Dartmouth College, Department of Physics and Astronomy
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Magnetic Reconnection in Magnetopause-like Configurations
- Double Layers, Electron Scattering and Anomalous Resistivity in 3-D Magnetic Reconnection
- Examination of metrics for determining quality of data comparisons
- Impulsive Radiation Belt Particle Injection: Why Are Shock Acceleration Events So Rare?
- MHD simulations of storms and substorms: A unified view
- Magnetic Field Line Curvature Induced Pitch Angle Diffusion in the Transien Proton Belts
- Phase Transition-like Behavior of Magnetospheric Substorms: Global MHD Simulation Results
- Pulsations in Global MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere
- Reconnection in the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- Simulating Three Dimensional Radiation Belt Dynamics
- Storm-time Injection of Plasma Sheet Electrons into the Radiation Belt During the March~31, 2001 Geomagnetic StormOuter
- The Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Geomagnetic Storms Simulated by the Coupled TING and LFM Models
- The Three Dimensional Nature of Reconnection
- Comparison of Global MHD Simulations of the Lobe Magnetic Field with Spacecraft Data
- Coupling in the magnetotail between macroscale and mesoscale process during periods of magnetic activity: MHD simulations
- Development of Electron Holes and Anomalous Resistivity in 3-D Magnetic Reconnection
- Effects of the Southward Solar Wind Magnetic Field and Ionospheric Conductance on Cross Polar Cap Potential: Global MHD Simulation Results
- Estimation of Plasma Mass Density Using Toroidal Oscillations Observed by CRRES
- First Results From the Rocket Auroral Correlator Experiment
- Magnetopause erosion: A global view from MHD simulation
- Measurements of the Mass Density Dependence Along Field Lines Using Toroidal Alfven Frequencies Observed by the CRRES Spacecraft
- Multiple-point measurements of auroral ion distributions from the SIERRA sounding rocket
- Multipoint Magnetic and Electric Field Measurements in the Auroral Ionosphere
- Observations of Ion Injections During Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Radial diffusion simulation of relativistic electron transport by ULF waves in the September 1998 magnetic storm
- Shock-induced Trapping of Solar Energetic Particles in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Signatures of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- Sounding Rocket Study of Thermal Electrons in Active Auroral Precipitation
- The Role of the Plasmapause in Magnetospheric MHD Waves
- The Roles and Needs of Models in the Future Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment
- A General Code Coupling Framework and the Dissection of the LFM Code
- Cluster Observations of Channels of Enhanced Convection Velocity in the Ring Current Region
- Determination of the Short- and Long-Range Parallel Potential in the Downward Auroral-Current Region From FAST Satellite Data and Theory
- Diffusion of Radiation Belt Electrons in Three Dimensions
- Dynamic Modeling of Solar Energetic Particle Cutoffs During Geomagnetic Storms
- Dynamics of Charged Dust in the Polar Winter Mesosphere
- Effects of asymmetric plasmasphere on MHD waves in a three-dimensional dipolar magnetosphere
- Effects of the Solar Wind and Ionospheric Conductance on the Transpolar Potential and Magnetosheath Flow: Global MHD Modeling
- Global MHD Simulation Study of Joule Heating in the Polar Ionosphere
- Hall Mediated Reconnection in Wide Current Sheets
- High-Resolution, Low-Frequency Electric Field Measurements on an Auroral Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Initial results from the coupled LFM-TING model
- Investigation of Shabansky Orbit Accessibility by Using 3D Particle Tracing in the Global MHD Simulations
- Large-Amplitude Parallel Electric Fields Associated With Inertial Alfven Waves
- MAXIS Balloon Observations of Electron Microburst Precipitation
- Magnetic field line curvature induced pitch angle diffusion in the radiation belts
- Magnetospheric response to solar wind pressure during strongly southward IMF: MHD simulations
- Measurement of Thermal Electrons at Rocket Altitudes in Nightside Active Aurora
- Multiple Balloon Campaign (MINIS) to Study MeV Electron Precipitation
- Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn): A Vision for Global Polar Studies and Education
- RCM meets LFM: Initial results of one-way coupling
- Return Current Region Aurora: Dayside Parameterization of Ion Conics and BBELF Activity at FAST Altitudes
- Structured LF-MF Whistler Mode Emissions at Rocket Altitudes
- Substorms in the ionosphere: LFM and GUMICS-4 global MHD simulations compared
- The Thermosphere/Ionosphere (TI) Response to Magnetosphere Energy Inputs
- Thin anisotropic current sheets: Equilibrium theory and simulations of current -driven instabilities
- Visualization and Data Analysis for CISM Models
- A Multiple Balloon Campaign to Study Relativistic Electron Loss Mechanisms
- A Search for Signatures of Ion Acoustic Shoulders in the SERSIO sounding rocket data set
- Analysis of electron distributions associated with the source of auroral roar
- Automated Technique to Determine the Magnetospheric Electron Density From Passive Dynamic Spectra
- Comparison of Geosynchronous Magnetic Field and Global MHD Simulation Results
- Comparisons of Thermal Electron Measurements on Two Sounding Rocket Experiments
- Diffusion of Radiation Belt Electrons in Three Dimensions
- Energy Deposition in the Polar Ionospheres: Simulation Studies of Geomagnetic Storm Events
- Further Studies of Flickering Auroral Roar
- Gyrokinetic Stability of Z-pinch and Dipole-like Configurations
- How Much do Numerics Affect the Results of Global MHD Magnetsopheric Calculations?
