Radford University, Virginia
flowchart I[Radford University, Virginia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (36)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aquifer Salinization by Storm Overwash
- Inverse Modeling to Quantify Recharge in Unconfined Aquifers
- A delay differential model of ENSO variability: parametric instability and the distribution of extremes
- Comparison of capacitively coupled resistivity and GPR results from an archaeological investigation in Guadalcanal
- The fractal structure of the ice/water boundary for sea ice near Barrow, Alaska
- A ground penetrating radar study of the Arctic sea ice near Barrow, Alaska
- A study of the surface temperature and the thickness of the Arctic sea ice
- Land Change in Russia since 2000
- Agricultural Change in the Russian grain belt: a case study of Samara Oblast
- GPR studies at the Nuvuk burial site at Point Barrow, Alaska
- Linking field observations, Landsat and MODIS data to estimate agricultural change in European Russia.
- Correlation between the surface temperature and thickness of Arctic sea ice
- GPR study of a prehistoric archaeological site near Point Barrow, Alaska
- A Possible Correlation between the Surface Temperature and Thickness of Arctic Sea Ice
- FreshAiR and Field Studies—Augmenting Geological Reality with Mobile Devices
- Reconstructed streamflow in the eastern United States: validity, drivers, and challenges
- Comparing Geophysical Methods for Determining the Thickness of Arctic Sea Ice: Is There a Correlation Between Thickness and Surface Temperature?
- A Homemade Meter-scale Galvanic Resistivity Array
- Linking Miocene-Pliocene Provenance Signals of the Ancestral Brahmaputra River of the Indo-Burman Ranges with Associated Deepwater Deposits of the Bengal and Nicobar Fans
- Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Detect Atmospheric Gravity Waves in AIM/CIPS Data
- Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) of Chukchi Sea Ice
- Analysis of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Terrain and Sedimentary Deposits in Valle Soler, Northern Patagonia Icefield
- Coupled climate and surface process signals in the stratigraphic record of an alpine sedimentary basin of the Northern Patagonian Ice Field
- Microorganisms Counts in the Arctic Sea Ice
- Short- and long-term fault-slip kinematics of the Churachandpur-Mao fault zone, Indo-Burman Ranges.
- Vibrations of Arctic Sea Ice Near Utqiagvik, Alaska
- Water Pressure Variations Under the Arctic Sea Ice
- Can Geologically Instantaneous, Event-Scale Processes Exert Basin-Scale Influence on Sediment Dispersal Patterns and the Long-Term Stratigraphic Record?
- Cross-Margin Filtering of Source Signals How Himalayan Erosion is Recorded in the Bengal Delta
- Processing Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Imagery for change detection of geomorphic features in an alpine glacial basin, Northern Patagonian Ice Field (NPIF), Chile
- Strain Partitioning Within the Indo-Burman Fold-Thrust Belt SW of the Intersection between the Churachandpur-Mao and Dauki Faults.
- Was the 16th century temperature-fire-drought nexus foreshadowing for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem?
- Analyzing the Presence and Concentration of Airborne Microplastics Using Python and Photo Analysis Techniques
- Investigating a possible link between cryoseismic activity and acceleration of anthropogenic climate change
- The Effect of Sea Ice Terrain on Local Air Speed and Temperature
- The vertical thermal gradient of arctic sea ice near Utqiagvik, Alaska