University of New Mexico, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Condensed Volcanic Aerosols Collected Near-Source at Poas
- Helium-Carbon Relationships in Geothermal Fluids of Guatemala: Mapping the Subducted Sedimentary Component
- How Useful are K-feldspars in Ar/Ar Thermochronology? The Case of the Catalan Coastal Batholith (NE Spain)
- Impact of Moisture Content and Grain Size on Hydrocarbon Diffusion in Porous Media
- Influence of Seasonal Redox Variations on Mobility of Trace Metals in a Shallow Alluvial Aquifer, Jemez Mountains, NM
- Modelling and Predicting the North American Monsoon System: Status and Prospects
- Nitrogen-Helium-Argon and Nitrogen Isotope Relationships in Geothermal Fluids from the Central American Volcanic Arc: Mapping Subducted and Crustal Contributions to Volatile Output
- Paleomagnetic Data Bearing on Tectonic Rotations in Northern Indochina South of the Ailao Shan Shear Zone
- Paleomagnetic Data from Upper Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in the Central Walker Lane: Crustal-Scale Block Rotation and Transitional Field Directions
- Paleomagnetic Data from the Chugwater Group and Lower Jurassic Nugget Sandstone, Gros Ventre Range, Northwest Wyoming
- Paleomagnetic Results From the Mid-Tertiary Cripple Creek Diatreme Complex
- Paleomagnetic results from the Upper Unkar Group and overlying Nankoweap Formation from the Grand Canyon Supergroup (GCSG), Arizona: Implications for Laurentia's Neoproterozoic APWP
- Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Geochronology of Martian Meteorites: Disturbances Caused by Terrestrial Weathering
- Regular Cosmogenic Nuclide Dosing of Sediment Moving Down Desert Piedmonts
- Seismic Image of the Cheyenne Belt and Farwell Mountain Sutures in the Central Rocky Mountains: the CD-ROM project
- Shoreline and Lacustrine Records of Late Quaternary Climate Change in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico
- The Moho as a Dynamic Boundary: The Southern Rocky Mountain Region as an Example
- Trace Element Contents of Micas: Defining Signatures of Partial Melting Processes in the Crust
- Unusual Modern and Holocene Carbonate sedimentation in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- Use of Dialysis Multi-level Samplers to Examine Microbial Processes in a Shallow Alluvial Aquifer of the Rio Grande, New Mexico
- Volatile Chemistry and Fluxes Along the Costa Rican Segment of the Central American Volcanic Arc
- Ancient to Modern History of the Jemez Lineament of North Central New Mexico
- Deformation Along the Southeast Extension of the Lake Mead Fault System Evaluated with Paleomagnetic Data From Miocene Igneous Rocks, Hoover Dam area, Nevada and Arizona
- Eocene Adakites Associated With Initiation of Cascade Subduction, Puget Lowlands, WA
- Estimates of Late Pleistocene Runoff in Estancia Drainage Basin, Central New Mexico: Climate Assumptions vs. Model Results
- Exploring Gusev with MER A
- Helium and Carbon Systematics of the Sangihe Arc, Indonesia: Tracing Volatile Sources in an Arc-Arc Collision
- Holocene Forest Fire Records as Evidence of Millennial-Scale Climate Change in the Northwestern United States
- Paleomagnetism and ^{40}Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of Folded Sills in the Lombard Thrust Sheet, South Central Montana: Implications for the Timing of Fold and Thrust Deformation and Vertical Axis Rotations Along the Southern Margin of the Helena Salient
- Paleomagnetism of Lower Permian Abo and Yeso Formation, Carizzo Arroyo, Lucero Uplift, New Mexico
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic and Fault Kinematic Data From the Eastern Uinta Mountains, NW Colorado
- Tracking Sediment Subduction Along the Sangihe Volcanic Arc, Indonesia Using Volatile Chemistry and N-isotopes
- Variation in the Strength of the Central American Monsoon During the Holocene From Speleothem Proxy
- Volcanic Aerosol Evolution: Model vs. In Situ Sampling
- A Record of Extreme Sedimentation Events in Central Idaho: Fire, Climate, and Changing Sediment Yields Over the Holocene
- A Topographic Analysis of the Colorado River Drainage: Insights into Interaction Between Topography and Incision History
- Aerosol Evolution Within a Low-Temperature Volcanic Plume
- An ∼1500 year history of El Niño Southern Oscillation rainfall anomalies and land use for the Isthmus of Panama from speleothem calcite
- Anatahan Eruption of May, 2003: Integrated Response of the MARGINS Community
- Constraints on the Distribution of Hydrogen in the Polar Regions of Mars and Implications for Ice Formation Processes
- Dust Deposition and Pedogenic Modification in an Arid Region: Tracing Soil Development with Strontium, Carbon, and Oxygen Isotopes
- Fault System Evolution and Fault Reactivation During Large-Scale Distributed Deformation in Continental Lithosphere
- Field/Lab Training Workshops in Planetary Geology and Astrobiology for Secondary School Teachers
- Geochemical Composition of Volcanic Rocks from the May 2003 Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- Gravity Modeling of a Batholith and Low-Velocity Mantle Zone Beneath the Colorado Mineral Belt
- Laboratory Testing of Volcanic Gas Sampling Techniques
- Microclimatic Influences on Hillslope Geomorphology, Northeastern Arizona
- Sediment/Fluid Contributions and Element Transport Deduced from Elemental and Isotopic Data From the Luzon-Bicol arc Systems, Philippines
- The Beaverhead Impact Structure: Discovery and Investigation of an Allocthonous Impact Structure in SW Montana
- The First Historical Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- The Role of Shock in the Redistribution of Volatile Elements in Basalts. Implications for the Interpretation of Martian Magmatism.
- Timing of Magmatism and Metamorphism in the Lower Crust Beneath the Colorado Plateau From Coupled U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Analysis of Zircon From Xenoliths
- Using Fill Terraces and Multiple Dating Techniques to Calculate Incision Rates for Grand Canyon
- Volatile Emissions from Subduction-related Volcanoes: Major and Trace Elements
- Volatile Light Hydrocarbon Compositions of the Central American Arc and Yellowstone National Park
- A High-Resolution Speleothem Climate Record for the Past 5.2ky From Western Costa Rica
- A new automated system for the rapid analysis of atmospheric water vapor samples for stable isotope composition.
- Deep Coring in the Valles Caldera, Northern New Mexico to Obtain a Long-Term Paleoclimatic Record
- Evidence for a Direct Link Between Solar Variability and Holocene Climate in the Southwest USA
- Fire, Holocene Climate Change, and Geomorphic Response Recorded in Alluvial Fan Sediments
- Hydrothermal Processes in Impact Craters on Mars: Implications From Lonar Crater, India, and Other Craters.
