University of South Florida, College of Marine Science
flowchart I[University of South Florida, College of Marine Science] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (438)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Coral Perspective on Modern and Late Pleistocene Climate Variability in the South Pacific
- Deep Ocean Ventilation and Chemical Stratification as a Driver of Orbital-Scale Climate Variability: Insights From the Pleistocene and Miocene of the Atlantic Ocean
- Establishing an Operational Data System for Surface Currents Derived from Satellite Altimeters and Scatterometers; Pilot Study for the Tropical Pacific
- Large Scale Coastal Behaviour on the Outer Banks, NC During Hurricane Dennis
- Linkages Between Modern Oceanic Processes and Fossil Carbon Flux in the Cariaco Basin
- Linkages Between Shoreline Progradation and Climate, Southwest Washington, USA
- Ocean Atmosphere Flux Variability in the Gulf of Mexico
- Real Time Monitoring and Circulation Modeling on the West Florida Shelf
- Sediment Transport by Mean Near-Bottom Currents During the SandyDuck Storm
- Self-Similar Criticality: A link between cumulative power law distributions and fractal geometry
- Shelf Sediment Export Controlled by Pleistocene Ice Volume Fluctuations From the Cool Water Carbonate Slope of the Great Australian Bight: ODP Site 1130
- Statistical Description of a Current-Dominated Bottom Boundary Layer
- Surface and Deep Ocean Circulation in the Subpolar North Atlantic During the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution
- The Contribution of Satellite Altimetry to Measuring Long-Term Sea Level Change
- Upper-Truncated Power Laws and Limits to Scale Invariance in Natural Systems
- Wavelet Analysis of Shoreline Change on the Outer Banks of North Carolina
- West Florida Shelf Circulation and Temperature Budget for the 1999 Spring Transition
- A Coral-based Climate Record from the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- A Loop Current Intrusion Case Study on the West Florida Shelf
- A Siliciclastic-Infilled Sedimentary Basin Within a Large Carbonate Platform, Tampa Bay, Florida
- An explanation for the change in b-value preceding large earthquakes
- Comparision of Bathymetry and Bottom Characteristics From Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data and Shipborne Acoustic Measurements
- Comparison of Airborne Lidar and Mulitbeam Bathymetric Data in the Florida Reef Tract Along Broward County
- Dynamical and Thermodynamical Processes Governing Fluid Pathways of the Upper Limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Geophysical Investigation of the Hydrogeologic Structure and Magma at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- Gulf of Mexico Sea-Surface Temperatures and Laurentide Meltwater Input During MIS 3: Implications for High/Low Latitude Linkages
- High-Resolution Multibeam Survey of ONR Mine Burial and Scour Study Area near Clearwater, Florida
- Hindcasting Storm-Induced Erosional Hazards for the Outer Banks, NC.
- Interannual Volume Changes and Heat Transport Pathways in the Tropical Pacific
- Inverting Magnetic Data Using Parallel Processing
- Low Frequency Modulations in the Response of Coastal Sea Level to Winter Storms
- Magma-Tectonic Interactions along the Central America Volcanic Arc: Insights from the August 1999 Magmatic and Tectonic Event at Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
- Material Property Distribution Insights From a Coordinated Observing and Modeling System for the West Florida Continental Shelf
- OSCAR (Ocean Surface Currents Analysis - Real time): An Operational Resource for Various Maritime Applications and El Niño Monitoring in the Tropical Pacific Using Jason-1 Data
- Ocean Scientists - The Next Generation: Meeting the Changing Needs of Graduate Students
- Results of TOPEX/Poseidon-Jason Calibration to Construct a Continuous Record of Global Mean Sea Level
- Sedimentary Framework of an Inner Continental Shelf Sand-Ridge System, West-Central Florida
- Self-Similar Criticality: A Model for Forest Fire Burn Areas
- Simulations of Altered Freshwater Flow Into Tampa Bay and Impact on Salinity
- Stability Constants for Sulfate Complexation of Yttrium and the Rare Earth Elements
- The Fertilisation of the Sea by a Tropical Cyclone
- The Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, is "log logistic"
- Wave and Longshore Current Modeling on the North Carolina Continental Shelf
- Wind-Driven Waves in Tampa Bay, Florida
- A Coral Perspective on Holocene Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- An Approach for Forecasting Shoreline Stability Based on Fractal Persistence
- Assessing the Reproducibility of Coral-based Climate Records: A Multi-proxy Replication Test using Three Porites lutea Coral Heads from a Reef Offshore Amedee Island, New Caledonia
- Compound Specific D/H Analysis of Late Holocene Lacustrine Sediments in Sub-Tropical North America: Implications for Reconstructing Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Hydrologic Conditions.
- Cs-137 Distribution and Retention in Savannah, Georgia (USA) Estuarine, Marsh and Riverine Environments
- Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles in the Gulf of Mexico: A Clue to Abrupt Climate Change?
