Washington State University, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Crustal Recycling in Accretionary Orogens: LA-ICP-MS Geochronology and Hf Isotope Evidence of Detrital Zircons in Late Paleozoic Turbidite Units of the Southern Central Andes
- Status of the Geostationary Spectrograph (GeoSpec) for Earth and Atmospheric Science Applications
- Response of a glaciated, steady-state critical wedge orogen to changes in climate
- A Link between Topography and Volcanism of the Oregon Cascade Range
- An Inter-comparison of Three Commercial Porometers
- Biofilm supported increase of chemical weathering and decrease of chemical denudation in pine growth experiments
- Comparison of Shock-Deformed Carbonate Samples to Unshocked Carbonate Samples Using X-ray Powder Diffraction
- Conflicting Hf and Nd isotopic records of the Early Earth--But what about Pb?
- Crystal Zoning in Deccan Giant Plagioclase Basalts: Implications for a Short Duration of Deccan Trap Eruption.
- Explosive Phonolitic Magmatism: Mixing and Crystallization in the Fasnia Member, Diego Hernandez Formation, Tenerife, Spain
- Far-Travelled High-Grade Ignimbrites or Widespread Generation of Low-d18O Magma? The Problem of the West Bennett Hills, Snake River Plain, ID
- Going After Nitrate: Utilizing Oxygen Isotopes to Identify Nitrogen Cycling Mechanisms in Soils
- How much 18O-depleted rhyolite in the Snake River Plain?
- Lu-Hf Geochronology of Garnet Tectonites From the Northern U.S Cordillera: Evidence for Protracted History of Deformation and Metamorphism Beginning in the Late Mesoproterozoic
- Mafic-Recharge Eruption Trigger for the Bandelier and Bishop Tuffs
- Making room for magma beneath the Jemez Mountains volcanic field: implications for chemical diversity and caldera formation
- Older Shallow Hydrothermal Activity Along the North Edge of the Yellowstone Caldera
- Petrologic evidence for thermal rejuvenation of crystal mush in the Bandelier Tuff
- Source of the Columbia-Snake-Yellowstone Melting Anomaly (COSYMA): geochemical evidence
- Sr Isotopic Variation of Plagioclase Crystals in Mount St. Helens, Southern Washington
- Strontium isotope ratio variations in plagioclase phenocrysts from the Imnaha basalt
- The Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Valles Caldera, New Mexico; a new volume, and evidence for vent site evolution during the eruption
- Towards an event stratigraphy for the youngest eruption products of the Valles caldera
- U-Pb dating of zircon by LA-ICP-MS--an update
- 21 Ma Eclogite From the Main Central Thrust Sheet, Eastern Nepal Himalaya
- An Assessment of the Total Uncertainly in Hf Isotope Analyses by LA-MC-ICPMS
- Crustal Recycling in Accretionary Orogens: LA-ICP-MS Geochronology and Hf Isotope Evidence of Detrital Zircons in Late Paleozoic Turbidite Units of the Southern Central Andes
- Distribution of Hydrothermal Mineral Assemblages in the Sevenmile Hole Area, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Evolution of a long-lived magmatic center in Idaho
- Field-Scale Distributed Wireless Network for Monitoring Dynamic Hydrologic Processes
- HREE Enrichment in Iron-rich Pyroxenes from Felsic Liquids
- Hafnium Isotope Composition of Archean Zircons from Xenoliths of the Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Integrated Nd, Hf and Pb View of Mantle Evolution
- Past, Current and Future Trajectories of Watershed Nutrient Sources, Forms and Exports: a Global NEWS Application to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Scenarios
- Pieces of Laurentia in East Antarctica
- Promise and Pitfalls of Lu/Hf-Sm/Nd Garnet Geochronology
- Sr Isotope Zoning in Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Giant Plagioclase Basalts: Mixing Processes in the Oldest Deccan Formations.
- The Lu-Hf isotopic composition of CHUR and BSE: Tighter constraints from unequilibrated chondrites
- The relationship between garnet growth and MSWDs in garnet Lu-Hf dating
- X-Ray Powder Diffraction as a Tool for the Identification of Impact Deformed Rocks
- A new Hypothesis for the Origin and Redistribution of Sulfates in the Equatorial Region of Western Mars
- A tidally-driven flushing process in a coastal bay
- Andesites/Dacites of the Oceanic Narcondam Volcano, Andaman Sea: Modification of Tholeiitic Arc Basalts by Crustal Contamination and Amphibole-Dominated Fractionation
- Archean Pb Isotope Evolution: Implications for the Early Earth.
