International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Disaster Risk Transfer for Developing Countries
- Modeling financial disaster risk management in developing countries
- Uncertainties in Carbonaceous Aerosol Emissions, Scavenging Parameterizations, and Optical Properties
- An assessment of the biophysical consequences of land use change and the implications for climate policy analysis
- Estimates of Geographically Explicit Future CO2 Emissions From Land Cover/ Land Use Changes
- Modelling Plant and Soil Nitrogen Feedbacks Affecting Forest Carbon Gain at High CO2
- Mereu, V
- Quantifying nitrogen fluxes and their influence on the greenhouse gas balance - recent findings of the NitroEurope Integrated Project
- The handshake between the integrated assessment and climate modeling communities: IPCC AR5 as a catalyst for improved networking, collaboration and communication
- A Terrestrial Ecosystem Full Verified Carbon Accounting for Russian Land: Results and Uncertainty
- Advancing Interdisciplinary Approaches for Research and Applications for Forestry, Biodiversity and Drought
- Evolution of anthropogenic emissions at the global and regional scale during the past three decades
- EGIDA FP7 European Project: Outcomes of the National Use Cases Workshop
- Heterotrophic soil respiration in Russia
- The role of forest age in earth system models
- European air pollution in 2050, a regional air quality and climate perspective under CMIP5 scenarios
- Global hybrid forest mask: synergy of remote sensing, crowd sourcing and statistics
- Incorporating climate-system and carbon-cycle uncertainties in integrated assessments of climate change. (Invited)
- Insights from socio-hydrology modelling on dealing with flood risk: roles of collective memory, risk-taking attitude and trust (Invited)
- Bottom-up assessment of the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance of Russian forests in 2010 for comparison to Top-down estimates.
- Collecting, analyzing and assessing big land use data: Results from the cropland capture game
- Joining Forces for Food Security - Linking Earth Observation and Crowd-sourcing for improved Decision-support
- Leveraging atmospheric CO2 observations to constrain the climate sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystems
- Towards the Development and Validation of a Global Field Size and Irrigation Map using Crowdsourcing, Mobile Apps and Google Earth Engine in support of GEOGLAM
- Carbon account of forest ecosystems as a fuzzy system: a case study for Northern Eurasia
- Fire regimes in Russia and their impacts on major biogeochemical cycles
- Modeling Dynamic Height and Crown Growth in Trees
- Cluster and THEMIS observations of the magnetosphere dayside boundaries in preparation for the SMILE mission
- Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Long-term Assessment of Carbon Budget of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Russia
- Modeling Coherent Strategies for the Sustainable Development Goals
- New Feed Sources Key to Ambitious Climate Targets
- The ConnectinGEO Observation Inventory
- The Wudapt Project: Engaging a Global Community to Map and Characterize Cities Worldwide
- Upscaling nitrogen-mycorrhizal effects to quantify CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization.
- An Iterative Learning Algorithm to Map Oil Palm Plantations from Synthetic Aperture Radar and Crowdsourcing
- Assessment of policy impacts on carbon capture and sequestration and bioenergy for U.S.' coal and natural gas power plants
- Citizen Science to Support Community-based Flood Early Warning and Resilience Building
- - towards a global in-situ data repository for biomass datasets validation
- Permafrost thaw strongly reduces allowable CO2 emissions for 1.5°C and 2°C
- To Tip or Not to Tip: The Case of the Congo Basin Rainforest Realm
- Trading-off emission reduction, carbon capture and geoengineering to reach the Paris agreement
- Urban-rural variations in air quality and health impacts in northern India
- A Framework for Charting Water-Energy-Land Nexus Solutions for the Indus Basin
- Achieving a Sustainable and Equitable Future for all on a Stable and Resilient Planet: Science-based Participatory Processes for Harnessing Disruptive Technologies and Lifestyles
- Forest management for achieving South Korea sustainable development goals: trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- LUH2: Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Landslide EVO: Citizen Science and Sensor Networks for Landslide Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
- National Nitrogen Budgets - A Systematic Approach to Combine and Evaluate Multiple Information on Environmentally Relevant Nitrogen Compounds
- Quantifying interactions between smart irrigation technologies and energy transformation in the Indus Basin
- Scenathon: First Results of a Model-Aided, Structured Negotiation for Convergence Towards Global Sustainability Goals
- A Fast and Easy to use Method to Forecast the Risks of Loss of Ecosystem Stability: The Epsilon Section of Correlation Sums
- Co-benefits of low carbon pathways for local air pollution in India
- Development of a Comprehensive Regional Emissions Inventory in Support of Air Quality Modeling and Aircraft Field Campaign over East Asia
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>, Mycorrhiza, and the Boreal Forest Carbon Balance
- Exploring water management options under changing climate, land cover and socio-economic drivers for the extended Lake Victoria Basin
- Food-water-energy for Urban Sustainable Environments (FUSE): Integrated Analyses Focused on Pune, India and Amman, Jordan
- Global cropland-N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission dataset
- How can disaster forensics inform climate risk scenarios? A multi-method case study on flood risk and resilience in Peru
- Hyper-resolution hydrological modeling of a managed watershed: The application of CWatM at 30 arc-seconds resolution in the Upper Bhima basin.
- Income-driven and policy-intervened energy transitions in rural residential energy sector in India, and their roles to the achievement of its NAAQS
- Increased nitrous oxide emissions in East Asia as estimated by bottom-up and top-down approaches
- Land-Use Harmonization 2: New Features and New Scenarios
- Modeling wildfire dynamics using FLAM coupled with deep learning methods
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> pollution induced morbidity burdens and the associated economic costs in Asian countries
- Partitioning of plant functional trait variation into phenotypic plasticity and neutral components reveals functional differences among neotropical tree species.
- Reduced winter off-road tundra travel under climate change
- The Pivotal Role of Heterogeneity in the Persistence of Soil Organic Matter
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- Tool Development for Risk Management Decisions under Strong Uncertainty
- Air Quality and Human Health Effects of Global Gasoline and Diesel Sectors
- Co-development of transformation pathways for the integrated management of water-energy-land resources in the Zambezi basin
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Global Hunger and Climate Change Adaptation through International Trade
- Revisiting exposure-response functions for six morbidity endpoints associated with short-term PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposures and an application of the cost-and-benefit of air pollution control in Asia using an integrated assessment framework
- Trade-offs of large-scale bioenergy plantations with future water availability
- Atmospheric monitoring with GNSS IoT data fusion based on machine learning
- Economy-Wide and Food System Nitrogen Budgets in Japan from 2000 to 2015
- Increasing Biospheric Imbalances Between Nitrogen and Phosphorus. A New Driver of Global Change with Multiple Consequences for the Environment, Food Security and Human Health
- Determination of atmospheric parameters from globally crowdsourced GNSS data
- Interaction of Mitigation vs Adaptation Pathways with Environmental Boundaries, Natural Hazards, and Sustainability Objectives Across the Energy, Water and Land Sectors