- Manganese and Iron Interactions in Cave and Rock Varnish Communities
- Mantle H<SUB>2</SUB>O-Activity Estimated From Amphibole Equilibria
- Nitrogen Isotopes in Olivine Separates from Volcanic Arcs, Hot Spots and Continental Mantle Xenoliths
- Paleomagnetic Evaluation of Crustal-Scale Block Rotations in the Mina Deflection of the Central Walker Lane
- Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic investigation of the high magnetic remanence in fault pseudotachylites
- Partial Melting of Ordinary Chondrite Under Reducing Conditions
- Refinement of the Magnetostratigraphy of the Chinle Group (Late Triassic) of North-Central and Central New Mexico
- Seismicity without a fault ? Structural evidence from pseudotachylites in the UHP Dora Maira Massif
- The Influence of Subducted Sediment Composition on the Volcanic gas Output at Arcs: Comparing the Luzon and Bicol Arcs, the Philippines
- A Multidisciplinary Investigation of Rio Grande Rift Deformation
- An 40Ar/39Ar age for Geomagnetic Instability Recorded at the Albuquerque Volcanoes and Pringle Falls, Oregon
- An updated predictive model for garnet-melt trace element partitioning
- Bulk Chemical Fractionation Between Basalt, Impact-Melts and Spherules of Lonar Impact Crater, India
- Climate Change Over a Glacial-Interglacial Cycle From the Mid Pleistocene: A Lacustrine Record From the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Connecting Topographic Analysis With Colorado River Incision History: Sensitive Gauges of Neotectonics in the Rocky Mountains
- Cool CO2 Springs of the Western U.S.: Continental "Smokers"?
- Earth and Planetary Sciences at UNM, the Flagship University of the Poorest State in the US-A Milagro
- High Resolution Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Laminations in Pedogenic Carbonate
- Hydrogen Isotope Compositions and Variability in Atmospheric Water Vapor, Evapotranspirated Water, and Hydrometeoric Water in Central New Mexico.
- Late Holocene Variability of Rainfall and the El Niño Southern Oscillation from a Costa Rican Speleothem
- Liquid miscibility during the evolution of Earth and planetary cores
- Magnetic Properties of Mantle Xenoliths and Evidence of Localized Modification of the Mantle Beneath the Rio Puerco Volcanic Field, New Mexico
- Oxygen Fugacity Constraints During Core Formation - Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Nominally Lithophile Elements
- Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Tertiary Intrusive and Volcanic Rocks in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico: Further Evidence for Counterclockwise Vertical-Axis Block Rotations in the Rio Grande Rift
- Paleomagnetism of Spanish Peaks, Silver Mountain, Associated Dike Swarms and Related Intrusions (South-Central Colorado): Refining the mid-Cenozoic Reference Paleomagnetic Pole
- Paleomagnetism of the mid-Paleoproterozoic Bushveld Complex Alkaline Granites, South Africa
- Persistence of ENSO-Like Climate Variability Throughout the Holocene
- Preliminary Magnetostratigraphy of the Pennsylvanian-Permian Horquilla Formation at New Well Peak, Big Hatchet Mountains, Southwestern New Mexico
- Quaternary Basalts in Grand Canyon: Correlation of Flows Using Lidar, 40Ar/39Ar Dating, Geochemical Correlation, Neotectonic Studies, and History of Lava Dams
- Remote Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) of Martian Meteorites and Other Basaltic Samples
- Speleothem Paleorainfall Records from the Isthmus of Panama: Tropical Forcing or Response to the Extratropics?
- The Mint River Fault: an Extensional Detachment in the York Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Tracing slab inputs along the Izu-Bonin-Marianas subduction zone: results from volatile emissions
- Travertine in western Grand Canyon: paleoclimatically driven aggradation and incision directly dated by U-Series
- Travertine-Depositing Cool-Springs of the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: Links Between Geochemistry, Tectonic Setting, and Microbial Diversity
- Tropical cyclone forcing of sediment transport in Taiwan
- Valence State Partitioning of Vanadium Between Olivine-Melt in Olivine-Phyric Martian Basalts. Defining the fO2 of the Martian Mantle.
- Vanadium K-Edge XANES and its Application to Microscale Oxygen Barometry
- A Comparison of MODIS and DOAS Sulfur Dioxide Measurements of the April 24, 2004 Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Ssuceptibility and Paleomagnetism of the mid-Tertiary Three Peaks Laccolith, Iron Axis Province, Southwest Utah
- Bulk Earth Compositional Models Require the Presence of Potassium in Earth's Core
- Changes in Fire Activity and Geomorphic Processes During the Early Neoglacial in Southern New Mexico
- Charcoal and the Record of Fire-related Sedimentation in Holocene Alluvial Sediments
- Chemical Composition by the APXS along the Downhill Traverse of the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit at Gusev Crater
- Chlorine Stable Isotope Systematics and Geochemistry along the Central American and Izu-Bonin-Mariana Volcanic Arcs
- Continental Red Beds: How, Why, and When Can they Be Remagnetized, and What Would Don Elston Think?
- Contrasting the CO2-He Isotope and Relative Abundance Systematics of the Central American and IBM Arcs
- Evidence of an active ENSO, PDO, and AMO during the mid- Holocene from a Costa Rican speleothem
- Exhumation of a Himalayan core complex during east-west extension enhanced by focused precipitation along the Arun River gorge; the Ama Drime Massif, Tibet
- Geochemical Indicators of Redox Conditions as a Proxy for mid-Pleistocene Climate Change From a Lacustrine Sediment Core, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Have We Seen Comet Wild 2 Samples Before?
- High-P Hydrous Silicate Melts and the Effect of Water on Mantle Differentiation
- High-Precision Fe Isotope Measurements of the 3.7-3.8 Ga Isua Banded Iron Formation
- Holocene Fire, Climate, and Geomorphic Response: Perspectives From the Past and Indications for the Future
- Incision History of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison
- Investigating the Formation of Pedogenic Carbonate Using Stable Isotopes
- Mechanical Responses to Metamorphic Fluid-Rock Reactions - Natural Examples of Weakening vs. Embrittlement
- Metasomatic Fluid Compositions Recorded by Cr-Diopside Pyroxenite Xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau-Rio Grande Rift Transition Zone
- Microtextural Constraints on Relationships Between Fluid-Rock Reactions and Deformation
- Mineral Springs of Southern Tibet, Everest Region: Geochemical Window to Three Structural Levels
- Modeled flexural response to erosion in the Colorado Plateau: Implications for Laramide and post-Laramide rock uplift processes
- Moisture transport pathways into the American Southwest from multiple oceanic sources as deduced from hydrogen isotopes.
- Noble Gases in Carbonatite Magmatism: Oldonyo Lengai
- Paleomagnetic and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) Documentation of the Formation of Large-Scale Rheomorphic Structures in the 2.06 Ma Huckleberry Ridge Tuff, Eastern Idaho
- Paleomagnetism and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of the Early Eocene Shonkin Sag Laccolith, north-central Montana
- Preliminary Magnetostratigraphy of the Carnian to Early Norian (Late Triassic) Lower Chinle Group, Central and North-Central New Mexico
- Probing subtropical humidity dynamics with stable isotopes of water vapor from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Solubility of Uranium in Fe-S-Si Melts at High Pressure and Temperature and at Highly Reducing Conditions: Uranium as a heat source in the Earth's Core?
