Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates (ASTRA)
flowchart I[Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates (ASTRA)] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (227)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (85)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 4D Imaging of the High Latitude Ionosphere: Observations and Scientific Results
- The response of the inner magnetospheric electric field to global stormtime ionosphere-thermosphere changes
- A Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Thermospheric Neutral Wind Measurements: Building and Testing a New Empirical Reference Model
- Comparison of Conductances derived from IDA3D and TIMEGCM with GUVI
- Comparison of GUVI 135.6nm OI radiance observations with outputs from global atmospheric models
- Compositional changes in thermosphere during a geomagnetic storm inferred using ground- based daytime OI 630.0nm optical airglow emissions
- Contrasting Thermospheric Behavior at Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum
- Effect of 27-day Solar Rotation on Thermospheric Density and Composition
- Energetics of the solar maximum ionosphere, thermosphere and mesosphere
- Examination of Cadence of Solar Soft X-ray Flux on the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- High Altitude Plasma Redistribution During Storms
- Interannual Behavior of the OH Meinel Emission Profiles Determined From SABER Limb Measurements at 1.6- and 2.0-Microns
- Measurements of the E- and F-Region Post-Sunset Ionosphere
- The effects of mid and low latitude electric fields upon the ionosphere and magnetosphere
- Thermospheric Density and Composition: an Integrated Research Approach
- Dynamics of American Sector Mid and Low Latitude Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response During the November 2004 Superstorm
- Global assimilative ionospheric modeling and the Tiny Ionospheric Photometer on the COSMIC constellation
- IDA4D - a new ionospheric imaging algorithm using non-linear ground-based and spaced- based data sources
- Overview of TIMED CEDAR observations showing the MLTI system response to changing drivers from solar maximum to solar minimum
- Thermospheric Response to Energy and Momentum Inputs from the Magnetosphere
- A New Solar-Terrestrial Connection: Multi-Day Oscillations in Thermosphere and Ionosphere Properties
- An Empirical Model of the Earth's Horizontal Wind Fields: HWM07
- Coherent scatter radar observations of 150-km echoes and vertical plasma drifts in the Brazilian sector
- Estimating Model Parameters from Ionospheric Reverse Engineering (EMPIRE) of the November 2004 Geomagnetic Storm
- High Latitude Thermosphere-Ionosphere Variability During the Solar Minimum IPY Period
- Multiple Magnetic Storm Study of the High-Altitude Redistribution of Equatorial Plasma
- Neutral Ion Coupling Explorer satellite measurements of thermospheric composition, winds and temperatures.
- Numerical Estimates of Polar Cusp Neutral Upwelling Using Satellite Conjunction Data
- Observations of Equatorward Propagating Backscatter Enhancements on the Nightside with the Wallops SuperDARN Radar
- On the estimation of E-region density profiles using IDA4D and COSMIC occultations
- Periodic Modulations in Thermospheric Composition by Solar Wind High Speed Streams
- Poynting Flux Response to Strong Solar Wind Pressure Enhancements
- Results from a Comprehensive Rocket Investigation of Mid-Latitude Spread F
- TIDDBIT HF Doppler Sounder Measurements of TIDs During the Wallops Island Rocket Launch of October 2007
- The Sao Luis Radar Plumes Characteristics as a Function of Solar Flux
- 3D Spectrum of Equatorial Density Irregularities Generated from Observed 1D Spectra
- A study of vertical evolution of Mesosphere and lower thermosphere temperature anomalies during the 2002 Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Warming Event
- CubeSat-Scale O2 Atmospheric Band (0-0) Imaging Spectrograph
- Detecting Small-Scale ULF Waves with GPS TEC
- Dynamic Ionosphere Cubesat Experiment (DICE)
- Enhanced Thermospheric Density: The Roles of East-West and Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Equatorial zonal electric fields inferred from a 3D electrostatic potential model and ground-based magnetic field measurements
- Estimating Density Gradients and Drivers from 3D Ionospheric Imaging
- Global Ultra-Violet Ionosphere-Thermosphere Observatory (GUVITO)
- Global observations of E-region density profiles and conductances
- Ground and Satellite Conjunction Study of Small-scale Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp
- Large-Scale Instabilities of the Lower Thermosphere During an Active Period
- Response of the Ionospheric F-region in the Latin American Sector During the Intense Geomagnetic Storm of 21-22 January 2005
- Small Sensors for Space Weather: CubeSat Missions
- Antarctic Mesospheric Temperature Anomaly in 2007 (Invited)
- CASES: A Novel Low-Cost Ground-based Dual-Frequency GPS Software Receiver
- Causes of variability in plasmasphere rotation rate: IMAGE EUV observations (Invited)
