Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The influence of rating curve uncertainty on flood inundation predictions
- Spatially distributed model calibration of flood inundation guided by consequences such as loss of property
- On the value of data for catchment modelling.
- Development of Joint Climate and Discharge Projections for the International Rhine River Basin - the CHR RheinBlick2050 Project
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Interception Experiments in Luxembourg
- Diatom tracing at the watershed scale : A new approach for assessing the geographic sources of water
- Sequential assimilation of radar data into a coupled hydrologic-hydraulic model for operational water management
- A Hypothesis-based Approach to Hydrological Model Development: The Case for Flexible Model Structures
- Impact of Temporal Data Resolution on Parameter Inference and Model Identification in Conceptual Hydrological Modeling: Insights from an Experimental Catchment
- Modular Modeling of Suspended Sediment Concentrations in a Sandstone Headwater Catchment (luxembourg)
- What happens when catchments get excited? Exploring the link between hydrologic states and responses across spatial scales
- Do diatoms run downhill? Using biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic diatoms to identify hydrological connectivity between aquatic zones in Luxembourg
- Hydrological Land Classification Based on Landscape Units
- Numerical daemons in hydrological modeling: Effects on uncertainty assessment, sensitivity analysis and model predictions
- The importance of parameter resampling for soil moisture data assimilation into hydrologic models using the particle filter
- Calibration validation revisited or how to make better use of available data: Sub-period calibration
- Connecting the dots: An interdisciplinary approach to watershed connectivity using terrestrial diatoms
- Improving particle filters in rainfall-runoff models: application of the resample-move step and development of the ensemble Gaussian particle filter
- Pursuing the method of multiple working hypotheses for hydrological modeling
- Incorporating expert knowledge in a complex hydrological conceptual model: A FLEX-TOPO case study for a central European meso-scale catchment
- Mixing and connectivity of groundwater and surface water within the near-stream saturated zone of a small headwater catchment (Luxembourg)
- On the use of the chirplet atomic decomposition for characterizing and classifying bedload signals recorded with hydrophones
- Origin of enormous trace metal enrichments in weathering mantles of Jurassic carbonates: evidence from Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes
- Realism test of a topography driven conceptual model (FLEX-Topo) in nested catchments of the Heihe River Basins, China
- A new approach for deriving Flood hazard maps from SAR data and global hydrodynamic models
- A new approach for improving flood model predictions based on the sequential assimilation of SAR-derived flood extent maps
- A new non-parametric framework to determine time-variant catchment transit times and their distributions
- Dominant controls on catchment hydrological functions: what can we learn from biological and isotopic tracers?
- Evaluating ET and Its Components from the CMIP5 Models with New, Global Remote Sensing-Based Estimates
- Fresh Biomass Estimation in Heterogeneous Grassland Using Hyperspectral Measurements and Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Interflow Moving over Leaky Impeding Layers: How Far Can We Expect It to Go?
- Progress on the calibration of channel geometry and friction parameters of the LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model using time series of SAR flood images
- Terrestrial diatoms: a breadcrumb trail for tracking rapid flowpaths connectivity across scales
- Thermal Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Plant Species and Stress Detection
- Water quality response after two years of short-rotation pine management for bioenergy in the southeastern U.S.
- A Mechanistic Assessment of a Near-stream Saturated Area Dynamics in a Headwater Catchment
- A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges
- A method to calibrate channel friction and bathymetry parameters of a Sub-Grid hydraulic model using SAR flood images
- Controls on Water Storage, Mixing and Release in a Nested Catchment Set-up with Clean and Mixed Physiographic Characteristics
- Headwater Streams in Porous Landscapes - What's the contributing area?
- How uncertain are the process parameterizations in our models?
- New insights into the potential of seismic measurements as bedload monitoring technique for a wide range of gravel-bed rivers
- Searching for the Dominant Subsurface Flowpath at the Hillslope Scale
- Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes
- User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
- DOC and nitrate export linked to dominant rainfall-runoff processes, end-members and seasonality - a long-term high frequency measurement campaign
- Precipitation stable isotope analysis for exploring temporal characteristics of tropical cyclones: A case study in Hong Kong
- Time-variant Catchment Transit Time Distribution and StorAge Selection Functions in Neighbouring Catchments
- Water Mixing Dynamics inferred via Thermal Infrared Imagery: Laboratory and Field Observations
- What controls differences in Stream Water Evaporation Lines in a nested catchment system?
