135.6nm Observations of the Weddell Sea Anomaly and the Nighttime Mid- Latitude Enhancement
- Three-Dimensional Ionospheric Electron Density Structure of the Weddell Sea Anomaly
- Analysis of Ionospheric Electron Parameters in Relation to the Geomagnetic Index Dst and Solar F10.7 Flux from RO Data of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
- Analysis of Reconnection Electric Field in Large Solar Flares
- Can the Weddell Sea anomaly and related phenomena be explained by conjugate effects?
- Chromospheric Density Structures in Asymmetric Hard X-ray Footpoints of Flaring Loops
- Ground-based and satellite observations of substorm onset features
- Magnetic field fluctuations of THEMIS substorm events
- Modeling of Saturn's magnetosphere based on satellite observation data
- Negative Effect on Electron Density in Mid-latitude Ionosphere due to Geomagnetic Disturbances: FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Observations
- Periodic oscillations in the ionosphere associated with recurrent geomagnetic activity during the solar minimum of 2007-2008
- Relationship between Hard X-ray Emissions and Magnetic Field Strengths in Solar Flares
- Sensitivity Degradation of the ISUAL instruments and its impact to the observations
- Statistical study of the storm-time ionospheric disturbances observed by GPS receiver network
- The 762nm emissions of sprites
- The Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Summer Nighttime Anomaly
- The Relationship between Radiance of the Tiny Ionospheric Photometer and Geomagnetic Indices
- The low-latitude ionospheric plasma caves underneath the equatorial ionization anomaly discovered by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
- Time Series Analyses of Transient Luminous Events and Lightning at a Few Selected Geographic Regions
- Transport of Energetic Particles to Inner Magnetosphere During Substorms
- Characteristics of flare-related photospheric magnetic fields in asymmetric hard X-ray footpoints
- Features and Mechanisms of Substorm Onset and Expansion
- Global signatures and seasonal variations of 630.0 nm nightglow
- Observational evidence for a kinetic ballooning instability during substorm
- Physical characteristics of TLEs inferred from ISUAL observations (Invited)
- Polarization Analysis of ELF-Emissions Observed at Lulin ELF Station
- ROMA (Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis) for Intermittent Fluctuations with Global Crossover Behavior --- Application to the Electric Field in the Auroral Zone
- TLEs and their electromagnetic characteristics from 2010 Taiwan ground campaign
- Analysis of Magnetic Field Characteristics in Flaring Active Regions
- Behavior of global 630.0 nm midnight brightness
- Discovery of the plasma caves in the lower ionosphere
- Equatorial Emissions in the Inner Magnetosphere From THEMIS Observations
- Full-kinetic elve model simulations and their comparison with the ISUAL observed events
- Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares and CMEs and in Laboratory Plasma Merging Experiments
- Relationship between auroral substorm and wave activity
- Reversal of Ionospheric Density Perturbations at Daybreak due to Geomagnetic Activities
- The 2006 December 21 Substorm Event
- The characteristics of the sferics recorded by the NCKU ELF systems between March 2010 and February 2011
- Variations of the Ionospheric Electron Density during the 2009 Stratospheric Sudden Warming Period
- Water Group Ion Cyclotron Waves in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Analysis of Cassini MAG data from 2005 to 2009
- Evidence of Kinetic Ballooning Instability Causing Substorm Onset
- The significant ionization emission N2+ 1N in pure halo without sprite streamer
- Analyses of the ISUAL Dancing Sprites and Secondary Sprites
- Effects of Solar Activities on the Transient Luminous Events
- Equatorial Emissions Events in the Inner Magnetosphere from THEMIS Observations
- Invariant Distribution of Repetition Period for Whistler-Mode Rising-Tone Chorus;
- Model study of the plasma cave in the equatorial ionization anomaly region
- The estimated required minimum flash rate to change the ionosphere dynamics in the electrodynamical coupling model of atmosphere and ionosphere
- Identifying events with prominent fluctuations common to particle and wave observations by the ERG/Arase satellite
- Statistical analysis of low-energy electron fluxes in the radiation belt: ERG LEP-e measurements
- ISUAL multi-band recorded images for transient luminous events in limb view observation from space
- Observations of red sprites from space in the vicinity of lightning mapping networks
- Optical diagnostic methods for TLEs observation with space-based photometers
- The resolution to the paradox of the sprite polarity
- On the high population of negative sprite-producing lightning strokes produced by oceanic thunderstorms
- The global distributions, occurrence rates and climatology of transient luminous events by a 12-year space-borne survey