University of Texas, Dallas, Center for Space Sciences
flowchart I[University of Texas, Dallas, Center for Space Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (129)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Atmospheric Dynamical Responses to Solar Wind Variations on the Day-to-Day Timescale
- Case study of Bastille Day storm effects on the ionosphere using DMSP ion density measurements and TEC maps
- Comparative Analysis of Stormtime Ring Currents Under Extreme Solar Wind Conditions
- Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)
- Global Ionospheric/Magnetospheric Response to the Bastille Day Storm
- Multi-satellite Observations During Theta Aurora Evolution
- Observed Saturation of the Ionospheric Cross Polar Cap Potential During the 31 March 2001 Storm
- Statistical ion Drift Patterns in low Latitude Ionosphere From ROCSAT-1 During Equinoxes
- Electrodynamics of the Duskside Aurora
- Polar cap Bifurcation During Steady-State Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field With |B<SUB>Y</SUB>|~B<SUB>Z</SUB>
- Relationship Between ion Motions and Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Observed by ROCSAT-1 at 600 km Altitude
- A Sequential Sounding Rocket Flight Through Nighttime Midlatitude Plasma Layers
- Bringing Ionospheric Exploration to Pre-College Classrooms: Meeting the Challenges of EPO for the CINDI Mission
- Comparison of DMSP SSIES Density and Temperature Measurements With Ground-Based Incoherent Scatter Radar Data
- Direct Comparison of DMSP and SuperDARN Measurements of Ion Flows in the Polar Ionosphere
- Dynamics of the Local E-Region Neutral Winds at Midlatitudes Observed With a Sequence of Chemical Tracer Releases During Sporadic E Conditions
- Examining the Effects of Including Evening Sector Proton Precipitation in Self-Consistent RCM Modeling of the Stormtime Sub-Auroral Electric Field
- Exploring Earth's Ionosphere with CINDI: Bringing an Upper Atmosphere Mission into Pre-College Classrooms
- F-region Ionospheric Irregularities Observed by ROCSAT-1 in the South Atlantic Anomaly Longitude Sector
- Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)
- Seasonal and Latitudinal Distributions of the Dominant Light Ions at 600 km Topside Ionosphere During Years of Solar Maximum
- Variability of High-Latitude Vertical Plasma Flux using DMSP Measurements
- From the Ionosphere to the Classroom: Exploring the Earth's Upper Atmosphere with CINDI
- Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Electric Fields During Superstorms
- Mars Aeronomy Science Themes and the NASA Exploration Initiative
- Multi-parameter characterization of ionospheric and magnetospheric responses to the October-November 2003 super storms
- Numerical Modeling of the Dynamics and Composition of a Nighttime Intermediate Layer
- Observations of Density and Electron neutral collision frequency in the nighttime E-region during the E-winds Campaign
- Scientists and Education: The Process of Developing Formal Educational Outreach for the NASA CINDI Instrument Package.