- A comparison of airborne evapotranspiration maps and sapflow measurements in oak and beech forest stands
- An automated multi-model based evapotranspiration estimation framework for understanding crop-climate interactions in India
- Assimilation of flood extent data with 2D flood inundation models for localised intense rainfall events
- Bridging Numerical and Analytical Models of Transient Travel Time Distributions: Challenges and Opportunities
- Hydroclimatic variability in East Asia: A case study in the Yangtze river basin
- Integrating Data Streams from in-situ Measurements, Social Networks and Satellite Earth Observation to Augment Operational Flood Monitoring and Forecasting: the 2017 Hurricane Season in the Americas as a Large-scale Test Case
- Retrieval of Spatio-temporal Evaporation by Integrating Landsat OLI Optical and Thermal Data
- Risk-based decision making to manage water quality failures caused by combined sewer overflows
- Using a Gaussian Process Emulator for Data-driven Surrogate Modelling of a Complex Urban Drainage Simulator
- A Global partnership for flood risk reduction
- Augmenting Operational Flood Forecasting by Assimilating Satellite Earth Observation-derived Flood Probability Maps into a Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Model
- Does Maximisation of Net Carbon Profit Explain Vegetation Behaviour in Savanna Sites Along a Precipitation Gradient?
- Hydroclimatic extremes and variations in the West African monsoon region
- Integrating Global EO and Modeling Systems for Local Flood Prediction and Impact Assessment
- On the Spatiotemporal Impacts of Flood Extent Assimilation
- Tests of common assumptions underlying canopy-air exchange models of heat and water vapour
- The role of colloids in the dynamic of Rare Earth Elements at flood event scale in contaminated river basins
- Towards improved travel time estimates that account for interfaces in the hydrological cycle
- Using thermal-infrared (TIR) remote sensing to monitor surface-subsurface water exchanges of a side channel of the Rhine River: application to a hydromorphological restoration project
- Data analysis and model building for understanding catchment processes: the case study of the Thur catchment
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- Hydrograph Separation Using Dual Isotopes in Catchments with Minimal Seasonality: A Bayesian Mixing Model Approach
- Integrating Remote Sensing and Modeling Systems for Local Flood Prediction and Risk Assessment
- Interflow travel distances calculated from worldwide data: Landscape controls on hillslope-valley connectivity
- Linking vegetation and surface energy balance across a range of climatic and ecohydrological conditions
- Microbial nitrate reduction to nitrite drives large HONO emissions at high soil moisture
- Optimizing Targeted SAR Acquisitions for Flood Extent Assimilation to Improve Inundation Forecasts
- Simulating preferential flow in a two water worlds framework
- Testing the Truncation of Travel Times with StorAge Selection Functions Using Deuterium and Tritium as Tracers
- Hydroclimate extremes driven by decadal atmosphere-oceanic modes in tropical and subtropical regions: a case study in the Greater Bay Area, South China
- Quantifying the Impact of Observation Operators on Flood Inundation Forecast Quality
- Comparing Heuristic and Optimization-Based Models of Transpiration and Assimilation under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
- Enhanced Plant P and Unchanged Soil P Stocks After a Quarter-Century of Experimental Warming in Arctic Tundra
- Examining the diverse values of remotely sensed observations for assisting flood disaster management : the 2021 European floods example
- Learning hydrologic dynamics from big data with sensitivity analysis and differentiable hydrology
- Synergistic use of spectral information from Landsat and Sentinel-2 data for modeling near real-time crop water status across California vineyards
- Understanding the Information Content in the Hierarchy of Model Development Decisions: Learning From Data
- A Duet of Fluxes: Pursuing the Dyadic Advection of Heat and Moisture
- Aerodynamic temperature: The Mystic Component in Thermal Remote Sensing of Evaporation
- Frozen-soil Hydrological Modeling for a Mountainous Catchment at Northeast of the Tibetan Plateau
- Performance of Restored Tidal and Nontidal Wetlands on the Exchange of Carbon
- Roots Respond Fast and Remain Responsive to Multiple Water Pulses Applied in Different Soil Layers at Different Moments
- Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Oil Spills from Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery
- Tempered Particle Filter in a Real World Experiment.
- The role of plant hydraulics representation in the Community Land Model for simulating European forested ecosystems
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Ariane Arias‐Ortiz
- Chaopeng Shen
- César Jiménez-Rodríguez
- Daniel Pflugfelder
- Daphne Szutu
- Dennis Baldocchi
- Fabrizio Fenicia
- Florian Pappenberger
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Guy Schumann
- Hongkai Gao
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Julian Klaus
- Kaniska Mallick
- Markus Hrachowitz
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martyn P. Clark
- Marvin Höge
- Nishan Bhattarai
- Robert Koller
- Robert Shortt
- Shervan Gharari
- Simone Fatichi
- Stanislaus J. Schymanski
- Stefano Manzoni
- W. P. Kustas
- Xue Feng