The Water Institute of the Gulf, Louisiana
flowchart I[The Water Institute of the Gulf, Louisiana] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (67)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (25)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Field Observation and Numerical Modeling of Bed-Material Transport Dynamics in the Lower Mississippi River
- Adaptable Web Modules to Stimulate Active Learning in Engineering Hydrology using Data and Model Simulations of Three Regional Hydrologic Systems
- Investigation of Sediment Diversions in the Lower Mississippi River
- Particulate Organic Carbon Transport and Burial in the Colville River Delta, Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Three Dimensional Morphodynamic and Vegetation Modeling of Wax Lake Delta
- Three dimensional numerical modeling of Hydrodynamics and sediment transport in the Mississippi River Diversion at West Bay
- Historical Reconstruction of Organic Carbon Decay and Preservation in the Sediment on the East China Sea Shelf
- Historical Reconstruction of Organic Carbon Inputs to Sediments in the Colville River Delta, Alaska: The Application of Biomarker Proxies
- Hydraulic response and morphological evolution at a lower Mississippi River channel bar after sand mining
- Using Advances in Research on Louisiana Coastal Restoration and Protection to Develop Undergraduate Hydrology Education Experiences Delivered via a Web Interface
- Coastal Ecosystem Integrated Compartment Model (ICM): Modeling Framework
- Morphodynamic Assessment of West Bay Sediment Diversion: A Land Building Analogue for the Lower Mississippi River Delta
- Patterns and Interactions Between Hydrodynamics and the Fate of Nitrate in Newly Emergent Coastal Deltaic Floodplains
- Potential Changes in the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Nutrients and Phytoplankton Taxa in the Lower Mississippi River Basins in Response to Proposed Large Sediment Diversions
- Shallow Geologic Framework and Geomorphic Evolution of a Paleo-barrier Shoreline, Terrebonne and Timbalier Bay, Louisiana, USA.
- Eco-morphological Real-time Forecasting tool to predict hydrodynamic, sediment and nutrient dynamic in Coastal Louisiana
- Ecologic and Morphologic Analysis of a Proposed Network of Sediment Diversions
- Establishment of a Subsidence Superstation in the Mississippi Delta: Integrating sediment core, SET, GPS and vertical strainmeter data to understand subsidence
- Flow and suspended-sand behavior in large rivers after dredging.
- How Natural is the Dissolved Inorganic Composition of Mississippi River Water?
- Influence of Black Mangrove Expansion on Salt Marsh Food Web Dynamics in Coastal Louisiana
- Maintaining the Link to The Floodplain: Scour Dynamics in Crevasses
- Maximizing effectiveness of adaptation action in Pacific Island communities using coastal wave attenuation models
- Networks of Interacting Processes: Relationships Between Drivers and Deltaic Variables to Understand Water and Sediment Transport in Wax Lake Delta, Coastal Louisiana
- Short and long-term soil carbon accumulation in marsh salinity types of the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain: implications for future global climate change and coastal restoration
- Understanding Mississippi Delta Subsidence through Stratigraphic and Geotechnical Analysis of a Continuous Holocene Core at a Subsidence Superstation
- Vertical Strain Measured in the Mississippi River Delta Using Borehole Optical Fiber Strainmeters
- A Sediment Budget for the Calcasieu Lake in southwest Louisiana
- Developing nitrogen budgets using an Integrated Biophysical Model to investigate current and future phytoplankton dynamics in a rapidly changing subtropical estuary, Barataria Basin
- Accounting for future sea level rise in barrier island restoration strategies to reduce storm-driven inundation and erosion
- Cross-Calibration between Selected Numerical Models and the Lower Mississippi River Physical Model
- Flow and sediment dynamics through complex emergent marsh vegetation
- Modeling potential benefits of fragmented terrace restoration in Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana: wave attenuation, sediment process, and potential SAV habitat
- Rapidly Changing Transport Conditions In a Mississippi River Marsh
- Accounting for vegetation turbulence in a morphodynamics model of a delta.