- Comparison of Trace-Element Concentrations in Rhyolitic Glass From Laser Ablation and Solution Data: Effects of Microlites and Trace Phases.
- Contrasting Sr isotope ratios in plagioclase from different formations of the mid-Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group
- Coupled Hf-O isotopic perspective on 50 million years of magmatism in the Idaho batholith
- Cratons, the mantle, and time
- Evolution of Eastern Upper Basin Member Rhyolites, Yellowstone Caldera, WY
- Geochemical Constraints on the Evolution of the Woodlark Rift
- Geochemical Variation in Prehistoric and Historic Lavas, Sakura-jima, Japan
- Growth of a Large Composite Magma System: the EJB Pluton, Eastern California.
- How much warning before a supereruption? Studies of Ti-zoned quartz in the Bandelier Tuff
- Late Oligocene OIB-like lavas in northern Idaho
- Lu/Hf dating of garnet constrains timing of metamorphism and deformation, Prince Rupert Area, British Columbia
- New Constraints on the Extent of Paleoproterozoic and Archean Basement in the Northwest U.S. Cordillera
- Older Hydrothermal Activity along the Northern Yellowstone Caldera Margin at Sulphur Creek, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming
- Reappraisal of fluid and sediment contributions to Lesser Antilles magmas
- Recognition of Variants of A-type Rhyolite: a Comparison of the Snake River Plain and Trans-Pecos Texas Volcanic Provinces
- Source Components and Mass Transfer in the Aleutian Arc from Hf, Nd and Pb Isotopes
- The Use of Photo-projects and Term Projects in Large-Format (200+ Students) Introductory Geology Courses.
- Biology’s role in long-term CO2 sequestration: Questions raised by some process studies
- ID3506, a New/Old Lipari Obsidian Standard for Characterization of Natural Glasses and for Tephrochronology
- Lu-Hf dating of garnet from MCCs in the Woodlark Rift of southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Major Pb Loss in the Silicate Earth at ~ 4.52 Ga
- Scaling Underworld - building up from personal clusters to high performance centers
- Size and Scaling of small-scale instabilities beneath continental lithosphere
- Spatial autocorrelation of denitrification and associated soil properties in a restored and a natural floodplain
- Transitional time of oceanic to continental subduction in the Dabie orogen: Clues from the Triassic age for oceanic eclogites
- USC Undergraduate Team Research, Geological Field Experience and Outdoor Education in the Tuolumne Batholith and Kings Canyon, High Sierra Nevada
- Working on Opposite Sides of the World
- A new eruptive model for the 1.61 Ma eruption of the Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Above canopy OH and HO2 during PROPHET 2008 and CABINEX 2009: Measurement and theory
- Analysis of Fine-Scale Feldspar Zoning and Groundmass by FE-EMPA: An Example from the Jemez Mountains Volcanic Field, New Mexico
- Analysis of Glyoxal Gradient Measurements at CABINEX 2009
- Cratons' birth, quiescence, and demise over Earth's history
- Determining the potential contribution of hyporheic flow to nitrogen and phosphorus retention in streams in a northern California watershed
- Eruptive history and petrogenesis of the mid-Miocene McDermitt tuff, northern NV and southern OR
- Geology 201: Non-linear processes in geofluids or Why does the Earth look the way it does?
