Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Department of Physical Sciences
flowchart I[Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Department of Physical Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (142)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ice at the Mesopause: What Do HALOE Measurements Predict?
- A Simple Approach to Reproducing IMAGE/RPI-Derived Field-Aligned Electron Density Profiles During Plasmaspheric Refilling
- Search for Shuttle-Induced PMCs in SBUV and SBUV/2 Data
- Can Water Vapor Increases Explain Long-term Variability in the Brightness and Occurrence Frequency of Mesospheric Clouds?
- Early and Late Season Increases in PMC Occurrence Frequency in the 1978 to 2000 Time Period
- Studies on the Coupling Between the Neutral Winds and the Ionosphere at Low Latitudes
- The Significance of Dipole Tilt for Substorm Onsets
- Liapunov Stability of Plasmas: An Application to the Earth's Magnetotail at Substorms
- MLT cooling at Resolute Bay(74\deg N, 94\deg W), Canada
- Spectral Measurements of PMCs from SBUV/2 Instruments
- The Effect of Diurnal Variations on Decadal Trends in PMC Brightness
- 11-year Solar Cycle and Long Term Trend in OH airglow Temperature Observations at the South Pole Station, Antarctica
- Enhancements of OI 630.0 nm Emission And Ionospheric Tomography Using GPS STEC Measurements During the Period of the Strong Geomagnetic Storm, 2003 Halloween Event in Korea
- Space Storm as a Critical Phase Transition
- Analyses of solar activity effects on the low-latitude ionosphere
- Auroral Substrom Oscillations and Field Line Resonances
- Observational and Modeling Study of Long Term Trend and 11-Year Cyclic Variations in Mesopause Temperatures
- Derivation of temperature and density from Langmuir probe observations with a small surface-to-probe area ratio
- Ducting Conditions for Observed Bore-Like Events in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Investigation of Gravity Wave Propagation in the Martian Atmosphere.
- Long-Term Variations in PMC Frequency as a Function of Latitude from SBUV
- PMC Detection and Mapping Using Aura OMI Measurements
- Vertical transport in the ionosphere derived from near-infrared spectroscopy of the aurora
- Intriguing observations of elevated temperatures around double-layer Sporadic- E
- PMC Variability Observed in Aura OMI Data
- The first full-resolution measurements of Auroral Medium Frequency Burst Emissions
- 3D MHD Simulations of Reconnection in the Magnetospheric Cusps
- A study of vertical evolution of Mesosphere and lower thermosphere temperature anomalies during the 2002 Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Warming Event
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes and Plasma Entry into the Earth's Plasma Sheet for Northward IMF
- Latitude-Dependent PMC Local Time Variability
- On The Origin of High-Energy Electrons in Cusp Diamagnetic Cavities
- Particle Energization in Cusp-Like Diamagnetic Cavities
- Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Neutral Density from Solar Cycle 20 to Solar Cycle 23
- Towards Observing Tsunamis in the Ionosphere Using GPS TEC Measurements
- 2-D and 3-D Hall MHD Reconnection
- An Intense Traveling Airglow Front in the Upper Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere with Characteristic of a Turbulent Bore Observed over Alice Springs, Australia
- Antarctic Mesospheric Temperature Anomaly in 2007 (Invited)
- Dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail and their shaping by the reconnection onset features
- Ionospheric heating, upwelling, and depletions in auroral current systems
- Nonlinear airglow signatures of ducted gravity waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Observing the Ionospheric Signature of Ocean Tsunamis Using GPS Total Electron Content
- Particle acceleration in the diamagnetic cusp
- Preliminary results on the mean winds and low-frequency wave motions in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over the Andes Lidar Observatory (30°S, 71°W) and their comparisons with Maui, Hawaii (21°N, 156°W)
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere over the Andes Lidar Observatory and Maui
- Statistical Study of Magnetosheath Temperatures
