Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Geophysics
flowchart I[Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Geophysics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (105)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Lithospheric Structure in Central Europe Revealed by the CELEBRATION Seismic Experiment
- Shell Model Of The Turbulence In The Fast Rotating Sphere
- CELEBRATION 2000: P-Wave Velocity Model of the Bohemian Massif
- Magnetomineralogy as a tool for determination of the meteorite weathering
- A New Generation of Large Seismic Refraction Experiments in Central Europe (1997-2003)
- Conductive Transport of Annual Temperature Signals in Variable Subsurface Media and Regional Analyses of Seasonal Decoupling Between Air and Ground Surface Temperatures
- Evidence for Terrestrial Magnetic Contamination of the Chondritic Meteorites
- Relative Location of Multiple Events Using Empirical Green Functions
- Data From Massive Seismic Experiments in Central Europe Produce Lithospheric Transects From East European Craton Through the TESZ, Bohemian Massif and Carpathians to the Pannonian Basin and Eastern Alps
- Mantle Anisotropy Below the Northern Apennines From RETREAT Seismic Data
- Resolving Mantle Flow Beneath Italy: The Scientific Goals of the RETREAT Seismological Deployment, Northern Apennines, Italy
- The Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event: Linkage of High-Resolution Terrestrial and Marine Records of a Major Climate Perturbation During Peak Greenhouse Conditions.
- Measured vs. Simulated Transients of Temperature Logs - A Test of Borehole Climatology
- Rupture geometry of microearthquakes inferred from analysis of multiple events
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Bohemain Massif, Central Europe - Another Baby Plume?
- Electrical Conductivity of the Upper Mantle Below Europe Inferred From Long Period Geomagnetic Observations
- Fabrics of Precambrian Mantle Lithosphere - an Evidence for Early Plate Tectonics?
- How GPS Data Can Improve Knowledge on Seismogenic Processes in Areas of Low Seismic Activity
- Inverse Dynamo Problem in a Cylinder
- Microseismic Evidence for the Interaction of Faulting and Fluid Flow During Hydraulic Fracture Injection
- Microseismic Signatures of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
- New Insight of Northern Apennines (Italy): SKS Splitting Measurements Reveal a Complex Anisotropic Structure
- Source Mechanism of Mining Induced Seismic Events - Resolution of Double Couple and Non Double Couple Models
- Stress Distribution in the Subducted Slab in the Transition Zone
- Tensile Source Components for Swarm Events in West Bohemia in 2000 Considering Anisotropy
- Dynamics of Anthropogenic Ferrimagnetics (fly-Ashes) in Soils - Experiments on Test Fields
- Post-Seismic Slip of the February 2004 Earthquake Swarm Detected by GPS in West Bohemia, Central Europe
- Delineation of Hydrocarbon Contamination of Soils and Sediments With Environmental Magnetic Methods: Laboratory and Field Studies
- Electrical Conductivity Images of South African Continental Collision Zones
- Onset and Stability of Gas Hydrates under Permafrost in an Environment of Surface Climatic Change in the Beaufort-Mackenzie basin - Past and Future
- Seismic Waves In Dissipative Anisotropic Media
- Focal Mechanisms of Microearthquakes in the Dobra Voda Seismoactive Area in the Male Karpaty Mts., Slovakia
- Inertial waves in spherical shells at low Ekman numbers
- LAB as Boundary Between Fossil and Present-day Mantle Seismic Anisotropy
- Non-double-couple earthquake mechanism as an artifact of point-source approach applied to a finite-extent focus
- Paleoseismic activity at the southern termination of Alhama de Murcia fault (Southeastern Betics, Spain): geomporphic and trenching evidence along a slow moving fault
- Resolution of Non-Double-Couple Mechanisms: Simulation of joint effect of noise, hypocenter mislocation and velocity structure mismodeling (Invited)
- Solar forcing of the lower atmosphere during the winter 1981-1982: a case study
- The Twin Character of the 2000 and 2008 West Bohemia Earthquake Swarms
- The response of the lower stratosphere to strong isolated geomagnetic storms
- A 3D Gravity Investigation of Devils Tower, Wyoming, U.S.A
- Determination of Earthquake Source Mechanisms at Okmok Volcano, Alaska from Inversion of P-wave Peak Amplitudes
- Discontinuous character of the Wadati-Benioff zone in the Banda Arc region: a consequence of a cyclic character of the process of subduction
- Low Temperature Magnetic Transition in Meteoritic Troilites - Simple Mmarker for Highly Stoichiometric Iron(II) Sulphide Systems?
- Magnetic Properties of Atmospheric PM10 and PM2.5 Collected at Urban and Background Site
- Monitoring of glacial seismic events from Greenland at regional distances: experience from the POLENET/LAPNET experiment during the IPY 2007-2009
- Characterization of magnetically enhanced buried soil layer in arid environment
- Displacements and Stress Field During Pre-, Co- and Post-Seimic Phases of Intraplate Earthquake Swarm in Central Europe
- Emplacement mode of a composite post-collisonal pluton in the Klamath Mountains (California, USA)
- Finite Element Model of a Two-Phase Non-Newtonian Thixotropic Fluid: Mount St. Helens Lava Dome
- Finite-extent Fault Characteristics by Second Degree Moments - Application to Mining Tremors
- Moho depth retrieval from waveforms of micro-earthquakes in the West Bohemia/Vogtland seismoactive area
- On the geological origin of Devils Tower (WY, USA)
- Principal Earthquakes: Theory and Observations from the 2008 West Bohemia Swarm
- Samples of HDR Soultz Injection Microearthquakes: Mechanism Using Alternative Source Models
- Shallow seismic surface waves analysis across a tectonic fault
- Shear-tensile/implosion (STI) source model: a good substitute to moment tensor in single-well monitoring of hydrofrac-induced seismicity
- Static Source Parameters of the West Bohemia/Vogtland Earthquake Swarms
- Triggered Seismicity at the Soultz-sous-Forets (France) Boreholes in 2003 as a Promising Tool for Understanding Driving Forces and Rupturing Processes in the West Bohemia/Vogtland Earthquake Swarms
- Evidence for a low permeability fluid trap in the Nový Kostel Seismic Zone, Czech Republic, using double-difference tomography
- Magnetic Properties of PMx Collected at Sites with Different Level of Air Pollution
- Shear-tensile/implosion source model vs. moment tensor: benefit in single-azimuth monitoring. Cotton Valley set-up.
