Norwegian Geological Society
flowchart I[Norwegian Geological Society] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (320)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (18)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Earliest Life on Earth - New Data Call for Revision
- Mapping Cold-Water Coral Reefs with Multibeam Echosounder Bathymetry and GIS Technology
- Trace Elements in Igneous Quartz: a new Petrogenetic Tool for the Study of Granite Pegmatite Genesis
- Tracing Life in the Earliest Terrestrial Rock Record
- Abrupt Climatic Changes During Younger Dryas in the NE Nordic Seas
- Apatite-Graphite in Quartz-Pyroxene Rock From Akilia Island; Primary Biogenic Origin Questioned by Oxygen Isotope Evidence.
- Graphite as a Biomarker in Rocks of the 3.8 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt
- Long-term Phanerozoic Octupole Fields
- The Jan Mayen Microcontinent: Computers animations of the plate tectonic history
- Thickness Evolution of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in Western Norway From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Lateglacial: A Model Study
- Trace Element Evolution of Quartz During Igneous Differentiation of Granitic Melts: is it Erratic or Systematic?
- Absence of Cryptic Zonation in Modally zoned Granitic Pegmatites: Petrogenetic Implications
- Rob Hargraves and the External Force in Lamellar Magnetism
- A Combined Structural Geology and GIS Approach to Rockslides: an Example from Western Norway
- Crustal structure of the Morrocan margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data
- Ice Sheet Dynamics Along the Western Margin of the Scandinavian and Barents Sea-Svalbard ice Sheets on the Basis of Submarine Landforms
- Integrated Three-Dimensional Gravity Modelling in Different Types of Geological Environments
- Lamellar Magnetism: A New Magnetic Substructure?
- Magnetic Anisotropy of Hemo-ilmenite Single Crystals: Testing the Lamellar Magnetism Hypothesis
- Norwegian Research Strategies on gas Hydrates and Natural Seeps in the Nordic Seas Region (GANS)
- Oriented Exsolution of Fe-Ti Oxides in Augite from the Kiglapait Intrusion
- The Formation of Parallel-Dipping Normal Faults on Mature Passive Margins: Insights from Numerical and Analogue Models
- VGP-Paths of Extremely High-Resolution Records of the Laschamp and Mono Lake Geomagnetic Excursions in Sub-glacially Deposited Cave Sediments, W. Norway
- Westward-directed Grenvillian thrusting on the western margin of Fennoscandia: evidence from syn-kinematic pegmatites.
- Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy to Lamellar Magnetism
- Continent Ocean Boundaries in the North Atlantic: An Overview
- Episodic Precambrian subduction
- Glacial Dynamics and Deglaciation Pattern of the Svalbard ice Sheet From Seafloor Morphology
- Grain characteristics of landslide breccias: the influence of grain size distribution, aspect ratio, grain size and composition on potential rockslope failure.
- Intergrowths in Multidomain Hematite: Source of High NRM Intensities and Coercivity?