- Coherent backscatter radar imaging in Brazil: Bottomside radar plumes
- Dynamical Properties of Shuttle Plumes in the Lower Thermosphere
- Effects of the Shuttle Plumes on the Chemistry and Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere (Invited)
- Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations)
- Expected performance of the Plasma Diagnostic Instrumentation on DICE
- Missing links in atmospheric-ionospheric coupling (Invited)
- Observing ULF Pulsations at High Latitudes Using GPS TEC
- Plasma-neutral coupling as revealed through analyses of CHAMP data
- Poynting Flux Deposition in the Northern Hemisphere Near-Cusp Region
- Realtime Space Weather Forecasts Via Android Phone App
- TITLE: Remote sensing of lower thermospheric temperatures with the RAIDS experiment on the International Space Station (Invited)
- Water vapor and odd hydrogen in the middle and upper atmosphere: an overview of current observations and modeling (Invited)
- Analysis of amplitude deep fades observed by a static GPS scintillation monitor located near the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly peak during high solar flux conditions
- Characteristics of nighttime equatorial F-region coherent backscatter radar echoes observed in the Brazilian sector during low-solar flux conditions (2010/2011)
- Comparisons Between GPS Ionospheric Scintillations and Observations of Auroral Structuring from All Sky Imagers over Antarctica
- E-region electron density profile estimation from radio occultation measurements K. Agrawal. E. Howell, G.S.Bust, R.Fevig, D.Olsen
- Equatorial Post-Midnight Spread-F observed with Sao Luis 30 MHz Coherent Backscatter Radar and Digisonde during June Solstice of the Low Solar Activity
- GEOScan: A Geoscience Facility from Space
- Investigating Polar Ionospheric Irregularities using GPS Scintillation Model and Observations
- Ionospheric scintillation over Antarctica during the storms of 2010
- Observations and Modeling of Thermospheric Neutral Winds over Millstone Hill
- Observations and Modeling of the Dynamical Response of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere to a Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event in the Southern Hemisphere During 2010
- Remote Sensing of lower thermospheric temperature and composition based on observations of O2 Atmospheric band emission.
- Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) Observations of the Equatorial Nightside Ionosphere at Solar Minimum
- Statistical studies of ULF pulsations using GPS TEC
- The Causes of Changes in Hydrogen Distribution
- The Storm Time Energy and Dynamics Explorers
- Thermospheric Density Enhancements from Unexpected Energy Deposition During Bz North and Strong By Conditions
- C/NOFS Observations of Longitudinal Ionospheric Variability
- Characteristics of TIDs Observed in the Bottomside Ionospheric F-region Using the TIDDBIT HF Doppler Sounder
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- CubeSat-Scale UV and RF Remote Sensing Instruments for Upper Atmosphere Research
- DICE Mission Design, Development, and Implementation: Success and Challenges
- Extended study of extreme geoelectric field event scenarios for geomagnetically induced current application
- Extrapolating the Results of DICE to Constellation CubeSat Missions for Space Science
- Ionospheric Irregularities at High Latitudes During Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms: Simultaneous Observations of Magnetic Field Perturbations and GPS Scintillations
- Ionospheric Joule heating, fast flow channels, and magnetic field line topology for IMF By-dominant conditions - Observations and comparisons with predicted reconnection jet speeds
- Magnetic Field Observations from the Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment (DICE)
- Midnight Temperature Maximum Observations Over Millstone Hill
- Multi-Cell High Latitude Density Structure Induced by Ion Drag during Active Periods
- Plasma density observations from the Dynamic Ionosphere Cubesat Experiment (DICE)
- TIDs in the Bottomside Ionospheric F-region Observed Near Jicamarca Using the TIDDBIT HF Doppler Sounder
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- GPS phase scintillation correlated with auroral forms
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- Operational specification and forecasting advances for Dst, LEO thermospheric densities, and aviation radiation dose and dose rate
- Real-time Scintillation Monitoring in Alaska from a Longitudinal Chain of ASTRA's SM-211 GPS TEC and Scintillation Receivers
- Sensitivity of Ionosphere/Thermosphere to different high-latitude drivers
- Time-dependent three-dimensional (latitude, longitude, altitude) response of the ionosphere to the 2009 SSW event
- Comparison of global ionospheric response to Sudden Stratospheric Warming events in 2009 and 2013
- Constellation of CubeSats for Realtime Ionospheric E-field Measurements for Global Space Weather
- Cross Comparison of Electron Density and Electron Temperature Observations from the DICE CubeSat Langmuir Probes and the Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar.
