Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington DC
flowchart I[Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Washington DC] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (382)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (13)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A new Generation of Real-Time Earthquake Exhibits for Museums
- Moving Toward Real Time Data Handling: Data Management at the IRIS DMC
- Observation of seismo-acoustic T phases at and beneath the seafloor in the Northeastern Pacific at the Hawaii-2 Observatory and OSN1 site
- Access to GPS and Seismic Data: Current Activities within UNAVCO and IRIS and their Potential Role in EarthScope
- Data Collection and Distribution within the IRIS Data Management System: Embracing New Technologies
- IRIS - A Community-Based Facility to Support Research in Seismology
- Integrating EarthScope Research and Education on a National Scale
- Joint IRIS/PASSCAL UNAVCO Seismic and GPS Installations, Testing, and Development
- Joint IRIS/UNAVCO/NASA Remote Seismic/GPS/VSAT Installations
- Moving Closer to EarthScope: A Major New Initiative for the Earth Sciences*
- New Opportunities for Cabled Ocean Observatories
- T Waves at the Seafloor: Coupled Seismoacoustic Modes and Spiciness
- Teaching with Real-Time Seismic Data
- The Earthscope Facility: A new experiment in cooperative solid earth science
- The Global Seismographic Network
- The Promotion of the use of Seismic Data via the IRIS Education and Outreach Program
- The U.S. Educational Seismology Network (USESN)
- Using Geophysical Data to Improve Science Literacy
- WiggleView : Visualizing Large Seismic Datasets
- A New Quiet GSN Site at the South Pole: Comparison of Seismic Data Between SPA and QSPA.
- A Virtual Geophysical Network: Using Industry Standard Technology to Link Geographically Distributed Sensors and Data Centers
- Assessing the IRIS Professional Development Model: Impact Beyond the Workshops
- Building A Collaborative And Distributed E&O Program For EarthScope
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Fine Tuning the IRIS Education and Outreach Program: Choosing an Optimal Balance of Activities
- The Hawaii-2 Observatory: New Capabilities and Instrumentation
- The IRIS Model: Building the Infrastructure for Seismology
- Web Services Provide Access to SCEC Scientific Research Application Software
- AS1 Seismographs in the Classroom
- Active Foreland Deformation of the Southeastern Carpathians from Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles DRACULA II and III: Genetic Relationships with the Vrancea Seismogenic Region
- Automated Analysis of Seismic Data Quality at the IRIS DMC
- Distributed Computing for Seismic Data Retrieval using FISSURES DHI Client FMI Implimented from MatSeis 1.9
- Providing Seismic Data to the Public: Evaluation and Impact of IRIS/USGS Museum Displays
- SOSA: A tool for seismogram retrieval and analysis.
- The IRIS DMC: 16 Years of Managing Global, National and Regional Seismological Data
- The U.S. Educational Seismology Network (USESN)
- EarthScope/USArray Transportable Seismic Array spans California
- Education and Outreach for EarthScope's USArray
- Existence of a Low Velocity Layer at the Bottom of the Earth's Liquid Outer Core Revealed by Seismic Waveform Modeling
- Student-centered Experiments on Earthquake Occurrence Using the Seismic/Eruption Program
- Analysis of Background Seismic Noise Recorded at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica
- Building Capacity for Earthquake Monitoring: Linking Regional Networks with the Global Community
- Development of a Power and Communications System for Remote Autonomous Polar Observations
- Digging for Data Products at the DMC : SPADE, the Searchable Product Archive and Discovery Engine
- Disseminated Museum Displays and Participation of Students from Underrepresented Populations in Polar Research: Education and Outreach for Joint Projects in GPS and Seismology Solid Earth Science Community
- EarthScope MT: The Oregon Pilot Project
- EarthScope's Transportable Array: Advancing Eastward
- Enabling access to seismologic data through a service oriented architecture
- GeoWS: enabling data discovery within the geosciences
- SCEC Earthworks: A TeraGrid Science Gateway
- The Global Seismographic Network: Structure, Diversity and Operational Challenges
- The IRIS Data Management Center: An international "network of networks", providing open, automated access to geographically distributed sensors of geophysical and environmental data.
