Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, Bermuda
flowchart I[Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, Bermuda] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (81)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (9)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS): A Time-series Window on Sargasso Sea Ecosystem Functioning
- Dissolved Iron in the Australian Sector of the Southern Ocean During Spring: Implications for the Seasonal Cycle of Iron in Antarctic Surface Waters
- Evidence of Source Changes for Nitrate in Precipitation at Bermuda
- Interactions of Iron and Ammonium on N-Uptake in the Southern Ocean South of Australia
- Linkage between transient physical forcing and export flux of bioreactive materials to the deep oligotrophic ocean
- Soluble and Colloidal Iron in Southern Ocean Waters During Spring
- A "CLIPER" Risk Model for Insured Losses From US Hurricane Landfalls and the Need for an Open-Source Risk Model
- Physico Chemical Control of the Oceanic Iron Cycle in the Crozet Basin (Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean)
- Reinterpretation of a Stage-11 21-m Sea Level High Stand Deposit on Bermuda: Megatsunami from a Giant Submarine Landslide?
- Skeletal Structure and Chemistry of a Bermudan Gorgonian Plexaurella dichotoma
- Storms in the Sargasso Sea: Rapid Particle Export and DIC Drawdown
- The Nitrogen Isotopes of Nitrate and Total Nitrogen Between Bermuda and Puerto Rico
- Air-sea Carbon Dioxide Exchange and Fate of Carbon in Eighteen Degree Water (EDW) of the North Atlantic Ocean: Initial Results from the 2006 CLImate MOde water Dynamics Experiment (CLIMODE)
- An Eolian Source of Non-Radiogenic Osmium to Surface Waters of the Sargasso Sea
- Atmospheric Input of Lithogenic Elements to the Sargasso Sea: the Long and Short of Bermuda Observations
- Elevated Marine Deposits in Bermuda Record a Late Quaternary Megatsunami
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Carbon Isotopic Signal of Leaf Wax Aerosols in Continental Air Masses: Linkages with Ecosystem Discrimination
- Turnover of Leaf Waxes in Florida Slash Pine: Results of an Isotopic Labeling Experiment
- Anthropogenic Osmium in Precipitation
- Biomass Burning, Long-Range Atmospheric Transport and the Sedimentary Record of Plant Wax Biomarkers
- Carbon Biogeochemistry in the Western Arctic Ocean and Inferences on an Ice Free Arctic Ocean
- Estimates of Export production in Sargasso Sea During Winter Storms Prior to Seasonal Stratification
- Marine Archaea lipids: patterns and provenance in the water-column
- The Impact of Seawater Saturation State on Early Skeletal Development in Larval Corals: Insights into Scleractinian Biomineralization
- Thirty Years of Continuous Particle Flux Observations in the Deep Sargasso Sea: Looking Back, Looking Forward
- Chromophoric DOM as a Tracer of North Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water Formation
- Dynamics and Speciation of Dissolved Iron in the Sargasso Sea (BATS Region)
- North Atlantic Climate Variability: Preliminary Analysis of Historical Weather Data and Stable Isotope Time Series of Cave Dripwater and Holocene-Age Stalagmites from Bermuda
- The isotopic composition of fixed nitrogen species in precipitation at Bermuda: Implications for the atmosphere and ocean
- Upper Water Column Dimethylated Sulfur Biogeochemical Cycling in the Sargasso Sea - Assessing the Oceanic DMS Source
- Why Corals Care about Ocean Acidification: Insights from Ion Microprobe Analyses of Coral Crystals (Invited)
- Calculus of P-Acquisition versus P-Sparing by Plankton in the Oligotrophic Ocean (Invited)
- Eukaryotes dominate new production in the Sargasso Sea
- Fecal Pellet Flux in the Mesopelagic Sargasso Sea
- Isotopic analysis of bulk, LMW, and HMW DON d15N indicates recycled nitrogen release from marine DON
- Latitudinal and temporal patterns in terrestrial ecosystems recorded by the carbon isotopic composition of plant leaf wax aerosols
- Mapping the Origins of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
- The Oceanic Flux Program: A three decade time-series of particle flux in the deep Sargasso Sea
- The chemical composition of organic nitrogen in marine rainwater and aerosols
- Engaging Middle School Students in Authentic Research based on a summer research cruise
- Feeding enhances skeletal growth and energetic stores of an Atlantic coral under significantly elevated CO2
- Opposing Seasonal Trends in Seawater pH and Aragonite Saturation State on the Bermuda Coral Reef Platform Reveal Complex Controls on Seawater Chemistry by Biological and Physical Processes