- Determination of ITM Key Parameters By the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Development of he Nanosat Oxygen A-Band Spatial Heterodyne Interferometer (NOASHIN)
- Effects of Major Sudden Stratospheric Warmings Identified in Midlatitude Mesospheric Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Temperatures
- Ensemble Assimilation Using Three First-Principles Thermospheric Models as a Tool for 72-hour Density and Satellite Drag Forecasts
- First Results from a New Rigid Falling Sphere Probe to Measure Winds, Density, and Temperature in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration Mission (MiRaTA): Advancing Weather Remote Sensing with Nanosatellites
- Observations of Gravity Wave Package Dissipation during its Upward Propagation in the Mesopause region.
- Periodically Launched, Dedicated CubeSats/SmallSats for Space Situational Awareness Through NASA Communications Networks
- Preliminary Analysis of the CASES GPS Receiver Performance during Simulated Seismic Displacements
- Prototype Operational Advances for Atmospheric Radiation Dose Rate Specification
- Realtime Monitoring of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by Tsunamis
- Seasonal Variability in Global Eddy Diffusion and the Effect on Thermospheric Neutral Density
- Solar Occultation Constellation for Retrieving Aerosols and Trace Element Species (SOCRATES) Mission Concept
- Space Weather Tools of the Trade - A Changing Mix
- The Calibration of a Large Number of Scientific Instruments for the Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission.
- The Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP) CubeSat Observatory and the Characterization of Cloud Properties
- Topside Ionospheric Sounder for CubeSats
- A simplified traveling ionospheric disturbance (TID) specification model based on TID Detector Built In Texas (TIDDBIT) and GPS total electron content (TEC) measurements.
- Array of Neutral Density Relative Observations MEasuring Divergence in the Atmosphere (ANDROMEDA), A Constellation Concept for Studying Thermospheric Dynamics
- Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission Preliminary Results
- Characteristics of Extreme Geoelectric Fields and Their Possible Causes: Localized Peak Enhancements
- Innovative High-Accuracy Lidar Bathymetric Technique for the Frequent Measurement of River Systems
- Novel Polarization Techniques and Instrumentation for Glacial Melt Pond Laser Bathymetry
- Observation of the spectral-invariant properties of clouds in transition zones during MAGIC, A case study
- Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) Over the United States Associated With the Tsunami Generated by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents
- The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment
- The Scanning Ionospheric Photometer for CubeSats
- Variations of Hydrogen in the Thermosphere: Nature and Causes
- Analysis of TIMED/GUVI Dayglow Utraviolet Oxygen Images
- Analyzer for Thermospheric Mixing on Space Station (ATMoSS)
- Cusp Electron Populations During a Neutral Upwelling Event: Measurements from RENU2 and MMS Conjunction
- Improved Orbit Determination and Forecasts with an Assimilative Tool for Atmospheric Density and Satellite Drag Specification
- Innovative Technique for High-Accuracy Remote Monitoring of Surface Water
- PFISR GPS tracking mode for researching high-latitude ionospheric electron density gradients associated with GPS scintillation
- Polarization Lidar for High Precision Water Depth Measurements of Glacial Melt Water
- RENU 2 UV Measurements of Atomic Oxygen in the Cusp Region
- Space weather effects measured in atmospheric radiation on aircraft
- Super Soaker: A Sounding Rocket Mission to Study Transport, Chemistry, and Energetics of Water in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Implications for Polar Mesospheric Cloud Occurrence
- The "Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2)" Sounding Rocket
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) : Mission Design and Planning
- The SWAP Upper Atmosphere Expansion Benchmark
- Viscosity in the thermosphere: Evidence from gravity wave, neutral wind and direct lab measurements that the standard viscosity coefficients are too large in the thermosphere; and implication for gravity wave propagation in the thermosphere
- Assimilating Satellite Orbit Data to Improve Neutral Density Forecasts for Operational Use
- GPS L1 Scintillation Detection Using a Novel 3-Dimensional PFISR Mode
- Secondary gravity waves from deep convection over the continental United States: case studies
- The First UAV-Borne Scanning Topographic and Bathymetric Lidar System for Mapping Coastal Regions