- USArray: an Observational and Integrative Foundation for EarthScope
- 50 years of Global Seismic Observations
- Conceptualizing ¬the Abstractions of Earthquakes Through an Instructional Sequence Using SeisMac and the Rapid Earthquake Viewer
- Developing virtual REU cohorts: Reflections from the IRIS Undergraduate Internship Program
- EMSCOPE - Electromagnetic Component of EarthScope Backbone and Transportable Array Experiments 2006-2008
- Education and Outreach Initiatives for the POLENET Project for IPY
- IRIS Earthquake Browser with Integration to the GEON IDV for 3-D Visualization of Hypocenters.
- New Data Products Available at the IRIS Data Management Center
- Processes for Achieving Interoperability in GEOSS
- Seismic Observations in Extreme Cold Environments: IRIS Instrumentation Takes to the Cold
- The EarthScope Portal
- The combined EarthScope data set at the IRIS DMC
- Advances in Remote Autonomous Geodetic GPS Data Acquisition in the International Polar Year
- An emerging view of the crust and mantle of tectonic North America from EMScope: a mid- term progress review of Earthscope's magnetotelluric program
- Analysis of Station Quality Issues from EarthScope's Transportable Array
- Cyberinfrastructure at IRIS: Challenges and Solutions Providing Integrated Data Access to EarthScope and Other Earth Science Data
- Earth Science Literacy: Big Ideas and Supporting Concepts
- Earth Science Literacy: Building Community Consensus
- EarthScope Data Access Services at the IRIS Data Management Center
- Evaluation of Flexible Array Station Performance and Ambient Noise Analysis Using 500 Days of Continuous Recordings
- Ground Truth Comparison of Sensor Orientation determined from Polarization Analysis of Large-eatthquake Body-was at USArray Seismic Stations
- Infrasound Observations at USArray Sites - A Preliminary Investigation of the Utility of Seismo-Acoustic Observations on a Regional Scale
- Leveraging Educational, Research and Facility Expertise to Improve Global Seismic Monitoring: Preparing a Guide on Sustainable Networks
- Linking International Development Actors to Geophysical Infrastructure: Exploring an IRIS Community Role in Bridging a Communications Gap
- Managing a Torrent of Diverse Low-Latency Data Streams at the IRIS DMC
- Services for Data Transformation and Analysis
- The GEON Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) and IRIS DMC Services Illustrate CyberInfrastructure Support for Seismic Data Visualization and Interpretation
- Visualizing the Seismic Wavefield With EarthScope's Transportable Array
- Antipodal Observations of Earth’s Core
- Building Community Consensus for Earth Science Literacy Using an Online Workshop (Invited)
- Comparison of Ambient Noise From Two Station Designs, Evaluating USArray's Transportable and Flexible Arrays in the Pacific Northwest
- Delivering the EarthScope Transportable Array as a Community Asset
- EarthScope and Its Influence at the IRIS DMC
- Earthscope's Transportable Array: Current Status and Future Developments
- Exploring Seismic Noise with the USArray Transportable Array
- Facilitate, Collaborate, Educate: the Role of the IRIS Consortium in Supporting National and International Research in Seismology (Invited)
- From Revolution to Evolution: 21 Years of the IRIS Data Management Facility
- Leveraging community support for Education and Outreach: The IRIS E&O Program
- Research Opportunities in Solid Earth Science (RESESS): Broadening Participation in Geology and Geophysics (Invited)
- Sonification of Earthquake Data: From Wiggles to Pops, Booms and Rumbles
- Tackling the Data Management Challenge at the IRIS DMC
- The 2009 Earth Science Literacy Principles
- The EarthScope Transportable Array Migrates Eastward: Engaging the Science Community and Students
- The Global Seismographic Network
- The GreenLand Ice Sheet monitoring Network (GLISN)