- Wave Induced Transport of Atmospheric Constituents and Its Effect on the Mesospheric Na Layer
- A Climatology of Ripple Instabilities in the OH Airglow at Maui, HI
- A comparison of the morphology of instability features seen at the Andes Lidar Observatory with those observed over Maui
- Coupling Between Mesospheric and Lower-Thermospheric Ducted Gravity Waves
- Dynamic effects of auroral currents on ionospheric conductivities, composition, and transport
- Excitation of Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator with HAARP
- Gravity Wave Characteristics Observed with Airglow Imager at the Andes Lidar Observatory
- Ionospheric Signatures of Tohoku-Oki Tsunami in GPS TEC: Comparisons with Models Near the Epicenter and Far Afield
- On the Interaction of Kelvin-helmholtz Modes and Magnetic Reconnection for Large Magnetic Shear
- South Pole Dayside Auroral 630 nm OI Intensity Measurements at Solar Minimum
- A statistical study of the relationship between magnetosheath and solar wind plasma properties based on OMNI and THEMIS datasets
- Diurnal variation of gravity wave momentum flux and its forcing on the diurnal tide
- Ducted Gravity Wave Propagation in the Dynamic Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Fluid-Kinetic simulation study of the evolution of a penetrating electron beam measured at the top of the ionosphere and its effect on the ISR
- Gravity Wave Propagation in Diffusively Separated Gases: Mutual Diffusion and Collisional Effects on the Total Gas
- Impact of Magnetosheath Properties on the Physical Processes at the Magnetopause Boundary and Resulting Plasma Sheet Asymmetries
- Ionospheric sources for molecular ion outflow
- Modeling of Mutiscale Electromagnetic Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions near Discrete Auroral Arcs Observed by the MICA Sounding Rocket
- Observed and modelled effects of auroral precipitation on the thermal ionospheric plasma: comparing the MICA and Cascades2 sounding rocket events
- PMC Particle Sizes Derived from Aura OMI Observations
- Plasma density observations from the Dynamic Ionosphere Cubesat Experiment (DICE)
- Propagation of Whistler-Mode Waves in the Magnetosphere
- Sounding rocket observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator
- Spectral Analysis of Simultaneous Multichannel Photometer, Na LIDAR, and Airglow Imager Data
- The Interaction of Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes and Magnetic Reconnection for Southward IMF
- The lifecycle of instability features over Cerro Pachon as measured on March 24 2012
- Thermospheric Dissipation of Upward Propagating Gravity Wave Packets
- A study of Shocks in the vicinity of Venus during the passage of an ICME
- Cleaning surface contamination of Langmuir probes using Ultraviolet light
- Estimating the Global Cosmic Dust Input from Lidar Observations of the Vertical Fluxes of Mesospheric Na and Fe
- Estimation of the heat/Na flux using lidar data recorded at ALO, Cerro Pachon, Chile
- Gravity wave Duration and Intermittency Observed by Airglow Imagers at Maui and Andes
- Local time variation of high-frequency gravity wave momentum flux and its relationship with background wind derived from LIDAR measurements
- Measuring Eddy Heat and Constituent Fluxes with High-Resolution Na and Fe Doppler Lidars
- Measuring auroral precipitation parameters without in situ microchannel plate instrumentation
- Observational signatures of low-altitude low-energy ion motions up and down auroral field lines: a survey of sounding rocket measurements (Invited)
- Stratospheric Ozone Changes and Polar Mesospheric Cloud (PMC) Trends Observed in SBUV Data
- The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX)
- Two-dimensional Hybrid Simulation of Whistler Excitation by Unstable Particle Distributions
- Very-Low-Frequency Subionospheric Remote Sensing of Thunderstorm-driven Acoustic and Gravity Waves in the D-region
- Wave Heating and Jeans Escape in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Constellation of CubeSats for Realtime Ionospheric E-field Measurements for Global Space Weather
- Cross Comparison of Electron Density and Electron Temperature Observations from the DICE CubeSat Langmuir Probes and the Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar.