- Sounds of Earthquakes: Where Do the Epxlosions Come From?
- A multidisciplinary study in the geodynamic active western Eger rift (Central Europe): The Quaternary volcanic complex Mytina and the recent CO2-degassing zone Hartousov
- Changes in Magnetic Mineralogy Through a Depth Sequence of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sediments
- Imaging the West Bohemia Seismic Zone
- Magma Ascent to Submarine Volcanoes: Real-Time Monitoring by Means of Teleseismic Observations of Earthquake Swarms
- Tectonic Structures of the Western Carpathians Projected in Geophysical Data
- A Signal of Ice Loading in Late Pleistocene Activity of the Sudetic Marginal Fault (Central Europe)
- Application of Uav Photogrammetry for Assessment of Fluvial Dynamics of a Montane Stream. Case Study - Roklanský Creek, Šumava Mts., Europe.
- Magnetic and Geochemical Properties of Andic Soils from the Massif Central, France
- Origin of Variscan Garnet and Spinel Pyroxenites from the Bohemian Massif (Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic and Austria)
- Paleomagnetic Study of Azores Archipelago: Volcano-Tectonic Implications
- Two Decades of Seismic Monitoring by WEBNET: Disclosing a Lifecycle of an Earthquake Swarm Zone
- Use of Magnetic Parameters to Asses Soil Erosion Rates on Agricultural Site
- AniTomo - New Anisotropic Teleseismic Body-Wave Tomography Code to Unravel Structure of the Upper Mantle: Impact of Inversion Settings on Inferences of the Output Model
- Deformation-induced anisotropy of remanent and induced magnetization - implications for interpretation of rock-magnetic data
- Evidence for fluid-triggering underlying the year 2014 aftershock sequences in NW Bohemia
- Fabrics of Mantle Lithosphere of Fennoscandia Inferred from Seismic Anisotropy
- Fossilized Dipping Fabrics in Continental Mantle Lithosphere as Possible Remnants of Stacked Oceanic Paleosubductions
- Inertial Effects on Thermochemically Driven Convection and Hydromagnetic Dynamos in Spherical Shells
- LAB - Transition between Fossil and Present-Day Flow-Related Seismic Anisotropy
- Utilizing of magnetic parameters for evaluation of soil erosion rates on two different agricultural sites
- Detection of superparamagnetic particles in soils developed on basalts using frequency- and amplitude-dependent magnetic susceptibility
- Fault Weakening due to Erosion by Fluids: A Possible Origin of Intraplate Earthquake Swarms
- Fluids, Faults, Earthquake swarms, Mofettes and mid Pleistocene volcanism - Electromagnetic imaging of the Eger Rift (W Bohemia)
- Paleoseismological Study of the Eastern Part of Venta de Bravo Fault, Acambay Graben, Central Mexico
- Transient thrust events recorded in the Aare Massif, Bernese Alps (Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland)
- Interpretation of Microseismicity Observed From Surface and Borehole Seismic Arrays During Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale - Bedding Plane Slip Model
- A Guide to Ambient Vibration Classification of Unstable Rock Slopes
- High-resolution imaging of the Ivrea Geophysical Body: A joint seismic and gravity approach
- Joint analysis of seismic, geologic, resistivity and topographic data collected within the San Jacinto fault zone trifurcation area near Anza, California
- Mechanism of microearthquakes from acoustic emission in a laboratory: How to evaluate efficiently a large amount of data
- Seismic response of unstable rock slopes - insights from numerical modeling
- Mo Isotopes in the Aleutians Track Changes Along-Strike in the Subducting Plate
- Out-of-Phase Susceptibility and Viscous Magnetization: Effective Tools for Magnetic Granulometry of Loess and Paleosols
- Refined Imaging and Modelling of the Ivrea Geophysical Body Through New Gravity Data, Anomaly Products and Seismic Constraints
- Crustal fault regime and stress field in northern Chile: Insights on partition from the subduction interface
- Decoupled He-W isotope systematics in the East African Rift System
- High resolution 2-D image of the Ivrea-Geophysical Body: a joint inversion of new seismic and gravity data.
- Accuracy of the inversion for the shear-tensile-compressive model
- Earhhquake swarms preceding the 2021 and 2022 Fagradalsfjall eruptions, Iceland
- Mars Laboratory Analog Sediment Flows: Investigating the Effects of Composition
- Mars Laboratory Analog Sediment Flows: Investigating the Effects of Pressure and Water-rock Ratio
- Seismicity and Deformation Increase or Decrease prior to Eruption? Lessons Learned from Eruptions and Dike Intrusions at Mt. Fagradalsfjall, Iceland