- Global snow cover: comparison of modeling results with satellite-derived snow cover maps
- Heat Flow Partitioning Between Continents and Oceans - from 2D to 3D
- Hydrogen peroxide and methylhydroperoxide variations in Houston urban air during May 2009
- Idor Idaho-Oregon Earthscope Project: Deformation and Modification of a Steep Continental Boundary
- Investigation of HOx radical chemistry under a forest canopy during CABINEX-2009
- Lava flows vs. surface water: the geologic battle for the upper McKenzie valley, central Oregon Cascades
- Modelling caldera collapse into a crystal mush, with application to the Bandelier Tuff, Valles caldera, New Mexico
- Monte Carlo simulation to characterize stormwater runoff uncertainty in a changing climate
- Petrogenesis of the Mount Taylor volcanic field and comparison to the Jemez Mountains volcanic field, New Mexico
- Piecing Together the Eastern Australian Margin in Gondwana: Origin of Metamorphic Rocks in the Woodlark Rift, SE Papua New Guinea
- Processes and timescales of magma evolution prior to the 1815 eruption of Tambora volcano, Sumbawa, Indonesia
- Propagation of Shallow Fresh Surface Plumes Over Vertically-Sheared Currents
- Seasonal Variation in Hydrology Driving Shifts in Sources of Nitrate in an Agricultural Dominant Semi-arid Watershed
- Strontium Isotopes and Magma Dynamics
- Total Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity Above and Below a Forest Canopy During CABINEX 2009
- Volatile Release from The Siberian Traps and the End-Permian Environment
- Widespread silicic volcanism from the Yellowstone hotspot: implications for `eruptive centres'
- Amphibole trace elements as indicators of magmatic processes at Mount St. Helens
- Evolution of the Depleted Mantle--Revisited
- Incorporating global climate change exercises into historical geology courses
- Isoprene Suppression of New Particle Formation in a Mixed Deciduous Forest
- Jurassic thrust burial in the Funeral Mountains of the Sevier retroarc: Linking P-T paths and Lu-Hf garnet geochronology
- Links between crustal melting, plate boundary forces, and syn-convergent exhumation in the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
- Lu-Hf garnet geochronology of the Salmon River Suture Zone, West-Central Idaho
- Manipulating Crop Density to Optimize Nitrogen and Water Use: An Application of Precision Agroecology
- New Insights on the Evolution of Magmas at Paricutin Volcano, Mexico
- Observations and Modeling of Glyoxal in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest Environment
- Plant-driven mineral weathering: Hydrochemical effects of nutrient limitation and rhizosphere microbiology
- Reactive Nitrogen in the United States: How Certain are We about Sources and Fluxes?
- Recoupling the Nd-Hf isotope record of the early Earth? Evidence from the Pilbara craton, Western Australia
- The effects of size, configuration and distribution of continents on the efficiency of heat transport
- The role of hydrologic variability in the delivery of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen to surface water
- Toward A New Method For Rapid Field Measurement of Aquatic Denitrification
- Using Model Comparisons to Understand Sources of Nitrogen Delivered to US Coastal Areas
- A simple petrogenetic model for the formation of Miocene Low-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O rhyolites of the Yellowstone Hotspot track, USA
- Characterization and mapping of the Browns Creek rhyolite: Western Snake River Plain, ID, USA
- Cooling of Ignimbrites Inferred from the Crystallinity and Geochemistry of Devitrification Products
- Delineating the P-T-t History of Blueschist Rocks in the Ruby Terrane, Alaska using <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar UV laser ablation and Lu-Hf
- Did the Kiruna iron ores form as a result of a metasomatic or igneous process? New U-Pb and Nd data for the iron oxide apatite ores and their host rocks in the Norrbotten region of northern Sweden
- Direct dating and characterization of the Pope's Hill REE Deposit, Labrador
- Gale: an open source modeling code for crust and lithosphere dynamics
- Lawsonite Lu-Hf geochronology from prograde and retrograde blueschist of the Franciscan Complex, California
- Mantle versus Crustal Contributions to the Cenozoic Sierra Madre Occidental Silicic LIP, Mexico: Insights from ɛHf and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in Zircon
- Mars - is it a habitable planet? - A biological approach to find answers to this question
- Megacrystic Clinopyroxene Basalts Sample A Deep Crustal Underplate To The Mount Taylor Volcanic Field, New Mexico
- Messing up the mush model? Single crystal constraints from the Miocene Jarbidge Rhyolite (USA)
- Mineral and Melt Inclusion Analysis of the AD 1886 Tarawera, New Zealand Basaltic Plinian Eruption
- New insights into the explosive history of the Yellowstone super-volcano from high-precision dating and mineral chemistry
