Centre d'Etude des Environnements Terrestre et Planetaires, Velizy
flowchart I[Centre d'Etude des Environnements Terrestre et Planetaires, Velizy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (161)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 2-D MHD turbulence in the vicinity of the plasmapause?
- Alfvén wave dissipation on density gradients: a parametric study
- An Attemps to Find the Source Extension of EM Waves with the Four Cluster Satellites
- An Overview of Galileo Plasma Wave Observations During the I31 and I32 Flybys of Io
- An Overview of Results from the Cluster Wideband Plasma Wave Investigation
- Cluster Observations of Electron Structures Across the High-Latitude Magnetopause and the Boundary Layers
- Cluster Observations of the Dynamic High-Altitude Cusp
- Cluster and the K-filtering Technique: Results From the STAFF Experiment
- Detailed Cusp Study for Northward IMF and Quiet Conditions
- Electric Field Investigations by Cluster
- Electron Acceleration by Plasma Waves in the Io Flux Tube
- Experimental Characterizationof the Magnetic Flucuations in the Magnetosheath: Cluster-Staff data and K-Filtering Method.
- First Results of the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations Experiment (STAFF) of Cluster
- Influence of IMF Rotation on the Magnetic Field Depression in the Magnetosheath: A Kinetic View
- Interferences in Electric Field Spectrograms of WHISPER induced by the Electron Drift Instrument on Cluster
- Magnetic Fluctuations in the Magnetosheath: Weak Turbulence Theory.
- Magnetic Structure of a Flux Transfer Event: What can we Learn Frm Cluster Multipoin Measurements.
- Magnetic Turbulence in the Magnetosheath From a few Hours to 2 10<SUP>-4</SUP> Seconds
- Multipoint Observations of Magnetospheric Plasma Emissions by the Whisper Instrument on Cluster
- Multipoint Plasma Density Measurements from Cluster Wave and Particle Instruments
- Multipoint and Multi-instrument Study of a Flux Transfer Event Crossing: Preliminary Results.
- Occurrence Distributions of the Polarization Modes of the Auroral Kilometric Radiation
- Particle injection though reconnection in the dayside magnetopause
- Plasma waves observed during plasmapause crossings
- Reconnection by turbulence
- Spatio-Temporal Variability and Propagation of Equatorial Emissions Below the Local Lower Hybrid Frequency
- Analysis of Field Components Through SLAMS During Self-Reformation of Quasi-Parallel Shocks
- Bifurcation, symmetry-breaking, and dissipative structures of magnetosphere with southward IMF in a 3D particle simulation
- CLUSTER Observation of the Dynamics of Ionospheric O+ and H+ Ions in the Mid-Tail
- Cluster Observations of the Magnetopause at Ion and Electron Scales
- Cluster Observations of the appearance of a double cusp
- Cyclic and Sub-Cyclic Self-Reformation of Quasi-Parallel Shocks in PIC Simulations
- Dayside High Latitude Auroral Particle Acceleration Observed by the Cluster Satellites
- Downshifted waves in electron foreshock region: Cluster observations and interpretation
- Fine structure of storm-time chorus
- Full Particle Simulation of Slow Wavesfull Particle Simulation of Slow Waves
- High Mach Number Nonstationary Shocks: Heating and Acceleration of Electrons
- Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Plasmasheet, Effects on the Ion Distributions and the Plasma Dynamics.
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Whistler Waves Close to the Magnetopause
- Multi-point electric field observations in the high- and mid-altitude cusp
- Nonlinear Particle Transport at the Magnetopause and LLBL
- Relation between Field Aligned Currents, Electrons and ULF Waves
- Signatures of Local Distributions Functions Through SLAMS
- Simultaneous Observation of Chorus Waves Going Back and Forth in the Magnetosphere by the CLUSTER Satellites
- Small Scale Magnetopause - Cluster Interferometric Measurements
- Super-Adiabatic and Sub-Adiabatic Electron Heating Through a Quasiperpendicular Supercritical Shock
- A Comparison of Wave Mode Identification Techniques.
- A Comprehensive Approach in Understanding the Martian Geoelectrical and Geomagnetic Context for the Interpretation of Futur Radar Sounding Data.
- A microscopic and nanoscopic view of storm-time chorus
- A muti-instrument study of polar cap outflowing plasma
- Bifurcated Thin Current Sheets in the Magnetotail: Comparison of Model and Spacecraft Observations
- Bifurcated current sheet : Model, CLUSTER observations and analysis of MHD wave propagation
- Cluster Observations of Electromagnetic Waves in the Vicinity of a Reconnection X-Line at the High-Latitude Magnetopause
- Combined Sounding Rocket and SuperDarn/EISCAT Radar Observations of Plasma Convection, Shear, Irregularities and other Phenomena in the Cusp and Boundary Layer during IMF Bz Negative and By Negative Conditions
- Magnetic Fluctuations in the Magnetosheath: Cluster Data and the K-Filtering Method
- Main Characteristics of the VLF Magnetic Field Waves Recorded by the Search Coil Magnetometer Experiment Onboard the CUSP Sounding Rocket
- Over-cooled and Over-heated Electrons Through a Perpendicular Collisionless Shock : Theory Versus Simulations
- Particle entry through sash in the magnetopause with a dawndard IMF as simulated by a 3-D EM particle code
- Plasma Weak Turbulence Theory: From Bi-fluid To Hall-MHD, Hamiltonian Canonical Formulations
- Radio and Plasma Wave Science Opportunities Afforded by the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
- Systematic analysis of whistler-mode emissions below the lower hybrid frequency based on the data of the Cluster project.
