Remote Sensing Systems Inc., California
flowchart I[Remote Sensing Systems Inc., California] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (121)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Detection and Characterization of Diurnal Winds Using QuikScat Data
- The Status of Measuring Ocean Winds From Space
- Understanding Tropospheric Temperature Changes: Challenges for Observational and Model Studies
- Global Survey of 6.9 GHz Radio Frequency Interference and Implications for Future Remote Sensing
- Global optimum interpolated microwave SSTs from Aqua's AMSR-E improve hurricane intensity forecasting
- Identification of Errors and Uncertainties in Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals by Comparison of Microwave and Infrared Observations from TRMM
- On-Orbit Calibration of AMSR-E
- Validation of Aqua AMSR-E Ocean Surface Wind Speeds
- Estimating Water Vapor Transport Using a Multiple Satellite Network
- Challenges to Deriving Climate Time Series From Satellite Observations
- New Ocean Observations Capabilities Provided by the Conical Microwave Imaging Sounder (CMIS)
- A new Global Observational Dataset for Detecting Changes in Surface Winds and Storm Activity
- Correlation Between Precipitable Water and Temperature in Climate Simulations and Observations.
- Interannual variations of surface freshwater balance in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Changes in Global Water Cycle: Discrepancy Between Satellite Observations and Climate Models
- Equatorial Waves Excited by Convection Studied With the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Simulation of spaceborne salinity observation of the world oceans
- The Passive Microwave Water Cycle (PMWC) Product: Closing the Water Cycle Using a Constellation of Satellites
- Evaporation and Water Transport Dynamics over the Oceans Derived from Satellites
- Making Intercalibrated, Multi-Instrument Microwave Earth Science Data Records
- Observed Wind Anomalies in the Southern Pacific and Their Impact on Tropical SSTs During La Nina
- Satellite-based Estimates of Global Freshwater Discharge
- Stilling and the terrestrial hydrologic cycle
- The Impact of Water Vapor on Precipitation and Evaporation Trends
- Incorporating Model Quality Information in Climate Change Detection and Attribution Studies (Invited)
- Lessons Learned from 10 Years of Delivering Quality Microwave Data to Scientists
- Trends in Microwave-Based Climate Data Records from Satellites
- Advancements in Satellite Retrievals of Ocean Winds under Storm Conditions: The New WindSat All-Weather Dataset
- Can Models Replicate Observed Temperature Trends Over the Past Decade? (Invited)
- Climate monitoring using NCAR global, 2-hourly, GPS-derived atmospheric precipitable water dataset: Value and Challenge
- Comprehensive Error Estimates for Geophysical Retrievals from Microwave Radiometers
- DISCOVER Near Real-Time Ocean Data Products: Examples of Uses and Limitations
- Improved QuikSCAT Retrievals of High Winds
- Indicators of Water Cycle Acceleration from GRACE and NASA NEWS Datasets (Invited)
- Intercomparison of Water Vapor Transport Datasets
- Interpreting the Latitudinal Structure of Differences Between Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends (Invited)
- AQUA AMSR-E Sea Surface Temperature
- Aquarius Satellite Salinity Measurements; Preliminary Results Of The First 2-3 Months
- Aquarius Scatterometer Winds
- Assessing the Reliability of Model-Based Estimates of High- and Low-Frequency Variability
- Atmospheric Temperature Changes in CMIP-5 Simulations of Forced and Unforced Climate Change
- Communicating Uncertainties for Microwave-Based ESDRs
- Decadal Trends and Variability in Special Sensor Microwave / Imager (SSM/I) Brightness Temperatures and Earth Incidence Angle
- Southern Ocean representation and change under future climate scenarios in CMIP5 models (Invited)
- The Aquarius Salinity Retrieval Algorithm and Quick-Look Calibration/Validation
- The Goddard Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Fluxes (GSSTF) Datasets and the Uncertainties/Impact due to the SSM/I Brightness Temperature
- The Inter-Calibration of AMSR-E with WindSat, F13 SSM/I, and F17 SSM/IS
- Uncertainty Estimates for MSU/AMSU Atmospheric Temperatures
- 25-Year Ocean Wind Climatology from Satellite Observations
- Adding Uncertainty Information to the Ocean Suite of ESDRs from Microwave Imaging Instruments
- Assessment of Remote Sensing Systems Version-7 Rain Rates
- Contribution of Data Set Construction Methodology to Data Set Uncertainties
- Decadal-Scale Changes in Total Column Water Vapor in Satellite Observations and Models
- Estimating the Uncertainty of Satellite Microwave Ocean Surface Wind Observations and the Resulting Cross-Calibrated, Multi-Platform (CCMP) Ocean Surface Wind Analyses
- Highlights of the First 15 Months of Aquarius Salinity Measurements
- Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature: Are results robust to uncertainties?
- Ocean Surface Emissivity at L-band (1.4 GHz): The Dependence on Salinity and Roughness
- Satellite-Observed Intensification of the Tropical Atmospheric Circulation
- Storm-centric view of Tropical Cyclone oceanic wakes
- The Aquarius Level 2 Algorithm
- The RSS Ocean Surface Emissivity Model: Specular and Wind Induced Ocean Surface Emissivity between L and W-band over a Large Range of Wind Speeds and Earth Incidence Angles.