- The IRIS Education and Outreach Program: Providing access to data and equipment for educational and public use
- Then and Now, 25 Years of Progress Using Portable Arrays: The IRIS-PASSCAL Program
- Using USArray Data to Explore Large-Scale Features in the Seismic Wavefield (Invited)
- Virtual cohorts and face-to-face recruitment: Strategies for cultivating the next generation of the IRIS Community
- Year Round Operation of Autonomous, Low Power Geophysical Stations in Antarctica
- After an Earthquake: Accessing Near Real-Time Data in the Classroom
- Characterization Of Station Quality From The CHILE RAMP Deployment - Direct Burial Sensor Installation And Its Data
- Discovering and measuring a layered Earth: A foundational laboratory for developing students' understanding of Earth's interior structure
- Earthscope Transportable Array (ta): Plans for Alaska
- Hear it, See it, Explore it: Visualizations and Sonifications of Seismic Signals
- IRIS Community Response to the Great Chile Earthquake of 2010
- Imaging the rupture of the 27 February 2010 Chile (Mw 8.8) earthquake via backprojection of P, PP, and PKP waves
- New data products available at the IRIS DMC
- Observing Infrasound and Atmospheric Pressure with the NSF EarthScope USArray Transportable Array
- Supporting Ice Seismology
- The GSN Data Quality Initiative
- The Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN)
- Uniform Data Management and Access to Near Real-Time Seismic Data (Invited)
- Using the Transportable Array to Explore the Relationship between Atmospheric Pressure and Ground Displacement
- Aftershock Imaging with Dense Arrays (AIDA) following the August 23, 2011, Mw 5.8, Virginia Earthquake: Feasibility Demonstration and Preliminary Results
- Along Dip Variation of Teleseismic Short-period Radiation from the 11 March 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (Mw 9.0)
- Bringing Seismology's Grand Challenges to the Undergraduate Classroom
- Capacity Building for Sustainable Seismological Networks in the Americas: A Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on New Frontiers in Seismological Research
- Characterization of NCPA Infrasound Sensors
- Contributions to the building and upgrading of the Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN)
- Depth-varying Rupture Properties of Subduction Zone Megathrust Faults
- IRIS DMC products help explore the Tohoku earthquake
- Illuminating the teleseismic wavefield with USArray
- Next Generation Polar Seismic Instrumentation Challenges
- Posters that foster cognition in the classroom: Multimedia theory applied to educational posters
- Programmatic access to data and information at the IRIS DMC via web services
- Real-Time Observations of Several Powerful Tornadoes by the USArray Transportable Array Network
- Seismic character of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Sierra Nevada
- Seismological Data Stewardship at the IRIS DMC: The Role of a Dedicated Data Management System for Seismology
- Severe Weather Case Studies from the USArray Transportable Array Network
- Share, preview, and compare tomography models online at the IRIS DMC
- Teaching with Real-time Earthquake Data in jAmaSeis
- The Quake-Catcher Network: Bringing Seismology to Homes and Schools
- USArray Siting Outreach: Telling the EarthScope Story
- Visualizing how Seismic Waves Propagate Across Seismic Arrays using the IRIS DMS Ground Motion Visualization (GMV) Products and Codes
- Web Services Supporting Accessible Seismic Data Interoperability
- A bibliography of IRIS-related publications, 2000-2011
- Aftershock Imaging with Dense Arrays (AIDA): Results and lessons learned from the dense deployment of EarthScope portable instruments following the August 23, 2011, Mw 5.8, Virginia Earthquake
- Are the earthquakes of Central Virginia influenced by underground water fed by precipitation?
