Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Theoretical Physics
flowchart I[Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Theoretical Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (46)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- From a Weak to a Strong Comet --- 3D Global Hybrid Simulation Studies
- 3D Multispecies Hybrid Simulations of Titan's Highly Variable Plasma Environment
- Interaction Scenarios Between Rhea and Saturn's Magnetospheric Plasma: a Hybrid Simulation Approach
- Three-dimensional Hybrid Simulations of the Evolution of the Martian Plasma Environment
- Fields and plasma in the wakes of the Saturnian inert moons: global hybrid simulation results
- The Plasma Environment Of Venus: Comparison Of Venus Express Aspera-4 Measurements With 3D Hybrid Simulations
- Hybrid Simulations of the Enceladus Plasma Interaction and Comparison with MAG Data
- Hybrid simulation of moon-magnetosphere interactions at Saturn: Titan and Dione
- A.I.K.E.F. - An adaptive hybrid model for planetary plasma environment studies
- Impact of ion-neutral chemistry in the Enceladus plume on the global plasma interaction: a hybrid simulation approach
- Magnetospheric Feedback on the Dynamo of Mercury
- Titan below Saturn's magnetodisc: Results from 3D hybrid simulations and Cassini MAG observations
- Dynamic Hybrid Simulation of the Lunar Wake During ARTEMIS Crossing
- First results from ARTEMIS lunar wake crossing: observations and hybrid simulation
- Hemisphere coupling currents at Enceladus: Analytical modeling of Cassini magnetometer observations
- Hybrid simulations of moon-magnetosphere interactions at Saturn (Invited)
- Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Ionosphere of Venus
- Hybrid simulations of Enceladus' plasma interaction: a multi-instrument survey
- Hybrid simulations of the two-dimensional cascade of weak solar wind turbulence beyond MHD scales
- Isotopic probes of ice microphysics at cold temperatures
- Plasma interactions of Saturn's icy satellites: Analytical modelling of MAG data from Enceladus, Dione and Rhea
- Analysis of Cassini magnetic field observations over the poles of Rhea
- How the plasma interaction of Enceladus' plume determines the properties of the dust cloud
- Statistical analysis of dispersion relations in turbulent solar wind fluctuations using Cluster data
- The impact of Enceladus' dust plume on the magnetic field and plasma
- Energetic aspects of Enceladus' magnetospheric interaction
- High-Sensitivity TDL Measurements of Water Isotopologues for UTLS studies
- Investigations into Anomalous Supersaturation in Cold Cirrus at the AIDA Cloud Chamber during the ISOCLOUD Campaigns
- Variation of the dipole strength in super and sub-Alfvénic regime: Dione-type to Ganymed-type interactions (Invited)
- Ion Bernstein waves in a magnetic reconnection region
- Theoretical modeling of planet-induced stellar activity using A.I.K.E.F. simulations
- Hybrid Simulations of Pluto's Plasma Interaction
- Mercury being hit by a CME: A.I.K.E.F. Hybrid Plasma Simulation vs MESSENGER data
- On electron-scale whistler turbulence in the solar wind
- A comprehensive picture of Callisto's magnetic and cold plasma environment during the Galileo era and implications for JUICE
- A three-dimensional model of Pluto's interaction with the solar wind during the New Horizons encounter
- Constraints on particle density evolution within a CME at Mercury
- Driving Perpendicular Decay by the Parametric Instabilities of Parallel Propagating Alfven Waves
- Plasma Interaction and Energetic Particle Dynamics near Callisto
- Wave-field decay rate estimate from the wavenumber-frequency spectra
- Dust source identification in the Amazon Basin combining chemical and isotopic approaches
- Field aligned currents in Mercury's exosphere - dependence on Sodium density
- Hybrid Simulations of Pluto's Plasmainteraction
- Venus near-surface magnetic environment
- The magnetic flux transport along the -E<SUB>SW</SUB> direction in the magnetotails on Mars and Venus
- African smoke over the Amazon rainforest