- Education and Public Outreach at a Graduate College of Marine Science: A case study from the University of South Florida
- Enhancing K-12 Ocean Science Education Through Multi-level Partnership
- Heat Fluxes in Tampa Bay, FL
- IODP's Educational Potential: U.S. Scientists and Educators Speak Out
- Integrating Marine Science Into Elementary School Education
- Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success in Earth System Science Initiative
- Nonlinear dynamics of alongshore shoreline position change: observations and modeling
- Oceanographers in the Fifth Grade
- Orbital and Sub-orbital Periodicities in East Greenland Ice-rafting Since 630 ka
- Power Law Scaling and Recurrence Intervals of Tsunamis
- Reconstruction of Pacific-Nazca Plates, Nazca Ridge, and Easter Seamount Chain
- Regional and Residual Bathymetry and Flexure Modeling of the Nazca Plate
- Reproducibility of Geochemical and Climate Signatures in Montastrea annularis
- Results of TOPEX/Poseidon-Jason Calibration and Recent Changes in Global Mean Sea Level
- SPCZ- and ENSO-related Salinity Variations Recorded in the Skeletal Geochemistry of a Porites Coral from Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu
- Seasonal Variability in Terrigenous Input to the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela.
- Submarine Rivers of Mud and Sand: Channels Dispersing Sediment Across the Fly River Clinoform
- The DLESE Ambassadors Program
- A coral record from the West Pacific Warm Pool (New Georgia)
- AGU Committee on Education and Human Resources Sub-Committee on Diversity Program for the term 2004-2006
- Applications of Dune Erosion Models to Barrier Island Breaching
- CDOM Characterization of River-Dominated Environments
- Caribbean Climate Reconstructions Using Coral Skeletal Geochemistry: Initial Results From Puerto Rico
- Century-scale Variabioity in the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Cold Event in the South Atlantic Bight During Summer of 2003: Anomalous Hydrographic and Atmospheric Conditions
- Customizing Process to Align with Purpose and Program: The 2003 MS PHD'S in Ocean Sciences Program Evaluative Case Study
- Development and Application of the SEDCON Index for Resource and Risk Assessment of Coral Ecosystems
- Diving Into the Ocean Sciences: Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers
- Evidence for Oceanic/Continental Climate Linkages During Freshwater Inputs to the Gulf of Mexico
- Geochemical Signatures in Corals from Looe Key, Florida since 1870 A.D.
- Hydrogen Isotopic Ratios of Lacustrine Algal and Terrestrial Organic Matter as a Quantitative Proxy for the Reconstruction of Relative Humidity and Source Water Composition in Continental Settings
- Insights From a Coordinated Observing and Modeling System for the West Florida Shelf
- Longshore sediment transport from Maine to Florida: Comparison of literature compilation to model results based on WIS hindcast deep-water data
- MS PHD'S Professional Development Program: A Scientific Renaissance in Cyberspace
- Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success in Earth System Science (MS PHD'S) Initiative's Professional Development Program
- Multiproxy deglacial record of climate change in central Florida from fresh water ostracodes using paired Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and O-18.
- Nitrogen Isotopic Evidence for Climate-Induced Variations in Nitrogen Cycling in the Cariaco Basin Upwelling System from the Younger Dryas to Present
- Ocean Current Spatial Patterns from West Florida Shelf velocity Time Series Using the Self-organizing Map
- Reciprocal Education Experiences In Two GK-12 Programs: Teachers Learning And Students Teaching In Diverse Settings
- Record of the Southwest Monsoon from Gulf of Mexico Sediment Cores
- Relative Plate Motion Changes Observed in an Analog Freezing-Wax Model
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Southwest Pacific as Reconstructed from the Skeletal Geochemistry of a Tricentennial Coral from New Caledonia
- Seasonal to Climate-Scale Variability in the Vertical and Burial Fluxes of Terrigenous Organic Matter in the Cariaco Basin
- Select, High-Resolution Windows Into Sub-Centennial-Scale Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool Between 7 and 12 ka
- Temporal Variability in the Nutrient Chemistry of the Cariaco Basin
- The Link between Climate and Terrigenous Deposition in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- The Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics of the Cariaco Basin
- Toward Resolution of Imbalance between Microbiological Energy Demand and Supply to Cariaco's Redoxcline: Horizontal Productivity Gradients
- A 25ka monsoon variability record from the Bay of Bengal: a key concept.
- Breakdown of Sr/Ca Paleothermometer in a coral record from New Georgia, West Pacific Warm Pool
- DSL120 Mosaics of Superfast EPR Crustal Layers Exposed by Ultraslow Spreading near Pito Deep
- Decadal Scale Variability in the Subtropical North Atlantic Shallow Thermohaline Circulation
- Elevated Mississippi River discharge during glacial times: A 6,000 year wet period on the North American continent
- Enhancing Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts by Aligning Measurement, Vision, Goals and Objectives
- Experimental determination of boron isotope fractionation in seawater
- Freshwater Input to the Gulf of Mexico During the Last Glaciation to Holocene
- High Frequency Climate Variability Over the Last 1400 Years in the Gulf of Mexico
- Increasing Mississippi Discharge During Both the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period: A Gulf of Mexico Perspective on Climate Variability Over North America
- Relationship of CDOM fluorescence and absorption on the South West Florida Shelf
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Southwest Tropical Pacific Since 1679 AD Derived From Coral Skeletal Geochemistry
- Seasonally Resolved Climate Records from Puerto Rico over the Past Eight Centuries
- The use of a Virtual Community to Complement the MS PHD'S Professional Development Program
- Time series analysis of ice-rafted debris accumulation in the Irminger basin, 0-630 ka
- A 1400-Year Record of Sea-Surface Temperature Variability From the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Acidification of the North Pacific Ocean: Direct Observations of pH in 1991 and 2006
- An Analysis of Sediments Collected from Emersson Point and P.R., Using Three Methodologies
- Atlantic Hurricane Seasons: Active (2005) vs. Quiescent (2006)
- Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM): Fluorescence Losses in Frozen Samples
- Direct Evidence for Ocean Acidification of the North Pacific Ocean
- Fluorescence Intercalibration Experiment: a Multi-laboratory Comparison of Correction Procedures for Fluorescence Analysis of Dissolved Organic Matter
- Foraminifera Assemblages in Laguna Torrecilla- Puerto Rico: an Environmental Micropaleontology Approach.
