BMKG, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, Indonesia
flowchart I[BMKG, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, Indonesia] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (92)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (18)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Hypocenter Determination To Issue The Earthquake And Tsunami Information From LISS And JISNET Data By Using the Grid-Search Method
- Seismic structure near the inner core boundary around the South Pole
- On the seasonal predictability of daily rainfall characteristics over Indonesia
- A Field Assessment of the Effects of the M7.6 Earthquake, 30 September 2009, beneath Padang, Western Sumatra, Indonesia
- Post-26 Dec. 2004 Seismicity at Northern Sumatra Subduction System from Aftershock relocations based on 3-D seismic Velocity Model
- Source mechanisms of the 2009 seismic sequence in the northwest of New Guinea Island, Indonesia
- Field survey and preliminary modeling of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami at Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
- In-situ self potential and soil moisture measurement for rainfall induced landslide at Pelabuhan Ratu, Indonesia
- The Crustal Structure of Indonesia from Seismic Noise Tomography
- A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Indonesia
- A Strong-motion catalog for Indonesia
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Crustal Structure of Indonesia from Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography
- Improved source parameters using a new regional velocity model for seismic hazard assessment in Indonesia
- International Collaboration for Strengthening Capacity to Assess Earthquake Hazard in Indonesia
- Moisture Variability over the Maritime Continent During the Coordinated MJO Field Campaign in 2011-12
- Source Spectra and Site Response for Two Indonesian Earthquakes: the Tasikmalaya and Kerinci Events of 2009
- Crustal Structure of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia using Bayesian Inversion of Seismic Ambient Noise
- Basin and Crustal Structure of Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia from Two Seismic Campaigns
- Comparison of Statistical Downscaling Methods for Seasonal Precipitation Prediction: An Application Toward a Fire and Haze Early Warning System for Southeast Asia
- Teleseismic Double-Difference Earthquake Hypocenter Relocation in the Indonesian Region
- Year of the Maritime Continent - Scientific Bases for the Campaign
- Seismic Characterization of the Jakarta Basin
- Seismic Structure of Southeast Asia from Full Waveform Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography
- Seismological Segmentation of Halmahera Thrust, Molucca Sea Region, based on Large Earthquake Sequences
- Basin seismology in the megacity of Jakarta, Indonesia
- High Resolution Tomographic Imaging of the Internal Structure of Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia
- How can we obtain quality controlled sounding data during the YMC campaign?
- Identification of MJO Signal on Various Elevation Station Rainfall in Southern Papua, Indonesia
- Improve Precise Hypocenter Location in Indonesia Region derived from 3D Seismic Velocity Model
- The 2015 Indonesian biomass-burning season with extensive peat fires: Remote sensing measurements of biomass burning aerosol optical properties from AERONET and MODIS satellite data
- The Roadmap of Marine Observation Development Fostering the Understanding of Weather-Climate Characteristics in the Indonesian Maritime Continent
- A Report Of The December 6, 2016 Mw 6.5 Pidie Jaya, Aceh Earthquake
- A report from YMC Sumatra field campaign
- Earthquake Intensity and Strong Motion Analysis Within SEISCOMP3
- Observed interaction of MJO and Diurnal Rainfall Cycle based on a Weather Radar Observation in East Java
- Rapid Tsunami Inundation Forecast from Near-field or Far-field Earthquakes using Pre-computed Tsunami Database: Pelabuhan Ratu, Indonesia
- Vertical Atmospheric Profiles during Madden Julian Oscillation in The Maritime Continent
- A study of wave activities around temperature inversion layer based on intensive radiosonde observations at Bengkulu during YMC-Sumatra 2017
- Application of Space-based Rainfall Estimation Product for the Indonesian Fire Danger Rating System
- Communication Strategy with Volunteer Networks through the MOSAIC Program for Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia
- Comparison of precipitation diurnal cycle observed in the coastal waters of Sumatra Island during two field campaigns in austral summer: Pre-YMC 2015 and YMC-Sumatra 2017
- Convective activities over the southwestern coastal land of Sumatra island, Indonesia, during the Pre-YMC 2015 and YMC-Sumatra 2017 campaigns
- Detecting Tropical Cyclones in Regional Climate Model Simulations over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Domain
- Eikonal equation-based teleseismic traveltime tomography of Sumatra
- Field Survey on the Coastal Impacts of the September 28, 2018 Palu, Indonesia Tsunami
- Investigating Sea Surface Temperature Representation and Its Potential Regional Influence in Climate Model Simulations in SEACLID/CORDEX-Southeast Asia