- Alfven Vortex Filament-Like Structures Observed by Cluster Downstream the Bow-Shock
- An Overview of Cassini Radio, Plasma Wave, and Langmuir Probe Observations in the Vicinity of Saturn
- Analysis of Plasmaspheric Plumes: CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations and Numerical Simulations
- Average properties of wave emissions below 4 kHz in the inner magnetosphere based on the data of the STAFF-SA instruments on board the Cluster spacecraft.
- CLUSTER-II Observations of Mid-altitude Polar Cleft Turbulence
- Earth Applications Group in the EGEE Europan Project : First experiments and objectives
- Electron Cyclotron Microinstability in the Foot of a Perpendicular Shock: a Self-consistent PIC Simulation
- Electron Dynamics Associated With Ion Beam Acceleration Above the Polar Cap
- Ion Acceleration in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layers
- Ionospheric Ion Beam Accelerations Above the Polar Cap
- Magnetic Reconnection for Southward and Northward IMF- Coordinate Observations by TC1 and Cluster on Feb.13, 2004
- Multi-point observations of density structures in the polar cap
- Narrowband Emissions within Saturn's Density Torus
- Observation of Flux Modulations in SKR and Low Frequency Waves, Relations with Other Measurements and Possible Implications on the Magnetospheric Activity.
- Particle entry through "Sash" groove simulated by Global 3D Electromagnetic Particle code with duskward IMF By
- Tests of substorm scenarios, based on multipoint measurements.
- The Magnetic Reconnection Diffusion Region from Four-Spacecraft Observations
- Time-dependent Dispersive Whistlers Close to the Magnetopause
- Acceleration and injection of particles inside the magnetosphere changes during duskward IMF By: statistical approach
- An Estimation Of The Geoelectric Features Of Planetary Shallow Subsurfaces With TAPIR Antennae
- Analysis of the RANETA Imaging GPR data collected on the Antarctic Continent and Comparison with Simulated Data
- Anisotropic Spatial Turbulent Spectra in the Magnetosheath: Cluster Results
- Bifurcation of 3D Vector Field Topology in Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Closure of Fluid Equations in Collisionless Magnetoplasmas
- Cluster Cusp Crossing on 18 April 2002
- Cluster Spacecraft Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Separatrix Regions at the Earth's Dayside Magnetopause.
- Consequences of Ion Shell Instabilities in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Global Hybrid Simulations of the Corotating Plasma Interaction with the Neutral Environment of Titan (configuration of the TA flyby of Titan by Cassini)
- Io-Jupiter Interaction, Millisecond Bursts and Field Aligned Potentials.
- Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause Observed by the Four Cluster Spacecraft
- Microturbulence in the foot of a supercritical shock:evidence of electron cyclotron instability
- Multi-point Observations of the Waveform and Propagation of Lion Roars
- Multilayer structure of thin current sheets in the Earth's magnetotail: The role of ionospheric ions
- Statistical study of ELF/VLF emissions observed in the vicinity of earthquakes by the DEMETER spacecraft
- The FIELDS Instrumentation Package on MMS
- Turbulence in the high-altitude cusp: Cluster FGM and STAFF observations
- Wave-particle interactions in the source region of whistler-mode chorus
- What do we learn form the combined study of CLUSTER and DSP U/ELF waves at the magnetopause and in the tail?
- Alfven vortices: magnetosheath Cluster observations and compressible MHD simulations
- Average properties and variability of whistler-mode chorus emissions measured by the Cluster and Double Star spacecraft.
- Bistatic GPR Measurements in the Egyptian Western Desert - Measured and Simulated data
- Breakdown of adiabaticity for electron Maxwellian distribution through a stationary/nonstationary perpendicular supercritical shock.
- CLUSTER observations of ULF waves in the plasmasheet: relation with plasma flows and theoretical analysis
- Conductivity and electron density in Titan's atmosphere as deduced from Mutual Impedance measurements by the PWA-HASI instrument on HUYGENS
- Dynamics of the tail in 3D PIC simulation of the magnetosphere during IMF rotation from north to south
- Geoeffectiveness of Extreme Solar Winds
- Geophysical Investigations of Mars Analog Environments for Comparative Planetology and Spacecraft Instrument Prototype Testing
- Investigation of the plasma wake of Titan from RPWS-LP observations and hybrid simulations
- Plasma Waves Associated With Density Holes Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock
- Solar Wind Electron Densities Upstream of Saturn Determined from Langmuir Wave Observations by the Cassini RPWS Instrument
- Statistical study of seismo-electromagnetic effects observed by DEMETER
- WISDOM : an UHF GPR on the Exomars Mission
- Wide Band Search Coil Magnetometer : a new Instrument to Investigate Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Space.