- Gulf of Mexico Moisture Balance Controls Hydrologic Variability on the North American Continent over the Past 1400 Years: A Geochemical Perspective
- HAB's and Hurricanes in Florida
- In Situ Mass Spectrometry: Underwater Measurements and Miniaturization
- Majorcan Caves, Sea-Level Changes, And Astronomical Forcing
- Meaningful Engagement of Organizational and Agency Partnerships to Enhance Diversity within the Earth System Science Community: A Case Study
- Next Generation CDOM Research: Exploiting in situ, synoptic, continuous, high resolution and hyperspectral optical signals from Ocean Observatories and Satellites
- Reanalysis of the Pyroclastic Fall Deposit from the 18 May 1980 Eruption of Mount Saint Helens, USA
- Reconstructing 20th Century SST Variability in the Southwest Pacific: A Replication Study Using Multiple Coral Sr/Ca Records From New Caledonia
- Storage and interaction of compositionally heterogeneous magmas from the 1986 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- The Kilo Nalu cabled observatory, Oahu, Hawaii: A flexible platform for integrated physical and biogeochemical adaptive sampling and experimentation
- Transition from Land Water Bodies to Oceans
- Use of thermal infrared remote sensing data for fisheries, environmental monitoring, oil and gas exploration, and ship routing.
- A 1400 Year Multi-Proxy Record of Hydrologic Variability in the Gulf of Mexico: Exploring Ocean- Continent Linkages During the Late Holocene
- A Nested Model of the Cariaco Basin: Study of the Hydrography and Interactions with the Open Ocean
- Aeolian dust dynamics in Central Asia during the Pleistocene: driven by alternating atmospheric circulation patterns and/or the seasonal shift of the Asiatic polar front
- Building a Climate Record of Sea Level Change
- Coupling of Sinking Biogenic Particulate Fluxes and Primary Production in the Euphotic Zone of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- Decadal-scale Climate Variability in the Gulf of Mexico During the Past 3000 Years
- Description of an Unrecognized Secondary Upwelling Peak in the Southeastern Caribbean
- Extracting a climate signal from the skeletal geochemistry of the Caribbean coral Siderastrea siderea
- Field Characterization for Remediation of Trinitrotoluene in Sediment and Water from Vieques, Puerto Rico
- Fish Effects on Ocean Current Observations in the Cariaco Basin
- Importance of Bottom Nephelolid Layers on the Transport and Delivery of Ssediment to the Eastern Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- Investigating the Forcing and Response in Proxy Records of Multi-Decadal Scale Climate Variability
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Meltwater and Sea Surface Temperature in the Gulf of Mexico During the Late Pleistocene
- Mg/Ca in Different Size Classes of Planktonic Foraminifera
- Minority Retention and Success through Professional Development Initiatives"
- Modern Climate Forcing of Terrigenous Deposition in the Tropics (Cariaco Basin, Venezuela)
- Multiproxy Deglacial Record of Climate Change in Central Florida
- Satellite and In Situ Observations of Regional Sea Level Change: What can they tell us about future changes?
- Small Scale Characterization of the Presence of the Explosive Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro- 1,3,5,7 tetrazocine (HMX) Near Former Naval Sites on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
- Spectral Analysis of Pumping Response in Observation Water Wells
- The CARIACO Time Series: Carbon fluxes in a tropical, continental upwelling margin
- The Cariaco Basin Ocean Time Series Program: Linking Modern and Ancient Processes
- The Role of Microbes in the Precipitation of Microbialites in Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico: A Genomic and Stable Isotopic Perspective
- Water clarity in the Florida Keys, USA, as observed from space (1984-2002)
- Carbon Fluxes on the Florida shelf
- Detection of Groundwater Discharge in a Subtropical Estuarine System using CDOM fluorescence measurements
- Estimating Dissolved Organic Nitrogen from CDOM on the West Florida Shelf
- HF Radar Performance on a Low Energy Environment as Found Using CODAR SeaSonde on the West Florida Shelf
- Holocene Climatic and Hydrologic Variability as Recorded in the Benthic Foraminifera Ammonia Beccarii From Tampa Bay, Florida
- Impact of Initial Conditions Provided by GODAE Products on the Simulated Coastal Ocean Response to Hurricanes
- Inquiry-based instruction in an introductory science class facilitated by remotely operable instrumentation and extraterrestrial GIS
- Laurentide ice sheet discharge linked to North Atlantic deep water reduction 10,200 years ago
- Lessons Learned From a Coordinated Observing and Modeling Program on the West Florida Shelf
- Meltwater and Abrupt Climate Change in the Gulf of Mexico During the Last Glacial Termination
- Microbial Mineral Weathering for Nutrient Acquisition Releases Arsenic
- Nonlinear Waves in Zonostrophic Turbulence
- Observations of the Effect of Non-steady State Injections of Oxygen Into Anoxic Waters of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- On the Provenance of Freshwater Pulses in the Gulf of Mexico During the Last Deglaciation: the Contribution of Associated Terrigenous Inputs
- Reproducibility of a High-Resolution, Late Holocene Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Record From the Gulf of Mexico
- Some aspects of the variability in the Indian Ocean Monsoon from marine sediment of the Bay of Bengal
- Sources and Cycling of CDOM and DOC in the Gulf of Mexico
- Transient Establishment of a Seasonal Sea-Ice Regime in the Late Pliocene, McMurdo Embayment, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Measuring Ocean Literacy: What teens understand about the ocean using the Survey of Ocean Literacy and Engagement (SOLE)
- Radiocarbon variability during the Laschamp excursion (ca. 41 ka) based on Gulf of Mexico sediments
- Regional and Nearshore Bathymetry of American Samoa: Implications for Tsunami Run-Up and Public Awareness
- STREAMS - Supporting Underrepresented Groups in Earth Sciences
- Solar Forcing of Ice-Rafting in the North Atlantic During the Late Holocene?