- Quality control of radiosonde obtained during the YMC campaign period
- The 2018 Mw 7.5 Sulawesi Indonesia earthquake: the immediate response of the InaTEWS Warning Centre at BMKG and related operational issues
- The 2018 Mw7.5 Palu earthquake, a gradually accelerating super-shear rupture stopped by stress shadows in a complex fault system
- The First Strong Motion Database and GMPEs for Sumatra
- The Structure, Evolution, and Dynamics of Nocturnal Convective System in Sumatera, Indonesia
- Tsunami potential of the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake from GNSS constrained source mechanism
- Analysis of the Seismic and Infrasound Signals Associated with the Anak Krakatau 2018 Volcanic Eruption and Sector Collapse, Implications for Tsunami Early Warning
- Cirrus and Ozone Variabilities in the UTLS over the maritime continent during YMC-Sumatra 2017 Field Campaign
- Earthquake Statistics: b-Value Spatial Distribution in Indonesia
- Evidence of subduction zone segmentation: Finite-difference tomography and earthquake relocation along the Java margin
- Hypocenter Relocation Using Double Difference Method in Mulucca Sea, Indonesia
- Recurrence Time Analysis of Sumatra Paleo Megathrust Earthquake 1797 Using Some Scenarios of Earthquake PARAMETERS(Case Study: Siberut-Sumatra Megathrustearthquake 1797, mw 8.6 8.8)
- Teleseismic Waveform Inversion for Slip Distribution of The Mw 7.7 2019 Banda Earthquake
- The 1883 and 2018 Krakatau tsunamis -new marine geophysical and sediment core evidence on their generation
- The 2018 Sunda Strait Tsunami Caused by the Edifice Collapse of Anak Krakatau Volcano
- A Comparison Study of Monsoon Onset and Retreat Definition in the Indonesian Region
- A Multi-Scale Hydrometeorological Analysis of Flash Flood Event in Masamba, South Sulawesi on 13<SUP>th</SUP> July 2020
- Development Seasonal Fire Forest Forecast over Sumatera Island based on The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) from ECMWF SEAS5
- Equatorial waves triggering extreme rainfall and floods in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Land-Sea Breezes and the Diurnal Cycle in Rainfall in the MC
- Lessons Learned From Development And Operationalization Of Climate-Based Dengue Early Warning System In Indonesia
- Preliminary Results of Hypocenter Relocation Analysis in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia, after the 2018 Anak Krakatau Tsunami
- SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Ocean and Earth: Update
- The 2018 Lombok earthquake cascade was controlled by thermal squeezing of the seismogenic zone from an active arc volcano
- The MJO Impact on Daily Precipitation in Indonesia During 1981-2012
- Towards Probabilistic Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Early Warning System in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia
- An Overview of Cold Surge Observation during 2021 Years of the Maritime Continent Campaign
- Comparison of Clm 4.5 and Bats Land-Surface Scheme in Regional Climate Model for Climate Projection Baseline in Indonesia: a Sensitivity Study
- Convective Cold Pool Associated with Offshore Propagation of Convection System over the East Coast of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia
- Evaluation of Low Cloud Cover from ERA5 Reanalysis over Indonesia in supporting renewable energy sector
- Full-waveform tomography of Sulawesi accounting for the effects of surface topography and the fluid ocean
- Increasing Coastal Inundation over Northern Jakarta city Associated with Active Cross Equatorial Northerly Surge (CENs) Phase
- Indonesia Ocean Literacy Program through the Implementation of Fisherman Weather Field-School
- On The Verification and Comparison of Extreme Rainfall Cases in Jakarta From WRF Model and Satellite
- Performance of MODIS Deep Blue Collection 6.1 Aerosol Optical Depth Products over Indonesia: Spatio-temporal Variations and Aerosol Types
- SASSY21: A 3-D seismic structural model of the lithosphere and underlying mantle beneath Southeast Asia from full-waveform inversion
- Sensitivity of WRF cloud microphysics to simulations of a heavy rainfall induced landslide event over Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta, on 28 November 2018
- Shear Wave Splitting Delay Time Tomography of the 2018 Lombok Earthquake Aftershock Area Using Local Seismographic Network Data: a Preliminary Result
- The 2017 Seismic Crisis at Mount Agung: Dike-Intrusion Seismicity in High Resolution
- Validating the CMORPH Precipitation Product to Estimate High-resolution Precipitation Over the Maritime Continent Region
- Construction of Stress Map in Indonesia Region Using Earthquake Focal Mechanisms.
- Did a submarine landslide contribute to the 1996 Biak, Indonesia tsunami?
- Estimating carbon sources and sinks from different land-cover types in Indonesia using satellite-derived atmospheric CO2 measurement
- SASSIER22: Full-waveform tomography of the eastern Indonesian region that includes surface topography and the fluid ocean
- Upper ocean variability and Madden Julian Oscillation triggering cyclone genesis in Eastern Indonesia