- Lamellar Magnetism: Ferrimagnetic Effect of Cation Monolayers at Interfaces of Nanoscale Exsolution Lamellae
- Mid-crustal Magma Mixing and Forced Garnet Stability in a Caledonian Pluton, North-central Norway
- Patterns of Stress and Strain Rate in Southern Africa
- Quantitative imaging of magnetic nanoparticles using off-axis electron holography
- The Effects of Nanoscale Exsolution on Magnetic Properties: Insights From FORC Diagrams
- 3D Sedimentary Architecture of the Nidelva Delta (Trondheim, Norway): Implications for Regional Slope Instability and Slide Development
- A Paleomagnetic and Geochronologic Study of Malani Mafic Dikes in Northwest India: Implications for the Configuration of Rodinia
- Age and paleomagnetic signature of the Alno Carbonatite Complex (NE Sweden): Additional Controversy for the Neoproterozoic Paleoposition of Baltica
- Arctic Ocean Freshwater Perturbations of Thermohaline Overturning Circulation Over the Past 0.5 Million Years
- Comparison of Numerical and Analogue Models of Thrust Wedges
- Digital Earth: Development of advanced software and databases to integrate plate motions with other datasets
- Effects of dynamic topography on Australian Paleogeography in the Cenozoic
- Extreme Eutrophication and Anoxic Events in the Baltic Sea
- Geological Model of Potential Rockslide Based on Structural Mapping, Surface Geophysical Data and Borehole Logging at Aaknes, Western Norway
- Giant exchange bias in nanoscale ilmenite-hematite intergrowths: new insights through the application of atomistic Monte Carlo simulations
- In Situ UV-Laser Ablation 40Ar/39Ar Muscovite Thermochronology Reveals Excess Argon and 405-399 Ma Age for the Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment Zone, Hornelen region, Norway
- Insight Into The Neogene Kinematic Development Of The Northern Altiplano From Paleomagnetic And Geochronologic Data
- Large-Scale Development of the Mid-Norwegian Shelf During the last 3 Million Years With Volume Calculations for Adjacent Land Denudation
- Linkage between inherited Caledonian structures and styles of extension, offshore Mid- Norway
- Magmatic underplating as a possible origin of deformation localization during lithospheric extension
- Magnetic Properties of Anorthosites: Possible Source Rocks for Planetary Magnetic Anomalies
- Models of the Formation of Extensional Fault Arrays
- Nature's engineering: Giant magnetic exchange bias > 1T in a natural mineral
- Numerical Models of Basin Inversion: Controls on Localisation of Shortening
- Plume Generation Zones (PGZs) at the Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB)
- Reinterpretation of the Effective Elastic Thickness in Terms of Young's Modulus Variation Applying the Analytical Solution for an Elastic Plate (ASEP) to the Barents Sea
- Secular variation during the Permian Superchron: a comparison between red bed and volcanic records
- Structure of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone: Implications for the tectono-magmatic processes of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
- Submarine Slides on the Continental Slope off Mid-Norway and Their Relation to the Shifting Depositional Processes During Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- Testing Plate Reconstructions For The High Arctic Using Crustal Thickness Mapping From Gravity Inversion
- The Extrusion of Alaska: Past, Present, and Future
- The Paleoenvironmental Evolution of the Eastern Arctic Ocean in the past 3.6 Million Years
- Towards new Integrated Uses of Potential Fields: Estimating the Heat Generation Potential of the Basement Underlying the Barents Sea Sedimentary Basins, North Norway, and its Importance for Hydrocarbon Maturation.
- Arctic Crustal Thickness and Ocean-Continent Transition from Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction
- Blockfields of Neogene origin: Challenging the paradigm
- Circum-Arctic Magnetic Anomalies - Challenges of Compilation and the Value of Regional Interpretation in a Frontier Area
- Crustal structure of the Morrocan margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data
- Gas Hydrates on the Norway-Barents Sea-Svalbard margin(GANS)
- Horizontal Movements in the Eastern Barents Sea Constrained by Numerical Models and Plate Reconstructions
- Implications of a 3D Density and Magnetic Model of the Møre Volcanic Margin Offshore Norway: An Example of a Non-Volcanic Margin Becoming Volcanic.
- Longitude through time
- Low Temperature Magnetic Properties of iImenite-Hematite Solid Solution Members
- Mantle Plumes: Seismic and Dynamic Models
- Mesozoic Kinematic Evolution of the Central Atlantic Inferred From Regional Magnetic Anomalies
- Models of Plate Motion, Mantle Flow, Mantle Plumes and Reference Frames
- New insights into the structure of Norwegian continental margins from modern aeromagnetic compilations
- Palaeomagnetism and Orogenies
- Paleoceanographic Variability During the Late Glacial-Early Holocene Transition in the South western Barents Sea.
- Permafrost Observatory Project: A Contribution to the Thermal State of Permafrost in Norway and Svalbard, TSP NORWAY
- Petroleum Generation in the Central Arctic Ocean: How, Where and When?