- Stable Chlorine Isotope Fractionation
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- Structure, Petrology and High Precision U-Th-Pb Geochronology of Eclogites From the Ama Drime Massif, Southern Tibet
- The 2005 and 2006 eruptions of Ol Doinyo Lengai: assessing deep and shallow processes at an active carbonatite volcano using volatile chemistry and fluxes
- The Structure and Emplacement of the Western Granite, Isle of Rum, NW Scotland
- The View from the Isthmus: Central American paleoclimates on millennial to multidecadal time scales
- Volatile Sources and Fluxes Through the Central American and Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction Factories
- A Laser-Extraction Technique for Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Diatom Frustules
- A Speleothem Record of Tropical Moisture Transport
- A Summary of Chlorine Stable Isotopes as a Volatile Tracer in the Central American and Izu- Bonin-Mariana Volcanic Arcs
- CO2 Strengthening of Quartz in the Dislocation Creep Regime?
- Central American rainfall variations since 100 ka and moisture delivery to Greenland
- Chlorine Isotope Geochemistry as a Monitor of Fluid-Rock Interaction in Volcanic Systems
- Chronotopographic Analysis To Detect Small, Seasonal Hillslope Change Based On Point Cloud Data, Black Mesa Escarpment, NE Arizona
- Chrysotile Nanotubes: Potential Host of Insoluble Chlorine in Serpentinitized Oceanic Crust.
- Comparing lithologic and rock magnetic cyclicity in the Upper Cretaceous Fort Hayes Limestone, southern Colorado-northern New Mexico
- Comparison of Terrestrial LiDAR and Erosion Pin Networks for Bank Geometry Monitoring
- Degradation of Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Dispersion Analysis Using Particle Tracking Simulations Through Heterogeneity Based on Outcrop Lidar Imagery
- Does Tibetan lower crust flow? Preliminary constraints from a reconnaissance investigation of lacustrine shorelines around Siling Co, Tibet
- Drought in the Western US and Floods in China: Pacific Response to Global Warming
- Geochemical studies of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction system: highlights, progress and future directions
- Hydrological Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, New Mexico Using ýElectromagnetic Soundings
- Insights Into Magma Ascent During Shallow-Level Crustal Shortening From Magnetic Fabrics of the Philipsburg Batholith, SW Montana
- Interconnections Between the Mantle and the Near-Surface System Above the Aspen Anomaly, Central Colorado, and Implications for Cenozoic Uplift of the Rocky Mountains
- Magnetic Investigation of Ancestral Puebloan Rio Grande (New Mexico) Glaze Wares
- Magnetic Mineralogy, AMS, and Paleomagnetism of the mid-Tertiary Three Peaks Laccolith, Iron Axis Province, Southwest Utah
- Mid-Pleistocene Lacustrine Records of Carbon and Nitrogen Elemental and Isotopic data from Valles Caldera, New Mexico, USA
- Models of Seismic Anisotropy and Upper Mantle Deformation at the San Andreas Fault System: Investigation of the Role of Crust-Mantle Coupling
- Outcrop-Based Lidar Imagery to Develop Millimeter-Scale Models of Heterogeneity
- Paleomagnetic Baked Contact Test of a Permo-Carboniferous Dike Intruding the Ross of Mull Granite, Isle of Mull, NW Scotland
- Paleomagnetic Data Bearing on the Eastern and Southern Boundaries of the Walker Lane Belt Transfer System
- Paleomagnetic Data from Tertiary Mafic Dikes and Pseudotachylites from the Sierra Ladrones, a Spatially Focused, Large-Magnitude Extension Rift-Flank Uplift, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: Implications for Footwall Exhumation
- Paleomagnetic and AMS Results from the Early Eocene Shonkin Sag and Square Butte Laccoliths, north-central Montana
- Paleomagnetic and Seismologic Evidence for Oblique-Slip Partitioning to the Coalinga Anticline From the San Andreas Fault
- Paleomagnetism and Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Triassic Chinle Group in North- Central, Western and Eastern New Mexico
- Pervasive Crustal Melting on a Regional Scale: Sr-Nd Isotopic Evidence from Eocene Intrusions in NE Washington
- Probing ENSO influences on subtropical humidity using tracers of last saturation
- Radiative-convective-land surface equilibria: An idealized modeling approach
- The Natural Science Program at the University of New Mexico: Geosciences Play a Central Role in Preservice Teacher Training
- UNM/LANL Volcanology Summer Field Course
- Using Apatitic Conodont Oxygen Isotopic Values to Determine the Cause of Late Ordovician Third-Order Stratigraphic Sequences
- Younger Dryas To Mid-Holocene Environmental History Of The Lowlands Of NW Transylvania, Romania
- 1,340 year long Late Holocene stalagmite stable isotope records from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- A High-Resolution Speleothem Record From Florida of Atmospheric Teleconnections Since 1,500 Years Ago
- An Aqueous Geochemical and Hydrologic Study of the Springs and Wells of the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
- An Integrated Seismic and Geodynamic Analysis of Mantle Deformation Beneath the San Andreas Plate Boundary Region
- Beaver damming, fluvial geomorphology, and climate in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Changing our View of Aggradational Fluvial Systems - The Distributary Fluvial System (DFS) Paradigm
- Characterization of the Basalt of Broken Tank, NM for the 'in situ' Calibration Target for the Alpha-Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) on the Upcoming Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover
- Chemical Evolution of the Izu-Bonin Arc Recorded by Chlorine Stable Isotopes
- Chlorine Partitioning Between Mantle and Core: Implications for Early Earth Processes
- Colorado River System of the Southwestern U.S.: Analysis of the Longitudinal Profile, Differential Incision, and Hypothesis for Dynamic Uplift and Rapid Incision in the Last 6 Ma
- Comparing Carbonate-Depositing Hydrothermal Systems Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at Lost City Hydrothermal Field and Along the Rio Grande rift in the Southwestern US: Geochemistry, Geomicrobiology and Mineralogy
- Comparison of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and Anisotropy of Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization (AARM) in Intrusive Igneous Rocks
- Coupled Warming and Drought in the American Southwest During Long mid-Pleistocene Interglacials (MIS 11 and 13)
- Evaluating Neogene Uplift and Denudational History of the Colorado Rockies Using River Profiles and Incision Records
- Experimental Compressibility of CO2 in Silicate Melts and the Effect on Planetary Differentiation
- Exploring Solute Transport and Streamline Connectivity Using Two-point and Multipoint Simulation Methods
- Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of Water-Filled Sinkholes at Bitter Lake NWR, Roswell, NM
- H Isotopes as Tracers for Earth's Deep Water Cycle: a Model for Exchange of Water Between the Mantle and its Exospheric Reservoirs
- High Resolution Imaging of the Aspen Anomaly - CREST and USArray
- Historic Rio Grande Channel Change: Relating Channel Adjustments Measured from Aerial Photography to Human and Climate Induced Changes in Hydrology
- Holocene Increase in the Bay Branch of the Monsoon Inferred From δ18O of Speleothems From Central India
- Hypothesis for epeirogenic uplift above the Jemez lineament: Is Neogene doming recorded by river profiles and terraces?