- Statistical teasing or response to global warming: Implications from a 11-year time series of bio-optical properties in the South Pacific gyre
- Testing Molecular Organic and Foraminiferal-Based Sedimentary Geochemical Records of Gulf of Mexico SST
- Trends in River Basin, Groundwater and Global Water Storage from GRACE (Invited)
- A Decision Support System for Ecosystem-Based Management of Tropical Coral Reef Environments
- A High-Resolution SST Climatology Set for Next Generation NOAA Coral Reef Watch Decision Support System
- A Multi-proxy Approach to Deglacial Paleo-Salinity Reconstructions Based on Gulf of Mexico Sediments
- A Role for Upper Mantle Garnet Field Topography in the Structure of the Geoid over Young Seafloor?
- A new mode of high frequency variability in Arctic Ocean bottom pressure and its possible effects on GRACE solutions
- Climate Model Misrepresentations of Tropical SSTs and their Global Implications
- Co-Precipitation of Double Carbonates of Yttrium and the Rare Earth Elements, Na2xM2(CO3)3+x, from Seawater-Like Electrolyte Solutions
- Coherent decadal sea level variations across gyre boundaries in the North Atlantic
- Coral Reef Remote Sensing: Helping Managers Protect Reefs in a Changing Climate
- Decadal-Scale Barotropic Sea Level Changes in the North Pacific
- Deformation in the central Gulf of California from the August 2009 M 6.9 event
- Diffuse plate boundary and microplate motion: is the Sierra Nevada an independent block?
- Effect of Landscape-Watershed Attributes on CDOM in Florida's Gulf Coast Rivers
- Emerging Trends in Freshwater Availability from GRACE (Invited)
- Examining Geospatial Technology Tools to Compensate for Limited Exposures and Integrate Diverse Map and Data Resources in Geological Studies of the Southern Blue Ridge
- GCOOS Web Applications for Recreational Boaters and Fishermen
- Geochemical Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline Aquifers in Florida
- Gravity and Geodetic Studies at Concepción volcano, Nicaragua
- How Many Explosive Eruptions are Missing from the Geologic Record? Analysis of the Quaternary Record of Large Magnitude Explosive Eruptions in Japan
- Indicators of Water Cycle Acceleration from GRACE and NASA NEWS Datasets (Invited)
- Initial deglaciation of the Laurentide ice sheet based on Gulf of Mexico Sediments
- Investigation of Carbon, Nutrients, and Groundwater Inputs in Coastal Florida Using Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
- Late Pliocene cooling, sea ice and the establishment of a Ross Sea polynya: Geochemical and diatom assemblage constraints from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Late Quaternary paleohydrology deduced from new marine sediment cores taken on the proximal Amazon continental margin
- Long-Lived, Sub-Surface Layers of Toxic Oil in the Deep-Sea: A Molecular Organic and Isotopic Geochemical Approach to Understanding their Nature, Molecular Distribution, Origin and Impact to the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Magma differentiation in shallow sills controlled by compaction and surface tension: San Rafael desert, Utah
- Numerical Modeling of Gravity, Geoid, and the Thermal Structure of Oceanic Lithosphere
- Observed and Simulated Global Surface Heat Flux Feedback
- Ocean Acidification of the North Pacific Ocean
- Planning for the Future of Geo-Cybereducation: Outcomes of the Workshop, Challenges, and Future Directions
- Pliocene Paleoenvironments of the Awash Valley, Ethiopia: The Isotope Record of Tooth Enamel and its Relevance to the Pliocene Paleoclimate of Northeastern Africa
- Pore-Scale Modeling of Reactive-Multiphase-Buoyant Flow for Carbon Capture and Storage
- Rapid Response to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill from University of South Florida: Numerical Models, Remote Sensing, and In-situ Observations (Invited)
- Regional Ocean Products Portal: Transforming Information to Knowledge
- Repeating LP events and increases in high-frequency seismic energy preceding the December 1999 eruption of the quiescently active Telica Volcano, Nicaragua
- SENSE IT: Student Enabled Network of Sensors for the Environment using Innovative Technology
- Seismic Investigations of an Accommodation zone in the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Simulations of Karenia Brevis on the West Florida Shelf
- Stratigraphy and Physical Characterization of the May, 2008, Chaitén Eruption, Chile
- The Cariaco Basin Ocean Time Series: Production, Flux and Remineralization of Biogenic Material
- The Modern Sea Level Observing System (Invited)
- The Role of Serpentinites at Convergent Plate Boundaries: Using New Discoveries to Facilitate the Learning of Major Earth Processes
- The highs and lows of Quaternary sea-level reconstruction (Invited)
- The influence of methane seeps on the paleoceanography of the Western Interior Seaway of North America: evidence from stable isotopes in well-preserved shells of a seep fauna from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Pierre Shale
- Trajectory Forecasts Based on Numerical Ocean Circulation Models and Satellite Observations: A Rapid Response to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Trends and Controls on Summer Surface-Water Temperatures in Salmonid-Bearing Headwater Streams in Two Common Geomorphic Settings, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