- Regional Landslide Mapping and Monitoring in Norway Using SBAS InSAR
- Synchronic Response of Arctic Ice-Sheets to Global Climate Deterioration During the Plio- Pleistocene
- TSP NORWAY - Thermal Monitoring and Modelling of Permafrost in Northern Norway
- The 33rd IGC, Oslo, Norway 2008; Geoscience World Congress 2008
- The Formation of Parallel-Dipping Normal Faults on Mature Passive Margins: Insights from Numerical and Analogue Models
- The International Year of Planet Earth: Lessons learned.
- The Mjoelnir impact crater - revisited
- The Potential for use of 3D-Seismic Data in Glacial Geological Studies With Examples From the Norwegian Shelf
- Towards a Neogene Palynostratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean
- Transition from rift basins to intra-cratonic basins in the Barents Sea as revealed in potential field signature and paleogeograph
- Application of a new Structural Joint Inversion Approach to Teleseismic and Gravity Data from Mt.Vesuvius, Italy
- Assessing the conditions of continental breakup at magma-poor rifted margins: what can we learn from slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges ?
- Circum-Arctic Mapping Project: New Magnetic Anomaly map Linked to the Geology of the Arctic
- Coupling mantle convection and 3D elasto-visco-plastic surface layer including lithosphere and asthenosphere
- Crustal Thickness and Glacially Formed Topographic Relief of the Southern Scandes Mountains.
- Formation and Cross-Cumulus Migration of Silica-Rich Liquids in the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland
- Hydrocarbons and Au Deposits (and Their Pyrite) - Is There a Link?
- Implications for Long-Term Mantle History of the Restricted Distribution of Large Igneous Province (LIP) Plume Sources at the Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB)
- Integrated 3D modelling, an effective way to improve geophysical data interpretation - the southwestern Barents Shelf as a case study.
- Marine Geophysical Investigations of Arctic and Antarctic margins: implications for paleoglaciology
- New Zircon U-Pb age Data From Midsund, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- On the Opening and Closure History of the Palaeo- and Neotethys
- Onshore-Offshore Fault Correlation: An Integrated Approach for Understanding Basin Evolution
- Persistently shallow paleomagnetic inclinations in Asia: implications for the Indo-Asia collision
- Potential High Latitude Hydrocarbon Venting From the Barents Sea and Gas Hydrate Response to Climate Change
- Quantifying Continental Overlap in Plate Reconstruction Models for the North Atlantic Using Continental Extension Estimates from Gravity Inversion
- Re-Os Geochronology Pins Age and Os Isotope Composition of Middle Triassic Black Shales and Seawater, Barents Sea and Spitsbergen (Svalbard)
- Re-Os systematics of shale-hosted Cu-Au mineralization at the Bidjovagge deposit in northern Norway (Finnmark)
- Shear wave reflection seismic surveying in the Trondheim harbour area - imaging of land slide processes
- Supercontinents, Plate Tectonics, Large Igneous Provinces and Deep Mantle Heterogeneities
- The Jan Mayen Microcontinent and the Evolution of the NE Atlantic Region
- The evolution of paleostress fields in the Central European Basin System reconstructed from fault-slip data
- Using Seismic Reflection Data to Investigate Gas-generated Pore Pressure in a Landslide-prone Area: an Example From Finneidfjord, Norway
- An alternative early opening scenario for the Central Atlantic Ocean
- Basin architecture and lithospheric structure of the Barents Sea region from geophysical modelling
- Combination of geophysical methods for fault detection: a case study from the Møre-Trøndelag Fault Complex, Mid-Norway
- Coupled delamination and indentor-escape tectonics in the southern part of the c. 650-500 Ma East African/Antarctic Orogen
- Diamonds sampled by plumes from the core-mantle boundary (Invited)
- Extensive mapping of ice marginal landforms in northern Russia (25°E - 112°E); new precise constraints on ice sheet limits of the Eurasian ice sheets in Russia
- Fjord-valley fill stratigraphy from onshore high-resolution shear-wave seismics, Trondheim harbour area, central Norway