- Integration of Geophysical and Geostatistical Methods for Shallow Aquifer Characterization
- Interannual Variability of Seasonally Influenced Playa Lake Inundation in Northern Mexico: Possible Analogs for Wetter Holocene Climates
- Investigation of the Biogenic Origin of Cave Pool Precipitates in the Guadalupe Mountains, NM Using Extracted Phospholipids and Other Biomarkers
- Kinematic Models of Mantle Flow and Fabric Beneath the San Andreas Plate Boundary Region and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Lidar Imagery Based 2D and 3D Representations of Outcrop Heterogeneity for Groundwater Modeling
- Magma Flow Sense in Mafic Dikes: is Grain-Size Dependence an Alternative to the "Imbrication Fabric" model?
- Magnetic stratification and the internal structure of layered intrusions
- Microbial Communities of Terrestrial Springs in Extensional Settings of the Western U.S.A.
- New Paleomagnetic Data from the Quaternary Bandelier Tuff: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the Rio Grande Rift
- Novel Insights to the Factors Controlling Monsoon Precipitation in Southwestern US From a mid-Pleistocene Lake Sediment Record, Valles Caldera, Northern New Mexico
- Oxygen Isotope Calibration Study of Modern Diatoms in Freshwater Environments: Implications for Biogenic Silica as a Paleoclimate Proxy
- Paleomagnetic Approaches to Evaluating Extensional Tectonism in the Western North American Cordillera
- Paleomagnetic Data Bearing on the Evolution of the Walker Lane Belt Transfer Zone From mid-Miocene to Present: an Investigation of the Inferred Southern and Eastern Boundaries.
- Paleomagnetic data from Upper Cretaceous Red Beds, Northwest Vietnam (Song Da Terrane), and Their Bearing on the Extrusion History of Indochina and Deformation Along its Margins
- Paleomagnetism of the Todos Santos Formation in the Maya Block, Chiapas, Mexico: Preliminary Results
- Paleomagnetism, Rock Magnetism, and Magnetic Mineralogy of the Eocene Disang Group, Changlang Area, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India
- Source Regions of the Shergottites and Gusev Basalts
- Stable isotope paleoaltimetry of high relief terrain: An atmospheric dynamics perspective
- Synchronous Western North American and Polar Abrupt Climate Events
- TLSpy: An Open-Source Addition to Terrestrial Lidar Workflows
- The Geodynamic Origins of Western U.S. Topography: Correlations and Speculations.
- The Role of Fe,Ni Metal and Fe,Ni Sulfide Nanoparticles in Catalytic Organic Synthesis in the Early Solar System: Evidence From Carbonaceous Chondrites.
- The atmospheric water vapor line.
- Using ArcGIS for correlating multi-technique micro-spatial analytical data: A case study of early solar system carbonates in a carbonaceous chondrite.
- Volatile Chemistry of the 2007 to Present Explosive Eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, East African Rift
- Water vapor isotopes measurements at Mauna Loa, Hawaii: Comparison of laser spectroscopy and remote sensing with traditional methods, and the need for ongoing monitoring
- A speleothem record of climate variability over the last millennium in the northern Wasatch Mountains, southeast Idaho
- Challenges for monitoring and predicting the North American Monsoon
- Chlorine Isotopic Heterogeneity in Mantle Peridotites from the Ivrea Zone
- Compositional and thermal zoning within quartz ejected before, during and after a supervolcanic eruption at 1.256 Ma: Valles Caldera, New Mexico, USA
- Detection of Biosignatures in a Mars-Like Environment Using LIBS
- Distributive Fluvial Systems of the Chaco Plain - Satellite Image Assessment of Fluvial Form and Facies Distributions
- Dynamic uplift of the Colorado Rockies and western Colorado Plateau in the last 6 Ma driven by mantle flow and buoyancy: Evidence from the Colorado River region
- Examining cemented inverted channel deposits in Green River, Utah as an analog for inverted terrain on Mars
- Experimental Constraints on Early Lunar Magma Ocean Cumulates as Possible Source Lithologies for the Mg - Suite
- Fabrics, internal zonation and magma flow in small gabbroic sills, Karoo, South Africa
- Feedbacks between climate change, surface processes, and extreme convective precipitation events (Invited)
- Geochemistry and degassing systematics of silicate magma at Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Highly variable ITCZ rainfall during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly from stalagmite proxy, southwestern Mexico: El Niño and La Niña forcing?
- Incision history of the Colorado River system over the last several Ma from cosmogenic burial dating of high terrace gravels
- Integrating atmospheric and surface process models: Why software engineering is like having weasels rip your flesh (Invited)
- Lidar based morphometric analysis of hoodoos with implications for dryland hill slope process (Invited)
- Magma Flow Pattern Inferred from Magnetic Fabrics in a 100 km-long Dolerite Dike, Karoo LIP, South Africa
- Magma flow pattern in a giant dolerite sill and implications for the Karoo mantle plume hypothesis
- Mid-Pleistocene Orbital and Millennial Scale Climate Change in a 200 ky lacustrine sediment core from SW North America
- Nitrogen isotope geochemistry as a volatile tracer of the deep mantle: insights from Iceland
- Non-Stationary Hydrostratigraphic Model of Cross-Cutting Alluvial Fans
- Oldoinyo Lengai gas chemistry from 2005 to 2009: Insights to carbonatite-nephelinite volcanism
- Partial Molar Volume of CO2 in Peridotitic Melt at High Pressure and Applications to Melt Mobility in the Mantle
- Photosynthetic discrimination drives seasonal variations in the δ13C value of soil-respired CO2 in mixed C3-C4 ecosystems from central New Mexico
- Rate and δ13C values of CO2 produced during short-term online incubation experiments indicate two different processes with distinct carbon sources
- Regional stress and basement structure controls on dike orientation in the Karoo Basin
- Resolving Crustal Vertical-Axis Rotation Rates since the Eocene in the Western United States
- Rio Grande Rift GPS Measurements 2006-2009
- Surface Waves Across the TA: an Integrated Seismic and Geodynamic Analysis of Anisotropy and Mantle Deformation Beneath California
- Tectonic, Lithologic and Climatic Controls on Stream Gradients across the Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountains
- Testing of an H-chondrite as a Candidate for the Bulk Martian Mantle Composition
- The Chlorine Abundance of Earth: Evidence for Early Atmospheric Loss and Creation of a Life-Supporting Planet
- The ongoing avulsion of the Taquari River - Geomorphic and Vegetative Change
- Using δ18O of Conodont Apatite and Sequence Stratigraphy to Understand Early Triassic (Smithian) Sea-Level Change
- , Recorded at Ladron Peak, Central New Mexico
- AMS and AARM Data Bearing on the Emplacement of the Early Eocene Shonkin Sag and Square Butte Laccolith, north-central Montana
- Alteration products of shock metamorphosed basalt from a range of shock pressures
- Constraining large-scale mixing in the subtropical southern hemisphere free troposphere with stable isotopologues of water vapor: Results from the Chajnantor Plateau, Chile
- Developing a new model for the Great Artesian Basin of Australia: hydrologic mixing, multi-scale flow systems, fault-partitioned sub-basins, and mantle influences on groundwater quality, superimposed on regional flow systems
- Diamond in ocean-derived UHP rocks from the Western Alps: a first record and some consequences
- Differential river incision across active normal faults in Grand Canyon: a response to mantle-driven uplift of the western Colorado Plateau
- Equation of state of molten fayalite (Fe2SiO4)
- Evaluating Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Snowmelt Runoff Timing and Magnitude in Northern New Mexico
