Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, New York
flowchart I[Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (191)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (38)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Carbon Availability in Riparian Subsoils
- Interactions Among Grassland Plant Species, Microbial Communities, and Soil Processes
- Multiresolution Morphology and Metabolism of the Metropolis
- Nitrogen Gas Fluxes in Northeastern Temperate Forests
- Plant and Soil Natural Abundance delta-<SUP>15</SUP>N: Indicators of Nitrogen Cycling in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA
- Inter-Lake Variations in the Isotopic Signatures of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in Lakes: Within-Lake Processing Versus Watershed Loading
- Nitrogen Oxide Trace Gas Efflux and Soil N Dynamics in Response to N Inputs in Temperate Forests of the Northeastern U.S.
- Spatial Dynamics of Soil Moisture at Hillslope and Small Catchment Scales
- Detrital Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils: A Field Experiment
- Ecosystem Restoration and Denitrification in a Coastal Stream
- Hydro-Ecological Linkages in Urbanizing Watersheds: The Role of Small Streams in Controlling Nitrogen Export
- The Potomac River Basin and Western Shore Chesapeake Bay Drainage as a Proposed CUAHSI Hydrologic Observatory
- The Relative Effects of Hydrology, Ecology, and Climate on Temporal Trends and Spatial Patterns of Stream Nitrate Concentrations in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA
- Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in a Chronosequence of Suburban Lawns
- Coupling of Hydrologic and Ecosystem Nutrient Cycling in Forest and Suburban Catchments
- Fog Inputs and Edge Effects From Canopy to Soil in a California Redwood Forest
- Fog and Phosphorous:Mist Connections?
- Ecohydrologic pattern optimization at the hillslope scale: Implications for ecosystem management and restoration in the Anthropocene
- Fog as a potential source of nitrogen for coastal redwood forest ecosystems
- Fog, Clouds and the Maintenance of Ecosystems: Mist Opportunities?
- Impacts of land use and interannual climate variability on nitrogen export characteristics
- In Situ Carbon Isotope Analysis Of Bluegill Otoliths From The Crampton Lake Experiment, Wisconsin
- Patterns of Soil and Streamwater Chemistry Relative to Atmospheric Deposition in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA
- Quantifying Urban Groundwater in Environmental Field Observatories
- Changes in nitrogen cycling during the past century in a northern hardwood forest
- Season influences of wood on stream nitrate dynamics in forested headwater streams in the northeast US
- Transient coupling of water, carbon and nutrient cycling patterns over hillslope gradients: Co- evolution of catenae in different landscapes
- Who Needs Environmental Monitoring?
- Discrepancies in Watershed S Budgets in Southeast Canada and Northeast U.S.--A Comparative Mass-Balance Approach
- Dynamics and Resilience of Desert Ecosystems under Changing Climate
- Fog and Rain Water Influences on Tree Physiology and Ecosystem Function in a California Redwood Forest
- How Much Atmospheric Deposition Across the US: Comparison of N and S Deposition Estimates
- Hydrological control over stream nitrate loss in an aggrading New Hampshire forest
- Seeing the trees for the forest: Nitrogen deposition alters tree growth and survival across the northeastern U.S., responses vary by species.
- Urbanization Across Gradients: Testing Hypotheses on Effects of Land Change at Multiple Scales
- Nitrogen deposition and forest carbon sequestration: a quantitative synthesis from plot to global scales
- Carbon Sequestration in Forests and Agricultural Soils (Invited)
- Long-term (10 year) trends in the chemistry of urban streams
- Planetary Biogeochemical Stewardship (Invited)
- Social-Ecological Controls Over Earth-System Stewardship: a Framework for Sustainability in a Rapidly Changing World
- Stream Carbon Dioxide Dynamics and Evasion in Temperate Forest Catchments at Hubbard Brook
- Tracking nonpoint nitrogen pollution from urbanizing watersheds (Invited)
- Trends in cloud and rain water chemistry from 1984-2009 on Mount Washington, NH (1,534 m)
- A comparison of SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> drought response in streams across southeastern Canada and northeastern USA
- Analysis of High Frequency Water Quality Data in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER
- Challenges in assessing nitrogen losses in urban watersheds
- Distributed denitrification in a northeastern agricultural landscape
- Effects of stormwater management and stream engineering on nitrogen uptake and denitrification in streams
- Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Aquatic Primary Producers: Implications for Food Web Studies
- Hydrologic controls on nitrogen and phosphorous dynamics in incidental oxbow wetlands adjacent to an urban restored stream
- Hydrologic variability elucidates the relative role of in-stream nitrogen removal
- Land Use and Climate Alter Carbon Dynamics in Watersheds of Chesapeake Bay
- Long-term elevated atmospheric CO2 enhances forest productivity
- Nitrous oxide fluxes in an ecosystem context
- Recalculating Watershed Nitrogen Budgets Using Estimates of Local N Deposition
