Tel Aviv University, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences
flowchart I[Tel Aviv University, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (76)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Wide-Angle Seismic Profile Across the Jordan-Dead Sea Rift (Transform)
- Adakites Along Oceanic Transforms ?
- Coordinated Global Measurements of TLEs from the Space Shuttle and Ground Stations during MEIDEX
- DESERT - A multi-scale study of a large active shear zone, the Dead Sea Transform
- Geodetically determined deformation in the southern Levant (Israel and Jordan)
- Radar Interferometric Mapping and Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence along the Dead Sea Shores, Israel and Jordan
- Automatic re-picking and re-weighting of first arrival times from the Italian Seismic Network waveforms database
- Consequences of OH observations at Saturn
- Lightning Activity During the 1999 Superior Derecho
- Lightning and Climate Variability
- New Data From the Southern Levantine Continental Margin and outer Nile Cone - the GEMME Project
- Structure and Dynamics of the Dead Sea Transform in the Middle East
- The Northern Gulf of Aqaba (Elat); Transition from a Pull-Apart Basin to a Normal Strike-Slip Fault
- The Source of Protons at Io
- African Lightning-Climate Variability
- Geo-location of Sprites Observed from the Space Shuttle Columbia during STS-107 using ELF methods
- Continental or Oceanic Crust? A new Study on the Crustal Structure of the Levantine Basin
- Design of a Composite Attenuation Relation for the Dead Sea Area Based on 3D Modeling of Elastic Wave Propagation
- Gamma Rays Above Thunderstorms: What Lightning Type is Responsible?
- Plasma Composition Near Enceladus
- Where has all the Nitrogen Gone?
- A Seismic Profile Across the Southern Dead Sea Basin
- Aerosol Cloud-Precipitation Interaction: Facts and Fiction
- Deep Structure and Evolution of the Cyprus Arc, With Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of Anatolia
- Observations of Sprites and Elves Associated With Winter Thunderstorms in the Eastern Mediterranean
- The geodynamics of the Levant margin
- Dip Corrections for Seismic Reflection Velocity Analysis
- Earthquake Geology of the Bogd Fault, Gobi Altay, Mongolia
- Formation of deep basins along strike-slip fault systems: The Dead Sea fault
- New insight into Bottom Morphology and active faults of the Northern Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba mapped from multi-beam sonar data
- Pollution Effects on Condensation Evaporation and Cloud Coverage of Warm Cumulus Cloud
- Quaternary Transform Kinematics Constrained by Sequence Stratigraphy and Submerged Coastline Features: The Gulf of Aqaba
- Seismic Wide-Angle Reflection / Refraction Profiling from the DESIRE Project Reveals the Deep Structure Across the Southern Dead Sea Basin
- Age and Slip Distribution of Past Earthquakes Along the Bogd Fault (Mongolia)
- Characterizing the Upper Atmosphere of Titan using the Titan Global Ionosphere- Thermosphere Model: Nitrogen and Methane.
- Sprites over Africa During the AMMA with Multiple Electromagnetic Detections of Their Parent Lightning Flashes
- Trans-Atlantic tsunamis: Simulations of the 1755 Lisbon and of hypothetical Puerto Rico trench earthquake tsunamis
- Gas Jets and Ice Grains Ejections on Comets and Enceladus
- Inverse Power Law distribution and failure initiation of subaerial landslides
- Monitoring microseismicity in the Northern Dead Sea basin using sparse seismic mini-arrays
- Rainfall estimation using commercial microwave communication links: quantifying uncertainty
- Size distributions and failure initiation of submarine landslides (Invited)
- Sprites on other planets
- Where has all the Nitrogen Gone?
- Correlation between development of the marginal basin system of the NW Pacific and uplift of the Tibet Plateau
- Discrepancy between GPS (5 yrs) and archaeoseismic (3 kyr) slip rate across the Ateret site (Dead Sea fault): Secular variations versus distributed slip
- Evolution of the Andaman Sea region: Dextral transtension as consequence of the India-Asia collision
- Monitoring microseismicity in the northern Dead Sea basin using portable small-aperture seismic mini-arrays
- Optical observations of the spatial and temporal relations between sprites and meteors during the 2009 Geminid shower
- Resolution limits and completeness in earthquake archives: Lessons from the Dead Sea fault (Invited)
- Sources of Structure in the Outer Magnetosphere of Saturn
- Tri-Millennial History of Earthquake Offsets of Tell Ateret on the Dead Sea Fault: a perfect time-predictable behavior?
- First-Order Theory of Figures for Synchronous Rotation and Tides: Application to Rhea and Titan
- Inference of co-seismic slip via joint inversion of GPS and aftershock data: The 2004 Parkfield example
- Jupiter: Internal Dynamics and Shape
- Measurements of ice nuclei concentrations and compositions in the maritime tropics
- Seismological observations of micro-earthquake clusters, Dead Sea Basin
- Level rise episodes triggered by volcanic eruptions during the desiccation of Lake Lisan
- Maps of Moho structure under the Arabian plate and margins
- New color images of sprites, halos and gigantic jets from the International Space Station
- On the brightness of sprites in the atmospheres of Earth, Saturn and Jupiter
- The Influence of an Extended Mass Distribution on Planetesimal Capture
- 1516 meters inside the earth - observations of seismic activity in the Dead Sea basin using borehole seismometer
- Earthquake behavior along the Levant fault from paleoseismology (Invited)
- Ground-based observations of the fair weather vertical current response to solar disturbances
- Links between mesopause temperatures and ground-based VLF narrowband radio signals
- On the possibility of lightning-generated halos and sprites on Saturn
- The diurnal cycle of global thunderstorm clusters
- A Signal of Ice Loading in Late Pleistocene Activity of the Sudetic Marginal Fault (Central Europe)
- Comparative Simulations of 2D and 3D Mixed Convection Flow in a Faulted Basin: an Example from the Yarmouk Gorge, Israel and Jordan
- Irregular earthquake recurrence patterns and slip variability on a plate-boundary Fault
- Anisotropy-controlled Transboundary Groundwater Flow: The Example of the Lower Yarmouk Gorge, Jordan Rift Valley
- Bridging the Gap between Strong-Motion Seismology and Geodesy: The 2004 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.0 Parkfield, CA Example
- Rn and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Depth, as a Proxy for Pre-Seismic Activity
- The effect of gouge formation on fault propagation along underground brittle shear fractures.
- Investigation of sea breeze and foehn in the Dead Sea valley with remote sensing observations and WRF model simulations