- Experimental Compressibility of Molten Hedenbergite at High Pressure
- Experimental Constraints on the Composition and Depth of an Early Magma Ocean on Mars
- Global Milankovitch Cycles Recorded by Rock Magnetism in the Shallow Marine Cretaceous Cupido Formation, NE Mexico (Invited)
- Global Scale Remote Sensing Monitoring of Endorheic Lake Systems
- He-Ne-Ar isotope studies of mafic volcanic rocks and mantle xenoliths from the East African Rift System - contrasting isotope signals in different rift branches
- Hydrogen isotope measurement corrections for low water vapor concentrations: Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
- Interannual Variability of Snowpack and Spring Season Hydroclimatology in the Southwestern United States
- Intra- and Inter-Annual Variability in Surface Hydrology in Northern Arizona from δ18O of Tree-Ring Cellulose
- Large rivers in sedimentary basins: Morphology and form observed from satellite imagery
- Late-glacial to Holocene climate variability and drought in the mid-Hudson Valley region of New York state
- Mantle Lithosphere Support of Colorado Rocky Mountain Elevation: 3D Tomography from CREST
- Monsoon Rectification of Orbital Forcing near Pangean Equator
- Nickel, Cobalt and Chromium in early lunar magma ocean olivine: Constraints on the petrogenesis of the Mg-suite
- Normal and anomalous AMS fabrics in gabbroic sills: examples from the Karoo Large Igneous Province
- Organic Chemical Sorption Heterogeneity in a Sedimentary Framework
- Paleomagnetic data from Oligocene ash-flow tuffs of the eastern San Juan Volcanic field and the kinematic development of the Rio Grande rift: Complexities associated with PSV
- Paleomagnetism of Gabbroic Sills Forming the Floor of the Early Jurassic Karoo Large Igneous Province, South Africa
- Paleomagnetism of Proterozoic Mafic Dikes of the South Pass Area, Southern Wind River Mountains, Wyoming
- Paleostress analyses in the uppermost footwalls of the Whipple detachment and the West Salton detachment faults, southern California
- Petrogenesis of the Mount Taylor volcanic field and comparison to the Jemez Mountains volcanic field, New Mexico
- Predictive Analysis of Geochemical Controls in an Alpine Stream
- Processes Governing the Static Stability in Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Reconstructing western Grand Canyon's lava dams and their failure mechanisms: new insights from geochemical correlation and 40Ar/39Ar dating
- Seismic Evidence for Thermochemical Delamination and Convective Downwelling under the Western Colorado Plateau
- Stable isotope tracers of water vapor sources in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: a pilot study on the Chajnantor Plateau
- The Cl Isotope Composition of the Moon as evidence for an Anhydrous Mantle (Invited)
- The geodynamo at ~200 Ma: paleosecular variation and paleointensity recorded by Central Atlantic Magmatic Province mafic rocks of Mauritania
- Thermal and chemical modification of the lithosphere beneath the Colorado Plateau and implications for its Cenozoic evolution (Invited)
- Timing of the End-Triassic Extinctions on Land: the Moenave Formation on the Southern Colorado Plateau, USA
- U-series dates on travertine deposits in the Great Artesian Basin as paleohydrogeology and neotectonic indicators
- Use of Continuous Real-Time Water Quality Sensors to Examine Hyporheic Exchange between Groundwater and an Alpine Stream: East Fork Jemez River, NM
- Using Apatite to Assess Volatile Contents of Primary Lunar Magmas: Potential Pitfalls
- Water in the Lunar Interior and the Apparent KREEP-Mare Dichotomy
- A Unifying Theory for Lunar Water
- A comparison of melt densities for several Apollo volcanic glass compositions up to 11 GPa: Implications for the role of Ti in melt compressibility
- A record of more than 500,000 years of large-volume travertine formation in the southwestern United States and links between paleohydrology, paleoclimate, and landscape evolution
- A record of the variability of climate transitions between the last four glacial cycles from high-precision speleothem chronology
- Calibration of the Mars Science Laboratory Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer
- Carbonate dissolution and transport in H<SUB>2</SUB>O fluids during subduction revealed by diamond-bearing rocks from the Alps
- Climate variability during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12-11 transition recorded in lacustrine sediments from Valles Caldera, New Mexico, USA
- Collapse of the western North America climate dipole during the MCA and LIA
- Coupled hydrological, ecological, decision and economic models for monetary valuation of riparian ecosystem services
- Crystallization, Fluid Exsolution, and Eruption of Extremely Volatile-rich Silicate Magma at Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, East African Rift
- Deciphering Past and Present Tectonics of the Rio Grande Rift in New Mexico Utilizing Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology, Geochronology, Quaternary Faulting, and Cross-Section Restoration
- Does Late Miocene Exhumation Along the Western Slope of the Colorado Rockies Reflect Differential Rock Uplift?
- Dynamic topography of the western Great Plains: landscape evidence for mantle-driven uplift associated with the Jemez lineament of NE New Mexico and SE Colorado
- ERI investigation of fluid flow in the Nacimiento Fault, New Mexico
- Geologic Map of the Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
- Geologic Mapping in Nogal Peak Quadrangle: Geochemistry, Intrusive Relations and Mineralization in the Sierra Blanca Igneous Complex, New Mexico
- Geomorphic Implications of Fire and Slope Aspect in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA
- Heterogeneity in Sedimentary Aquifers: Effects on Chlorinated Solvent Mass Storage
- High Pressure Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Molybdenum and Constraints on Core Formation
- Hydrogen isotope composition of dry season atmospheric water vapor on Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
- Impactites related to atmospheric effects on the surface of Mars: Evidence from Lonar Crater, India and Henbury, Australia
- Inadequacy, Impurity and Infidelity; Modifying the Modified Brendel Alpha-Cellulose Extraction Method for Resinous Woods in Stable Isotope Dendroclimatology
- Layered Fault Rocks Below the West Salton Detachment Fault (WSDF), CA Record Multiple Seismogenic? Slip Events and Transfer of Material to a Fault Core
- Lessons from studies of impact crater hydrothermal processes in terrestrial analogs and their implications for impact craters on Mars
- Lonar Crater, India as a planetary analog in the field and in the laboratory
- Millennial-Scale Climate Variability During a mid-Pleistocene Glacial (MIS 12) from a Terrestrial Lacustrine Record in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Modeling the Glacial-Interglacial Impact of the Pacific Trade Wind Inversion on the Geomorphology and Hydrology of the Big Island of Hawaii
- Modern Landform Distribution of the Gilbert River Distributive Fluvial System (DFS) and Predictions Regarding Ancient Coastal Plain Progradational Successions
- Multi-stage uplift of the Rocky Mountains: new age constraints on the Telluride Conglomerate and regional compilation of apatite fission track ages
- North Atlantic and orbital controls on North American Monsoon rainfall for the past 25,000 years
- Orbital-scale glacio-eustasy during the transition between the Early Ordovician warm period (greenhouse) and the Late Ordovician cool period (icehouse)
- Outcrop Analog Analysis of Lithofacies Distributions within Borden Aquifer Sediments, Ontario, CA