- Bringing Seismology's Grand Challenges to the Undergraduate Classroom
- Continuous broadband seismic observation on the Greenland Ice Sheet under Greenland Ice Sheet monitoring Network
- Current progress on GSN data quality evaluation
- EarthScope Content Module for IRIS Active Earth Monitor
- EarthScope Transportable Array (TA) Plans for Deployment in Alaska and Yukon
- Infrasound product resources at the IRIS DMC
- Lessons learned from IRIS EPO program evaluations
- Mid-continental Seismicity in the U.S. as recorded by the USArray
- Obtaining Interpretable Receiver Functions to Study Lithospheric Structure in the Central US
- Power System State of Health
- Preparing undergraduates for the future of scientific collaboration: Benefits, challenges and technological solutions in Distributed REU Sites
- Real Time Data for Seismology at the IRIS Data Management Center, AN Nsf-Sponsored Facility
- SeisCode: A seismological software repository for discovery and collaboration
- Stacking a million seismograms and other data products at the IRIS DMC
- Tools for Integrating Data Access from the IRIS DMC into Research Workflows
- UNOLS and OBSIP: A Partnership for Successful Science
- USArray Public Outreach Activities: 2005-2012
- Utilization of Low Bandwidth Iridium Modems for Polar Seismology
- Visualizing Data from EarthScope's USArray
- Visualizing Earthquakes in '3D' using the IRIS Earthquake Browser (IEB) Website
- Advancements in Data Access at the IRIS Data Management Center to Broaden Data Use
- Bringing New Tools and Techniques to Bear on Earthquake Hazard Analysis and Mitigation
- Development of a monitoring protocol to enhance mentoring in the IRIS REU site
- Direct burial and vault emplacement data quality comparison at Dotson Ranch, New Mexico
- EarthScope's Transportable Array in Alaska
- EarthScope's USArray: A Decade of Observations and Results
- EarthScope: Cyberinfrastructure to Access USArray Data Products and Services
- Exploration of the impacts of distributed-site Research Experiences for Undergraduates using pre-/post- student interviews
- Exploring Earthquakes in Real-Time
- Fundamental Vibration Frequency and Damping Estimation: A Comparison Using the Random Decrement Method, the Empirical Mode Decomposition, and the HV Spectral Ratio Method for Local Site Characterization
- InTeGrate: InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future
- Leveling the Playing Field for Users with Web Services
- OBSIP Instrumentation and Operations for the Cascadia Initiative
- OBSIP: An Evolving Facility for the Future of Geoscience
- On-demand synthetic seismograms from the IRIS DMC
- Practical Challenges and Considerations in Designing Digital Object Identifiers for Data
- Seismic Site Characterization through Joint Modeling of Complementary Data Functionals, with Applications to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Sensor Emplacement Techniques and Seismic Noise Analysis for USArray Transportable Array Seismic Stations
- Sensor emplacement testing at Poker Flat, Alaska
- The GreenLand Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN): Japanese-American Cooperative Field Operations and Preliminary Data Analyses
- The New IRIS DMC Noise Toolkit
- The role of Facilities in Engaging and Informing the Public of EarthScope Science
- USArray Siting Outreach: Telling the EarthScope Story
- Wilber 3: A Python-Django Web Application For Acquiring Large-scale Event-oriented Seismic Data
- A High Performance Virtualized Seismic Data Acquisition System
- A Large-N Mixed Sensor Active + Passive Seismic Array near Sweetwater, TX
- A highlight of data products from IRIS Data Services
- Compressional and Shear Wave Structure of the Upper Crust Beneath the Endeavour Segment, Juan De Fuca Ridge
- Continuity of the West Napa Fault Zone Inferred from Aftershock Recordings on Fault-Crossing Arrays
- Crustal Thickness and Lower Crustal Velocity Structure Beneath the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Developing Federated Services within Seismology: IRIS' involvement in the CoopEUS Project
- Development of an Ultra-Light Multipurpose Drill and Tooling for the Transportable Array in Alaska