- Nitrate transport and fluxes during storm-event discharge from a 12 ha tile-drained dryland agricultural field
- No significant production of continental crust prior to 3.8 Ga
- Partial melting and fractionation in the Mesa Chivato alkali basalt-trachyte series, Mount Taylor Volcanic Field, New Mexico
- Petrogenesis of the eruptive products at the mid-Miocene McDermitt caldera center, northern Nevada and southern Oregon
- Plant uptake of cations under nutrient limitation: An environmental tracer study using Ca/Sr and K/Rb ratios
- Recognizing subtle evidence for silicic magma derivation from petrochemically-similar arc crust: Isotopic and chemical evidence for the bimodal volcanic series of Gorely Volcanic Center, Kamchatka, Russia
- Seismic wave velocity of hydrate-bearing fine-grained sediments sampled from the Ulleung basin in East Sea, Korea
- Split-stream laser ablation microanalysis: U-Pb age and Lu-Hf isotopic composition of complexly zoned zircon crystals from the ancient zircon record
- Temperature Control on the Source of Slab Fluids: Constraints from Nd and Hf
- The McDermitt Caldera, NV-OR, USA: Geologic mapping, volcanology, mineralization, and high precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of early Yellowstone hotspot magmatism
- The spatiotemporal coupled measurement of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and N<SUB>2</SUB>O in a semi-arid agricultural stream and the importance of intra-stream studies
- Transport and deposition of pyroclasts from hot, dry eruptions and the sizes of high-grade ignimbrites
- Using Case Studies to Teach Interdisciplinary Water Resource Sustainability
- Using Linked Models to Study Interactions Between Water Use Decisions and Climate Change-Driven Watershed Processes in the Pacific Northwest Region
- Zirconia (NC) zircon as a potential standard
- Applying Lu-Hf garnet geochronology and inverse phase equilibria modeling to migmatites
- Archean, Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic Crust of Central East Antarctica: New Insights on Subglacial Geology from Proxy Geologic Materials
- Conflicting Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd ages in the garnet gneisses of the Central Appalachians, Eastern U.S.: Implications for the timing and duration of Grenville Orogeny and a case for using coupled Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology
- Crustal growth and modification by fringing arcs in the Northern Andes: insights from the Western Colombian Andes
- Dating Subduction Zone Metamorphism with Garnet and Lawsonite Geochronology
- Elucidating the construction of the Austurhorn Intrusion, SE Iceland, using zircon elemental and isotopic geochemistry and geochronology
- Geochemical Source Components in Seafloor Lavas in the Aleutian Back-Arc
- Hatch: Moving towards seamless database protocols for ecological data
- Hydrothermal alteration products and stable isotope ratios of the Sulfur Creek Tuff; a window into the subsurface environment of the Yellowstone caldera in Yellowstone National Park, WY
- Impacts of future changes on groundwater recharge and flow in highly-connected river-aquifer systems: A case study of the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer
- Linking mantle dynamics, plate tectonics and surface processes in the active plate boundary zones of eastern New Guinea (Invited)
- Petrogenesis of Challis Volcanic Group, east-central Idaho
- Re-evaluating the tephrochronology of the Palouse Loess, Washington State, using optically stimulated luminescence dating and single-shard major- and trace-element analyses
- Role of Subducted Basalt in the Genesis Island Arc Magmas: Evidence from Western Aleutian Seafloor Lavas
- The oxygen-hafnium isotope paradox in the early post Columbia River Basalt silicic volcanism: Evidence for complex batch assembly of upper crustal, lower crustal and low-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O silicic magmas
- U-Th and Os isotopes trace lower crustal interaction in magmas erupted during the build-up to the 7.7 ka climactic eruption of Mount Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon
- pXRF quantitative analysis of the Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff: Generating large, robust data sets to decipher trace element zonation in large silicic magma chambers
- Late Cretaceous ARC to MORB compositional switch in the Quebradagrande Complex, Colombian Andes: understanding the long term tectonic evolution of a magmatic arc.
- Late Jurassic Crustal Thickening in the Mesozoic Arc of Ecuador and Colombia: Implications on the Evolution of Continental Arcs.
- Reconstruction of Late Cretaceous Magmatic Arcs in the Northern Andes: Single Versus Multiple Arc Systems
- Tectonostratigraphic reconstruction Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary in the northwestern Andes: from extensional tectonics to arc accretion.
