Clemson University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
flowchart I[Clemson University, Department of Physics and Astronomy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (118)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Analysis of an Temperature Inversion Event in the Lower Mesosphere
- CEDAR optical and radioscience contributions to progress in equatorial aeronomy over the past decade
- CEDAR/MISETA Science: Multi-Diagnostic Studies and Modeling of Thermospheric-Ionospheric Dynamics
- First Results from the Ionization Gauge Experiment on TOMEX
- First Results from the Photometer Experiment on TOMEX
- Heating of Jupiter's Thermosphere by Dissipating Acoustic Waves
- Modeling the low latitude thermosphere and ionosphere
- Science Issues and Results for TOMEX: An Overview
- Simulations of MILs in the MLT Region Using a Quasi-linear Full-wave Model
- Stratospheric disturbance effects upon the mesosphere thermal structure for late November, 1997
- Study of the Latitudinal Coherence of Neutral Wind and Plasma Irregularity Drift Coupling in the Nighttime F Region Ionosphere
- The Turbulent Oxygen Mixing Experiment (TOMEX): Introduction and Overview
- Wind measurements from sodium lidar and TMA release during TOMEX campaign
- An artificial aurora emission observed in the SEEK-2 rocket experiment
- Assimilation of Measurements from a Network of Fabry-Perot Interferometer Observatories for Real Time Modelling Applications: Problems and Possible Science Returns
- A Sequential Sounding Rocket Flight Through Nighttime Midlatitude Plasma Layers
- Dual Rocket Observations of Large, Intermediate, and Short Scale Electric Fields in the Lower Auroral Ionosphere and Their Contribution to Joule Heating
- Dynamics of the Local E-Region Neutral Winds at Midlatitudes Observed With a Sequence of Chemical Tracer Releases During Sporadic E Conditions
- Implications of results from the HEX sounding rocket mission
- Observations of Thunderstorm Effects on Middle-Atmosphere Ionizable Constituents
- Small-Scale Structure in the Auroral Thermosphere Determined from Rocket and Ground-Based Observations during the CODA and ARIA Set of Experiments
- Electrodynamics of the Nighttime Equatorial Ionosphere: the Effects of Winds and Waves
- Numerical Modeling of the Dynamics and Composition of a Nighttime Intermediate Layer
- The midnight temperature maximum: seasonal and solar cycle climatology
- A new approach to the measurements of ion-neutral coupling in auroral thermospheric dynamics
- Coherent Scatter Imaging Radar Observations: Insights Provided By a New Tool for Studies of Midlatitude Sporadic E and Quasi-Periodic Echo Structures
- Continual 24-hour Observations of Thermospheric Winds and Temperatures Made With the Second-Generation Optimized Fabry-Perot Doppler Imager (SOFDI)
- Correlating Lightning Parameters to Drop Size Distribution
- Forecasting of Convectively Generated Gravity Waves in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
- Modeling shear flow and postsunset stability in the equatorial F region ionosphere
- Observing Equatorial Thermospheric Winds and Temperatures with a New Mapping Technique
- Optical and Radar Observations of the Midnight Temperature Maximum
- Preliminary Results of ``World Month'' Observations at Jicamarca
- The Remote Equatorial Nighttime Observatory for Equatorial Regions (RENOIR)
- Turbulence and Mixing at the Equatorial Mesopause: Results From a Rocket/Radar Experiment
- Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rates in the Tropical Mesosphere From the Jicamarca MST Radar
- Twilight Observations of Thermospheric Atomic Oxygen Density during Magnetic Storms
- Climatology of Geomagnetic Storm-Induced Disturbance Winds in the Nighttime Upper Thermosphere Measured by Ground-Based Fabry-Perot Interferometers in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- Comparison between GITM simulation and JOULE rocket observation
- Ion Flow Measurements from the JOULE Sounding Rocket Mission
- Measuring thermospheric winds and temperatures with a tri-static Fabry-Perot interferometer network in Alaska
- Ni Isotopes in the Early Solar System: an Overview
- Relating RHESSI Footpoints to Reconnection: the Importance of Spines and Separators
- Neutral Wind Dynamics Measured Near the Poker Flat ISR Facility
- Sounding rocket observations of the small-scale neutral response in the E region to magnetospheric energy input at high latitudes
- Thermospheric Wind Gradients and Horizontal Divergence Measured During the HEX-1 Rocket Mission
- Thermospheric Winds in an Intense Auroral Substorm: The HEX-2 Sounding Rocket Missions
- Continual 24-hour observations of thermospheric winds made with the Second generation Optimized Fabry-Perot Doppler Imager (SOFDI)
- Enhanced eddy diffusion and large eddies above the nominal turbopause height
- Focal Mechanisms for Deep Crustal Earthquakes in the Central Foothills and Near Yosemite National Park in the Sierra Nevada, California
- In-situ observations of high-latitude atmospheric turbulence
- Possible equatorial detection of the nighttime thermal effect of the evening solar terminator wave
- SOFDI/CASI Observations of the September 2005 Storm
- Simultaneous SOFDI and CASI observations of gravity waves over Oneida, NY
- CubeSat Constellations for Measurements of High Latitude Energy Input
- Development of four Fabry-Perot interferometers for measurements of thermospheric wind and temperature
- Ionosphere Mesosphere Polar Aeronomy Campaign (IMPAC)
- A Cloud Detection Algorithm Based Upon FPI Measurements
- Comparison of Winds and Temperatures Derived from FPIs at Mid- and Low-Latitudes to HWM- and MSIS-derived Parameters
- Direct observations of nonmigrating diurnal winds in the thermosphere
- Evidence for two-dimensional turbulence proceses in the lower thermosphere
- Gravity wave compressible dissipation polarization relations, and their relation to Fabry Perot and PFISR observations in January 2010
- In-situ Measurements Within and Above the Ion-Neutral Coupling Region: Sounding Rocket versus Satellite Measurements (Invited)
- Mapping the transport of air parcels in the thermosphere due to the background wind
- Measurements of Ion Drifts and Thermospheric Neutral Winds at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory
- Radar and optical observations of irregular midlatitude sporadic E layers and MSTIDs (Invited)
- The Tropospheric Influence on the Upper Thermospheric Zonal Wind as Observed by CHAMP
- Wave-Driven Longitudinal and Local Time Variability in the Itm: what Contributes to the "WAVE-4"?