- Development of the Next Generation of Seismological Instrumentation for Polar Environments
- EarthScope Transportable Array Siting Outreach Activities in Alaska and Western Canada
- EarthScope's Plate Boundary Observatory in Alaska: Building on Existing Infrastructure to Provide a Platform for Integrated Research and Hazard-monitoring Efforts
- Federated data access and other services offered by the IRIS DMC
- Five years on: Revisiting GSN data quality
- Ground Motion Attenuation and Shear-Wave Splitting Analyses for the November 2011 M5.7 Prague, Oklahoma Earthquake
- IRIS Arrays: Observing Wavefields at Multiple Scales and Frequencies
- Infusing Sustainability Across Disciplines to Build Student Engagement
- Instantaneous generation of broadband global-scale waveforms
- MUSTANG: A Community-Facing Web Service to Improve Seismic Data Quality Awareness Through Metrics
- NSF Antarctic and Arctic Data Consortium; Scientific Research Support & Data Services for the Polar Community
- OBSIP Instrumentation and Operations for the Cascadia Initiative
- OBSIP: An Evolving Facility for the Future of Geoscience
- Opportunities for Undergraduates to Engage in Research Using Seismic Data and Data Products
- Posthole Sensor Performance in the USArray Transportable Array - Results from Testing and Initial Deployments in Alaska and Canada
- Relative Noise Level Comparison Of Portable Broadband Seismometer Installation Techniques Used By PASSCAL And Flexible Array
- Seismic Observations on Greenland Ice Sheet By a Joint USA and Japanese Glisn Team (2011-2014)
- Status of EarthScope's Transportable Array in Alaska
- The Central and Eastern U.S. Seismic Network: Legacy of USArray
- The Future of Seismic Data Quality Assurance at the IRIS DMC
- The IRIS DMC's Earth Model Collaboration (EMC)
- Thirty Years Supporting Portable Arrays: The IRIS Passcal Instrument Center
- Under the hood of IRIS's Distributed REU Site
- Along Strike Heterogeneity of Seismic Slip Revealed by Oceanic Transform Fault Earthquakes
- Building web service interfaces to geoscience data sets: EarthCube GeoWS project activities at the IRIS DMC
- Crowd-Sourcing Seismic Data: Lessons Learned from the Quake-Catcher Network
- EarthCube Integration and Test Environment (ECITE) : An environment to verify, validate, integrate and demonstrate EarthCube technology components
- EarthScope Transportable Array Siting Outreach Activities in Alaska and Western Canada
- EarthScope's Transportable Array in Alaska and Western Canada
- Engineering for Autonomous Seismic Stations at the IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
- Episodic Rifting Events Within the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, an Onshore-Offshore Ridge-Transform in N-Iceland
- Existing Instrumentation and Scientific Drivers for a Subduction Zone Observatory in Latin America
- Field Testing GEOICE: A Next-Generation Polar Seismometer
- GeoCSV: tabular text formatting for geoscience data
- Global Federation of Data Services in Seismology: Extending the Concept to Interdisciplinary Science
- Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
- InSight/SEIS@Mars Educational program : Sharing the InSight NASA mission and the Seismic Discovery of Mars with a International Network of classes
- Large-Scale Science Observatories: Building on What We Have Learned from USArray
- Leveraging EarthScope USArray with the Central and Eastern United States Seismic Network
- Low stress drops observed for M1.5-5.6 Earthquakes During the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma sequence
- MUSTANG : Data Quality Assurance Infrastructure Encouraging Cooperation Across Seismological Communities
- Multi-sensor geophysical constraints on crustal melt in the central Andes: the PLUTONS project
- OBSIP: An Evolving Facility for the Future of Geoscience
- Ocean Bottom Seismograph Performance during the Cascadia Initiative
- On-Demand Synthetic Seismograms and Other Data Products at the IRIS DMC
- Porosity estimates of the upper crust in the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Posthole Broadband Sensor Emplacement vs. Surface Vaults: Observations of Comparative Noise Performance and Trade-offs