- Focus and redistribution of the lithospheric deformation by emplacement of underplated mafic bodies
- Gas Hydrates on the Norway - Barents Sea - Svalbard margin (GANS); an overview and preliminary results
- Geodynamic Implications of Long Persistent(ca. 540 My) Heterogeneities in Deep-Mantle Structure
- Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot and Mantle Plume: Seismic and GPS Imaging, Kinematics, and Mantle Flow
- Geomorphology of Late Quaternary Mass Movement Deposits using a Decimetre-Resolution 3D Seismic Volume: Case Studies from Windermere, UK, and Trondheimsfjorden, Norway
- Late Weichselian Ice sheet boundaries in North Western Russia: new insights from high resolution remote sensing and field observation
- Long-term cycles in ocean chemistry driven by hydrothermal flux at ridge flanks
- Magnetic modeling of the Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Multiproxy reconstruction of rapid paleooceanographic changes in the SW Barents Sea during the Late Glacial- Early Holocene transition
- Paleolatitudes of the Permo-Triassic Ukrainian Shield with Implications for Pangaea A and B
- Pliocene paleoceanographic change in the Arctic: foraminifers and stable isotope evidence from ODP 910
- Precise Re-Os age and low initial 187Os/188Os for latest Permian black shales from the mid-Norwegian shelf herald the Permo-Triassic extinction
- Rock magnetic and paleomagnetic investigations using a Giant Magneto Resistance-based scanning magnetometer
- Rocks That Remember (Invited)
- Studying the basement structure of the Ramså field on Andøya, northern Norway
- Subduction/exhumation of UHP rocks in Silurian-Devonian continental collision, northern WGR, Norway
- The Pangea Problem: Insights from New Permo-Triassic Paleomagnetic Data from Gondwana
- Timing, Formation and Mobility of Melano Granophyric Liquids in the Skaergaard Intrusion
- Urban Shear-wave Reflection Seismics: A High-resolution Survey in the Landslide-affected Trondheim Harbour Area, Norway
- Using seismic reflection surveying to map gas-generated excess pore pressures at Finneidfjord, Norway
- 'Extra-regional' strike-slip fault systems in Chile and Alaska: the North Pacific Rim orogenic Stream vs. Beck's Buttress
- Benchmarking the Sandbox: Quantitative Comparisons of Numerical and Analogue Models of Brittle Wedge Dynamics (Invited)
- Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Pursuant to the Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from the Paleoproterozoic of Fennoscandia
- Classification and Comparison of Fluid flow Systems in the SW Barents Sea
- Constraining the termination of the Lomagundi-Jatuli positive isotope excursion in the Imandra-Varzuga segment (Kola Peninsula, Russia) of the North Transfennoscandian Greenstone Belt by high-precision ID-TIMS
- FAR-DEEP: organic carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of early Paleoproterozoic sediments from Fennoscandia
- Gravity and magnetic anomalies of the western Arctic ocean and its margins provide an imperfect window to a complex, multi-stage tectonic history (Invited)
- Insights on the deep structure of the Central Atlantic Ocean conjugate margins
- Linking the Wilson Cycle to deep Earth processes (Invited)
- Ocean-continent-transition at magma poor rifted margins, the magnetic signature of a magmatic breakup?
- Origin of Lamellar Magnetism (Invited)
- Paleoposition of the Seychelles microcontinent in relation to the Deccan Traps and the Plume Generation Zone in Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeogene time
- The Early Opening of the Indian Ocean: An African Perspective
- The Initiation of Subduction Models
- Towards absolute plate motions constrained by lower-mantle slab remnants
- U-Pb geochronology on detrital zircons from FAR-DEEP cores, Fennoscandian Shield - age constraints for events of the Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic transition and provenance
- A Boundary Zone in the Lithospheric Mantle Beneath Norway and Sweden
- A Late Holocene High Resolution Study of Paleoceanographic Changes in the North-East Atlantic based on Stable Isotope Data in the Trondheimsfjorden (Norway)
- A Mantle Cause for Congo Basin Subsidence?