- LFM meets RCM: Initial results of two-way coupling
- MHD Simulation of Solar Wind Magnetosphere Coupling During the Halloween Magnetic Storm
- Magnetic field line curvature induced pitch angle diffusion in the radiation belts
- Mass Density Inferred From Toroidal Wave Frequencies And its Comparison to Electron Density
- Observation of the Reactive Component of Langmuir Wave-Electron Phase Bunching
- Parallel Electric Fields and Double Layers in Downward Auroral-Current Regions from Theory and Satellite Data
- SERSIO Sounding Rocket Thermal Ion Data
- Simulations of MHD waves in the 3-D dipole model with a realistic magnetospheric density profile
- Solar Energetic Particle Entry and Trapping in the Magnetosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- The Halloween 2003 Storm's Effect on Trapped Electron Populations
- The Role of Collisions and Charge Exchange in Determining Heliospheric Structure
- A global MHD simulation of an event with a quasi-steady northward IMF
- Analysis of Upper Hybrid Wave Growth Rates From Measured Electron Distributions; An Encounter With the Source of Auroral Roar
- Case Study of the Seeds and Evolution Auroral Ion Upflow From the SIERRA Sounding Rocket
- Charged Dust in the Polar Winter Mesosphere
- Contribution of Enhanced Radial Transport to the Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Conversion of Electromagnetic Power to Auroral and Cusp Ion Outflows
- Direct Observation of Prompt Solar Flare Perturbation to Stratospheric Electrodynamics
- Discrete Auroral Radio Emissions
- Effects of the January 16th-20th Solar Flares on the Fair Weather Global Electric Circuit.
- FAST observations of perpendicular DC electric field structures in downward current regions : Implications
- Global Monitoring of Relativistic Electron Precipitation with Balloon Networks: MINIS and Beyond
- Ground-based Observations of ULF Waves in the Cusp Region and at Substorm Onset as Possible Evidence for Reconnection
- HF "Swishers" Observed with a Recent Sounding Rocket: A Ray Tracing Study
- Impact of the Near-Earth Space Environment on Human Radiation Exposure at Commercial Airline Altitudes
- Initial Results From Coupling Magnetosphere, Inner Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, and Thermosphere Models
- Interpreting Auroral Roar Fine Structure Measurements
- Interstellar environment change: effects on heliospheric structure, galactic cosmic ray modulation and cosmogenic isotope production.