- Promoting seismology education and research via the IRIS Education and Public Outreach Program
- Seismic Data Archive Quality Assurance -- Analytics Adding Value at Scale
- Sweetwater, Texas Large N Experiment
- Technology and Engineering Advances Supporting EarthScope's Alaska Transportable Array
- The ENGAGE Workshop: Encouraging Networks between Geoscientists and Geoscience Education Researchers
- The Global Seismographic Network: New Sensor Developments, Quality Assessments and Continuing Challenges
- The IRIS Federator: Accessing Seismological Data Across Data Centers
- The impact of web services at the IRIS DMC
- Thirty Years of Innovation in Seismology with the IRIS Consortium
- Addressing data access challenges in seismology
- Aftershock Study of the 2014 Duncan, Arizona M<SUB>w</SUB> = 5.2 Earthquake Using Local Seismic Data
- Crowd-Sourcing Seismic Data for Education and Research Opportunities with the Quake-Catcher Network
- Data Quality Parameters and Web Services Facilitate User Access to Research-Ready Seismic Data
- Early Career Investigator Opportunities in Geophysics with IRIS
- FDSN and EarthCube: Coordinating Global Infrastructures within Seismology and Across Other Geophysical Domains
- Full Wavefield Recordings of Oklahoma Seismicity from an IRIS-led Community Experiment
- IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center: Advancing Portable Seismology
- Importance of strategy in social media: getting the most out of your post
- Joint Inversion for V<SUB>P</SUB>/V<SUB>S</SUB> Structure of the Upper Oceanic Crust beneath the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- LASSOing the MUSTANG: Using Tools Developed by IRIS for Actionable Seismic Data Quality Assessment
- Leveraging Google Geo Tools for Interactive STEM Education: Insights from the GEODE Project
- Long-Period Power Spectral Density Technique Comparisons
- Motivation for Evaluation: A roadmap for Improving Program Efficacy
- Noise Characteristics of EarthScope Transportable Array Posthole Sensor Emplacements in Alaska and Canada
- OBSIP: Advancing Capabilities and Expanding the Ocean Bottom Seismology Community
- Preliminary Analysis of the Oklahoma Wavefields Demonstration Dataset
- Recent Instrumentation Developments in the Global Seismographic Network (GSN)
- Seismic Velocity Structure Beneath the Eastern United States and Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Social Media: Gateway to Public Preparedness and Understanding of GeoHazards
- Supporting student skill development in undergraduate research experiences through the development of a self-reflection guide
- Supporting the Creation and Publication of Reviewed and Tested Teaching Modules through the InTeGrate Project
- The Global Seismographic Network (GSN): Goals, Structure, Accomplishments and Challenges
- 500 Women Scientists: Science Advocacy Through Community Action
- <SUB>How Many Women Scientists Does It Take?</SUB>
- An Overview of Seismic Observations Along the Pacific Margin of South America: Opportunities for the SZ4D Initiative
- Beyond space and time: advanced selection for seismological data
- Cascadia Initiative Ocean Bottom Seismograph Performance
- Citizen Science and Event-Based Science Education with the Quake-Catcher Network
- Development and Performance of the Alaska Transportable Array Posthole Broadband Seismic Station
- Developments in Seismic Data Quality Assessment Using MUSTANG at the IRIS DMC
- EarthScope's Transportable Array: Status of the Alaska Deployment and Guide to Resources for Lower48 Deployment
- Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN): Contributions to Science and Society
- How Collecting and Freely Sharing Geophysical Data Broadly Benefits Society
- Increasing the use of evaluation data collection in an EPO program
- ObsPy - A Python Toolbox for Seismology - and Applications
- PASSCAL Instrument Center Support for Cryoseismology: Methodologies, Challenges, Development and Instrumentation
- PH5: HDF5 Based Format for Integrating and Archiving Seismic Data
- Partnerships and Grassroots Action in the 500 Women Scientists Network
- Performance of 3-Component Nodes in the IRIS Community Wavefield Demonstration Experiment