- Simultaneous Occurrences of Denitrification and DNRA in Groundwaters: An In Situ 15N Tracer Study
- Temporal Trends in Stream N Concentrations and Responses to Disturbances in US Forested Basins
- The role of coastal fog in increased viability of marine microbial aerosols
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Bridging the Divide: understanding controls on nitrogen export by scaling from headwater catchments to eastern North America
- Challenges and Opportunities to Developing Synergies Among Diverse Environmental Observatories: FSML, NEON, and GLEON
- Climate Change Impacts on Forest Succession and Future Productivity
- Dissolved Organic Matter Transport and Degradation in River/Estuarine Networks
- Effects of integrated stormwater management and stream engineering on nitrogen uptake and denitrification in streams
- Hotspots of nitrous oxide and methane flux in urban watersheds
- Hydrochemical dynamics of stream water during snowmelt under differing soil frost regimes in a northern hardwood forest
- Nitrate removal in two relict oxbow urban wetlands: a 15N mass-balance approach
- Seasonal Patterns of Denitrification and Trace Gas Emissions in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Simulating nitrogen transport and transformation through urban riparian zones using a particle-tracking approach
- Terrestrial dominance of organic matter in north temperate lakes
- The Urban Watershed Continuum: Biogeochemistry of Carbon
- Use of Nitrogen Budgets and N<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Measurements to Estimate the Role of Denitrification in Brownfield Stormwater Wetlands
- Bioenergy and resilience in the northern hardwood forest (Invited)
- Coastal Fog As a System: Defining an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda (Invited)
- Increased river alkalinization in the Eastern U.S
- Long-term integrated studies of climate change in the critical zone (Invited)
- Onshore Winds and Coastal Fog Enhance Bacterial Connections Between Water and Air In the Coastal Environment (Invited)
- Overview of carbon storage and exchange in arid lands (Invited)
- Quantifying Uncertainty in the Net Hydrologic Flux of Calcium at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
- Regional climate variability and patterns of urban development - Impacts on the urban water cycle and nutrient export (Invited)
- Atmospheric physical processes regulating diurnal and seasonal variations in CO2 fluxes over a large reservoir
- Changes in the Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations of Stream and Soil Water in Response to a Watershed-Scale Calcium Addition and Recovery from Acidification
- Denitrification Rates, Nitrous Oxide, and Methane Fluxes Along Soil Moisture Gradients In Stormwater Control Structures.
- Enabling innovative research by supporting the life cycle of high frequency streaming sensor data in the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON)
- Evolving Human Alteration of the Carbon Cycle: the Watershed Continuum
- Frontiers in Ecosystem Science: Energizing the Research Agenda
- GLEON: An Example of Next Generation Network Biogeoscience
- Impacts of Invasive Pests on Forest Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Long-Term Precipitation Isotope Ratios (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H, d-excess) in the Northeast US Reflect Atlantic Ocean Warming and Shifts in Moisture Sources
- Manage Hydrologic Fluxes Instead of Land Cover in Watershed Services Projects
- Multi-Scale Variations in Streamwater Chemistry and Hydropedological Implications for Hotspot Development
- Road salt in the environment: loads, lags and consequences.
- Searching for hot spots and hot moments of soil denitrification in northern hardwood forests
- Soil nitrogen gas fluxes during woody legume encroachment: Does encroachment increase gaseous losses?
- Transpiration in the Global Water Cycle
- Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
- Do Forest Age and Soil Depth Affect Carbon and Nitrogen Adsorption in Mineral Horizons?
- Influence of Land Cover and Climate on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Urban Soils
- Influence of water table fluctuations on subsurface methane dynamics and surface fluxes in seasonally flooded subtropical pastures.
- Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists: Building on 52 Years of Tradition in Diatom Research with Open-Source, Web-Based Collaboration Tools and Online Resources in a Field Course for High School Students
- Landscape-scale estimation of denitrification rates and nitrous oxide to dinitrogen ratio at Georgia and Pennsylvania LTAR sites
- Nitrogen fertilizer increases nitrous oxide, but not dinitrogen, emissions from moist tropical forest soils in Puerto Rico
- Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
- Scaling Denitrification Fluxes from Cores to Catchments: Spatial and Temporal Controls
- Urban Growth Trajectories as a Window into Understanding Hydrologic Changes
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Landsat 8 Chlorophyll-a Retrieval Algorithms for Regional Freshwater Management
- Calcium and Iron as Promoters of the Self-assembly of Dissolved Organic Matter into Particles
- Developing a Model to Estimate Freshwater Gross Primary Production Using MODIS Surface Temperature Observations
- Outcomes from the GLEON fellowship program. Training graduate students in data driven network science.