- Predicted Progradational Signatures of Distributive Fluvial Systems (DFS)
- Rapid onset and collapse of the summer monsoon during interglacial and glacial periods MIS 11 and 12 as recorded by diatom silica δ<SUP>18</SUP>O values from the Valles Caldera
- Relative effects of advection, sorption and diffusion on transport and tailing of chlorinated solvents
- Role of Faults in Controlling Hydrothermal Fluid Flow, Salinity, Helium, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Transport along the Rio Grande Rift
- Satellite Imagery Evaluation of Soil Moisture Variability in the Ganges Basin, India
- Short wavelength and high amplitude (~ 1 km) surface uplift in the western Colorado Plateau driven by recent and ongoing mantle flow
- Solar-induced weathering of rocks: integrating instrumental and numerical studies
- Stable isotope composition of Earth's large lakes
- The effect of dissolved CO<SUB>2</SUB> on melt density of a model kimberlite composition up to 9 GPa
- U-series Isotope Constraints on Rhyolite Generation at South Sister and Newberry Volcanoes, Central Oregon
- Using Data-Rich Instruction for Climate Change Education: Road Blocks and Pathways
- Using Garnet to Reconstruct Subduction Zone Dehydration Flux
- Using a Learning Activity Sequence in Large-Enrollment Physical Geology Classes: Supporting the Needs of Underserved Students While Motivating Interest, Learning, and Success
- Using the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) for remotely mapping surface roughness on alluvial fans: A comparison of Death Valley, CA to Mojave Crater on Mars
- Using the Earth as a guide to martian mass movement processes: From form to process
- a Comparison of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Anisotropy of Anhysteretic Remanence Data from the Early Jurassic Basal Karoo Igneous Series, South Africa
- A Hydrogen Reduction Mechanism Relevant to Early Planetary Bodies
- A mid-Pleistocene record of monsoonal precipitation in southwestern US, insights into the occurrence of drought
- A vigorous Mesoamerican monsoon during the Last Glacial Maximum driven by orbital and oceanic forcing
- Apatite in lunar samples: Implications for the origin of volatile reservoirs in the Moon
- Beaver dams, sediment dynamics and morphological change, Odell Creek, southwest Montana
- Carbonate dissolution and transport in aqueous fluids from subducting oceanic lithosphere
- Chlorine Isotope Evidence for Syn-Subduction Modification of Serpentinites by Interaction with Sediment-Derived Fluid
- Complexities in the use of branched GDGT based temperature reconstruction: Case studies from the southwest USA and Mexico
- Effect of Halite and Calcite Coatings on Thermal Infrared Spectra with Implications for Mars Exploration
- Effects of cereal production on nutrient dynamics of shallow, unconfined aquifers in central Montana
- Evaluating Mantle-to-Surface Hydrologic Connections in the Rio Grande Rift using Mathematical Modeling
- Horizontal Deformation Rates Measured by Ten Years of GPS Observations on the Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico, USA
- Improving stable isotope-based reconstructions of Sierra Nevada paleotopography using insights from regional air parcel trajectories
- Intermittent negative velocity gradients adjacent to the 410 and 660 km discontinuities
- Late Cenozoic Colorado River Incision and Implications for Neogene Uplift of the Colorado Rockies
- Long-term fluvial response to Hawaiian Island subsidence through the Pacific Trade-Wind Inversion
- Melts in the Deep Earth: Calculating the Densities of CaO-FeO-MgO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Liquids
- Metasomatic Processes in the Early Solar System: The Record from Chondritic Meteorites
- Multi-stage uplift of the Colorado Plateau and the age of Grand Canyon and precursor canyons
- Nitrate and Groundwater Residence Time in an Isolated Shallow Aquifer of the Judith River Basin, Montana
- Northwest Africa 7034: New Unique Water-rich Martian Meteorite from the Early Amazonian Epoch
- Paleocene climate change in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico: A paleosol perspective
- Re-evaluating origins of Paleozoic orbital-scale and My-scale stratigraphic cyclicity using oxygen isotopes of marine apatite
- Reconstructing Quaternary pluvial episodes and paleohydrology using travertines from Egypt's Western Desert
- Seasonal Diagnosis of Observed and Projected Drying Trends in Southwestern North America
- Small-scale convection under the western U.S.: implications for lithospheric deformation
- Temperature-forced century-scale collapses of Northern Hemisphere Monsoons
- The Importance of Apollo to Solar-System Science and Future Human Exploration
- Tracking millennial-scale climate variability through the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 using terrigenous biomarkers in lacustrine sediments from Valles Caldera, New Mexico, USA
- A Novel Multiproxy Approach to High-resolution Speleothem Paleoclimate Reconstruction in the Caribbean Region During the Late Holocene
- Ancient and modern sites of natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage: Geochemistry and geochronology of Quaternary and modern travertine deposits on the Colorado Plateau, USA, and implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Connectivity mapping for flow and transport models in heterogeneous fluvial deposits using lidar and optical imaging
- Contaminant Transport in the Highly Heterogeneous Sedimentary Formation at Canadian Forces Base Borden, Ontario, Canada
- Contribution of Transverse Structures, Magma, and Crustal Fluids to Continental Rift Evolution: The East African Rift in Southern Kenya
- Correlation of borehole and seismic data in the Gulf of Alaska through synthetic seismograms: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 341
- Deep-seated bedrock landsliding in Grand Canyon: unraveling the mechanics of a series of ancient landslides
- Determination of Anion Ordering in Mixed Apatites via Multinuclear Solid-State NMR & X-ray Crystallography
- Early Pleistocene to Holocene glacial activity along the southern Alaska continental shelf inferred from the sedimentary record in the northern Gulf of Alaska - preliminary results
- Gas discharges in fumarolic ice caves of Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- High lake levels at Siling Co, central Tibet, during MIS 5e - 6
- Holocene Fire, Climate and Erosion in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Natural and Anthropogenic Controls
- Hydration and deformation of peridotite mylonites from an oceanic transform fault
- Hydrochemistry and 18O/16O and 2H/1H Ratios of Ugandan Waters
- Hydrology and Water Quality of the Rio Chama River, Northern New Mexico: Establishing a Base Line to Manage Flows
- Impact Darkening: A Possible Mechanism To Explain Why Mercury Is Spectrally Dark and Featureless
- Interplay between climatic and tectonic processes in the St. Elias foreland, southern Alaska: Evolution of a glaciated convergent margin since the mid-Pleistocene
- Linking soil water balance and water age with leaching of nitrate to groundwater in an agricultural setting
- Nd isotopes as a proxy for 10<SUP>4</SUP>-10<SUP>5</SUP> year continental weathering flux changes during late Silurian and early Late Devonian greenhouse intervals
- New perspectives on the evolution of narrow, modest extension continental rifts: Embryonic core complexes and localized, rapid Quaternary extension in the Rio Grande rift, central New Mexico
- Northern Hemisphere moisture variability during the Last Glacial period
- Pacific basin-driven climate variability in the Great Basin of western North America over the past two millennia
- Pacific sea-surface temperature, convective intensity, and atmospheric water vapor ?D over tropical Andean glaciers