- Investigating EMIC waves as a relativistic electron precipitation mechanism during the MINIS balloon campaign
- Investigation of Nuclear Gamma Ray Line Emission Associated with Lightning
- Ionospheric Erosion by Alfven Waves
- Ionospheric convection observations following the solar flare of 20 January 2005 and during the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005
- MHD Simulations of Transpolar Potential Saturation With the LFM Code
- MINIS Balloon and RHESSI Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle Event
- MINIS Observations of MeV electron precipitation on January 21st 2005
- New Code for Simulation of Auroral Alfven Waves
- On the Closure Relations for Multimoment Fluid Models of the Long-Range Potential in Downward Auroral Current Regions
- Overview of the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005
- Possible relationship between phase space electron holes and LF/MF whistler mode dispersive signals in the auroral ionosphere: Rocket observations and ray-tracing
- Relaxation and merging flux ropes and 3D effects in the Reconnection Scaling Experiment at LANL
- Small Scale Structures and Motions of Auroral Signatures as Observed From the Ground: a Planned Field Study Using Camera and Radar Observations
- Solar Energetic Particle Behavior in Near-Mars Space
- The SMART Theory and Modeling Team: an Integrated Element of Mission Development and Science Analysis
- Toroidal Harmonics Observed at The GOES 5 Spacecraft and Their Implication for the Field Line Distribution of Mass Density
- ULF Waves in the Cusp Region as Observed by the SERSIO Sounding Rocket and on the Ground at Barentsburg, Svalbard
- Universality of the reconnection physics
- Using Branch Prediction and Speculative Execution for Magnetospheric Data Assimilation
- An Investigation of the Role of Magnetic Field Line Curvature in the Detrapping of the August 1990 Transient Proton Belt
- Anisotropic Pressure Evolution
- BARREL: A Balloon Array for Monitoring Relativistic Electron Losses during the RBSP Mission
- Computational Framework for the Living with Star Program
- Connecting Dusk-side Relativistic Electron Precipitation and Equatorial Electron Flux
- Field Line Distribution of Magnetospheric Density
- From the IGY to the IHY: A Changing View of the Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Investigating Plasmasphere Location during Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events
- Larger IMF drives relatively lower magnetospheric activity: Observational and LFM simulation results
- Magnetopause Reconnection in the LFM Code
- Modeling solar energetic particle flux in the magnetosphere using global Magnetohydrodynamics
- Multi-fluid simulations of the magnetosphere-ionosphere interaciotn and convection
- Observation of relativistic electron precipitation during a rapid decrease of trapped electron flux
- Radial Variation of the Average Ion Mass Inferred From the Frequency of Standing Alfven Waves Observed by CRRES
- Relation between Statistics of Radiowave Reception at South Pole Station and Auroral Oval Characteristics: Data and Monte Carlo Simulations
- Simulated Response of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System to Different Forms of Empirically Regulated Ionospheric Outflows
- Small-Scale Structures in Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- The Electric Field Wave Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probe Mission
- The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma (ECT) Instrument Suite
- The South Atlantic Anomaly and its influence on the total electron content distribution
- An Inner-Magnetospheric Electron Density Database Determined from IMAGE/RPI Passive Dynamic Spectra
- An investigation of the role of magnetic field line curvature in the detrapping of the August 1990 transient proton belt
- Antarctic Ground-based Observations During Selected THEMIS Satellite Event Studies
- Determining the Viscous Potential from MHD Simulations and Comparing it to Observations
- Discovery of Very large Amplitude Whistler-mode Waves in the Outer Radiation Belt and Their Effects on Relativistic Particles
- Investigating EMIC Wave Generation and Relativistic Electron Resonance
- Ionospheric O+ Outflows in the Multi-Fluid LFM
- Lunar Surface Charging During Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Magnetopause Reconnection in the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Code
- Nonlinear finite-Larmor-radius effects in reduced fluid models
- PENGUIn Observations of the THEMIS March 23, 2007 Substorm Event
- Polar-Region Distributions of Poynting Flux: Global Models Compared With Observations
- Pulsating Aurora and Associated Particle Precipitation as Observed by the Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora Mission
- ROPA (Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora) and AMISR Observations of Precipitation and Ionospheric Conductivity During Pulsating Aurora
- Radial diffusion with outer boundary determined by geosynchronous measurements: Storm and post-storm intervals
- Search for Thunderstorm Associated Nuclear Gamma Rays
- Solar Energetic Particle Trapping During Geomagnetic Storms
- Study of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Instability in Dipole Geometry
- Trapped Solar Energetic Particles in the Inner Magnetosphere in Solar Cycle 23
- A Monte Carlo Simulation of the NOAA POES MEPED Proton Detector
- A Search for Bremsstrahlung From Preliminary Breakdown Using A Lanthanum Bromide Detector
- Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Piggyback Test Flight
- Comparison of LFM-test particle simulations and radial diffusion models of radiation belt electron injection into the slot region
- Dayside Reconnection and Plasma Transport in the LFM Code
- Density and Magnetic Field Structure in the Plasmasphere: Comparison Between CLUSTER Data and Models
- Determination of the Envelope Distribution for Langmuir Waves in the Topside Ionosphere
- Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation (DREP) Versus Microbursts as the Dominant Loss Mechanism From the Outer Belt.
