University of Texas, Austin, Department of Physics
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Bounce-Averaged Stability Analysis of High Beta Flux Tubes
- Effects of finite Larmor radius and equilibrium shear flow on ideal MHD Stability
- Energy Transport and the Limits of Predictability in the Solar-Wind Driven Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- Prediction of Ground Magnetic Field Fluctuations from Upstream Solar Wind
- Semi-Discrete Wavelet Transforms of Remote Sensing Data Reveal Long-Range Multifractal Correlations in Cloud Structure
- Spatially Resolved WINDMI Substorm Model
- The Dimensionality of Stochasticaly Driven Systems and the Limits of Predictability of Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Energy Flow in the Geomagnetic Tail
- Spatially Resolved Substorm Dynamical Model with Internal and External Substorm Triggers
- The Risk of Spurious Model Validation, An Illustration with Cloud Remote Sensing Data
- Using Branch Prediction and Speculative Execution to Forecast Space Weather with a Cluster of Standard PCs
- Branch Prediction and Speculative Execution in Magnetospheric Forecasting
- Dynamics of the Firehose Instability in the Central Plasma Sheet
- Mirror Mode Structures in the Solar Wind
- Substorm Injection Electron Flux
- Analysis of the GEM Storms with the WINDMI Models
- Firehose Turbulence as the Source of Pi2 Precursors to Dipolarization Events
- Substorm Injections Produce Sufficient Electron Energization to Account for MeV Flux Enhancements Following Some Storms
- The role of EMIC waves in scattering electrons
- Analysis of the October 3-7 2000 and April 15-24 2002 Geomagnetic Storms with the WINDMI model
- Analysis of the Octuber 3-7 2000 GEM Storm with the WINDMI Model
- Effect of Magnetic Clouds and IP Shocks on AL and Dst Indices
- Exploration of the Mechanism Explaining the Emergence of Unforced Millennial Scale Variability in the Bern Climate Model under Glacial Boundary Conditions
- Paleoclimate Implications of Uncertainties in Processes Governing Vertical Mixing in the Ocean
- Simulations of neutral wind shear effect on the equatorial ionosphere irregularities
- Theory and Simulations of Auroral Undulations Associated with Instabilities in the Dusk Sector Plasma Sheet
- AL and Dst Predictions with the Real-Time WINDMI Model
- Effect of Interplanetary Shocks on AL and Dst Indices
- Space Weather Prediction Using a Hybrid Physics/Black-box Model
- VASIMR Simulation Studies of Auroral Ion Cyclotron Heating
- Comparison of a CME Flux-rope Model with LASCO data
- Evaluation of Solar-Wind Magnetosphere Coupling Functions Using the WINDMI Model
- Fresh water forcing hypothesis of abrupt climate change: A test of consistency with sea level reconstructions
- Geomagnetic Storm and Substorm Predictions with the Real-Time WINDMI Model
- Probability Density Functions of the Solar Wind Driver of the Magnetopshere-Ionosphere System
- Tests and consequences of ballooning in the RCM-E
- Coronal heating and turbulence from kinetic drift wave-Alfven waves launched by oscillating pre-coronal region current loops and instabilities
- Dayside Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Solar Wind Driven Dynamics
- Prediction of AL and Dst Indices from ACE Measurements Using Hybrid Physics/Black-Box Techniques
- Real-Time WINDMI Predictions of Geomagnetic Storm and Substorms
- Resonant generation of internal waves on a model continental slope
- Analysis of the 2007 year CIR Events using the WINDMI Model: Energy Distribution and Ring Current Evolution
- Development of a Dynamical Magnetosphere Model by Coupling the WINDMI Plasma Physics Model to an Analytical Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Configuration
- Low-Dimensional Dynamical Model of the Solar Wind Driven Magnetopause
- Interplay of Kelvin Helmholtz (KH) and Tearing mode Instability during High Speed Stream (HSS) Events
- A Unified Fluid Model for Low-latitude Ionosphere Turbulence Causes Radiowave Scintillations
- Substorms Triggered by Interchange Dynamics that Transforms to Magnetic Reconnection
- Asymmetric Solar Wind driven substorms from ballooning-interchange and magnetic reconnection
- Unified Model of Type I and Type II Turbulence in the Equitorial E-Layer Plasma
- Plasma Turbulence and Energy Cascades in the Equatorial Electrojet: A Complete Picture in a 2-D Fluid Model
- Hybrid simulations of large-amplitude Alfvénic fluctuations: the role of parametric instabilities in proton heating and acceleration