- Paleoclimate at the last glacial maximum revealed by a global database of fossil groundwaters
- Porewater salinity and δ18O reveal a kilometer-deep subsurface pathway for glacial meltwater into the Gulf of Alaska
- Probing the earth with EarthScope USArray (Invited)
- Stable isotope mass balance of lakes: a contemporary perspective (Invited)
- The Hydrochemical Evolution of Water-Filled Sinkholes at Bitter Lake NWR, Roswell, NM
- The Sulfur Cycle at Subduction Zones
- The use of subsurface thermal data, isotopic tracers and earthquake hypocenter locations to unravel deep regional flow systems within the crystalline basement beneath the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico. (Invited)
- Travel-time Tomography of the Upper Mantle using Amphibious Array Seismic Data from the Cascadia Initiative and EarthScope
- Travertine from Egypt's Western Desert: a terrestrial proxy for North African paleohydrology and paleoclimate during the Quaternary
- Using paired U-Pb and Hf isotopes to characterize the Yavapai - Mojave province boundary in Grand Canyon, AZ
- Using the PDSI to Estimate Summer Stream Discharge in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Implications for 20th Century Riparian Habitat Variability
- Variability in Central American rainfall amount and seasonality over the past four centuries: evidence from a monthly resolved Belizean stalagmite
- Volcanic gas emissions: constraining magma degassing and volatile sources (Invited)
- Climate variability in the western Mediterranean basin since the last interglacial from growth rate speleothem data
- DECADE Web Portal: Integrating MaGa, EarthChem and GVP Will Further Our Knowledge on Earth Degassing
- Evidence for Stable Sea-level during Marine Isotope Stage 5e of the Last Interglacial from the Western Mediterranean
- Geoethics As a Key Component to an Undergraduate Capstone Experience
- High-resolution monsoon reconstruction using an annually resolved stalagmite from Kotumsar cave, India
- Idealized WRF Simulations of Flow around the Sierra Nevada and Implications for Paleoaltimetry
- MaGa, a web-based collaborative database for gas emissions: a tool to improve the knowledge on Earth degassing
- Sources, Ascent and Release of Magma and Hydrothermal Fluids at Restless Calderas: Lessons from Santorini Volcano, Greece and Aluto Volcano, Ethiopia
- Towards Making Data Bases Practical for use in the Field
- Volcanic Carbon: Global Variations in Gas Emissions
- Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Fault Networks in the Northwestern Albuquerque Basin and Their Potential Role in Controlling Mantle CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing and Fluid Migration from the Valles Caldera
- The Importance of Magmatic Fluids in Continental Rifting in East Africa
- The Influence of Flow Deflection on Leeside Isotope-Based Paleoaltimetry Estimates in the New Zealand Southern Alps
- A combined study of gas geochemistry, petrology, and lava effusion at Bagana, a unique persistently active lava cone in Papua New Guinea
- Along-arc trends in volatile composition within the Aleutian Arc with implications for volatile cycling
- Along-axis strain patterns in a magmatically active early-stage rift zone: Magadi-Natron-Manyara rifts, Africa
- Climate Change and the Snowmelt-runoff Relationship in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
- Early-stage continental rifting in East Africa assisted by magma and magmatic volatiles
- Geochemistry and fluxes of volatiles in the Magadi and Natron thermal springs, East African Rift
- Increased degassing from the Southern Central American Volcanic Arc in response to crustal stress change following the 2012 Nicoya earthquake?
- Quantifying CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing from Volcanoes - Recent major advancements and future challenges
- Real-time noble gas release signaling rock deformation
- Relationships between Microbial Activities and Subduction-related Outgassing and Volatile Flux at Aleutian Arc Volcanoes
- The influence of topography on the isotopic composition of orographically enhanced precipitation in an idealized baroclinic wave: Implications for isotope-based paleoaltimetry
- Using Remote Sensing Techniques to Measure Chl:C in the Santa Barbara Channel
- A Sulfur Trigger for the 2017 Phreatomagmatic Eruption of Poás Volcano, Costa Rica? Insights from MultiGAS and Drone-based Gas Monitoring
- A coherent high-pressure high-temperature single-crystal elasticity model of Fe-bearing olivine and the implications for the 410 discontinuity
- A two millennium-long hot drought in the southwestern United States driven by Arctic sea-ice retreat
- Anatomy of the thriple oxygen isotope Terrestrial Fractionatoin Line
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Crustal and Moho Reflections Beneath Mount St. Helens from the iMUSH Experiment
- Crustal seismic anisotropy: A localized perspective from surface waves at the Ruby Mountains Core Complex
- Dense Array Studies of Volcano-Tectonic and Long-Period Earthquakes Beneath Mount St. Helens
- Effects of Changing Climate During the Snow Ablation Season on Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts
- New constraints on subduction inputs and volatile outputs along the Aleutian Arc
- P- and S-wave Receiver Function Imaging with Scattering Kernels
- Science Outreach and the Religious Public: The Source Makes All the Difference
- Seismic Evidence for a Fossil Slab Origin of the Isabella Anomaly in Central California
- Seismic Migration Imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Continental US with Receiver Functions
- Shallow velocity structure above the Socorro Magma Body from ambient noise tomography using the large-N Sevilleta array, central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Subtropical Climate Variability since the Last Glacial Maximum from Speleothem Precipitation Reconstructions in Florida
- Three-dimensional velocity models of the Mount St. Helens magmatic system using the iMUSH active-source data set
- Toward Assessing the Causes of Volcanic Diversity in the Cascades Arc
- Unravelling the Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Track Position since the Little Ice Age
- Using Cross-Correlation Methods to Characterize Earthquakes Associated with the Socorro Magma Body
- Using Earthquake Location and Coda Attenuation Analysis to Explore Shallow Structures Above the Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico
- Virtual source reflection imaging of the Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico, using a dense seismic array
- 3D Autocorrelation Reflectivity Imaging of the Magmatic Plumbing System of Mount St Helens
- 3D DC Electrical Responses of Complex Fractured Environments Modelled by Hierarchical Finite Element Method (Hi-FEM)
- A Critical Size Dependence for Planet Habitability: The Effect of Nebular Ingassing
- Along-strike Refraction Tomography Results from the ENAM Community Seismic Experiment within the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly
- Chemical and biological carbon sinks in the Costa Rican Forearc: First insights from the Biology Meets Subduction project
- Crustal Seismic Anisotropy of the Ruby Mountains Core Complex and Surrounding Northern Basin and Range
- Depth, Sharpness, and Velocity Contrast Study of Major Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Using a Global Compilation of Dense Regional Arrays
- Early-Middle Pliocene Sea-Level Elevations in the Western Mediterranean
- Evaluation of the 520 km Discontinuity Beneath the Continental U.S. through 1D Receiver Function Inversion and 3D Pre-Stack Migration
- How does diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux vary across the East African Rift System?