- Uncertainty estimation of the velocity model for stations of the TrigNet GPS network
- Using TLS to Improve Models of Volcano Conduit Processes (Invited)
- Variation in Fish δ13C and δ15N along a Climatic Gradient: An Isoscape Perspective for the West Florida Shelf
- Weather-forced variations of Central and East Pacific ENSO events
- A Multi-Proxy Approach to Understanding Deglacial Gulf of Mexico Climate and Laurentide Ice Sheet Chronology
- Atmospheric Correction, Vicarious Calibration and Development of Algorithms for Quantifying Cyanobacteria Blooms from Oceansat-1 OCM Satellite Data
- Carbon and oxygen isotopic signature of tooth enamel as a proxy for the Pliocene paleoenvironment and paleoclimate from Mt. Galili Formation, Ethiopia
- Circumpolar Deep Water influence in Palmer Deep during the Holocene: New evidence from redox-sensitive trace elements
- Coastal Climate Change Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation in the Natural and Built Environments: Progress of the Coastal Areas Climate Change Education Partnership
- Comparison of vertebral δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N records with organism-based isoscapes to identify fish migration, site fidelity and food-web preferences of fishes in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, USA
- Contemporary Fault Slip Rates in the Southern Walker Lane from Block Modeling of GPS Data
- ENSO-Correlated Fluctuations in Non-Steric Sea Level and Wind-Stress Curl in the North Pacific
- Early Deglacial Laurentide Ice Sheet Meltwater Dynamics Explored from the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Evaluation of RTOFS-Based Trajectory Modeling in the Gulf of Mexico Using Normalized Cumulative Lagrangian Separation
- Evidence for Meltwater Pulse 1a in the Gulf of Mexico based on radiogenic isotopes
- How well can GRACE Measure Transport Variations of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
- Influence of Pre-Existing Structure on Sill Geometry in the San Rafael Volcanic Field, Central Utah
- Investigation of seasonal melting of Greenland using GPS records reveals significant ice mass loss in 2010
- NSF Programs That Support Research in the Two-Year College Classroom
- Paleohydrology of tropical South America and paleoceanography of the tropical Atlantic as deduced from two new sediment cores on the Brazilian continental slope
- Plate Coupling and Transient Events Detection from Geodetic Measurements in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Pore-Scale Modeling of Reactive-Multiphase Flow for Carbon Capture and Storage
- Relationship between solar irradiance and climatic variability in the subpolar North Atlantic since the Medieval Warm Period
- Rossby Waves and Solitary Waves (zonons) in Beta-Plane Turbulence
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Seismic tremor and gravity measurements at Inferno Crater Lake, Waimangu Geothermal Field, New Zealand
- Simultaneous Injection of Wastewater and CO2 in a Heterogeneous Aquifer
- Slow Slip and Tremor at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Spatial density analysis of volcanic vents in the Concepción volcanic complex, Nicaragua
- Subsidence Induced Faulting Hazard Zonation Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Horizontal Gradient Mapping in Mexican Urban Areas
- Tephra Flows on Cinder Cones: A Numerical Approach
- The Marine Inorganic Carbon System along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast of the United States: Shelf-ocean exchange and Ocean Acidification Status
- Using multiple isotopes to understand the source of ingredients used in golden beverages
- Water in the Balance: Changing Freshwater Availability as Viewed from Space
- Where Has All the Oil Gone? The use of trace metals as potential indicators of oil contamination in marine sediments and beach sands
- A Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation Model TESTBED for the South Eastern Region of U.S
- A deglacial ventilation history of Northeast Pacific intermediate waters
- A rapid automated procedure for laboratory and shipboard spectrophotometric measurements of seawater alkalinity: continuously monitored single-step acid additions
- Adjoint-derived Forecast Sensitivity Study on the Intensity Change of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008)
- Amplitude Comparison of Teleseismic P-Wave Phases from the Japan Subduction Zone and the South Sandwich Islands recorded at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- C-IMAGE Teachers at Sea Maiden Voyages: Promoting Authentic Scientific Research in the Classroom
- Changes in the redox state of sediments following the 2010 BP blowout
- Characterization of entrapment of supercritical CO2 at the pore scale
- Cibicidodes Pachyderma B/Ca as a Shalow Water Carbonate Saturation State Proxy
- Comparison of monogenetic volcano clusters on Earth, Venus, and Mars
- Contributions to Terrestrial and Global Hydrology from a Decade of GRACE Measurements
- Disconnects Between Audiences, Resources, and Initiatives: Key Findings of the Coastal Areas Climate Change Education Partnership
- Discrete Element Modeling of Volcanic Pyroclasts: Cone Construction and Impact Sags
- Early Circum-Arctic Glacial Decay Following the Last Glacial Maximum?