- A benchmark comparison of numerical surface topography calculations in geodynamic modelling
- A new view of the lead isotopic soil landscape at the European continental scale
- An developing ICDP drilling project on intraplate seismicity: Drilling Active Faults in Northern Europe (DAFNE)
- Analysis of Tsunamigenic Coastal Rock Slope Failures Triggered by the 2007 Earthquake in the Chilean Fjordland
- Atlantic Water Advection to the Northern North Atlantic: AN Historical View from Marine Sediments in the Western Barents Sea and Fram Strait
- Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province Cenozoic igneous activity and its relation in space and time with the Late Jurassic rift-to-drift-related alkalic dikes
- Discovery of coesite in eclogite from the northern ultrahigh-pressure domain, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Effects of Exsolution Lamellae on Magnetic Properties of Crustal Rocks and Contributions to Remanent Magnetic Anomalies
- Evidence for contrasting P-T histories in supracrustal and basement rocks on Harøy and Finnøy, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Evolution of the Late Mesoproterozoic Cordilleran-Type (not COLLISIONAL!) Sveconorwegian (grenville) Orogen in SW Norway
- Feedback Between Rifting and Diapirism can Exhume Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks
- GOCE Gravity Gradient Invariants for Earth Interior and Geophysical Exploration Research
- Imaging fluid migration-path networks for understanding the geo-constraints associated with fluid flow and venting mechanisms in gas-hydrated sediments of SW Barents Sea
- New Insights From Geotechnical and Geophysical Data From the 1996 Finneidfjord Landslide, Northern Norway
- Nitrogen cycling following The Great Oxidation Event, evidence from the Paleoproterozoic of Fennoscandia.
- Numerical modeling of subduction, accretion, and collision of island arc crust onto continental crust
- The Caledonian Bindal Batholith: episodic Ordovician-Silurian arc magmatism in nascent arc crust
- The Changing Arctic and Subarctic Environment (CASE): a european network on marine biotic indicators of recent climate changes in the Nordic seas and adjacent domains
- Upper crustal structure of the Southern Scandinavian mountains
- Use of GOCE gravity gradient data for lithospheric modeling - A case study for the NE Atlantic margin
- 3D Numerical Models of Slab-Mantle Interactions: Implications for Eurasia Philippine Sea Arc-Continent Collision
- A Detailed View of Rockslide Deformation Patterns in Northern Norway Using Both Ascending and Descending High-Resolution TerraSAR-X Satellite InSAR Data
- An Analysis of Wilson Cycle Plate Margins
- Does active gas seepage and dormant pockmarks indicate multiple episodes of focussed fluid escape along the SW Barents Sea?
- Extensive InSAR observations of the Jettan rockslide in northern Norway, using Radarsat-2, TerraSAR-X, and corner reflectors
- From Directions to Pole Position, Overestimation of Precision and Error Propagation in Palaeomagnetism
- How does unusually strong crust influence stress build-up and release on faults? Lessons from the Canterbury earthquake sequence, New Zealand
- Identification of contrasting seasonal sea ice conditions during the Younger Dryas
- Magnetic properties and anomalies related to eclogite- and high-pressure granulite-facies mafic rocks: What do they tell about magnetization of deep-crustal lithosphere?
