Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Multi-sensor Approaches to Urbanization: Using Astronaut Photography of Earth to Fill Data Gaps
- Horizontal and Vertical Grading in a Tsunami Deposit
- Stabilization of Mass Absorption Cross Section of Elemental Carbon for Filter-Based Absorption Photometer by Heated Inlet
- The Tsunami Project: Integrating engineering, natural and social sciences into post-tsunami surveys
- Geomorphic assessment of habitat suitability in large rivers from satellite remote sensing: a case study from the Ganga river system, India
- A comparison of forest cover maps in Mainland Southeast Asia from multiple sources: PALSAR, MERIS, MODIS and FRA
- Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Extreme Weather Events- A Case Study from Bangladesh
- Comparative Analysis of Passenger Traffic Fleets in Asian Cities: Technology, Driving Activities, and Emission
- The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
- Air Toxics Emissions from Open Burning of Crop Residues in Southeast Asia
- Climate Change Impact on Hydrology and Water Resources in Tamakoshi Basin, Nepal using Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) Scenarios
- Seismo-Tectonics of the 2014 Chiang Rai, Thailand, Earthquake Sequence
- Toward uniform probabilistic seismic hazard assessments for Southeast Asia
- A country-wide assessment of mangrove C stocks, forest biomass, and land use change in Cambodia
- Assessment of climate change impact on hydrologic regime of the Asian River Basins
- Comparison of Bias Correcting Climate and Hydrologic Variables for Projection of Future Streamflow in the West SETI Basin, Nepal
- CMIP6 projections shows strong warming over different regions of Koshi River Basins, Nepal
- Climate Change Impacts And Adaptation Strategies On Maize And Rice Yield In Nan River Basin, Thailand
- Detecting Climate Variability and Hydrologic Alteration in the Pasak River Basin, Thailand
- Developing a Framework to Benchmark Current State of Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups Inclusion in Groundwater Governance
- ENSO Impacts on Regional Rainfall and Vertical Humidity of Chiangmai, Thailand
- Future Changes in Hydro-climatic Extremes in the South Asian River Basins: Evidence from the Modeling Studies
- Impact of Drought on Crop Yield Across Physiographic Regions of Gandaki River Basin in Nepal
- Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use Change on the Groundwater Recharge in Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Investigating Major Causes of Frequent Flooding in Highly Urbanized Metropolitans Using a Quali-Quantitative Approach
- Characterization of Hydro-meteorological Extremes and Climate Change Projection for Predicting Water-induced Disasters in Songkhram River Basin, Thailand
- Extent of widespread illegal sand mining in the Mekong Delta
- GRACE-based estimates of groundwater depletion in the transboundary Cambodia-Mekong River Delta aquifer in the Lower Mekong Region
- Historical Climate Trends and Future Climate Projection in the Upper Nan River Basin, Thailand
- Impact of Climate Change and Land Use Change in Spatiotemporal Variation of Groundwater Recharge in Asian cities
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrologic Alteration of Himalaya River Basin; A Case Study of Koshi River Basin, Nepal
- The First Systematically Estimated Sand Mining Budget for the Mekong Delta