- Evaluation of Two Globigerinoides ruber (white) Morphotypes in Paleoceanographic Reconstruction: A Gulf of Mexico Case Study
- Exploring late Miocene climate stability: constraining background variability using high-resolution benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C records from Site U1338
- Facilitating Classroom Innovation in the Geosciences Through the NSF Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (TUES) Program
- From research to management: A remote sensing based water quality decision matrix (WQDM) for Tampa Bay, Florida
- Gulf of Mexico hurricane wave simulations using SWAN: Bulk formula based drag coefficient sensitivity for Hurricane Ike
- Horizontal density compensation in the Gulf of Mexico
- Is There a 60-Year Oscillation in Global Mean Sea Level?
- Laurentide Ice Sheet meltwater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O from paired LA-ICPMS and IRMS analyses on single foraminifers
- Measuring Zonal Transport Variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Using GRACE Ocean Bottom Pressure
- Modes of Arctic Ocean Change from GRACE, ICESat and the PIOMAS and ECCO2 Models of the Arctic Ocean
- Optimal Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Forcing of Asian Summer Monsoon
- Plio-Pleistocene records from the South East Atlantic reveal changes in the Agulhas leakage
- Post-collisional magmatism associated with Variscan orogeny in the Danubian Domain (Romanian Southern Carpathians): the Motru Dyke Swarm
- Progressive Dehydration and Re-equilibration of Slab Lithologies During Subduction: Mechanism For Recycling of Heavy, Hydrothermally-Altered Crust and Mantle Derived Stable Isotopic Signatures into the Deep Mantle
- Remotely Sensed Optical Water Quality for Water Quality Assessment and Seagrass Protection in Florida's Big Bend Region
- Results and Error Estimates from GRACE Forward Modeling over Greenland, Canada, and Alaska
- SURA-IOOS Coastal Inundation Testbed Inter-Model Evaluation of Tides, Waves, and Hurricane Surge in the Gulf of Mexico
- Sea Level Change: Is the Volume of the Ocean Changing or Is It Redistributing?
- Tamarugite in the Steam-Condensate Alteration Paragenesis in Diana Cave (SW Romania)
- The deglacial retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet's southern margin: Meltwater provenance insights from the Gulf of Mexico
- The early Pliocene diatom biochronology in the Southern Ocean: evidence from Sites U1359 and U1361 off Wilkes Land margin, Antarctica
- Variability of winter storminess in the eastern United States during the 20th century from tide gauges
- A LiDAR Survey of an Exposed Magma Plumbing System in the San Rafael Desert, Utah
- A finite element modeling investigation on the effects of magma underplating on topographic variation and exhumation rates over long time scales
- Analysis of Amplitude Attenuation at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Assessment of Spreadsheet-based Modules in a Physical Geology Course with Emphasis on the Effectiveness of the use of Excel
- Challenges in collecting hyperspectral imagery of coastal waters using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- Emerging Soil and Groundwater Storage Trends from GRACE with Contributions to Global Mean Sea Level Rise (Invited)
- Evolution of Shallow Aseismic Slip Around the MW 7.6 September 5th 2012 Nicoya Megathrust Earthquake
- Geodetic and Structural Constraints on Locking and Failure Around the 5 September 2012 Nicoya (Mw7.6), Costa Rica Earthquake
- Improved 2-D resistivity imaging of features in covered karst terrain with arrays of implanted electrodes
- Multi-year observations of a glacier in southeastern Iceland with Terrestrial Radar Interferometry
- Murky details of the Miocene Atlantic Ocean
- North Sea sea level rise and the role of inter-annual to multi-decadal variability since the late 19th century
- Ocean Bottom Pressure Seasonal Cycles and Decadal Trends from GRACE Release-05: Ocean Circulation Implications
- Ocean acidification research alongside extended continental shelf exploration in the western Arctic Ocean
- Quantifying recent acceleration in sea level unrelated to internal climate variability (Invited)
- Rapid changes in the seasonal sea level cycle along the US Gulf coast in the early 21st century
- Remote Sensing Applications to Water Quality Management in Florida
- Role of Phosphorus Minerals in the Origin of Life on Earth
- Scoria Cone and Tuff Ring Stratigraphy Interpreted from Ground Penetrating Radar, Rattlesnake Crater, Arizona
- Seagrass biomass and productivity in the Florida Keys, USA: ground-level and airborne measurements
- Seismotectonics of the Blanco Transform Fault Zone (Invited)
- Trophic structure in the Marginal Ice Zone in the Weddell Sea Antarctica: using stable isotopes to discover differences between the food webs under the ice, at the ice edge and in the open ocean
- Understanding Oceanographic Contribution to Polar Motion
- Evidence for Non-Stationarity in US Extreme Sea Level Records
- Past and future drivers of increased erosion risk in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Changes in US extreme sea levels and the role of large scale climate variations
- Copper, iron and the organic ligands that bind them - updates from San Francisco Bay and beyond
- Decadal-scale sea level rise acceleration along the Florida Atlantic coast and its relations to sea level variability along the Florida Current
- How climate and weather affect the erosion risk in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Increasing risk of compound flooding from storm surge and rainfall for major US coastal cities
- Postglacial Records of Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Variability From the New Zealand Subantarctic Auckland Islands
- Thermochemical <SUP>14</SUP>C Spectra and Carbon Turnover Time in Soils - a (Changing?) Latitudinal Gradient?
- Time Matters: Increasing the Efficiency of Antarctic Marine Geology and Paleoceanography Expeditions by Providing Improved Sediment Chronology
- Crystal Sound: The Deepest of the Deep Basins on the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Shelf
- Dating the undatable: novel techniques for <SUP>14</SUP>C dating of sub-ice shelf Antarctic sediments near the Larsen C ice shelf
- Earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformation structures in marine laminated sediments (the northernmost and eastern Antarctic Peninsula)
- Has the Rate of Sea Level Rise Accelerated During the Altimeter Era?