- Multi-disciplinary investigation into the role of regional event beds in near-shore landslides
- Northward advection of Atlantic Water along the eastern margin of the Nordic Seas during the late Holocene : A mixed layer view
- The hazard and risk classification for large unstable rock slopes in Norway
- Using GPS to Mitigate Atmospheric Stratification in Corner Reflector InSAR, Examples From 6 Years of Observations
- a Billion Years of Steady-State Crustal Growth; the 1.9-0.9 GA Evolution of SW Fennoscandia
- Analyses of past and present rock slope instabilities in a fjord valley: Implications for hazard estimations of large rock slope failures
- Crystal accumulation and compositional trends in a calc-alkaline batholith: implications for correlation of plutonic and volcanic rocks
- Detrital zircon U-Pb analysis of the Neoproterozoic, Timanian, passive-margin successions in North Norway and significance for Arctic reconstructions
- Field and Geochronological Evidence of Partial Melting, Melt Mobilisation and - in a 2.7 GA Metatexite-Diatexite Complex in Troms, Northern Norway
- Fluid Budgets Along the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand: the Effect of a Subducting Seamount on Fluid Pressure
- Geochronology and assembly model of the Wooley Creek batholith, Klamath Mountains, northern California: A potential equivalent for magma reservoirs below cordilleran volcanoes
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in the static gravity field of Fennoscandia
- Holocene to contemporary denudational processes and relief development in the mountainous fjord landscapes in western Norway
- Major structural features of the northern North Sea and adjacent areas of the continent according to lithosphere-scale 3D density and thermal modelling
- Remanent and Induced Magnetic Anomalies over the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion: Effects from Crystal Fractionation and Magma Recharge
- Subsidence analysis of the South Atlantic passive margins
- Using portable impact sensors for analyzing fluvial bedload transport in steep mountain streams
- 2D Numerical Simulations of Outer Rise Faulting in the Tonga Subduction System
- Basement Fracturing and Weathering On- and Offshore Norway - Genesis, Age, and Landscape Development
- Climatic Instability and Regional Glacial Advances in the Late Ediacaran
- Conjugate volcanic rifted margins, spreading and micro-continent: Lessons from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
- Constraints on the timing and duration of methane derived authigenic carbonate formation in the North Sea and the Barents Sea from U-Th dating
- Earthquakes, Subaerial and Submarine Landslides, Tsunamis and Volcanoes in Aysén Fjord, Chile
- Forward Modeling of the Fennoscandian Lithospheric Field Using Spherical Prisms
- Geophysical Signatures of Adjoining Lithospheric Domains
- In Situ Assimilation Tracked By Trace Element Variation in Augite: Sausfjellet Pluton, North-Central Norway
- Large slope failures in the La Paz basin, Bolivian Andes
- Meta-Stable Magnetic Domain States That Prevent Reliable Absolute Palaeointensity Experiments Revealed By Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Near-surface structure of the Central Scandinavian Caledonides in northern Trøndelag, Norway, from correlation of seismic and MT profiles using gravity and magnetic data
- North Atlantic Oscillation Dynamics Recorded in Central Norwegian Fjord Sediments During the Past 2800 Years
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- Thermal data from recently drilled boreholes near Bergen, Stavanger and Moss, southern Norway
- A 4D Analogue Modeling Study Assessing the Effects of Transtension and Inherited Structures on Rift Interaction
- A global geomagnetic model based on historical and paleomagnetic data
- Causes for the Onset and Stability of Flat Slabs and Associated Overriding Plate Deformation Inferred from Numerical Thermo-Mechanical Models
- Cold seep carbonates along the Norwegian margin, insights into U-Th geochronology and S geochemistry
- Constraints on the Dynamics of Seabed Pockmarks: an Integrated Sedimentological, Biostratigraphic, Geophysical, Oceanographic and Experimental Approach
- How Mountains Become Rifts
- Magnetism at Depth: A view from an ancient continental collision zone
- Mechanical Stability of Stratified Sediments along the upper continental Slope off Vesterålen, northern Norway - Insights from <em>in situ</em> CPTU Tests
- Micromagnetic Tomography in Practice
- Non-linear sampling of Preisach distributions: A method to examine strong remanence carriers with coexisting MD magnetite
- Plate interface strength and the flexural rigidity of subducting oceanic plates
- Slowly ascending magmas in long-lived accretionary orogens: unraveling temporal variations in the Cordilleran-style Sveconorwegian Orogeny
- The effects of extensional inheritance on transtensional deformation patterns
- February 2011 sensitive clay landslides in eastern Turkey
- First steps towards a fast slip rate along the Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone in Chilean Patagonia
- Magnetic, Chemical and Mössbauer Tracking of the Solid Solution of Fe and Exsolution of Magnetite in Plagioclase of the 2.05 Ga Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- Mantle melting and melt extraction processes in the upper part of the ophiolitic mantle section of the Caledonian Feragen-Raudhammeren ophiolite complex, Central Norway.