- Performance of the Broadband Golay 3x6 Array Associated with the 2016 IRIS Community Wavefields Experiment
- Stratigraphy, Structure and Tectonics of the Eyjafjarðaráll Rift, Abandoned Southern Segment of the Kolbeinsey Ridge, North Iceland
- Testing of Streckeisen STS-5A and Nanometrics Trillium 120PH Sensors for the Alaska Transportable Array
- The EarthConnections San Bernardino Alliance: Addressing Diversity in the Geosciences Using a Collective Impact Model
- The Global Seismographic Network (GSN): Deployment of Next Generation VBB Borehole Sensors and Improving Overall Network Noise Performance
- Tools for educational access to seismic data
- WILBER and PyWEED: Event-based Seismic Data Request Tools
- What CCArray Can Learn from Other Stations Operated in Western Canada and Alaska
- Who is looking for an internship and successful in obtaining one? Examining application data from REU programs funded through NSF GEO
- miniSEED: The Backbone Data Format for Seismological Time Series
- Advanced Ground Motion Characterization in ShakeMap Modeling Energy-Related Ground Motion Parameters
- Alaska TA Sensor Emplacement: Overview and Applications in Collaborating Networks
- Anti-discrimination curriculum for REU students
- Assessing Accuracy and Tradeoffs from Several Power Spectral Density Estimate Algorithms
- Bilingual science outreach and communication: Broadening the participation of Spanish-speaking communities in the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- Constraints on Valley Structure from Two Seismic Refraction Lines in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Data Discovery and Access Using Federated Data Center Approaches
- DigitSeis: Opportunities for Digitization of Analog Seismograms Through Educators and Citizen Science
- EarthConnections Pathways: Linking Geoscience Learning and Community Involvement to Develop Community Science Literacy
- Easy Discovery and Access of Data from Multiple Data Centers Through Federation
- Empowering Scientists, Media, and the Public to Stimulate Interest, Action, and Results: What Do We Know and What Don't We Know?
- Evolution of the IRIS Portable Facility: New tools for Wavefield Imaging, Rapid Response, and Magnetotellurics
- Fairfield Geotechnologies ZLand Seismic Nodes: Installing, Testing and Data Analysis at Castle Rock, Antarctica
- IRIS Field Experiences for Undergraduates Program (FieldXP): Lessons Learned from a Three-Year Pilot Study
- International Engagement of Students with Martian Seismic Data
- Investigating the Effectiveness of Cloud Services for Geodetic and Seismic Data Management
- Meteorological Observations of the Alaska Transportable Array
- Microseismic Remote Sensing of Sea Ice: Exploratory Study on the Potential Uses of the EarthScope Transportable Array in the Detection of Sea Ice Dynamics
- Observations of Magnetic Sensitivity in EarthScope Transportable Array Broadband Seismometers
- Observations of the Prompt Elastogravity Signals Generated by the 2018/01/23 Gulf Of Alaska Earthquake Traveling Across the Alaska Seismic Network
- PASSCAL Software: Nexus and PH5 for Managing Seismic Data and Meta-Data
- Pilot Study Recommendations from the IRIS GSN Working Group on Long-Term Seafloor Seismographs
- Quality control measures and analysis of EarthScope's USArray Transportable Array in the conterminous United States
- Ready Accessibility to an International Network of Seismic Data Repositories
- The Evolution of the IRIS Seismographs in Schools Program
- The Future of the Alaska Transportable Array
- The Role of IRIS in Collaborative Research in the Geosciences
- A Century of Innovation in the Practice of Seismology
- A Review of USArray Transportable Array Design Choices and Outcomes
- Acoustics as a tool for detecting and inferring streamflow
- An Introduction to the Stationxml-seed-converter and Stationxml-validator, a Set of FDSN-StationXML Metadata Utilities
- Applications and Evaluation of the IRIS Earthquake Browser, a web-based tool that enables multi-dimensional earthquake visualization
- Best Management Practices Learned from NSF's EarthScope Project
- Building Resilience by Sharing Infrastructure Among Data Facilities: An Initiative of the EarthCube Council of Data Facilities