- Coupling Hydrologic and Surge Processes to Examine Two Distinct Flood Transition Zones in Coastal Louisiana
- Dredging as a Geomorphic Process
- Effects of Vegetation Seasonality on Marsh Sediment Dynamics
- Human and natural impacts on sedimentation in the Merrimack River Estuary, Massachusetts, USA
- The roles of storminess and sea level rise in decadal barrier island evolution
- Assessing the Current and Future Potential Carbon Sink of Louisianas Coastal Habitats
- Bathymetry and Resolution: Keys to Develop a Channel-to-Ocean Basin-Scale Hydrodynamic Model for the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts
- Characterizing Storm-Driven Sediment Transport Patterns at a Barrier Island for Varying Ecosystem Restoration Approaches: Case Study at the Chandeleur Islands, Gulf of Mexico, USA
- Coastal evolution and resiliency management for a working coast: data and model integration for a transgressive headland: Port Fourchon, Louisiana, USA
- Consensus SMART Objectives The Basis of Adaptive Management and Reporting for Coastal Habitat Restoration in Louisiana
- Evaluating Consequences to Ecological, Societal, and Economic Objectives through Decision Analysis under Uncertainty in Louisianas Climate Action Planning Process
- Fluvial Construction of the Texas Inner Continental Shelf- The Past, Present, and Future Role of Relict Rivers along the Texas Coast
- Fluvio-Mechanical Sediment Transport In The Lowermost Mississippi River
- Geomorphic and Hydrodynamic Impacts on Sediment Transport on the Inner Louisiana Shelf
- Hurricane deposition can enhance salt marsh resiliency to sea-level rise
- Impact of Storm-induced Sediment Transport and Depositional Processes in Essex Tidal Inlet and Backbarrier Bay System
- Including the Effects of Subsurface Currents on Buoyant Particles in Lagrangian Particle Tracking Models: Model Development and its Application to the Study of Riverborne Plastics over the Louisiana/Texas Shelf
- Influence of hydrodynamic and sediment transport processes on beach-ridge morphology and internal architecture along the Virginia (USA) coast
- Innovatively Applying a Structured Decision-Making Framework to Louisiana Climate Action Planning to Reach Net Zero Emissions by 2050 while Maximizing Equity Outcomes
- Mechanisms and Rates of Sand Bypassing along a Rapidly Evolving Inlet-Spit System
- Morphological Response of the Channel Bar Dredging in the Lower Mississippi River and Impacts on the Proposed River Diversions
- Quantifying Potential Coastal Carbon Sinks of Louisianas Habitats
- Saved by sediment: a review of sedimentation enhancing strategies for river deltas
- The Contribution of Inorganic Sediment Inputs to Multi-Decadal Accretion of Backbarrier Saltmarshes in the Southeast USA
- The Role of Laterally Accreted Spit and Inlet Fill Deposits in Sand Conservation During Barrier Island Transgressive Submergence
- The unique hydrodynamics of compound flooding in the transition zone and implications for estimating maximum surface water elevations
- Unstructured-Grid Approach to Model Complex Aquifer System and Assess Groundwater Depletion in the Capital Area of Louisiana
- Dispelling Myths Concerning the Wave Power-Retreat Relationship
- Estimates of Coastal Blue Carbon Sequestration in Marsh-Mangrove Dominated Habitats in Port Fourchon, LA, USA in Response to Future Sea Level Rise
- Evaluating and Communicating Future Stormwater Flood Risk in New Orleans
- Exploring the use of machine learning to parameterize vertical mixing in the ocean surface boundary layer
- Modeling Urban Flood Impacts and Potential Solutions at Community Scales in Pittsburgh, PA
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Annisa Triyanti
- Arthur C. Trembanis
- Bingqing Liu
- C. R. Esposito
- Christopher J. Hein
- Chunyan Li
- Constantine Samaras
- David Rounce
- Dubravko Justić
- Duncan M. FitzGerald
- Frances Dunn
- Frank T.-C. Tsai
- Ioannis Y. Georgiou
- Jaap H. Nienhuis
- Jana Cox
- Jasper R. F. W. Leuven
- Kehui Xu
- Lucila Houttuijn Bloemendaal
- Madeline R. Foster‐Martinez
- Marissa K. Webber
- Melissa M. Baustian
- P. Soupy Dalyander
- Robert D. Hetland
- Saeed Moghimi
- William Pringle