- Upper-Ocean Heat Balance Processes and the Walker Circulation in CMIP5 Model Projections
- Using MWR geophysical retrievals to identify rain contaminated Aquarius salinity retrievals
- A View from the Top: Satellite-Observed Changes to the Water Cycle
- An Analysis of the AMSR-2 Brightness Temperature Calibration (Invited)
- An Artificial Neural Network Downscaling of MERRA Mountain Gap Wind Events
- Anticipating U.S. severe droughts - A NASA NEWS initiative on extremes
- Consistency of Estimated Global Water Cycle Variations Over the Satellite Era
- Global Water Vapor Trend and its Diurnal Asymmetry during 1995-2011 Based on GPS, Radiosonde and Microwave Satellite Measurements
- How long is long enough?
- Human and Natural Influences on the Changing Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere (Invited)
- Quarter-Century Regional Trends in Water Vapor and Wind Speed: Satellite versus CMIP-5
- Satellite Merged Microwave Radiometer Datasets for Climate Studies
- The Ocean as a Rain Gauge: Using Salinity to Constrain Tropical Rainfall
- Validation and Early Science from AMSR2
- An Inter-calibrated Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Data Record and Ocean Products
- Building a Climate Data Record for Ocean Vector Winds
- Computation of Air-Sea Fluxes in Five Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeast Pacific Using Dropsonde Observations
- Investigating the Physical Basis of Aquarius/SAC-D Salinity Retrievals' Regional SST Bias
- Three Years of Aquarius Salinity Measurements: Algorithm, Validation and Applications
- Two-Look Polarimetric (2LP) Microwave Radiometers for Ocean Vector Wind Retrieval
- Using GPS Water Vapor Measurements to Validate, Calibrate, and Improve Microwave Satellite Water Vapor Retrievals
- Can Real-Time Data Also Be Climate Quality?
- Computation of Air-sea fluxes in Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeast Pacific using Dropsonde Observations
- Inter-calibrating, Multi-instrument Microwave Ocean Data Records over Three Decades
- Ocean Products from the SMAP Radiometer: Surface Salinity and Wind Speeds
- Precursors of ENSO Events from 27 Years of Satellite Data
- Recent Improvements in AMSR2 Ground-Based RFI Filtering
- Satellite-based Ocean Vector Wind Climate Data Record
- Building a Consistent Long-Term SSS Data Record from Multi-Satellite Measurements: A Case Study in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (SPURS-2)
- Evaluating uncertainty in a multi-decadal microwave data record of cloud liquid water
- Orbital and Sampling Strategies for Accurately Determining the Diurnal Cycle of Upper-Air Temperature Using a Constellation of Small Satellites
- Recent Advances in the Salinity Retrieval Algorithms for Aquarius and SMAP
- Tropical Cyclones Wind Measurements with the SMAP L-Band Radiometer
- Consistent Transition of Salinity Retrievals From Aquarius to SMAP
- Continuity of Climate Data Records derived from Microwave Observations
- Drowning in Data: Going Beyond Traditional Data Archival to Educate Data Users
- Improving Long-Term Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Temperature Records by Optimizing Adjustments for Changing Measurement Times
- Understanding and Reconciling Differences in Surface and Satellite-Based Lower Troposphere Temperatures
- Using GHRC's Data Publication Workflow Portal to Improve Data Discovery
- Using Satellite Lightning Data as a Hands-On Activity for a Broad Audience
- RSS/NASA SMAP Salinity Version 3 Release
- The Scaling Relationship Between Tropospheric Temperature and Total Column Water Vapor Measured by Passive Microwave Satellite Sensors.
- Three Decades of Air-Sea Essential Climate Variables (AS-ECV) from Satellite Microwave Radiometers
- Detection of Thin Sea Ice with Low-Frequency Microwave Remote Sensing
- Exploiting Satellite derived infrared SST sensitivity to aerosol vertical distribution
- Improvements to the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) Vector Wind Dataset for Tropical Studies
- Near-Real Time Wind Speeds from SMAP for Tropical and Extratropical Cyclone Forecasting
- RSS/NASA SMAP Salinity Version 4 Release
- Satellite Evidence of Decadal Water Cycle Changes
- A Sea Ice Retrieval Algorithm Based on Microwave Emissivities
- Multivariate Tropical Variability from Microwave Satellite Data Records
- Validating Tropical Cyclone Winds From Microwave Radiometers
- A New Dataset of Satellite Observations for Process-Level Studies
- A Sea Ice Microwave Emissivity Dataset
- The NASA/RSS SMAP Salinity Version 5 Release
- Earth-Gridded Microwave Radiance Data Collection to Facilitate Algorithm Development
- Examination of High AMSR-2 Water Vapor Values in Tropical Cyclones
- Intercomparison of Integrated Water Vapor Measurements from Ground-Based, In-Situ, and Space-Borne Instruments in the Caribbean Region
- Toward Improving Space-Based Sea Surface Salinity Measurements from SMAP