Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, India
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Quantification of Uncertainty in the Flood Frequency Analysis
- Comparison of SFT and MPNE Model to Predict Fate of Reactive Solute Transport through Porous Media: A Modelling Approach
- Treatment of non-stationary in the flood frequency analysis
- Impact of Fani Cyclone of 2019 on Land, Ocean, Atmospheric and Meteorological Parameters
- Modelling of Solute transport under combined effect of Physical non-equilibrium and near grain Boundary layer flow velocity: Semi-analytical solution.
- Monitoring the Himalayan Atmospheric Environment using satellite and ground observations
- Morphological Mapping of 13 August 2017 Kotropi Landslide using Images and Videos from Drone and Structure from Motion
- Quantification of Uncertainty associated with the Estimation of Hydraulic parameters for saturated porous Media
- Solving Data Imbalance in Landslide Susceptibility Zonation
- Understanding the Onset of Monsoon over Coastal and Himalayan States of India using Temperature, Rainfall and Water Vapor Parameters
- COVID-19: Boon for Environment Bane for Economy. Air quality Assessment of Punjab during Lockdown
- Design of Optimal Expansion of Rain Gauge Network in the Himalayan Region for Monitoring Extreme Events
- Reconnaissance and Characterization of Discontinuities in a Landslide using UAV and Structure from Motion
- Characterization of Exposure and Respiratory Tract Deposition of Size-fractionated Trace Metals from Indoor Cooking in Northeast India
- Evaluation and Ranking of different gridded rainfall-interpolation combination for large Himalayan watershed using entropy based weighted sum model.
- Fluorescent Properties of Brown Carbon Aerosols Using Excitation Emission Matrix (EEM) for Different Seasons.
- Linkage Between Chemical and Optical Properties Of Aqueous Brown Carbon And HULIS: Insights From EEM Fluorescence Coupled With PARAFAC Analysis
- Long- and Short-term temporal analysis of satellite-derived Permafrost terrains of Himachal Pradesh, India
- Temporal analysis of various indices and LST for forest fire study in parts of Mizoram region using Google Earth Engine
- Antibiotic transport in saturated porous medium: Experimental and numerical study
- Characterization of aerosol climate forcing agents in residential biofuel use emissions from the north-western Himalayan region, India.
- Deteriorating air and water quality of Punjab region during 2017 to 2021, using ground and satellite data
- Diurnal variation of nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) in the eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain.
- Evaluating the effect of different sampling ratio on landslide susceptibility mapping of Kangra District
- Evaluation of the probable permafrost distribution of Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh.
- Impact of Climate Change on River Flow Characteristics in the Western Himalayas
- Impact of Tonga Volcanic Eruption on the Ocean Parameters Using ARGO and Multi-Satellite Data
- Limit Equilibrium Method based Slope Stability analysis in the vicinity of Kotrupi area, Mandi
- Local warming increased up to 3°C due to forest fires in various parts of the world between 2019 and 2021
- Permafrost Distribution Mapping Using the Revised and Updated Rock Glacier Inventory of Himachal Pradesh, India
- Permafrost in Northern Hemisphere are shrinking at higher rate than in Southern Hemisphere.
- Rising Temperature of Ukraine due to Russia-Ukraine war 2022
- Sources And Chemical Signatures Of Aqueous Brown Carbon and HULIS: Insights From NMR, 13C And 15N Isotopic Measurements
- Tectono-Geomorphic assessment in the Barak River Basin of Western Hills of Manipur, using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques.
- Understanding Size Distribution and Respiratory Tract Deposition of Aerosol Oxidative Potential in Indoor Kitchens of Northeastern India
- Understating the Uncertainty in Global Rainfall Erosivity Estimated Using Multiple Satellite Precipitation Datasets
- Variation in Average Surface Velocity Estimation of Tidal and Mountain glacier using optical and SAR microwave Remote Sensing.