- Crustal shortening and structural architecture of the Interandean and Subandean zones of southern Bolivia (21°S): Constraints from a new balanced cross section
- Effects of the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum and the Eruption of the Columbia River Basalt on Paleo-sedimentation Processes in Clarkia Lake, Idaho: Evidence from Tephrochronology
- Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic Evolution of the Central Andean Foreland Basin System in the Eastern Cordillera to Subandean Zone, Southern Bolivia
- Monazite Growth from the Eocene to the Miocene: New Interpretations of the Metamorphic History of Greater Himalayan Rocks in the Eastern Himalaya
- Physical Volcanology and Geochemistry of the Brown's Creek Rhyolite Lava in the Western Snake River Plain, Idaho.
- Stable Isotope Variability of Altered Sanidine Feldspars within the Bear Lodge Alkaline Intrusive Complex, Wyoming: Implications for Mineral Exploration Near a Late-Stage Carbonatite Ore Body
- Variation in Volatile and Ore Metal Abundances Along the New Zealand Volcanic Arc as Recorded by Minerals and Melt Inclusions
- Early Cretaceous, syn-contractional deposition within the Sevier hinterland in central Nevada: preliminary insights from geologic mapping in the Diamond Mountains
- Experimental and natural partitioning behaviour of trace-elements between hydrous evolved melts, amphibole, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene at shallow crustal conditions
- Peak metamorphic temperatures across the Main Central thrust and through Greater Himalayan rocks in western Bhutan: preliminary insights from Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material thermometry
- The Grant Range in eastern Nevada: a `proto' core complex exhumed entirely by brittle, low-angle (≤15°) detachment faults
- Apatite Mineral Chemistry From IOA Deposits in Northern Chile
- The Application of the Complex Field of Geodesy to an Entrance Level College Course using Cognitive Learning Techniques.
- Applying quartz fabric intensity parameters to delineate strain gradients across shear zones: examples from the Main Central thrust in western Bhutan
- Cretaceous syntectonic sedimentation and folding in the Diamond Mountains, eastern Nevada: a record of out-of-sequence contractional deformation in the Sevier hinterland
- Hf isotope constraints on evolution of the depleted mantle and growth of continental crust
- Palustrine environments of the Early Cretaceous 'Nevadaplano' record warm and wet conditions
- Thrust belt response to rapid surface uplift and implications for Cordilleran cyclicity in the central Andes
- Assessing how mid-latitude North America responded to a warmed Cretaceous climate using stable single and clumped isotope geochemistry
- Seismic Velocity Structure and Ground Motion Amplification in the Seattle and Tacoma Sedimentary Basins
- Cumulate Melting and the Evolution of Igneous Rocks
- Distributed ductile thinning (DDT) during thrusting: an overlooked exhumation mechanism for mid-crustal rocks
- Geochemical Comparison of the Saddle Mountain Basalts, Oregon High Lava Plains Basalts, Western Snake River Plains Basalts, and the Main Phase of the Columbia River Basalt Group.
- Glasses in the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff: a record of how compositional zoning happens
- Into the Deep: Effects of Agricultural Management on Deep Soil Carbon Dioxide
- Mantle Source Lithologies for the Columbia River Flood Basalt Province
- Minecraft Geology Field Camp: Results from an inclusive and surprisingly realistic field camp experience during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Paleoaltimetry estimates suggest low surface elevations for the mid-Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation within the Sevier hinterland
- Quartz petrofabrics and RSCM thermometry constrain the P-T-t history of the UHP Tso Morari metamorphic complex, northern India: cool, shallow, and possibly slow
- Resilience of Headwater Systems and Headwater Dependent Systems: Characterization and Data Needs Across the Transect of the Americas
- Shortening episodes in the Sevier hinterland within the larger context of the Cordilleran retroarc thrust system: Insights from the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation in central Nevada
- The Magmatic and Metamorphic Record of the 3.5-3.3 Ga Mt. Edgar Complex, Pilbara Craton - Told by Coupled Hf and Nd Isotopes and Garnet Geochronology
- The Umatilla Member of the Columbia River Basalts: a chemically unusual flood basalt
- Untangling the Feedbacks of Soil Conservation Success: A Systems Investigation of Adoption, Targeting, and Efficacy.