- Inter Tropical Convergence Zone Dynamics of the Neotropics During the Common Era
- Long-term Seismic Monitoring of an Urban Sedimentary Basin
- Nebular Atmosphere to Magma Ocean: Early Mantle Acquisition of Hydrogen and Helium
- Seismically Anisotropic Magma Reservoirs Underlying Silicic Calderas, Implications for the Evolution of Magmatic Bodies
- Single-crystal Elasticity and Thermal Equation of State of Omphacite to 18GPa
- The impact of volcanic eruptions on ocean pH in the CESM Large Ensemble
- Tracing volatile cycling from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian Arc
- Upper Mantle Seismic Structure of Alaska from Rayleigh and S-wave Tomography
- Using Cross-Correlation Methods to Characterize Earthquakes Associated with the Socorro Magma Body
- Volcanic gases include slab- and air-derived nitrogen but no contributions from the mantle: a <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N perspective
- Wyoming Craton Growth by Young Under-Accretion of the Shatsky Conjugate
- Along-arc variations in volatile cycling across the Aleutian Arc
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions Near Geysers, Fumaroles, Mudpots, Travertine Terraces, and Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Subaerial Volcanic Regions
- Electrical and thermal conductivity of Fe alloys at Earth's core conditions and the evolution of the geodynamo
- Event Classification of the Mount St Helens Nodal dataset Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Explosions at Poás, Costa Rica: a Case for Long-Term, High-Rate Geochemical Volcano Monitoring to Detect Precursory Signals
- Flux and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C composition of diffuse carbon dioxide across Yellowstone: working towards an updated calculation of total diffuse carbon dioxide emissions from the caldera
- Focussed Degassing of Stored Continental Deep Carbon
- Full moment tensor inversion of micro-earthquake sources beneath Mount St. Helens using dense 3-component array data
- Heat and Helium in the Mantle and Core from Earth's Primitive Nebular Atmosphere
- Helium and carbon isotopes in southern Costa Rica and western Panama
- Helium isotope variation around a caldera-type volcano
- Hydrothermal <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N abundances constrain the origins of mantle nitrogen
- Investigations into diffuse fluxes and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C compositions of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in N. American calderas
- Mantle contributions to magma and strain localization in rift zones
- Melt Inclusions and Their Application - New Perspective on the Subsurface Architecture of Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Melting of iron up to core pressures determined by in-situ electrical resistance jump
- Nebular ingassing as the primary source of water and light noble gases to Earth
- New Constraints on Along-Strike Variations in Synrift Magmatism on the Rifted Margin Offshore North Carolina and Virginia from Seismic Refraction Data
- On the P-to-S ratio of seismicity around the Mount St. Helens
- Path-averaged seismic attenuation in the Northern Canadian Cordillera, Yukon, from USArray P- and S-wave attenuation of local earthquakes
- Sulfur from source to surface
- Systematic analysis of the single-crystal elastic properties of wadsleyite in the Fe-H2O%-Pressure 4D space
- The Challenge of Providing Safe Water to All in a World of Climate Change
- The effects of well casing corrosion and completion design on geo-electrical response in mature wellbore environments
- UAV-based Measurements of the High-Altitude Plume of Manam Volcano
- Understanding variations in tectonic degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> during continental rifting
- Using Local Seismicity Recorded on Large-N Array to Identify Reflections off the Mid-Crustal Socorro Magma Body in the Rio Grande Rift
- Utilizing modified forensic fingerprint analysis software for the extraction of dune field parameters on Earth and Mars
- Valles Caldera CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing History of Sulphur Springs Hydrothermal System
- Young rhyolite flows as seasonal reservoirs for snowmelt and implications for stream and wetland resilience to climate variability and change in Yellowstone National Park
- A Unique Sodic Mafic Igneous Achondrite From an Ancient(?) Differentiated Parent Body
- Active subduction and strain partitioning in western Myanmar revealed by a dense new GPS velocity field
- Anisotropy of the Upper Mantle Transition Zone constrained from the first experimentally determined high temperature-pressure single-crystal elasticity data of wadsleyite
- Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) Initiative. Fulfilling Apollo Science Goals and Preparing for Returning to the Moon.
- Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA): A segue to the next era of lunar exploration and sample return activities
- Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis: What to expect among Rock Fragments in Apollo 17 Core Samples 73001 and 73002
- Asymmetric Early Post-Magma Ocean Crust Building on the Moon's Nearside
- Atmospheric Implications Derived from the Small Crater Record from the Curiosity Rover, Gale Crater, Mars.
- Characterizing Crustal Magmatic Processes Through Volcanic Gas Geochemistry
- Constraining interseismic deformation in Northern Ecuador using Interferometry of Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 Data
- Constraints on glacial isostatic adjustment models and evidence of a melt event at 3 ka from late Holocene relative sea level data in the western Mediterranean
- Depth-dependent and temporal evolution of magma addition rates and geochemical compositions in the plutonic record of continental arc crustal sections
- Discontinuous High Velocity Lower Crust and Early Margin Segmentation along the Eastern North American Margin's Rift to Drift Transition
- Effect of Sulfur on Siderophile Element Partitioning Between Olivine and Martian Basaltic Melt
- Evidence for fluids at the shallow Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, imaged by offshore seismic attenuation
- Grand Canyon Paleoclimate and the Deglacial Activation of the North American Monsoon
- How River Avulsions Build Floodplains
- Hydrogen isotopic ratios in core 73002 and sources of hydrogen in the lunar regolith.
- Induced seismicity in the Raton Basin from 2016-2020
- Injection-Induced earthquake clusters in Raton Basin, New Mexico & Colorado
- Insights into Yellowstone's magmatic system from 3D seismic waveform modeling and inversion
- Interpreting Ilmenite Crystal Size Distributions Derived from CT Images of Basalt Clasts in Previously Unopened Apollo 17 Drive Tube 73002
- Investigation of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Local distance seismic source classification during the iMUSH project
- Localized anisotropy in the mantle transition zone due to flow through slab gaps
- Mantle Transition Zone Seismic Discontinuities Studied Globally using Dozens of Dense Temporary Seismic Arrays
- Multispectral imaging and hyperspectral scanning of the first dissection of Apollo core 73002: Preliminary results
- Neogene and Quaternary sea-level elevations using U-Pb dated phreatic overgrowths on speleothems from coastal caves on Mallorca Island
- New HiRISE Observations of Gale Crater Rim Surfaces - Evidence for Glacial Processes
- Observations of Stratospheric Aerosols from Heliotrope Solar Hot Air Balloons
- Petrology of soils from the landslide deposit at Taurus-Littrow: Context for the ANGSA double drive tube 73001/73002 from Apollo 17
- Pushing the limit of single station: source characterization for two small earthquakes in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Reanalyzing carbonate clumped isotope calibration materials using robust carbonate standardization
- Redox of Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth Carbonate Depositional Environments
- Seismic anisotropic signatures of complex crustal magmatic pathways beneath the Mount St. Helens region
- Seismic constraints on melt organization within silicic magmatic systems
- Shear velocity tomography of the crust below Valles Caldera using a densely spaced nodal transect
- Solar Climate Intervention: Establishing baseline metrics for the lower stratosphere using the heliotrope solar hot air balloon system
- The Triple Oxygen Isotopes of a Bulk Sample from the Apollo 17 Double Drive Tube 73002
- Tracking Changes in Chemistry of Diagenetic Features in Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars with ChemCam
- Upstream-migrating channel blockage causes rivers on fluvial fans to dechannelize and avulse
- Water-soluble chlorine with distinct isotopic compositions in lunar materials with application to volatiles in A17 core 73001/73002