- Effect of Externally-Driven Magnetospheric ULF Variations on Energetic Electron Dynamics in the Radiation Belts
- Effect of Ionospheric Outflow Parameters on Magnetospheric Configuration
- Electric Field Statistics and Modulation Characteristics of Bursty Langmuir Waves Observed in the Cusp
- Empirical Characterization of Plasmaspheric Plumes
- GreenCube: A Student Multiple Small Payload Project: A First Step
- Hybrid Simulation of EMIC Waves in Curvilinear Coordinates
- Ion composition in the Plasma Trough and Plasma Plume Derived From a CRRES Magnetoseismic Study
- Magnetospheric Cavity Modes Driven by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations: Initial Results From Global MHD Simulations and Applications to Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics
- Modelling solar wind entry into the magnetosphere using mult-fluid MHD
- NOAA POES Observations of Relativistic Electron Precipitation during a Radiation Belt Depletion Event
- Nonlinear dynamics of two-dimensional electron plasma
- Orientation and Structure of Reconnection Layer from Simulated Spacecraft Data
- Progress and Status on the Development of NASA's Nowcast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety (NAIRAS) model
- Radiation belt energy and pitch angle distributions resulting from shock-drift injections
- Recent sounding rocket flights of a mesospheric charged dust detector
- Sounding rocket observations of particle data in the cusp
- Statistics of Waveform and Envelope Fields: Theory, Simulations and Initial Applications to TRICE Data
- Sub-keV Electron Signatures Within Pulsating Aurora
- The first full-resolution measurements of Auroral Medium Frequency Burst Emissions
- The role of wave-particle interactions in controlling relativistic electron variability
- UV emissions observed by the SCIFER2 sounding rocket
- Beyond Illustration: New Data Driven Techniques for Visualizing Magnetospheric Structure
- Bow shock current closure for large IMF By: The unipolar generator
- CASCADES-II sounding rocket study of auroral poleward boundary intensifications
- Cascades2: Quantifying Shears in the Auroral Electric Field
- Comparison of Medium Frequency Burst Generation Theories
- Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation in the SAMPEX data set from 1992-2004
- Experimental tests of the von Karman self-preservation hypothesis: decay of an electron plasma to a near-maximum entropy state
- Fast Reconnection in Extended High-Lundquist-Number Current Sheets Due to the Plasmoid Instability
- Field Line Dependence of Mass Density at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Global MHD simulations of the relative effects of solar wind features on cold dense plasma sheet formation during the August 31 2005 storm
- Global Modeling of Different Modes of Geomagnetic Activity (Invited)
- GreenCube and RocketCube: Low-Resource Sensorcraft for Atmospheric and Ionospheric Science
- Ground based observations of the Cascades2 sounding rocket ionosphere - characterization and interpretation
- Investigation of EMIC Waves During Balloon Detected Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events
- LFM-helio MHD model and comparisons with Ulysses Fast Latitude Scan data
- Multipoint observations of nightside auroral activity: the Cascades2 sounding rocket mission
- Observations of relativistic electron precipitation during the 2009 Valentine's Day Storm: Results from the first BARREL test flight
- Simulating the viscous interaction under a variety of solar wind conditions, with some comparisons to satellite data
- Sounding Rocket and Satellite Observations of Lower Hybrid and Ion-Bernstein Mode Waves Generated by Downflowing Ions in the Cusp
- Studies in the Sensitivity of IBEX to Variable Heliosphere Boundary Conditions
- Synthetic Magnetogram Code for Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Models
- Toward calculating heliospheric filtration of interstellar oxygen on its way to IBEX
- Towards Dynamic Realism for Solar Wind Boundary Conditions Used in Global Heliospheric Models
- 2010 Observations of X-ray Bursts Associated with Lightning at Langmuir Labs
- Auroral Radio Emission Direction of Arrival Studies of Simultaneous Medium Frequency Burst and Auroral Hiss
- Cascades2: Interferometric Measurements of Dispersive Alfven Wave Properties In a Poleward Boundary Intensification
- Characterizing interstellar and secondary helium in the heliosphere
- Continued analysis of sounding rocket particle data
- Current Closure in the Ionosphere: Results from the ACES Sounding Rocket
- Evidence for Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation in the SAMPEX data set in the bounce loss cone
- Factors that Affect Geoeffective Length for Northward IMF
- Ground-Level Detection of Auroral Kilometric Radiation
- Implementation of Inductive Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and its Effects on Global MHD Magnetospheric Simulations
- Localized Wave-particle Interactions: Acceleration and Loss Across the Outer Radiation Belt (Invited)