- Patterns of Mineral Soil Nitrate Retention with Forest Age
- SOM Stability under Long-term Recovery from Acidic Deposition in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Wet Dust Deposition Across Texas, USA
- A 3-D Approach for Teaching and Learning about Surface Water Systems through Computational Thinking, Data Visualization and Physical Models
- Beyond the Floodplain: Drivers of Flood Risk in Coastal Cities
- Century-scale Variations in Plant and Soil Nitrogen Pools and Isotopic Composition in Northern Hardwood Forests
- Developing A Model for Lake Ice Phenology Using Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
- Dust in Rain During Drought: An Overlooked Pathway for Elemental Flux to Ecosystems
- Exploring mechanisms of transport and persistence of environmental DNA (eDNA)
- Hydrology or biology? Modeling simplistic physical constraints on lake carbon biogeochemistry to identify when and where biology is likely to matter
- Improving Estimates and Forecasts of Lake Carbon Pools and Fluxes Using Data Assimilation
- Investigating and Modeling Ecosystem Response to an Experimental and a Natural Ice Storm
- Marine sources influence fog bioaerosol composition in Namibia and Maine
- Modeling N Cycling during Succession after Forest Disturbance: an Analysis of N Mining and Retention Hypothesis
- Sediment Budgets and Sources Inform a Novel Valley Bottom Restoration Practice Impacted by Legacy Sediment: The Big Spring Run, PA, Restoration Experiment
- Soil Nutrient Responses to Disturbance in a Northern Temperate Forest: The Influence of an Ice Storm Manipulation Experiment on Belowground Biogeochemical Cycling
- Solute-specific patterns and drivers of urban stream chemistry revealed by long-term monitoring in Baltimore, Maryland
- The Potential of Satellite Imagery to Estimate Chlorophyll-a and Water Clarity Data For the Assessment of Lake Water Quality
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- Assessing Green Infrastructure Function Across North America with Citizen Scientists and Affordable Sensors
- Biogeochemical sensitivity of a northeast forest ecosystem to the natural and human land disturbance
- Building Regional Understanding of Freshwater Biogeochemical Function Using Remote Sensing: a Networked, Interdisciplinary Model
- Chlorophyll-a Detection for 317 Maine Freshwater Lakes Through the Use of Archived Data from LANDSAT Satellite Imagery, 23,000 in situ Samples, and Google Earth Engine
- Drivers of Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Denitrification in Agricultural Systems
- Elusive hotspots of nitrogen transport and retention in residential lawns in Baltimore, MD
- Empowering youth currently underrepresented in STEM through authentic science research on local environmental challenges
- Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration (Project EDDIE): Using Large Datasets to Build Quantitative Literacy
- Evaluation of stream restoration strategies for urban residential watersheds by coupling riparian and aquatic ecosystem modeling
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: Causes, Consequences, and Management
- From the Front Lines: Strategies from a Boundary-Spanning Consortium for Communicating with Policymakers
- Identifying Trends in Differences between Inland Lake Surface Water and Surrounding Land Temperature Using a Bayesian Framework
- Intra-urban variability in EC deposition via rainfall and throughfall
- Modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments reveals feedbacks among land-management decisions, water quality degradation, and altered property values
- Modeling how invasive pest-induced changes in tree species composition affect forest carbon and nitrogen cycling
- Nitrate Decrease in Surface and Groundwater After Legacy Sediment Removal Restoration in a Floodplain Stream, Big Spring Run, PA USA.
- Optimizing surveillance for Ebola virus spillover across space, seasons, and species.
