University of Texas, Arlington, Department of Physics
flowchart I[University of Texas, Arlington, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (58)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Generation Mechanism of S-Bursts at Jupiter and Earth: Initial Simulation Result
- DyFK Simulation of the O+ Density Trough at 5000 km Altitude in the Polar Cap
- DyFK-simulation-based formulaic representation of the effects of wave-driven ion heating and electron precipitation on ionospheric outflows
- Electron Acceleration on Jupiter-Io Flux Tube: Possible Generation Mechanism of S- Bursts
- O+ transport across the polar cap
- Wave Particle Diffusion of Energetic Ring Current Ions
- Alfvenic Acceleration of Io Torus Electrons
- Characteristics of low energy ions observed by New Horizon/SWAP during Jupiter's mangetotail flyby
- Determining the Viscous Potential from MHD Simulations and Comparing it to Observations
- Fluid-kinetic simulations of the passage of Storm Enhanced Density (SED) plasma flux tubes through the dayside cleft auroral processes region
- Magnetospheric Energy Coupling During CIR-Driven Storms
- Measures of Geo-effectiveness in Storms
- Physics-based formula representations of high-latitude ionospheric outflows: H+ and O+ densities and flow velocities vs. precipitation, wave-heating, and solar zenith angle effects
- Simulations of the formation of O+ trough zones in the polar cap ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling region
- Skill Scores for Ionospheric Modeling
- Studies of Magnetotail Dynamics and Energy Evolution During Substorms Using MHD Simulations
- The Current-Driven Magnetosphere
- The Use of Color as a Third Dimension on Maps
- Alfven Waves and Electron Energization and Their Interaction with Auroral Ionospheric Plasma Transport
- Comparison Between Data-Based and Simulation-Based Ion Outflow Scaling Laws
- Dynamic Fluid-Kinetic (DyFK) Simulations of Storm-Enhanced Density Supply of Cleft Ion Fountain Outflows
- Effect of Field-Aligned Potentials on Magnetospheric Dynamics at Jupiter and Saturn
- Effects of Solar Wind Parameters on the Energization of the Ring Current
- Generation of Parallel Electric Fields in the Jupiter-Io Torus Wake Region
- High-latitude ionospheric outflows characterized through analytic formulas
- Quasi-Stable Storm Reconnection Region
- Bow shock current closure for large IMF By: The unipolar generator
- Dual Reversed Convection and Magnetospheric Reconfiguration Under Strongly Northward IMF Conditions (Invited)
- On the Usefulness and Limitations of Empirical Ion Outflow Scaling Laws
- Primary heating mechanisms for the substantial neutral density enhancement in the cusp region
- Simulating the viscous interaction under a variety of solar wind conditions, with some comparisons to satellite data
- The Impact of Stereo Display on Student Understanding of Phases of the Moon
- The Lack of Ring Current Response to Large Y-Component IMF
- Contribution of Joule heating and soft particle precipitation to the cusp neutral density enhancement
- Factors that Affect Geoeffective Length for Northward IMF
- Sensitivity of magnetospheric energy input into the upper atmosphere from different models to the solar wind speed
- Comparison of LFM Simulation Results with Observation for Strongly Northward IMF
- Data and Model Views of Energy Input to the Dayside Thermosphere When the East-West Interplanetary Magnetic Field Is Large
- Estimates of the Geoeffective Length During the Whole Heliospheric Interval from Simulations
- Evolution of the Birkeland Currents During the Whole Heliosphere Interval from Various Simulations
- Geomagnetic energy variation during last solar cycle and its influence on the upper atmosphere
- Height Distribution of Joule Heating and its Influence on the Temperature and Density of the Upper Atmosphere
- Significance of Poynting flux and soft particle precipitation to the cusp neutral density enhancement
- Studying the Viscous Interaction during the Whole Heliosphere Interval
- Comparing the Viscous Potential from Virtual Satellite Passes Through the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer to Ionospheric Values, in an MHD Simulation
- Evidence of Decrease in Viscous Interaction during Events with Northward IMF as Seen in Lfm Simulation
- Height-Integrated Pedersen Conductivity in both E and F regions from COSMIC Observations
- Influence of non-hydrostatic processes on gravity-wave simulation in the upper atmosphere
- Penetration of IMF By into the Magnetotail in a Global MHD Simulation
- Wavelength dependence of solar flare irradiance enhancement and its influence on the thermosphere-ionosphere system
- Thermospheric winds around the cusp region
- A study of the non-linear response of the upper atmosphere to episodic and stochastic acoustic-gravity wave forcing
- Energy inputs in the polar cap during geomagnetic storms and the impacts on the ionosphere/thermosphere
- Inter-hemispheric asymmetry of Pedersen conductance
- Poynting flux distribution in the dayside polar cap boundary regions
- Grain Boundary Sliding in High Temperature Deformation of Directionally Solidified hcp Zn Alloys, and Implications for the Deformation Mechanism of Earth's Inner Core
- Can Interhemispheric Asymmetries in Ionospheric Outflow Wag the Magnetotail?