- Hydrological Influences on Vertical Crustal Motion: Integration of GNSS, GRACE and Hydrological Models
- Ice-Ocean Dynamic Feedbacks for Rapid Deglaciation in Antarctic Calving Bays at Termination I
- Investigating Early Holocene Sea Level Rise in the Mississippi Delta within a Global Context
- Measuring Two Decades of Ice Mass Loss using GRACE and SLR
- Mid-19<SUP>th</SUP> Century Intrusion of Circumpolar Deep Water on Antarctic Margin Recorded by Stylasterid Corals
- Millennial-scale variations of an East Antarctic outlet glacier during the Last Glaciation
- Organic Carbon Burial Rates in Mangrove Soils Along Florida's Coast from Tampa Bay to Biscayne National Park
- Permafrost Mobilization from the Watershed to the Colville River Delta: Evidence from Biomarkers and <SUP>14</SUP>C Ramped Pyrolysis
- Quantity of dates trumps quality of dates for dense Bayesian radiocarbon sediment chronologies - Gas ion source <SUP>14</SUP>C dating instructed by simultaneous Bayesian accumulation rate modeling
- Rapid viscoelastic uplift in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, as a result of recent ice unloading
- Refugia for Carbonate Producing Organisms in High Carbon Dioxide Environmental Conditions
- Storm Surge reconstruction in Southeast Asia with an analysis of changes in extreme events in the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century
- Terrestrial Radar Survey of Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua
- Use of Ramped PyrOx <SUP>14</SUP>C dating to simultaneously determine the organic carbon age and carbonate material age of Antarctic marginal sediments
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in the Eastern Ross Sea Concomitant with Meltwater Pulse-1a and -1b Using New Foraminiferal Radiocarbon Ages.
- A Relative Sea-Level Record from the Mississippi Delta, 7.7-10.7 ka
- Can we constrain postglacial sedimentation in the western Arctic Ocean by ramped pyrolysis <SUP>14</SUP>C? A case study from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin.
- Chronicling ice shelf history in the sediments left behind
- Controls on Soil Organic Matter in Blue Carbon Ecosystems along the South Florida Coast
- Environmental controls on the geochemistry of Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions
- Mapping "Vital Effects": Unlocking the Archive of Deep Sea Stylasterid δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C
- Mapping and Characterization of Paleoshoreline Features on the West Florida Shelf
- Measurement of shallow sea floor motion with GPS on a rigid buoy: system design and synthetic analysis
- Reimagining Carbon Sequestration in Fluviodeltaic Systems: Contributions from Clastic Overbank Deposits versus Peat
- Sedimentary and Vegetative Impacts of Hurricane Irma to Coastal Wetland Ecosystems across Southwest Florida
- Understanding the Acceleration of Sea Level Rise During the Altimeter Era
- Use of Shark Dental Protein to Estimate Trophic Position via Amino Acid Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
- Using terrestrial radar to explore lava channel erosion on Momotombo volcano, Nicaragua
- Vertical Redistribution of Ocean Salt Content
- A long record of global mean ocean mass from GRACE, GRACE-Followon, and satellite laser ranging
- Antarctic ice sheet growth during the Miocene Climatic Optimum: paleotemperature insights from IODP Site U1521 on the Ross Sea shelf
- Are Mangroves More Effective Carbon Sinks than Previously Thought? A Comparison of Sediment Ages Versus Radiocarbon Ages Seems to Suggest So.
- Associating Benthic Habitats with the Geomorphology and Depositional History of Bathymetric Features on the West Florida Shelf
- Characterizing Compound Rain/Surge Flood Hazards for New York City
- Deglacial to Holocene Circumpolar Deep Water influence over the Sabrina Coast continental shelf, East Antarctica
- Dependence between high sea-level and high river discharge increases flood hazard in global deltas and estuaries
- Did the Last Deglaciation Happen at the Same Time Everywhere in Antarctica? A Facies-based Comparison of Different Radiocarbon Chronometers in Antarctic Margin Sediment
- Dual Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Joint SOM-Wavelet Analyses: An Application in the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current System
- Early to middle Miocene oceanographic conditions in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Initial XRF results from IODP Site U1521
- Filling the GRACE to GRACE Follow-On Gap with Satellite Laser Ranging
- Geoscientists are humans too: Increasing inclusivity in geosciences through empathy building conversations with Diversi-Tea
- Increasing accumulation of soil organic matter in mangrove forests could indicate greater-than-expected resilience to sea-level rise and enhance the ongoing carbon sink capacity
- Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Response to Hurricane Michael
- Rising Up, Speaking Out: Increasing Equity & Diversity through Climate Currents, a Public Communications Platform
- Said the planner to the scientist, "Why mitigate, when we can adapt?" : Assessing future flood damages of coastal cities to reduce risk from sea-level rise and storm surges.