- Observations of neutral mesospheric smoke particles using triboelectric current measurements from a multi-surface Langmuir probe
- Whistlers on Density Gradients in the Radiation Belts
- Connecting small-scale turbulence to large-scale dynamics in the mesosphere using the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX)
- Multi-surface Langmuir probe observations from the MTeX and WADIS rocket campaigns
- Observations and Simulations of Whistler Waves in Earth's Radiation Belts
- Observations and Simulations of Whistler-mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes
- Whistler-Mode Waves inside Density Ducts Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Numerical and analytical studies of critical radius in spherical and cylindrical geometries for corona discharge in air and CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich environments
- Thunderstorm Charge Structures Producing Negative Gigantic Jets
- Waves and Turbulence in a Disturbed Middle Atmosphere During MTeX and MIST
- Cross-scale transport processes in the three-dimensional Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Current structures and high frequency waves inside Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices: MMS observations
- Hybrid simulations of radial transport driven by the Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- Modeling of the Ionospheric Scintillation and Total Electron Content Observations during the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- On the Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry of the Kelvi-Helmholtz Instability From 2007-2013
- Plasma Transport and Magnetic Flux Circulation in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Plasma sheet density dependence on Interplanetary Magnetic Field and Solar Wind properties: statistical study using 9+ year of THEMIS data
- Recent Asteroid Disruptions in the WISE Dataset - Constraining Asteroid Surface Properties Using Solar System Dust Bands
- Magnetospheric Multi-Scale Observations of High-Energy Particles in a Magnetic Bottle at High-Latitude Magnetopause
- Statistical Correlation Study Between Magnetosheath and Magnetospheric Plasma Properties Using 9 Years of THEMIS Data
- The ESCAPADE mission to Mars: Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers
- Transport properties as a function of plasma beta in the giant planet magnetospheres
- "Endurance", a new NASA mission to gauge Earth's polar wind ambipolar electric field
- A Case Study to Understand the Ionospheric Structures over Poker Flat Research Range using Forward Propagation Model SIGMA.
- Auroral Reconstruction CubeSwarm - ARCS: a NASA Heliophysics mission concept for decoding the aurora
- Comparison of Modeled and Observed Scintillation Around a Polar Cap Patch
- ESCAPADE: coordinated multipoint observations of the Martian magnetosphere
- ESCAPADE: the first multi-spacecraft science mission to another planet.
- Efficient Techniques for Making Measurements of Neutral Species in the Near-Earth Space Environment
- Electron Density and Temperature Fluctuations in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Implication for Transport
- Initial results of a new multi-static meteor radar at Andes Lidar Observatory
- Low Cost High Altitude Balloon System Configurations with High Data Throughput on a Slow/Controlled Descent
- MMS Observations of Multi-Scale Wave Structures with Energetic Electrons at the High-Latitude Dayside Boundary Layer In the Vicinity of the Southern Cusp
- Modeling scintillation produced by ionospheric Kelvin Helmholtz in the cusp ionosphere using GEMINI-SIGMA
- Multiyear Automated Analysis of Auroral Images to Categorize Ionospheric Irregularity Layer
- Observations and Modeling of Convectively Generated Acoustic Waves in the Ionosphere
- Possible Substorm Triggering by Magnetosheath Jets During Northward and Radial IMF: 14 Spacecraft Observations, MHD Simulations and Ground Based and Auroral Signatures
- Scintillation producing ionospheric structures over Antarctic plateau during substorm events
- The Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density (LLITED) Mission
- The Lunar Sodium Exosphere: 2011 - 2013
- Total Electron Content and Ionospheric Scintillation Measurements during the Total Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019
- Analysis of spectral and propagation characteristics of ionospheric structures over Poker Flat Research Range using modelling and observations.
- Characterization of Sources of Ionospheric Scintillation in High Latitudes through Machine Learning
- Comparison of Plasma Parameters at Solar Minima between Langmuir Probe Observations onboard International Space Station and IRI Empirical Model
- ESCAPADE: Unraveling Cause and Effect in Mars' Unique Hybrid Magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats
- Energetic electron injections observed by the MMS at dusk sector dayside magnetosphere associated with field depressions of compressional ULF waves: identifying the source
- From simulated data to AR: 3D visualization techniques for meaningful representation of atmospheric gravity wave data and AR applications
- Identifying Boundary Layer Signatures of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Using Hall-MHD Simulations and Virtual Spacecraft
- Interracial Coalition in Embry-Riddle's Engineering Physics, Space Physics and Astronomy/Astrophysics Programs
- Response of planetary waves and tides to the 2019 Southern Hemisphere SSW and burst of a strong Q2DW in January 2020 observed by meteor radars at Cerro Pachón, Chile and Adelaide, Australia
- SIHLA , a Mission of Opportunity to L1 to Map H Lyman Alpha Emissions from the Heliopause, the Interplanetary Medium, the Earth's Geocorona and Comets
- The Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density (LLITED) Mission Science
- Unraveling the Multi-Scale Solar Wind Structure Between Lagrange 1-point, Lunar Orbit and Earth's Bow Shock: Better Space Weather Prediction Through Information Theory