- Quantifying and Reducing Nitrogen Footprints of Urban Areas: A Case Study for Baltimore, Maryland
- Strategies from the Front Lines of Linking Science with Action
- The Weathering of Rock to Regolith: Activity of Deep Roots in Bedrock Fractures
- Evaluating instream restoration effectiveness in reducing nitrogen export from an urban catchment with a coupled data-modeling approach
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: An Emerging Environmental Problem
- Harnessing Machine Learning and Citizen Science Data to Improve Remotely Sensed Estimates of Lake Water Clarity and Document Regional Clarity Trends
- Long Term Urban Watershed Studies in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study
- Occult Water: a medium that connects the atmosphere to plants and ecosystems
- The reactive nitrogen landscape in the high Colorado alpine: quantifying atmospheric inputs
- Thirty-Six Years in the Subalpine: Long-Term Ecosystem and Biogeochemical Research in Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
- Understanding Drivers of Mountain Lake Phytoplankton Across Space and Time
- Understanding the value of information in the Camboriú watershed management program, Brazil
- Watershed Studies at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: New Lines of Investigation Stemming from a Rich Legacy of Research
- Approximation of Ice Phenology of Maine Lakes using Aqua MODIS Surface Temperature Data
- Daily and monthly weather improve near-term population forecasts for the vector of Lyme disease (Ixodes scapularis) and it's primary host (Peromyscus leucopus)
- Denitrification from terrestrial ecosystems: accounting for underrepresented sources and identifying paths forward
- Detecting Soil Moisture under Temperate Forest Canopies: SMAP Validation Experiment 2019-2021 (SMAPVEX19-21)
- Evaluating stream restoration metabolism and nitrogen retention at Baltimore, MD
- Exploring the Effects of The Clean Air Act on Stream Invertebrate Communities
- Gaseous Loss of Nitrogen from Boreal Soils
- Human Behaviors Interact with Biophysical Characteristics to Affect Hotspots of Nitrogen Mobilization in Residential Lawns in Baltimore, MD
- Nitrogen Retention During Forest Succession: Testing a Revised Conceptual Model
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Spatiotemporal Drivers of Elemental Carbon Deposition to Trees and Soils in an Urban Ecosystem
- The Role of Dead Wood as an Ecosystem Nitrogen Sink
- Throughfall & Stemflow: Major Hydrologic Highways for Particulate Traffic through Tree Canopies
- Can Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration Produce Tradeable Credits for Climate Mitigation.
- Connecting Lake Observatories to Space-Based Missions: Global Lakes Ecological Observing Network (GLEON), NASA Surface Biology and Geology (SBG), and the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI)
- Connecting Space-Based Missions to Existing Communities: NASA Surface Biology and Geology (SBG), EU-Copernicus and the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON)
- Denitrification at depth in montane temperate forest soils
- Growing Impact of Wildfire on Western United States Water Supply
- River Ecosystem Phenology in an Increasingly Ice-free World
- The impact of climate change mitigation practices on nitrous oxide emissions from agroecosystems and food systems
- A stochastic machine learning model of wildfire activity in the Western United States
- An Updated Attribution of Western United States Forest Fire Trends to Anthropogenic Climate Change: 1984-2022
- Basin-wide Planning of Amazon Hydropower can Reduce Adverse Impacts on Ecosystem Services
- Clean Streams with Dirty Secrets: Bryophyte Regulation of Stream Nutrient Budget at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
- Designing and Studying Holistic Undergraduate Field Learning Experiences: The UFERN Model
- Drivers of Fire Severity in Boreal Deciduous Forests
- Establishing Baseline Estimates of Carbon Storage in Northeastern United States Forests: Patterns, Drivers, and Synthesis
- Finding the Baseline: Forest Carbon Storage in the Western United States Across Climatic Gradients and Fire Legacies
- Long-Term Trends in Nitrate and Chloride in Streams in an Exurban Watershed
- Regional-scale impacts of fuels management protocols on forest structure and fire cycle in California's Sierra Nevada mountains
- UAS-borne Hyperspectral Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Content in New England Lakes
- Urban Form and Black Carbon Removal by City Trees: Spatial Modeling to Enhance Urban Forest Planning
- Validating SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth in Forests: Summary of Activities in 2022
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Park Williams
- Aaron Berg
- Alexandra G. Ponette‐González
- Andrea C. Encalada
- Andreas Colliander
- Anna T. Trugman
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin Poulter
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Bruce R. Forsberg
- Caroline S. Juang
- Charles Jones
- Christine L. Goodale
- Dara Entekhabi
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Emily S. Bernhardt
- J. M. Duncan
- Jason E. Smerdon
- John T. Abatzoglou
- Justin S. Mankin
- Karen A. McKinnon
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- L. T. Berner
- Lawrence E. Band
- Michael H. Cosh
- P. M. Groffman
- Pierre Gentine
- Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
- Scott J. Goetz
- Sidharth Misra
- Simon Kraatz
- Simon Yueh
- Stephanie Schollaert Uz
- Whendee L. Silver
- William H. Schlesinger
- Xanthe J. Walker