- Magnetospheric Sawtooth Oscillations Induced by Ionospheric Outflow
- Modeling of "Stripe" Wave Phenomena Seen by the CHARM II and ACES Sounding Rockets
- Multipoint Observation of Fast Mode Waves Trapped in the Dayside Plasmasphere
- Observation of Electron Phase Bunching in Auroral Langmuir Waves
- Response of the POES MEPED telescope instruments to relativistic electron precipitation
- Solar Wind Suprathermal Electron Strahl Widths Across High Speed Stream Structures
- Survey of solar wind behavior to prepare for use in global heliospheric models
- Two-dimensional hybrid simulation of the growth, effects, and distribution of magnetospheric electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
- ULF Modulation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation during the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 Dec 2005
- Update for the Balloon Array for Radiation-belt Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Mission
- A Rocket-Based Study of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Current Closure Ionosphere
- An Investigation of Radiation Belt Enhancements During Small Geomagnetic Storms
- Antarctic Observations of Dayside Auroral Hiss
- Characteristics of Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation measured with SAMPEX
- Density, composition, and field line dependence of bulk plasma at geosynchronous orbit versus local time, season, and solar cycle phase
- Effects of Soft Electron Precipitation on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Electric Field measurements associated with energetic particle acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
- Energization of Radiation Belt Electrons by High and Low Azimuthal Mode Number Poloidal Mode ULF Waves
- Estimates of the Geoeffective Length During the Whole Heliospheric Interval from Simulations
- Evolution of the Birkeland Currents During the Whole Heliosphere Interval from Various Simulations
- Experimental tests of a topside generation mechanism for auroral medium frequency burst radio emissions
- High time resolution luminosity profiles of Jellyfish (Super) Sprites
- Interpretation of Vector Electric Field Measurements of Bursty Langmuir Waves in the Cusp
- Low Altitude Validation of Geomagnetic Cutoff Models Using SAMPEX Data
- Magnetospheric Response to Solar Wind Alfvenic Fluctuations using WSA-Enlil-LFM
- Mesoscale structure of the heliospheric current sheet from MHD simulations
- Modeling Geomagnetic Storms on Prompt and Diffusive Time Scales
- Modeling and Observations of the East-West Effect in Solar Energetic Particle Flux at Geosynchronous
- NSF Career Award: Electric fields in space plasmas -- aurora and charging
- Nightside sounding rocket study of precipitating ions in a Poleward Boundary Intensification
- Non-linear Wave Evolution: Observation of Electron Phase Bunching in Auroral Langmuir Waves
- One and Two Dimensional Simulations of Whistler Chorus in Dipole Geometry
- Progress in Space Weather Modeling and Observations Needed to Improve the Operational NAIRAS Model Aircraft Radiation Exposure Predictions
- Prompt precipitation and energization of relativistic radiation belt electrons induced by ULF oscillations in the magnetosphere
- Recent Advances in Observations of Ground-level Auroral Kilometric Radiation
- SAMPEX relativistic micorbursts: PET spectra and comparison to DREP and balloon microbursts
- Structure and dynamics of auroral electron precipitation: sounding rocket and groundbased observations of tall rays at the nightside poleward boundary
- Studying the Viscous Interaction during the Whole Heliosphere Interval
- The Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Precipitation (BARREL) Investigation
- The Scaling of Subsolar Reconnection in LFM Simulations
- 2D MHD test-particle simulations in modeling geomagnetic storms
- A Rocket-Borne Study of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Current Closure Ionosphere: Modeling
- A Statistical Examination of Magnetic Field Model Accuracy for Mapping Solar Energetic Particle Observations to Remote Locations
- A localized swarm of low-resource CubeSat-class spacecraft for auroral ionospheric science
- CloudSat-derived Morphology of Deep Convection over Tropical Oceans
- Effects of Soft Electron Precipitation on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Electric Fields and Waves Instrument on the RBSP Spacecraft: Investigating the Dynamic of the Inner Magnetosphere
- Energetic radiation belt electron precipitation showing ULF modulation
- Field Line Aligned Mass Density Distribution Inferred from the THEMIS Observations
- Filtration of interstellar helium in the heliosphere
- First Observations of 5f<SUB>ce</SUB> Auroral Roar Emissions
- Fluid-Kinetic simulation study of the evolution of a penetrating electron beam measured at the top of the ionosphere and its effect on the ISR
- Ground-level observations of a new type of auroral radio emission
- How Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Differentiates Magnetospheric Convection Modes