- Seasonality of global land and ocean mass as a metric of global water cycle variability
- Short-Term and Seasonal Forecasts of Harmful Algal Blooms on the West Florida Shelf
- The Tampa Bay Coastal Ocean Model (TBCOM) Performance for Hurricane Irma
- Understanding the impacts of compound and cascading event on water resources management. Invited Paper 407719
- Using GRACE to monitor the bottom currents associated with the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)
- a Novel Approach to the Study of Actively Erupting Submarine Volcanoes on Earth and Beyond
- A Dynamic Holocene Grounding Line: In situ sedimentary evidence from Whillans and Mercer ice streams, West Antarctica
- A machine learning approach to estimate surface ocean pCO<SUB>2</SUB> from satellite measurements
- Analyzing the Effects of Grain Size on Activation Energy in Antarctic Margin Sediments
- Anatomy of a draining subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Automated Hyper-Resolution Flood Forecasting in a Coastal Urban Setting
- Deep and rapid thermo-mechanical erosion by a small-volume lava flow
- Drivers, priorities, and best practices for maintenance and expansion of the global network of GNSS stations co-located with tide gauges
- Dynamic satellite seascapes as biogeographic framework for tracking seasonal shifts of phytoplankton assemblages in south Florida waters
- Going beyond blue carbon: Organic carbon storage rates in clastic strata outpace rates in organic-rich strata in freshwater deltaic environments
- Holocene to recent sediment transport on the Sabrina Coast: Grain-size analysis via laser diffraction
- Increased Accommodation Space and OC Stabilization Enhance the Efficiency of the Mangrove Blue Carbon Sink
- Insights into Past Changes in Thwaites Glacier from High-Resolution Sea-Floor Geophysical Data Obtained Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Instabilities and Multiscale Interactions Underlying the Loop Current Eddy Shedding in the Gulf of Mexico
- Leveraging Machine Learning and Synoptic Climatology to Model and Forecast Water Clarity in the Great Lakes
- Mid Pleistocene Age for the Great Barrier Reef
- New Visions for Oil Spill Preparedness from the Perspective of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout, the Sediment Slumping at Taylor Energy, and Continued Ultra-Deep Oil Exploration and Production in Frontier Region
- Ocean properties and Antarctic cryosphere dynamics during the early and middle Miocene: results from the IODP Expedition 374 (Ross Sea)
- Orbital-scale record of Ross Sea ocean temperatures across the Miocene Climatic Optimum and Middle Miocene Climate Transition
- Physical and chemical characterization of sediments from Mercer Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica
- Progress in Understanding Seaclifff Evolution Using Remote Sensing Techniques and Historical Data Source
- SALSA: An Integrated Program Focusing on Carbon Transformations in Mercer Subglacial Lake located 1100 m beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Sea-level rise and storms alter soil carbon dynamics of southwest Florida mangrove forests
- Simulating Deep Oil Spills Beyond the Gulf of Mexico
- Subglacial Antarctic Lakes: What they tell us about the exploration of Ocean Worlds Beyond Earth
- Submarine Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems and Their Impacts on the Overlying Ocean: Quantification of Erupting Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanoes - a Generational Goal
- The "Pressure Point" of the West Florida Shelf and its Effects on both Coastal Upwelling and Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Penetration
- The Coastal Ocean Circulation Influence on the 2018 West Florida Shelf K. brevis Red Tide Bloom
- The need for comprehensive benthic baselines and monitoring programs prior to marine petroleum extraction: Lessons learned form the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Unmixing mixtures of carbon for accurate ages of ice-proximal glaciomarine continental margin sediments
- Vulnerability and Resilience of Species and Ecosystems to Large-Scale Contamination Events: Lessons Learned from Deepwater Horizon
- "Godzilla" African Dust Event of June 2020: Impacts of Air Quality in the Greater Caribbean Basin, the Gulf of Mexico and the United States
- Deciphering the "Dissolved": Ecological Roles of Aquatic Viruses
- Influence of past climate change on subglacial microbial communities and biogeochemical processes beneath Siple Coast ice streams, West Antarctica
- Linking earth observation data and air quality ground based stations to analyze African Dust impacts on public health in Puerto Rico
- Mid-Holocene Retreat and Late Holocene Re-advance of the Grounding Line in the Ross Sea Sector
- Muddying the river-ocean carbon budget: synthesis of previous work on Guianas Mudbanks organic carbon in preparation for a new expedition
- New East Antarctic margin radiocarbon chronologies reveal younger deglacial timing than previously dated carbonate-poor sediments
- On the origin and cycling of Holocene-aged carbon beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Physical characteristics and evolution of a long-lasting mesoscale cyclonic eddy in the Straits of Florida from multi-platform measurements
- ReclaimingSTEM: A model for inclusive science communication and policy training
- Resilience of the Mangrove Coast: Understanding Links between Degradation, Recovery, and Community Benefits at the National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) of Jobos Bay (SE Puerto Rico) and Rookery Bay (SW Florida) - A NERR System Science Collaborative Program
- Seasonal Forecasting of Sea Level Anomalies in a Multi-model Prediction Framework
- Submarine Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems and Their Impacts on the Overlying Ocean: Quantification of Erupting Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanoes - a Generational Goal
- Termination of the 2017-2018 Florida Red Tide - A Tracer Model Perspective
- Understanding the Community Perception of "Godzilla" Mega African Dust Event over Puerto Rico in June 2020: Strategy to improve Air Quality Early Warning Systems
- What can advances in Antarctic deglacial sediment <SUP>14</SUP>C dating tell us about grounding line evolution?
- Obliquity-Paced Southern Ocean Surface Temperature Variations during the Early to Mid-Pleistocene
- Comparing the Efficiency of Automatic and Manual Extraction Methods for Measuring TEX86 in Antarctic and Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf Sediments.
- The USF Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMPS) Buoys: Surviving Hurricane Ian