- Operational exploitation of the Sentinel-1 mission: implications for geoscience
- Quaternary evolution of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet from 3D seismic data
- Quaternary evolution of the northern North Sea margin
- Structural features of the Lofoten-Vesterålen segment of the Mid-Norwegian continental margin based on 3D density modeling
- The Effect of Microstructures in Magnetite on Remanent Magnetic Anomalies: Implications for Geophysical Exploration of Natural Resources
- The Hunting of the `Psark' - 40 Years On
- A 2.7 Myr record of sedimentary processes on a high-latitude continental slope: 3D seismic evidence from the mid-Norwegian margin
- A New Paradigm for New Oceans
- Basement inheritance and salt tectonics in the SE Barents Sea: Insights from new potential field data
- Crustal Structure of the Northeast Greenland Shelf from Regional 3D Gravity Modeling on the Basis of Sparse Seismic Data
- Determining Individual Grains' Magnetic Moments by Micromagnetic Tomography
- Experiences from using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and Synthetic Aperture Sonar for Sediment and Habitat Mapping
- Investigating palaeo-subglacial lakes in the central Barents Sea
- Isolating magnetic moments from individual grains within a magnetic assemblage
- Landslide and Tsunami in Karrat Fjord, Greenland, 2017; the Event, the Response and the Future
- MAREANO: The national seafloor mapping programme of Norway - providing new knowledge for making informed management decisions
- Marine redox structure at the culmination of the Great Oxidation Event: Insights from the Zaonega Formation, Karelia, Russia
- Micromagnetic Modeling: a Tool for Studying Remanence in Magnetite
- National Seabed Mapping Programmes Collaborate to Advance Marine Geomorphological Mapping in Adjoining European Seas
- The T-Reflection and the deep crustal structure of the Vøring Margin offshore Mid-Norway
- Thermoremanent magnetization in pseudo-single domain grains
- Towards a fully self-consistent inversion combining historical and paleomagnetic data for geomagnetic field reconstructions
- Fennoscandian Ice Sheet dynamics through the Quaternary: extensive 3D seismic evidence of buried glacial landforms on the mid-Norwegian continental shelf
- From Scan to Specimen: Using Scanning Magnetic Microscopy to Describe Whole-Rock Properties
- Integrated stress modelling and seismic investigation of near-surface fluid migration offshore Svalbard
- Iron Released by Ash Alteration in Sediments of the Hikurangi Margin Potentially Consumes Methane beneath the Sulfate-Methane Transition
- Is intraplate seismicity in Norway related to elevated atmospheric precipitation rates and low-velocity upper mantle?
- Mapping Remanent and Induced Magnetic Sources from the Km to Micron-scale
- Methane-driven microbial community succession in Arctic seafloor gas hydrate mounds
- Neotectonic Fault Reactivation and Landscape Rejuvenation on Norway's Post-glacial Rifted Margin
- Operational Use of InSAR Corner Reflectors (CR) for Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment in Norway Using Sentinel-1 and Radarsat-2
- Permafrost as an important factor for valley formation in glaciated regions.
- Retreat dynamics of marine-based ice sheets: perspectives from diverse high-latitude continental margins
- The Last Gasp of the Rogaland Igneous Province, Norway: A Paleopole for the 920 Ma Tellnes Intrusion
- The Norwegian Seabed Mapping Programme MAREANO - Providing New Knowledge for Ecosystem-based Management and Industry
- The Role of Atomic-scale Properties on Magnetic Anomalies on Local, Regional and Satellite Scales
- Using Drainage Area Power-Law Relationships to Remotely Test for River Capture
- Analysis of the Magmatic - Hydrothermal volcanic field of Tacora Volcano, northern Chile, using Travel Time Tomography
- Crustal fragmentation, magmatism, and the diachronous opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
- Detachment tectonics at Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N
- From mapping to monitoring - InSAR monitoring of the wider Seattle area
- How microstructures control remanent magnetization: Micromagnetic models and bulk measurements of exsolved magnetite in basalts of the Stardalur volcano, Iceland
- Micromagnetic Tomography applied to natural samples: first steps towards deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic data from subsets of magnetic grains in lavas
- Micromagnetic Tomography: determining the optimal sample dimensions
- Multi-Geometry Sentinel-1 InSAR for Characterizing Ground Deformation in Norway
- On scaling InSAR to a planetary scale - the final frontier
- Paleomagnetism, geology and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology of Proterozoic rocks from the Sveconorwegian Orogen, SW Norway: Revisiting Baltica in Rodinia context.