- Stormtime Measurements of Topside Ionospheric Upflow from DMSP
- Super Dual Auroral Radar Network Observations of Ionospheric Convection Enhancements Driven by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fronts
- Testing the Hill-Siscoe Model of Polar Cap Potential Saturation Using Observations From the October/November 2003 Superstorms
- Comparison of Global Electromagnetic and Particle Energy Flux Distributions in the High-Latitude Ionosphere
- IMF Control of High Latitude Electromagnetic Energy Flux
- Ionospheric Polar Cap Growth During Superstorms
- Mid-Latitude Thermosphere-Ionosphere Storm Response: An Aeronomy Frontier
- Space Science for Middle School Teachers: Integrating CINDI E/PO into a Long-Term Professional Development Program
- Temporal Evolution of the Cross-polar-cap Potential After Sharp Enhancements in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Theory and Simulations of Auroral Undulations Associated with Instabilities in the Dusk Sector Plasma Sheet
- Relationship Between the Plasmapause and the Outer Radiation Belt From DMSP, IMAGE, and SAMPEX Observations
- Statistical Study of the Effect of Long-duration, Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Step Increases on the Transpolar Potential
- Thermospheric Density and Composition: an Integrated Research Approach
- Bringing Space Scientists, Teachers, and Students Together With The CINDI E/PO Program
- Comparison of Simultaneously Measured Cross Polar Cap Potentials
- Comparison of dayside and nightside reconnection changes resulting from a sudden enhancement in solar wind dynamic pressure
- Dynamics of the Plasmasphere and the Outer Radiation Belt
- High-Latitude Ionospheric Upwelling as a Function of Cross-Cap Potential and Solar Wind Pressure
- Inonospheric Convecton During Very Weak IMF and Solar Wind Driving
- Community Access to the C/NOFS Satellite Data -- Facilitating New Opportunities for Space Weather Research
- Effects of non-ideal biased grids on geophysical parameters obtained from RPA data
- Enabling Science Research with Coordinated Data From SuperDARN and VITMO
- Ion Temperature and Density Relationships Measured by CINDI from the C/NOFS Spacecraft During Solar Minimum
- Mapping the Topside Ion Temperature and Density Distribution with CINDI and DMSP
- Performing Science Research with the Virtual ITM Observatory
- Poynting Flux Response to Strong Solar Wind Pressure Enhancements
- Relativistic Microbursts and their Relationship to Observed Plasmapause Location
- Statistical Study of the Response of the Transpolar Potential to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fronts as a Function of their Pressure Change and Accompanying IMF
- Storm-Time Mid-Latitude Dayside TEC Enhancements: Longitudinal Dependence
- The sub-auroral electric field as observed by DMSP and the new SuperDARN mid-latitude radars
- An Enhanced Magnetometer Network in the United States for Magnetoseismic Research
- Coordinated observations of electron density enhancements in the polar magnetosphere and ion upflows in the ionosphere during geomagnetic storms
- Design and Delivery of Professional Development Through Partnerships: Long-Term, Short-Term, and Everything In-Between
- Effective Aperture Behavior of Open Magnetic Field Lines in the Geospace Environment
- Geographic and Seasonal Distribution of Ion Temperature and Density as Measured by CINDI from the C/NOFS Spacecraft
- Global Distributions of the Characteristics of Auroral Particles
- Observation of Split Crescent Cells During IMF BY-Dominated Periods
- Observations of a Space Shuttle Burn by CINDI Instruments on C/NOFS
- Seasonal Differences in the Dusk Equatorial Topside Ionosphere Measured by C/NOFS and DMSP
- Space Technology 5 Multipoint Observations of Transpolar Arc Related Field-aligned Currents
- Storm time signatures of the zonal ion drift and region-2 field-aligned current at middle latitude ionosphere
- TIWS: Thermospheric/Ionospheric Wave Studies
- The Challenges and Promise of CubeSat-Based Instrumentation for Thermal Plasma and Neutral Measurements (Invited)
- A Steady State Model of Low Latitude Electron and Ion Temperatures
- Determining the Daytime, Equatorial Ionospheric Electron Densities Associated with the Observed, 4-cell Longitude Patterns in ExB Drift Velocities
- Effect of solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements on dayside and nightside ionospheric convection and the polar cap boundary location
- Equatorial electric field response during stormtimes using CINDI and DMSP data
- Modeling the Climatology of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles at Solar Minimum Using Plasma Drifts Observed by C/NOFS