- Hybrid Code Simulations of Whistler Mode Chorus Waves
- Investigating EMIC Waves as a Precipitation Mechanism for Relativistic Electrons
- Investigating ULF Wave Modulation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation
- Ionospheric Control of the Distribution of Magnetospheric Reconnection and Convection
- Linear mode conversion of Langmuir and ordinary waves in unmagnetized and magnetized plasmas
- Magnetospheric dynamics of trapped solar proton events
- Multi-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations for Instabilities and the Evolution of Ion Distributions at the Termination Shock and Beyond
- O+ concentration at geosynchronous orbit
- Observed and modelled effects of auroral precipitation on the thermal ionospheric plasma: comparing the MICA and Cascades2 sounding rocket events
- Prediction of Solar Energetic Particle Trapping in the Magnetosphere
- Preliminary Observations of Ionospheric Response to an Auroral Driver from the MICA (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén Resonator) Sounding Rocket Campaign
- Properties of Outflow Driven Sawtooth Substorms
- Radiation Belt Transport Driven by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations
- Real-Time Aircraft Cosmic Ray Radiation Exposure Predictions from the NAIRAS Model
- Response of ionospheric field-aligned currents to a sudden increase in the solar wind dynamic pressure: high-resolution LFM simulations and AMPERE observations
- Sounding rocket observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator
- Statistical Analysis of Bursty Langmuir Waves and Coincident VLF Waves in the Cusp
- Storm Time EMIC Waves and Their Relationship to Plasmaspheric Density, Plasma Plumes and Radiation Belt Loss
- The Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Investigation
- The Role of Turbulence and Bursty-Bulk Flows in Plasma Sheet Transport
- Trajectories and Distribution of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Heliosphere
- Web-Based Monitoring of Multiple Payload Missions
- What in situ measurements of thermal electrons tell us about electron heating in the high-latitude ionosphere
- A Statistical Examination of Magnetic Field Model Accuracy for Mapping Geosynchronous Solar Energetic Particle Observations to Lower Earth Orbits
- An Analysis of Ionospheric Thermal Ions Using a SIMION-based Forward Instrument Model: In Situ Observations of Vertical Thermal Ion Flows as Measured by the MICA Sounding Rocket
- Asymmetries in Interstellar Helium Distributions in the Heliosphere
- Auroral ion upflow and outflow: dynamics of the ionospheric source (Invited)
- Charged Particle Diffusion in Isotropic Random Static Magnetic Fields
- Detection of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances by Medium Frequency Doppler Sounding Using AM Radio Transmissions
- Global Simulations of the Asymmetry in Forming Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mercury
- Kelvin-Helmholtz instability during northward IMF conditions: Global 3-Dimensional MHD simulations (Invited)
- Microburst Precipitation in the first BARREL campaign
- Modelling the Lunar Plasma Dust Environment
- Observational signatures of low-altitude low-energy ion motions up and down auroral field lines: a survey of sounding rocket measurements (Invited)
- Pathways to thermospheric heating via cusp electron precipitation
- Precipitating Relativistic Electron Energy Spectra Measured by BARREL
- Pulsating aurora observed on the ground and in-situ by the Van Allen Probes
- Resistive MHD and kinetic simulations of 2D magnetotail equilibria leading to reconnection onset
- Results from the First BARREL Antarctic Balloon Campaign (Invited)
- Statistical Analysis of Bursty Langmuir Waves, Alfvén and Whistler Waves, and Precipitating Electrons Seen by the CHARM II Nightside Sounding Rocket
- Temporal Characteristics of Impulsive Electron Precipitation Associated with Thunderstorm Activity
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Very high-resolution simulations of depolarization fronts in global scale MHD simulations of the magnetosphere
- Hybrid Simulations for the Turbulence and the Wave-Particle Interaction in the Inner and the Outer Heliopause.
- The Impact of Plasmapheric Mass Loading on Dayside Reconnection
- Global MHD simulations of plasmaspheric plumes
- Impact of Spatial Aliasing on Sea-ice Thickness Measurements
- Balloon Observations of ULF Wave Modulated Relativistic Electron Precipitation
- Interstellar O, He and Magnetic Field from IBEX and IMAP Predictions
- BARREL observations of Energetic Electron Precipitation Associated with a Detached Plasma Region
- Competition Between Radial Loss and EMIC Wave Scattering of MeV Electrons During Strong CME-shock Driven Storms
- Energization and Transport in 3D Kinetic Simulations of MMS Magnetopause Reconnection Site Encounters with Varying Guide Fields
- Extremely Nonthermal Monoenergetic Precipitation in the Auroral Acceleration Region: In Situ Observations
- Fast Breakdown as Coronal/Ionization Waves?