- Building a Geophysical Earth Observatory for Ice-Covered Environments (GEOICE)
- Characterizing Sea Ice Modulations of Seismic Noise using the Alaska Transportable Array
- Communicating Geohazards: Delivering Information Responsibly in Crisis and Calm
- Constraining the Properties of a Subglacial Lake in Northwest Greenland with Active Source Seismology
- Controls on <SUP>10</SUP>Be-derived basin-wide erosion rates in the south-central Andes: a multivariate Bayesian approach
- Data Quality Assurance at the IRIS DMC: Expanding and Improving the MUSTANG System
- Engaging Geophysics Students in the Field — the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
- Evolution of Seismology Education and Outreach
- Feedback to the Future: Insight into ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning stakeholder needs through sector symposiums
- IRIS Data Services: Past, Present, and Future
- IRIS Earth Model Collaboration (EMC): share, preview and access
- IRIS Observational Seismology - Looking Back and Looking Ahead
- Magnetotelluric Activities at IRIS - Continuing MT Array Operations and Establishing New Portable MT Capabilities Under SAGE
- Observing the 'Spheres with the EarthScope Transportable Array
- ROVER: Robust Data Collection from the IRIS Data Management Center
- Results from Pilot of Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Curriculum Suggests It Hits Home with Undergraduate Geoscience Students
- Seismic Velocity Structure and Ground Motion Amplification in the Seattle and Tacoma Sedimentary Basins
- Spanish Language Earthquake Resources Yield U.S. and International Impacts
- The Evolution of Seismological Data Standards and What the Changes Mean for Users
- The development of educational resources and materials for ShakeAlert, the earthquake early warning system for the West Coast of the United States
- Three Steps to a Better Scientific Community-Through Science Communication Training
- Using seismology to track the timing of sea ice ridging events and shorefast ice stabilization in coastal Alaska
- Web Service Support for the SEG-Y Data Format at the IRIS Data Management Center
- Whitewater acoustics
- A Case Study of Highly-Engaged Educators' Integration of Real-Time Seismic Data in Secondary Classrooms
- A Community Resource for Rapid Response to Geohazards
- Creating opportunities for undergraduates during COVID-19: An online seismology skill building workshop for a global community
- Developing a Common Cloud Platform for Geophysical Data Services
- Education Resource Development and Assessment for ShakeAlert®,the Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States
- Goals and Progress Towards Supporting Magnetotelluric Surveys from the IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
- Improving the Exchange of Seismic Metadata through Automated Format Conversion and Validation
- Intentionality, effort, data and time are key ingredients for change: Fostering inclusive research opportunities in seismology and geophysics
- Lessons Learned from the 2020 Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Virtual Workshop
- Lights, Camera, Action! Video content production and dissemination during distance learning
- Linking Slab Structure to Mantle Dynamics in the South American Subduction Zone
- Marine vs. Land: Advancements in Seismic Deployments
- Opportunities for an Interdisciplinary Seismic Observatory at the South Pole, Antarctica
- Safety Planning as part of the Alaska Transportable Array Project
- Seismic detection of ridging and ice deformation in coastal sea ice near Utqiagvik, Alaska
- Yasmine : A New Tool for StationXML Management
- Common Data and Metadata Models for Geophysical Data in the Cloud
- Enhancements to Derivative Data Products at the IRIS DMC
- Operational Change within IRIS Data Services
- Sound dependence on discharge and configuration at an adjustable hydraulic jump.
- Whitewater acoustic sources and wavefields
- GeoCrate: Modern Data Containers For Geophysical Data in the Cloud
- The Earth Model Collaboration (EMC): Improving the Earth Model Support, Discovery, and Access
- The Nominal Response Library Web Service - Seismic Metadata Made Easier