- 3D PIC simulation of the magnetosphere during IMF rotation from north to south: signatures of substorm triggering in the magnetotail
- Bifurcation and hysteresis of the magnetospheric structure with a varying Southward IMF: golbal 3D full particle simulations
- Broadband electrons during storm-time substorm: Simultaneous FAST and Double Star observations
- Dayside Magnetospheric Electric Field Observations from the THEMIS Electric Field Instrument
- Evidence of quasi perpendicular shock front nonstationarity from CLUSTER data: comparative approach with numerical simulation results
- First THEMIS Results Concerning the Nature and the Role of the Electromagnetic Waves During Substorm Process Versus Radial Distance
- Investigation of space and ground low-frequency particle and field oscillations during the 23 March 2007 substorm
- Multi-scale and Multi-spacecraft Plasma Measurements in the Vicinity of an Quasi-periodic Magnetospheric Structures
- New observations of electromagnetic waves in the boundary-layer from THEMIS
- Observations of Electromagnetic Perturbations Shortly Before Earthquakes Onboard a Low-Orbiting Spacecraft
- Observations of Pulsating Auroral Kilometric Radiation and its Possible Stimulation by Pc1 Pulsations
- Plasma jets and FTE Dayside Generation for Northward IMF on 8 June 2007: THEMIS Observations
- Radiative Forcing at the Surface by Clouds, Aerosols, and Water Vapor Over Tropical Oceans
- Relation between electromagnetic waves and FTE's
- Small-Scale Properties of Traveling Compression Regions in the Near-Tail
- Spatial Structure of Plasmaspheric Plumes Observed by THEMIS
- Stationary diffusion process at the Earth magnetopause
- THEMIS observations of a Hot Flow Anomaly at the Earth's bow shock and its impact on the magnetosphere
- THEMIS overview, first results and near future
- Database of measurements of magnetosonic equatorial noise emissions from measurements of the CLUSTER spacecraft
- Electron Cyclotron Waves in the Foot of a Supercritical Shock: Parametric Analysis
- Evaluation of Whistler-Mode Chorus Intensification on the Nightside During an Injection Event Observed on the THEMIS Spacecraft
- Evidence of the self-reformation of the quasi-perpendicular terrestrial shock front from CLUSTER data
- Hybrid simulations of magnetic reconnection in asymmetric current sheets : the problem of the initial kinetic equilibrium
- Hysteresis of the terrestrial magnetosphere as the southward IMF varies : a 3D PIC global simulation analysis
- In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Associated Energetic Particle Acceleration in Near-Earth Space
- Lion roar emissions observed by the CLUSTER and THEMIS spacecraft
- Long Term Behavior of the Impedance Tensor at Nagycenk Geophysical Observatory and its Statistical Relation to Magnetospheric Processes and Solar Wind Parameters
- Magnetic Island Formation Between Large-Scale Flow Vortices at an Undulating Post- noon Magnetopause for Northward IMF
- Magnetospherically Reflected Chorus Waves Captured by THEMIS
- Measurement of Phase Coherence in Space Turbulence
- Mirror-Mode Instability versus L-Mode Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Instability: Comparison of 2-D and 3-D Simulations
- Multi-scale Analysis of Radar Reflectivity Maps
- Nonstationarity of two-dimensional supercrititical perpendicular shocks: evidence of competing mechanims
- Observations of 3-D Reconnection and Dynamics of Electron Scale Thin Current Sheets with Small Satellite Separation
- Observations of oblique propagation of whistler mode chorus
- Plasmoids for multiple-onset substorms observed by the Japanese lunar mission Kaguya
- Remote Sensing of TLEs by Satellite ELF/VLF Wave Measurements
- Shock front non-stationarity and ion acceleration in supercritical perpendicular shocks
- Simulated Solar Wind and Kronian Plasma Interactions With Mars and Titan Neutral Environments
- THEMIS Observations of Electrostatic Waves in Context with Ion Foreshock Plasma Structures
- The Microphysics of the Dipolarization/Jet Braking Region in the Near-Earth Magnetotail: Cluster Multi-Point Observations
- The Vector Electric Field Investigation on the C/NOFS Satellite
- Model of electromagnetic signals of Electron phase-space Holes observed by THEMIS
- THEMIS Observations of A Series of Hot Flow Anomaly Events
- THEMIS Observations of Double Layers in Plasma Sheet
- Quasi-periodic emissions observed by Cluster and DEMETER spacecraft