- Generation of EMIC Waves and Effects on Particle Precipitation During a Solar Wind Pressure Intensification with Bz > 0
- Investigating the effect of background magnetic field on the resonance condition between EMIC waves and relativistic electrons
- Lightning-channel conditioning
- Model-supported forward calculation of secondary helium observed by IBEX
- Orientation and spread of reconnection x-line in asymmetric current sheets
- Particle Acceleration in Magnetic Reconnection from the Nonrelativistic to Relativistic Regime: The Dominant Acceleration Mechanism and Formation of Power-law Energy Distributions
- Scaling of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Rate with Guide Field
- Statistical investigation of the efficiency of EMIC waves in precipitating relativistic electrons
- Substorm-associated radio emissions: Direction-finding and fine-structure observations
- The Isinglass Auroral Sounding Rocket Campaign: data synthesis incorporating remote sensing, in situ observations, and modelling
- University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Projects
- Violation of Field Line Conservation and Associated Spatial Scales in Particle-in-Cell Simulations and MMS Data
- X-ray emissions from centimeter-long streamer corona discharges
- Big Science on a Small Budget: Innovative Experiments for Radiation Belt Science
- Detailed Modeling of Neutral Helium in the Heliosphere
- Determination of the MMS path across the magnetopause viamagnetic field only
- Determining EMIC wave vector properties through multi-point measurements: The wave curl analysis
- Energy dependent loss of magnetospheric relativistic electrons due to pitch angle scattering by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
- From symmetric to asymmetric magnetic reconnection rate
- Generalizing Global Simulations of the Radiation Belts: Addressing Advective and Diffusive Processes in a Common Simulation Framework
- ISINGLASS Campaign Data Mapping and Assimilation
- Investigation of EMIC Scattered Electron Precipitation During a Conjunction of Cluster and FIREBIRD-II
- Nightside Discrete Auroral Arcs: Inferring Electrodynamics from Imagery in the Isinglass Sounding Rockets Case Studies
- Non-thermal limit of mono-energetic electron precipitation in the terrestrial auroral acceleration region
- Small Satellites for Space Science (4S) COSPAR Roadmap
- Stability of asymmetric magnetic reconnection x-line in periodic systems — an implication to laminar vs. turbulent diffusion region.
- Statistics of global-scale coherence modulation of radiation-belt electron loss
- Ulysses and IBEX Constraints on Temperature Anisotropy in the Interstellar He Flow
- Van Allen Probes and Arase Observations of Magnetospheric ULF Waves Associated with Pi2 Pulsations Observed on the Ground
- "Patchy" Magnetic Reconnection: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Advective Process Modeling for Radiation Belt Electrons
- An Investigation of Low Energy Ion Cusp Precipitation by the TRICE 2 Sounding Rocket Campaign
- An explanation of the opposite dawn-dusk asymmetry at magnetotails of Earth vs. Mercury.?
- Auroral Reconstruction CubeSwarm - ARCS: a NASA Heliophysics mission concept for decoding the aurora
- CAPER-2 and TRICE-2 Sounding Rocket Investigations: Whistler and Upper-Hybrid Waves in the Polar Cusp
- Calculating Radial Diffusion Coefficients of Energetic Electrons Based on High-fidelity Mode Number Estimation of ULF Waves Using MMS Spacecraft Data
- Cusp structures observed by the TRICE 2 sounding rockets and their relationship to the magnetopause reconnection location
- Direct driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind density structures: A case study and statistical survey with BARREL and satellite data
- Electron-MHD reconstruction of magnetotail reconnection regions observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
- Exploring Earth's High Latitude Aurora in Radio: The AERO and VISTA Cubesat Missions
- From Van Allen to REAL
- Grand Challenge Initiative - CUSP and M/LT Projects
- IBEX-Lo Sky Maps and Flows around the Heliosphere. An Observation-Simulation Comparison.