- Climatology and Inter-annual Variability of Thermospheric Tidal Winds
- Comparison of Nighttime Zonal Neutral Winds and Plasma Bubble Drift Velocities over Brazil
- Daytime and nighttime SOFDI observations of thermospheric winds: Results from CORRER 2011 Campaigns
- Middle Thermosphere Response to Tidal Forcing from Below
- Neutral Winds, the Cause of Some Irregularities on the Sporadic E Layer
- Nonmigrating tidal signatures in nine years of CHAMP zonal wind observations
- Physical Modeling of Neutral Winds in the Thermosphere: Initial Results
- Simulation of the Effects of Zero-Doppler Reference on the Extraction of Nighttime Thermospheric Vertical Neutral Winds from a Bi-Static FPI Experiment
- Simultaneous ground-based thermospheric wind measurements using Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (DASH) and Fabry-Perot Interferometry
- Thermospheric wind and temperature climatology for the equatorial region: Results and comparisons with the WAM model predictions
- Comparison of Zonal Neutral Winds with Equatorial Plasma Bubble and Plasma Drift Velocities over Peru
- Day-to-Day Tidal Variability in the MLT from SABER Temperature Observations
- Evidence for a transition from three-dimensional to two-dimensional turbulence in structure function analysis of sounding rocket chemical release trails in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere region
- Intermediate and transisitonal scale structure in midlaitude sporadic E layers
- Mid-latitude thermospheric dynamics as observed by the North American Thermosphere-Ionosphere Observing Network of imaging Fabry-Perot interferometers
- Simultaneous measurements of thermospheric winds and temperatures in the Brazilian and Peruvian longitudinal sectors
- Tidal response to latent tidal heating variability due to the El Niño—Southern Oscillation
- Coordinated observations of thermospheric neutral winds and equatorial plasma bubbles from low-latitude sites (Invited)
- Diurnal Variability in NOGAPS-ALPHA during January 2009
- Equatorial thermospheric winds: New results using data from a network of three Fabry-Perot interferometers located in central Peru
- Interannual and Intraseasonal Variability of the Diurnal Tide
- PoSSUM: Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere
- Project PoSSUM: Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere
- Response of Upward Propagating Tides to Varying Solar Activity Levels (Invited)
- The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX)
- Radar Imaging of Equatorial Mesospheric Turbulence: A Case Study Using New Data from the Jicamarca Radar Observatory
- Source for the traveling planetary waves in the polar winter mesosphere and lower thermosphere: vertical coupling versus in-situ instability.
- An extremely deep search for methane isotope fractionation with NIRSPAO at Keck
- Water and Ammonia Abundances in Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt and Equatorial Zone at the time of Juno Perijoves 4 to 6
- Ammonia, water vapor, and clouds in Jupiter's Equatorial Zone
- Are there MJO Signatures in Antarctic Gravity Waves Hinted by High-Resolution ECMWF Model and Lidar Observations?
- Constraints from the Abundance of <SUP>26</SUP>Al and <SUP>60</SUP>Fe in Meteorites, and the Implications for the Formation of the Solar System
- First Lidar Measurement of Heat Fluxes Induced by the Semidiurnal Tide in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere in Boulder (40°N, 105°W), Colorado
- High- to Low-Frequency Gravity Waves Observed in Vertical Winds and Temperatures over McMurdo, Antarctica
- Localized Neutral Temperature Responses to Magnetospheric Energy Inputs and Gravity Wave Effects in the Polar Region
- Remote Diagnostics of Methane Isotope Fractionation on Titan
- Seasonal, longitudinal, and local time variations of the Merging Height of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly from COSMIC Observations
- A Search for Technetium in the Solar System
- Discovering fine structures of the ionosphere-thermosphere system using high-resolution general circulation models: A coordinated study of Feb 20, 2014, geomagnetic storm
- Neutral Responses to Fine-Structure Energetic Particle Precipitation and Electric Field Variability During Geomagnetic Storm
- The response time of the ionosphere to solar wind driving from the scintillation perspective.
- Tidal Response of the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere to the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Wave breaking, instability and transport in the upper mesosphere
- A multiresolution approach to auroral precipitation and its impacts on the ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
- Accounting for Short-Lived Radionuclides in the Early Solar System in the Context of a Triggered Star Formation Origin of the Solar System
- Interaction of gravity waves propagating from the lower atmosphere with local Joule heating
- Observations of Strong Vertical Winds within the Auroral Zone during Active Geomagnetic Disturbances
- QBO modulation of gravity wave potential energy and propagation in the Northern-Hemisphere high-latitude stratosphere and mesosphere
- Statistical study of high-to-medium frequency and mesoscale gravity waves in the high-resolution Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Tidal Response of the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere to the Madden-Julian Oscillation