Rothamsted Research, UK
flowchart I[Rothamsted Research, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (44)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Soil Organic Matter Dynamics from Forest to Pasture Conversion in the Brazilian Amazon using Modelling Approach
- Black carbon and organic matter stabilization in soil
- Zinc Isotopes in the Soil-Plant Interface
- Sampling Strategies for Throughfall Monitoring: a Simulation Study to Capture Space- Time Heterogeneity
- Effects of nutrient supply on intrinsic water-use efficiency of temperate semi-natural grassland under rising atmospheric CO2
- Is there a seasonal bias in MBT-CBT temperature reconstructions? (Invited)
- Quantitative molecular biology and gas flux measurements demonstrate soil treatment and depth affects on the distribution and activity of denitrifiers
- Developing an Understanding of Vegetation Change and Fluvial Carbon Fluxes in Semi-Arid Environments
- Diagenetic processes in the plant-soil system and their implications for palaeo-reconstruction
- Fate and transport of lignin in the soil-water continuum
- Adaptation of soil microbial activity will accelerate the climate change induced release of C from the world's soils
- Effects of Maize Residue Removal and Tillage on Soil Erosion, Carbon, and Macronutrient Dynamics
- Elucidating the variable residence times of catchment-derived soil organic carbon in floodplain soils
- Novel biogeochemical fingerprinting approaches to sediment source apportionment in catchments (Invited)
- Using high-resolution water quality monitoring to investigate hysteretic behaviour of nutrients at catchment scale
- Dynamic Response of Plant Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Light, Water and Nutrient Availability
- Getting to the Root of the Problem - Assessing Crop Water Uptake Using Geophysics
- Taxonomic and trophic-level differences in the climate sensitivity of seasonal events
- Understanding Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Using a Paired Tracer Approach in Alberta's Rocky Mountains
- A thermal analysis based model to quantify centennially persistent organic carbon in temperate soils
- Air Quality Improvement in a Megacity: Implications from 2015 Beijing Parade Blue Pollution-Control Actions
- Determining the relative impact of electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity on the GPR early-time signal
- Improving Nitrous Oxide Reporting In Agricultural Inventories of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A UK Case Study
- The impact of nitrification inhibitor DMPP on N<SUB>2</SUB>O, NO and N<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at different soil moisture conditions in grassland soil
- Verifying the UK agricultural N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission inventory with tall tower measurements
- Satellite derived bathymetry: mapping the Irish coastline
- A modelling framework for flow and cohesive sediment transport in wildfire impacted watersheds: Implications for reservoir management
- Designing Future Wheat for a Changing Climate
- Identifying the most suitable crop rotations and optimum N applications for the Yangtze River Basin<SUP>#</SUP>
- Impact of Contemporary Forest Harvesting Strategies on Sediment Production in Alberta's Rocky Mountains: New Insights on an Old Story?
- The Influence of Storage and Watershed Structure on Baseflow Dynamics and the Implication for Watershed Resilience in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Analytical Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Characterization: Review of Advantages, Limitations and Optimal Combinations
- Assessment of nitrogen balance and benchmarks for sustainable N management in the main cropping systems of China
- Building the Whole-plant Phenotype: Coupling Geophysically-based Below-ground Measurements with Above-ground Data
- Long-term Sediment-Phosphorus Dynamics in Wildfire Affected Mountain Streams in Southwestern Alberta, Canada
- Source Water Contributions in a Steep Rocky Mountain Watershed With Glacial Till and Fractured Sedimentary Bedrock
- The Canadian Southern Rockies Watershed Project Observatory; Natural Disturbance and Land Management Effects on Watersheds from "Source to Tap"
- A spatially distributed sensing technology for monitoring gas migration through vadose zone and land surface concentrations
- Old Soils in Sub-Saharan Africa Contain Mostly Young Carbon
- Characterizing multimodality in effective particle size distributions of suspended particulate matter in a gravel bed river
- Communicating Drought Propagation in Brazil Using in-situ and Remote Sensing Data
- Fire, Flooding, and Forestry in a Warmer Rocky Mountain Region: Impacts of Single and Compound Natural and Anthropogenic Land Disturbances on Watershed Sediment Production.
- Intermediate-scale testing of a spatially distributed sensing technology for monitoring greenhouse gas migration through vadose zone to the atmosphere
- Legacy Impacts of Clear Cut Harvesting on End Member Contributions to Stream Flow and Phosphorus Concentrations at Turkey Lakes Watershed