- Water Level Measurements Using GPS/GNSS Reflectometry in a Location with a Wide Intertidal Zone
- A study of mid-latitude long-lasting positive storm effects in the American sector
- Antidisciplinary: Tackling the technical and social challenges to data science-driven discovery
- Evaluation of total electron content forecasting using three ionosphere-thermosphere models
- GNSS Water Level Measurements Augmented with Beach Profile Survey
- How Densities Derived from Satellite Drag are Affected by Composition and Drag Coefficient Modeling
- Improving Forecast Lead Times for the Solar Wind, IMF, and Kp Index
- New Mexico Tech Student Satellite (NMTSat)
- Novel approaches to geospace particle transfer in the digital age: Progress through data science
- Observations and Modeling of Convectively Generated Acoustic Waves in the Ionosphere
- Sources of Uncertainty in Atmospheric Drag: The Drag Coefficient
- The DAILI (Daily Atmosphere and Ionosphere Limb Imager) CubeSat Mission
- Tidal waves and ionosphere-thermosphere coupling at Mars
- Towards Ionospheric TEC Monitoring from the Oceanic Region
- A Mission Concept for a Solar Observatory in a Highly-Inclined Heliocentric Orbit - Demystifying the Magnetic Nature and Activity of our Star
- Analysis of Geomagnetically Induced Currents through Network Analysis with Magnetometer Measurements
- Analyzing Interconnectivity and Critical Risk in Space Weather Indexes
- Critical Risk Indicators (CRIs) for the electric power grid: A survey and discussion of interconnected effects
- Data Integration with Knowledge Graphs: A Space Weather Use-case
- Data as a Service in Space Weather
- Determining new representations of "Geoeffectiveness" using deep learning
- Forecasting global auroral particle precipitation and boundaries with novel multi-task deep learning techniques
- Geomagnetically Induced Currents at Middle Latitudes: Quiet-time Climatology, Significance during Geomagnetic Disturbances, and Machine-Learning Modeling
- HSO Connect: Creating User-driven Infrastructure for Space Science
- Handling the complexity of the space weather system: Novel approaches through particle precipitation and ion outflow
- Identification and Analysis of Long-Lived Storm Enhanced Density
- Identifying and forecasting biodiversity `tipping points'
- Increasing STEM Participation in Zambia through Space Science
- Investigating power law power spectra as a diagnostic of nanoflare coronal heating in active regions
- Ionosphere-thermosphere response to high-speed solar streams during 2018-2019 as observed by Swarm-C, GNSS TEC and modeled by SD/WACCM-X
- Low and Mid-latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to the April 2020 Storm
- Low frequency proton resonance waves and associated higher frequency waves in the Martian magnetosheath and their role on ion escape
- Madden-Julian Oscillation Effects on Ultra-Fast Tropical Waves in the Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere System during 2018-2019
- Open Knowledge Networks for geoscience: A powerful use case through space weather
- Perspectives of using physics-based models for forecasting of total electron content of the ionosphere
- Prediction of Geomagnetic Field Disturbance across Alaska using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks trained from OMNI and superMAG 2000-2015 datasets
- Real-time Space Weather Tool for GPS PNT Users
- SET HASDM Database available to the research community as the new density benchmark
- Scintillation Observations and Response of The Ionosphere to Electrodynamics (SORTIE) Mission
- Simultaneous estimation of density and Fourier drag-coefficient
- Statistical analysis of mid-latitude long-lasting positive storm effects in the American Sector
- Storm-Time Ionospheric Total Electron Content Measurements from Ocean Surface Buoys in the Equatorial Region
- SunCET: A CubeSat Mission Dedicated to the Middle Corona
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- The Equatorial Ionosphere from the SORTIE Ion Velocity Meter
- The Global Analysis of the Ionospheric Correlation Time and its Implications for Ionospheric Data Assimilation
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- A Next Generation Space Weather Particle Precipitation Model: Mature machine learning approaches, multiscale mesoscale prediction, and an open science framework for machine learning
- Assessing Critical Risk Indicators for Space Weather and the Power Grid with Outage Data in Massachusetts and Vermont
- Coronal and Heliospheric Modeling with WSA: Recent Updates and Applications
- Enhancing the Estimation of GICs Over North America Using the Spherical Elementary Current System Technique.