- Ion-Scale Structure of the Outer Electron Diffusion Region
- Mapping the Local Interstellar Medium: Using Hubble to Look Back at the ISM Along the Sun's Historical Trajectory
- Modeling Coherent Injections Produced by Substorm Dipolarizations
- Modeling bremsstrahlung X-ray signatures of Lightning-induced electron precipitation in the upper atmosphere
- Multi-case study of minimum resonant energy for electrons to interact with EMIC waves
- Observations of Ground-level Auroral Kilometric Radiation and its relationship to simultaneous AKR observed with the Geotail and Cluster satellites
- On the fast magnetic reconnection rate value of order 0.1
- Particle-in-cell simulations of fast magnetosonic waves on a drift shell surface in the dipole magnetic field
- Polynomial reconstruction of the magnetic field around the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft
- REAL: A CubeSat to Study Energetic Electron Precipitation into Earth's Atmosphere
- Solar Energetic Proton Access and Trapping in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Statistically Determining the Spatial Extent of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events Using 2 second Polar-Orbiting Satellite Data
- Sub-Auroral Ionospheric and Stratospheric Electric Field Responses to an Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Event
- The Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics 2 (TRICE-2) Mission
- The impact of cold ions on ultralow frequency (ULF) waves and the subsequent effects on the magnetospheric system
- Visualizing Tail Disconnection and Dipolarization Events with MMS
- What is the shortest possible x-line extent for 3D magnetic reconnection?
- >100 Hz Periodicities in Low Frequency Auroral Hiss
- A New Method to Retrieve Electron Precipitation Spectra from High Altitude Balloon X-ray Spectrometer Data
- Broadband Enhancements in the Cusp Ionosphere Observed by TRICE-2 Sounding Rockets
- COSPAR International Constellation of Small Spacecraft
- Characteristics of Energetic Electrons Near Active Magnetotail Reconnection Sites
- Coincident Lower-Hybrid and Modulated Upper-Hybrid Waves Observed with TRICE-2 Sounding Rockets in Earth's Cusp
- Cold ionospheric ion dynamics inside an EMIC wave in the inflow region of dayside magnetopause reconnection
- Compact Instrumentation for Energetic Particles at Magnetized Planets
- Comprehensive modeling of EMIC wave generation and their impact on different plasma populations using a kinetic convection diffusion model
- Driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind dynamic pressure structures: Analysis of balloon and satellite data
- Electromagnetic Resonance Sounding Observations of Storm-induced Heavy Ion Enhancements in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Energy conversion and force-balance within the diffusion region of collisionless magnetic reconnection
- Evolution of macro- and micro-scale turbulence during magnetic reconnection
- Exploring the Past and Future Boundary Conditions of the Heliosphere with Interstellar Probes
- Fast Magnetic Reconnection Induced by Resistivity Gradient in Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Simulations
- HamSci Radio Research Using VLF and HF to measure aurora emissions and related phenomena.
- Instabilities Associated with Electron-Scale X-line Evolution
- MHD-test particles simulations of moderate CME and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms at solar minimum and comparison with Van Allen Probes radiation belt electron measurements
- MMS Observations of Ion Bernstein Mode Wave-Particle Interaction in the Plasmasheet
- Magnetic reconnection observed at Earth's bow shock
- Magnetic-field annihilation and island formation in electron-scale current sheet in Earth's magnetotail
- Modeling Coherent Injections Produced by Substorm Dipolarizations
- Observations of Low-Energy Magnetospheric Ions by the TRICE 2 Sounding Rocket and the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- On multi-scale density irregularities observed by sounding rockets within regions of enhanced scintillations in the cusp ionosphere
- Plasmaspheric dynamics studied using a three-dimensional machine learning based plasma density model in the inner magnetosphere
- Polynomial reconstruction of the magnetic field in the vicinity of the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) spacecraft: New results
- Propagation effects on EMIC wave k vectors: Observations from MMS
- Quantifying energetic electron precipitation based on POES/MEPED angular response functions
- REAL: A CubeSat Mission to Study Energetic Electron Precipitation into Earth's Atmosphere
- Radio Frequency Research during COVID-19
- Ring current formation in the coupled GAMERA-RCM model
- Solar Energetic Proton Access to the Inner Magnetosphere during the 7-8 September 2017 event
- Study of median frequency bursts and anomalous ISR echoes
- Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance Tracking through Doppler-Shifted AM Radio Transmissions
- Understanding the generation of magnetosonic waves using PIC simulations in a dipole magnetic field
- Updated modeling of interstellar and secondary neutral helium in the heliosphere
- Wave Activity in a Reconnection Current Sheet near an X-Line on the Dayside Magnetopause