- Observations of low-latitude plasma density enhancements and their associated electric fields and plasma velocities using probes on the C/NOFS satellite
- Our Place in Space: Exploring the Earth-Moon System and Beyond with NASA's CINDI E/PO Program
- Physics-Based Model Driven by Plasma Drifts Obtained From the C/NOFS Satellite
- Polar surface pressure responses to the global electric circuit
- Reconstruction of propagating Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Mercury's magnetopause
- Response of the Topside Ionosphere to 27-Day Variations in Solar EUV Input Using C/NOFS
- Seasonal Variations in Equatorial Ion Drifts measured by C/NOFS (Invited)
- Space Technology 5 Multipoint Observations of Pc 2 Waves
- The Longitudinal Variation of Equatorial Electrodynamics Observations
- Assimilation of Real-Time Satellite And Human Sensor Networks for Modeling Natural Disasters
- Cross-correlation of ionospheric parameters using machine-learning analysis of data from multiple DMSP spacecraft
- Identifying Equatorial Scintillation using C/NOFS in-situ Density Measurements
- Ion Density and Temperature Measured by CINDI from the C/NOFS Spacecraft During a Slowly Rising Solar Cycle
- Longitudinal and Seasonal variation of ion density, temperature and composition during solar minimum
- Superrotation of the Ionosphere and Quiet Time Zonal Ion Drifts at Low and Middle Latitudes Observed by ROCSAT-1
- The equatorial ionosphere during and after the extreme solar minimum of 2008: reconstructing climatological maps of topside ion density and composition for low latitudes using the C/NOFS satellite
- Equatorial Thermospheric Responses to Geomagnetic Storms
- Modeling of ion composition in the topside ionosphere with emphasis on extremely low solar activity
- Relationships Between Vertical Plasma Drifts and Equatorial Plasma Depletions Observed by CINDI-C/NOFS
- Solar Flare Response in the Topside, Equatorial Ionosphere
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- The effects of ExB drifts on the equatorial ionosphere during extreme solar minimum
- Topside Equatorial Zonal Ion Velocities Measured by C/NOFS During a Rising Solar Cycle
- Vertical and meridional ion flows in the equatorial ionosphere during stormtimes using CINDI observations
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- Low-latitude Ionospheric Heating during Solar Flares
- Maps of Precipitating Electron Spectra Characterized by Maxwellian, Lorentzian, and Ellison-Ramaty Distributions
- Multipoint Observations of Oval-aligned Transpolar Arc Formation
- Radio-Tomographic Images of Post-midnight Equatorial Plasma Depletions
- Storm-Time Meridional Wind Perturbations in the Equatorial Thermosphere
- Tracking the Plasmapause by Its Optical and Thermal Signatures in the Ionosphere
- Boundary-oriented Empirical Modeling of SAPS with Subauroral DMSP Observations from 1992-2012.
- Challenges in Understanding and Modeling the SAPS Phenomenon
- Comparisons of Simulated and Observed Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) during the 17 March 2013 Storm
- OpenGGCM-RCM Modeling and Data Comparisons for the 17 March, 2013 SAPS Event
- WN4 Variability in DMSP Ion Densities Across Season, Solar Cycle, and Local Time
- Characteristics of Meso-Scale High Latitude Ionospheric Flows
- Driving of Dramatic Geomagnetic Activity by Enhancement of Meso-Scale Polar-cap Flows
- Observations of subauroral ion drift (SAID) occurrence statistics and associated ionospheric conditions measured by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) and Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE-2).
- SAPS and SAID: Differences and implications on modeling
- The response of the topside ionosphere to forcing from both above and from below
- A boundary-oriented model of the 3-D ion drifts within the Earth's cusp
- Boundary-oriented convection and particle precipitation patterns for IMF Bz southward dominant conditions and their impacts on Joule heating: Preliminary results
- Effects of Alignment Between Particle Precipitation and Ion Convection Pattern on Joule heating
- ICON Investigations of Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- A new set of standardized boundaries for the application of adaptive, high-latitude coordinates
- Understanding the Sources of the Mid-latitude Storm Positive Phase: A Case Study of 16 July 2017
- E- and F-region Wind Influences on the Topside Equatorial ionosphere Observed by ICON
- Impacts of the soft electron precipitation on the neutral density during geomagnetic storms
- Influence of multi-scale geomagnetic forcing on the ionosphere-thermosphere system
- Scintillation Observations and Response of The Ionosphere to Electrodynamics (SORTIE) Mission
- Structures in Ionospheric Density and Velocity revealed from Satellite Constellations