- Radiogenic trigger for rifting and break-up of the continental lithosphere
- Rethinking workflows: A fully dynamic InSAR processing system for ground motion monitoring
- The Greenland-Iceland Ridge is Continental
- The Magnetic Signature of Oceanic Core Complexes
- The Norwegian National Ground Motion Service ( Service Evolution
- Deep-sea electric and magnetic data: the winning combination for hydrothermal exploration
- Frictional and Fracture Energy Estimation for the Intraplate Seismicity Recorded in Southern Norway During the Period 2000-2019
- Improved rockfall susceptibility maps - examples from Switzerland and Norway
- Magnetic Dating of Volcanic Edifices near Futuna Island (Lau Basin, SW Pacific Ocean): A Wide Volcanic Zone as Platelet Boundary
- Mapping the hazard and potential consequences for unstable rock slopes in Norway: overview after 15 years of systematic
- Os and Nd isotope constraints on Paleoproterozoic global events as recorded in sediments from Russian Fennoscandia
- Simulation of Temperature Increases due to Underground Motion: a Numerical Model Approximation
- Thermal State of Lithosphere and New Temperature Measurements at Knipovich Ridge and NW Barents Sea Margin
- Towards a national susceptibility map for rock avalanches for Norway
- Tunnel Valley Infill and Genesis: Insights from High-Resolution 3D Seismic Data and Numerical Modelling of Subglacial Water Flow in the North Sea
- 3D evolution of necking domains: insights from the Frya and Gossa Highs, Mid-Norwegian margin
- A New Proposal for a Mining Induced Seismicity Indicator Using Earthquake Frictional Energy
- Can We Recognize Tectonic Geomorphology from the Late Paleozoic? A Study of Three Half-Grabens Onshore the Northeast Atlantic Margin
- Channelised meltwater drainage beneath deglaciating ice sheets
- Combined soils and in situ 14C approach to evaluate erosion of non-lithified landforms
- Constraining Paleoproterozoic glaciation in Fennoscandia: New Re-Os ages and chemostratigraphy from FAR-DEEP
- From orogeny to rifting: when and how does rifting begin? Insights from the Norwegian reactivation phase.
- Icelandia
- Micromagnetic modelling and multipole expansions from Micromagnetic Tomography
- Multifractal time evolution for intraplate earthquakes recorded in southern Norway during the period 2000-2020
- Paleomagnetism and U-Pb Geochronology of Proterozoic Mafic Dykes in SW Greenland
- Rock Slope Deformation Characterization and Rock Slope Failure Hazard Analysis in Norway
- Rock slope failures along the trans-Himalaya highway between Gangtok and Yumthang (Sikkim, India)
- Seismic declustering and seismic events pattern recognition in Norway: Preliminary results using the Wolfram Mathematica machine learning tools.
- Stuoragurra Fault: a Review and Update of the Historical Seismicity Catalog
- Subglacial meltwater channel formation beneath deglaciating ice sheets
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- The Seismic Reflection Moho in Continental Rifted Margins: Insights from the Mid-Norwegian Continental Shelf
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alan D. Rooney
- Ann M. Bauer
- Clara L. Blättler
- David Cortés‐Ortuño
- Eric Kirby
- Felix Halpaap
- James D. Kirkham
- John C. Gosse
- Julie Linnéa Sehested Gresseth
- Lennart de Groot
- Linda Cecilia Haaland
- Mads Huuse
- Nathaniel A. Lifton
- Reginald L. Hermanns
- Robert D Larter
- Roger Bryant
- Stéphanie C. Werner
- T. H. Torsvik