European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, Luxembourg
flowchart I[European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, Luxembourg] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (47)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Monitoring Fogo Island, Cape Verde Archipelago, for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation
- The GGFC Special Bureau for Loading: Scientific issues to solve and current status
- Applying Surface Load Models to GPS Coordinates: the Effects of Mass Conservation and Gravitational Consistency
- Effect of Mapping Function Errors on Estimates of Surface Mass Changes
- Seasonal Variation in the Spatial Distribution of Surface mass Estimated Using GPS.
- Can Continental and Ocean Water Mass Variability from Satellite Gravimetery be Used to Correct for the Loading Signal in Geodetic Time Series?
- Choice of Basis Functions for the Representation of Seasonal Surface Loading Signals in Geodetic Time Series
- Combining geodetic techniques to understand the seasonal effects affecting vertical positioning
- Estimating Geocenter motions from GPS measurements
- A Comparison of GRACE and GPS Annual Signals over Europe: Why don't they agree?
- Coastal Subsidence and Sea-level Rise in the Northern Adriatic
- Comparison of Tilt Data With Long Period Seismograms: Surface Waves and Earth Free Oscillations
- Geocenter Motions From Satellite Geodesy; A Unified Observation Model
- IERS Working Group on Prediction Plans and Activities
- Source properties, site amplification and seismic attenuation in Japan from spectral analysis of K-and KiK-net data
- A Source Scaling Comparison for Selected Japanese Earthquake Sequences
- Creep rate estimation along the Hayward fault using polarimetric SAR interferometry
- A study of geomorphological features and volcanic deformation in the Virunga Volcanic Province (Central Africa) from Tandem-X interferometry
- Ground Deformation Associated With Post-Mining Activity at the French-German Border Revealed by Multidimensional Time Series Analysis of SAR Data Acquired in Various Orbital Geometries
- Multidimensional Time Series Analysis Of Ground Deformation From Multiple InSAR Data Sets Applied To Virunga Volcanic Province
- InSAR study on the 2011 eruption at Nyamulagira volcano, D.R.C: lava flow emplacement and post-eruption ground deformation
- InSAR time series analysis for monitoring of natural and anthropogenic hazards with high temporal resolution (Invited)
- Kinematics of Rift-Parallel Deformation Along the Rukwa Rift, Western Branch, and Main Ethiopian Rift
- Multidimensional High Spatiotemporal Resolution InSAR Time Series Assist Interdisciplinary Space- And Ground-Based Monitoring To Reveal Pre-Eruptive Signals At Nyamulagira Volcano (North Kivu, D.R.C.)
- On the use of the chirplet atomic decomposition for characterizing and classifying bedload signals recorded with hydrophones
- Optimisation of a Seismic Network for Earthquake Early Warning - Case Study of the Niigata Region, Japan
- Source characteristics, regional attenuation and site influences on ground motion during the Canterbury earthquake sequence, New Zealand
- Stress drop variations and their relevance for ground motion prediction: case study of Japan
- Kinematics and Dynamics of the Kivu Rift System from Seismic Anisotropy, Seismicity, and Structural Analyses
- Numerical solution of an elastic and viscoelastic gravitational models by the finite element method
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Eruptive Activity in a Youthful Extensional Setting: the Case of the Nyamulagira Volcanic Field, Western Branch of the East African Rift
- Unified Methodology for Detecting Trend Changes and Outliers in Time Series: application to Ground Deformation in the Virunga Volcanic Province.
- Deep Magma Accumulation at Nyamulagira Volcano in 2011 Detected by GNSS Observations
- Deformation derived from GPS geodesy associated with Bárðabunga 2014 rifting event in Iceland
- Ground Motion Prediction Equations Empowered by Stress Drop Measurement
- Lava Lake Level Drop and Related Ground Subsidence in the Nyiragongo Main Crater (D.R.Congo) Measured by Close-Range Photogrammetry and InSAR Time-Series
- New insights into the potential of seismic measurements as bedload monitoring technique for a wide range of gravel-bed rivers
- On the Relation of Earthquake Stress Drop and Ground Motion Variability
- The Effects of Aseismic Ridge Collision on Upper Plate Deformation: Cocos Ridge Collision and Deformation of the Western Caribbean
- Forecasting volcanic explosions based on seismic quiescence
- InSAR Time Series to Characterize Landslide Ground Deformations in a Tropical Urban Environment: Focus on Bukavu, East African Rift System (RD Congo).
- Evaluating changes of the Bárdarbunga caldera using repeating earthquakes
- Moment and energy magnitudes: diversity of views on earthquake shaking potential and earthquake statistics
- Magma reservoir failure at open-vent volcanoes: lessons learned from Nyiragongo volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo
- MasTer: A Full Automatic Multi-Satellite InSAR Mass Processing Tool for Rapid Incremental 2D Ground Deformation Time Series
- On the origins of intracrateral eruption dynamics at Nyiragongo volcano in the period 2002-2021
- Propagation and arrest of the May 2021 lateral dike intrusion at Nyiragongo (D.R. Congo)