- Factors controlling local intense dB/dt variations during shock-induced substorms
- Ground magnetic field perturbation forecasting based on deep learning on spherical harmonics decomposition
- Heliophysics: A small field with big data science
- Mapping Heliophysics Knowledge: Using Knowledge Graphs for Heliophysics Literature
- Measurements of the meridional advective acceleration, modified Coriolis parameter, and neutral wind forcing in the E-region during different geomagnetic activity
- Modeling Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Trajectories: Atmospheric Density Specification and Vehicle Environment Interactions
- Modeling and observation of secondary and higher-order gravity waves from the stratospheric polar vortex via multi-step vertical coupling
- Multi-instrument investigation of the role of plasma convection in the formation of the polar holes
- NEREID: Converging in the Spaces Between
- Novel UAS-based LiDAR for Shallow-Water Bathymetry
- Report on a Workshop to Understand Heliophysics Research Infrastructure
- Solar Rotation Effects in the Whole Martian Thermosphere as Revealed by over Five Years of MAVEN Observations
- Strengthening STEM Participation through Space Science Case of Zambia
- The Observational Uncertainty of Coronal Hole Boundaries in Automated Detection Schemes
- The importance of the covariance model for ionospheric data assimilation.
- Toward a Heliophysics Knowledge Commons: The Heliophysics KNOWledge Network (Helio-KNOW) and what it means for the future of Earth and Space Science
- Understanding the interconnected space weather system: The Convergence Hub for the Exploration of Space Science (CHESS) project and workshop
- Vertical Wave Coupling in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere as revealed by Concurrent ICON, COSMIC-2, and SORTIE Observations
- Assimilation of Multi-Point and Multi-Source Data with Dragster
- Constructing a Machine Learned Global Geomagnetic Field Prediction Model from Magnetic Local Time Dependent Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Networks
- First Results from DAILI, a 6U CubeSat designed to study O2 density from 140 to 200 km at low and mid latitudes
- Heliophysics Network Building UtilitiesA Contribution to the Heliophysics KNOWledge Network (Helio-KNOW), Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Graphs of Heliophysics research
- Solar Rotation Effects in Earth's and Mars' Thermospheric Densities as Revealed by Concurrent MAVEN, Swarm-C, and GOES Observations
- Strategies for Modern, Multi-dimensional Data: Case Studies from PUNCH, CubIXSS, ECCCO, SunCET, & COMPLETE
- The McIntosh Archive Plus; Extending a Long-term Data Set into the Modern Era
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. K. Higginson
- A. M. Keesee
- A. S. Reimer
- Adam Kellerman
- Amir Caspi
- Asti Bhatt
- Astrid Veronig
- Ayris Narock
- B. J. Thompson
- B. Kunduri
- B. L. Giles
- Banafsheh Ferdousi
- Brian J. Harding
- Brian L. Thomas
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. J. Henney
- Chigomezyo M. Ngwira
- Chris Lowder
- Christian Möstl
- Christopher Bard
- D. A. Roberts
- D. M. Oliveira
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Doğacan Öztürk
- E. K. Sutton
- E. Thiemann
- E. Zesta
- Enrico Camporeale
- Federico Gasperini
- G. Crowley
- Ian Hewins
- J. Dorelli
- J. H. Hecht
- J. Ireland
- J. M. Weygand
- J. P. Thayer
- J. W. Gjerloev
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jeffrey M. Forbes
- Jeng‐Hwa Yee
- John Braun
- Joseph Hughes
- Karthik Venkataramani
- Katrina Bossert
- L. K. Jian
- Levan Lomidze
- Lisa Upton
- M. B. Cohen
- M. C. Damas
- M. Conde
- M. D. Silveira
- M. F. Larsen
- M. Hartinger
- M. J. Owens
- M. Pilinski
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Martin A. Reiss
- Matthew J. West
- Peter Macniece
- R. H. Varney
- R. M. Candey
- Rebecca Ringuette
- Roger C. Bailey
- Ryan McGranaghan
- S. E. Gibson
- S. F. Fung
- S. I. Jones
- S. R. Kaeppler
- Samuel J. Klein
- Samuel J. Schonfeld
- Sharon L. Vadas
- Shasha Zou
- Spencer Hatch
- Stanley C. Solomon
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- T. J. Immel
- V. A. Pinto
- V. Bernstein
- V. Sai Gowtam
- Victoriya V. Forsythe
- Vishal Upendran
- W. Kent Tobiska
- Zhonghua Xu