- Transport Pathways of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation within the Subtropical Gyre
- Continuous triple water vapor isotopic composition (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>17</SUP>O, δD) observations in the sub-tropical North Atlantic
- Counterintuitive effect of fall mixed layer deepening on eukaryotic new production in the Sargasso Sea
- Coupling US hurricane wind speed exceedance probabilities to an empirical model of total economic loss
- Do organic matter matter? Contribution of organic matter on scavenging and fractionation of natural radionuclides in the Oceanic Flux Program (OFP) site of Bermuda
- Evidence for Open-Ocean Atmospheric Deposition of Lignin as a Significant Source of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
- Oxygen Isotope in Phosphate an Indicator of Phosphorous Cycling in the Ocean - Controls, and Applications
- The isotopic composition of ammonium in marine rainwater
- A 20 Year Record of Major Ions in Aerosol and Rainwater from a Remote Location in the North Atlantic
- Excitation Emission Matrix Spectra (EEMS) of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Produced during Microbial Incubation
- Multiproxy (pollen, stable isotopes, trace elements) reconstruction of climate variability in northeastern Amazon during the late Holocene
- The Coral Reef pH-stat: An Important Defense Against Ocean Acidification? (Invited)
- Climatic Controls on Water Vapor Deuterium Excess in the Marine Boundary Layer of the North Atlantic Based on 500 Days of in Situ, Continuous Measurements
- Controls on shell thickness in modern planktonic foraminifera
- Deep Ocean Circulation at the Bermuda Rise during the Last 150ka: A New Centennial-Resolution Nd Isotope Record
- Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Mid-Depth and Intermediate-Depth Water Variability
- New Insights Into the Ocean as a Source of Atmospheric N in the North Atlantic Region
- North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and Abrupt Climate Change through the Last Glaciation
- Deep Ocean Circulation, Heat Transport and the Timing of Climate Change
- Marine Boundary Layer Processes Constrained by Multi-Year Concomitant In-Situ Water Vapor and Precipitation Isotope Measurements from Land-Based and Ship-Based Monitoring Sites in the North Atlantic
- Oceanic and Climate phasing analysis across Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Population-Level Transcriptomic Responses of the Southern Ocean Salp Salpa thompsoni to Environment Variability of the Western Antarctic Peninsula Region
- Using in-situ observations of atmospheric water vapor isotopes to benchmark and isotope-enabled General Circulation Models and improve ice core paleo-climate reconstruction
- A Simple Framework to Evaluate the Interactions between Evaporation and Shallow Mixing in the Marine Boundary Layer from Water Isotopic Measurements
- Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy of Coral Reef Condition
- Controls of shallow convection on water isotopes in the North Atlantic deduced from conjoint analysis of surface and free tropospheric water isotope observations
- Modern Ocean Ground-truthing of Planktic Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes
- Ocean acidification in the Pacific Arctic Region: Attribution and impacts.
- An investigation into daytime HONO chemistry in the marine boundary layer at Tudor Hill Marine Atmospheric Observatory in Bermuda
- Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Zooplankton Fecal Pellets: Insights into Dietary and Trophic Processes and Characterization of Fecal Pellets as Organic Matter End-Member
- Hyperspectral Imaging of Coral Reef Condition: COral Reef Airborne Laboratory
- Investigation of the levels, composition and reactivity of OVOCs in the marine boundary layer of Bermuda
- Measurements of nitric acid and particulate nitrate in the Marine Boundary Layer in Bermuda
- Corals are what they eat: Insights on the robustness of the coral skeleton-bound organic matter δ<SUP>15</SUP>N proxy from a feeding and light experiment
- Robotic Ocean Gliders as Vicarious Ocean Color Calibration and Validation data for MODIS-Aqua, Suomi-NPP VIIRS, JPSS-1, and PACE.
- Seasonal Dependency of the Atmospheric Oxidizing Capacity of the Marin Boundary Layer of Bermuda
- Observational Constraints of NOx Abundance, Sources, and Cycling in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer
- Remote Marine Boundary Layer Observations - Evaluating a New Atmospheric Pressure Ion-Molecule Reaction Region
- Size-Segregated Non-Sea Salt Halide Concentrations in Marine Aerosols in Bermuda