CETP, Observatoire de Saint Maur
flowchart I[CETP, Observatoire de Saint Maur] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (68)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Statistical Study of Polar Wind Pitch Angle Distributions
- Ability of the CLUSTER/WHISPER Relaxation Sounder to Achieve Thermal Plasma Diagnosis
- Modeling of the Martian Ionosphere Using the Total Electron Content Measurement by the NEIGE/NETLANDER Experiment
- Outer Plasmaspheric Structures, Topology and Dynamics: Views From the Whisper Instrument on Cluster
- Results From the Whisper Instrument During its First Year on the Cluster Mission
- Accelerated Plasma Flows in the Cusp Boundary Layer: A CLUSTER-FAST-Ground Conjunction Stud
- Electron Plasma Waves Oberved in the Earth's Foreshock by the CLUSTER/WHISPER Experiment
- A Joint Inversion Method of Electromagnetic,ÿGeodetic and Seismological Data for the Study of Planetary Interiors
- Continuum Radiations Characteristics close and far from Sources: Directivity Observations from the four CLUSTER spacecraft
- Determination of the Short- and Long-Range Parallel Potential in the Downward Auroral-Current Region From FAST Satellite Data and Theory
- Magnetospheric Cusp Observed by Cluster on 18 April 2002
- Plasma sheet formation from solar and ionospheric sources
- Radiations at Twice the Plasma Frequency Detected Upstream of the Earth's Shock by the CLUSTER/WHISPER Sounder
- Unusual bow shock crossing events at Jupiter
- Widespread Electrostatic ion Cyclotron/ ion Acoustic Turbulence Above Auroral Acceleration Region; CLUSTER Observations
- A Network Induction Study Using Magnetometer Data
- CLUSTER-II Observations of Mid-altitude Polar Cleft Turbulence
- Cluster Observations of Cusp Population by Solar Wind Compression
- Differential charging of electrodes on moving balloon gondolas and DC electric field estimation by the Huygens Probe in Titan's atmosphere.
- Initial Cassini Plasma Observations at Saturn
- Interhemispheric Study of SuperDARN HF Radar Echoes : Occurrence, Line of Sight Velocity and Spectral Width of Near Range Echoes Observed With the Hankasalmi and Kerguelen Radars
- Ionospheric Signatures of Plasma Injections in the Cusp Triggered by Solar Wind Pressure Pulses
- Ionospheric and Solar Plasmas in Geospace Storms
- Magnetotail thin currents sheet equilibrium: Influence of electron pressure anisotropy
- Panoramic imaging mass-spectrometer for planetary studies
- Parallel Electric Fields and Double Layers in Downward Auroral-Current Regions from Theory and Satellite Data
- Plasma Measurements in Titan's Ionosphere: Initial Cassini/CAPS Results
- Preliminary Interpretation of Titan Plasma Interaction as Observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer: Comparisons With Voyager 1
- Survey of oxygen ions and mass density in the dayside near-magnetopause region
- A Model of the Ionospheric System of Saturn's Main Rings
- An Estimation Of The Geoelectric Features Of Planetary Shallow Subsurfaces With TAPIR Antennae
- Analysis of the RANETA Imaging GPR data collected on the Antarctic Continent and Comparison with Simulated Data
- Indirect evidence for a neutral hydrogen cloud around Titan
- Inner Belt Energy Structuring by VLF Emitters
- Magnetic Field Measurements As A Tool For Planetary Exploration
- Measurement of the Electronic and Ionic Conductivities With a Relaxation Probe in the Atmosphere of Titan
- Morphology of Langmuir wave active sites in the Earth's foreshock observed from the four points CLUSTER constellation : analysis of a case event at small separation
- Neutral Exosphere Densities and Structures at Titan Inferred from Pickup Ions Observed by CAPS
- On the Closure Relations for Multimoment Fluid Models of the Long-Range Potential in Downward Auroral Current Regions
- Plasma Composition Near Enceladus
- Preliminary Analysis of the Extremely Low Frequency Signals Detected With the PWA-HASI Instrument During the Descent of the Huygens Probe Through the Atmosphere of Titan
- Solar Wind Driven Auroral Wind, with Global Consequences
- The Influence Of Substorm-Induced Electric Fields On The Build-up Of Particle Radiation During Geospace Magnetic Storms
- Thermal Plasma Measurements in the Earth's Plasmasphere by the Mutual Impedance Probe Onboard the Rosetta Spacecraft
- Direct in Situ Measurements of Current Density Variations in the Ionosphere by Using the Current Density Probe Rogowski Coil Onboard Sych 1M Satellite
- Imaging the Antarctic Ice Sheet Subsurface with the HF GPR TAPIR
- Periodic Substorms, Sawtooth Oscillations And Their Contribution To The Ring Current.
- Plasma Density and Magnetic Field Strength Measured in the Earth's Plasmasphere by the Mutual Impedance Probe Onboard the Rosetta Spacecraft
- Satellite observations of Magnetospheric Line Radiation
- Data Management for the IHY-in-Africa Space Weather Program
- Global Circulation and Impact of Plasmaspheric Plumes
- Multiple Large Scale Energy Bands Inside the low Altitude Radiation Belts Caused by Human and Natural Waves
- PWA-HASI Measurements of Titan Surface Permittivity at Huygens Landing Point
- Radiation belt electron precipitation into the atmosphere: recovery from a geomagnetic storm
- DEMETER Observations of Equatorial Plasma Depletions and Related Ionospheric Phenomena
- HAARP-Induced Artificial Ionospheric Ducts
- How Ionospheric Ions Populate the Magnetosphere During a Magnetic Storm
- Initial Results from the Vector Electric Field Investigation on the C/NOFS Satellite
- Resonnant Drift Interaction Between Radiation Belt Electrons and ULF Waves of high Azimuthal Order
- Simulating the Fate of an Ionospheric Mass Ejection
- Statistical trajectory tracings of sodium ions with a new MHD model of Mercury's magnetosphere
- Surface and Near Surface Dynamics on Phobos
- The Schumann Resonance: A Tool For Exploring The Atmospheric Environment And The Subsurface Of The Planets And Their Satellites
- Rhea’s interaction with Saturn’s magnetosphere: Evidence for a plasma source
- Solar Wind Ablation of Terrestrial Planet Atmospheres (Invited)
- Possible Detection of Water in the Exosphere of (21) Lutetia
- Satellite and ground based observations of a large-scale electron precipitation event
- Formation of dipolarization fronts inside reconnection diffusion region