University of San Francisco, California
flowchart I[University of San Francisco, California] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (45)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Dissolved Organic Matter and Iron Redox Reactions in an Alpine Wetland
- Advanced Whale Detection Methods to Improve Whale-Ship Collision Avoidance
- Greenhouse Gas and Criteria Air Pollutant Emission Reductions from Forest Fuel Treatment Projects in Placer County, California
- Simulated Sea-Level Rise Effects on the Above and Below-Ground Growth of Two Tidal Marsh Plant Species
- The Wave Glider°: A New Autonomous Surface Vehicle to Augment MBARI's Growing Fleet of Ocean Observing Systems
- Carbon Sequestration in San Francisco Bay Tidal Wetlands
- Turbidity - a Semi-Continuous Monitoring Option for Suspended Solids
- Carbon Sequestration in Mediterranean Tidal Wetlands: San Francisco Bay and the Ebro River Delta (Invited)
- Tracking Ammonium Utilization by Phytoplankton using Stable Isotopes to Determine the Impact of Nutrient Loading on the Base of the Food Web
- Modeling Tidal Wetland Resiliency in the Face of Predicted Accelerated Sea-Level Rise
- Mud On the Move: Measuring Suspended Sediment Concentrations within Tidal Wetlands in the San Francisco Estuary
- A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification
- Leveraging field and remotely sensed data to reduce uncertainty in national inventories of coastal wetland carbon fluxes: Year 2 findings from the NASA "Blue" Carbon Monitoring System
- Seasonal variation in sediment flux between an estuary and a salt marsh
- Impacts of floodplain restoration on nitrogen transformation pathways on the Cosumnes River, California
- Insights From the Development of an Environmental Science Professional Development Field Course for Undergraduates from Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges.
- Physical and Biological Regulation of Carbon Sequestration in Tidal Marshes
- A cloud based approach to synchronize the advancements in global land cover mapping
- Developing Practical Skills for Regional Land Cover Mapping Using a Cloud Computing Platform: An Example of Capacity Building for Service Delivery
- Documenting and Distributing a Regional Land Cover Monitoring System using Free Data and Cloud-based Computing Infrastructure in the Lower Mekong Countries in Southeast Asia
- Perspectives and products from the third year of a multi-institutional field-based professional development program for Environmental STEM (ESTEM) undergraduate students
- Towards democratization of water related data in developing regions using cloud computing and open source geospatial web applications
- Water we going to do with all these data? Service development using interdisciplinary data for flood applications
- Annual Cropland Area Estimation and Change Analysis to Support Agricultural Statistics of Nepal Applying an Automatic Methodologies
- Comparative analysis of three temporal smoothing algorithms on annual land cover time series
- Development of Annual Land Cover Map for Nepal for Monitoring and Change Detection from 2000-2018.
- Exploratory analysis of ground-based data in the field and multi-resolution satellite imagery to project land use and cover changes over deforested areas as detected by Terra-i
- Field and Professional Development for Environmental Students: Outcomes of the ESTEM Program and Lessons Learned About Undergraduate Career Preparation During and Following a Field Program
- Leveraging the Power of SAR Observations for Forest Monitoring Systems
- Open data in Amazonia and its implications for sustainable development
- Perspectives of a Geospatial Tool Service Design and Implementation into Regional Stakeholder Groups
- Predicting Land Cover Change Hotspots Using a Landsat Derived 30 Years Land Cover Timeseries, Open Data and Machine Learning
- Primitives as building blocks for constructing customizable land cover maps with high accuracy
- Raining Data from the Cloud: Leveraging Cloud-based Technology for Multi-sensor Flood Monitoring in Southeast Asia
- Uptake of bias corrected GPM IMERG products by the Mekong River Commission for Operational Flood Forecasting Services
- A Near Real-Time Mine Alert System using Sentinel 1 data
- A deep-learning approach to forest disturbance detection using Sentinel-1 imagery in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Building a Scientific Consortium for Applied Research for the Amazon in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Collect Earth Online gateway
- Commodity-driven changes in Southeast Asia forest cover and carbon stock using robust visual photo-interpretation
- First, we must consider Manoomin (Psiŋ, wild rice, Zizania palustris): Emergent understandings of meaningful research and relationships in tribal-university partnership centering Manoomin
- Ongoing development and adoption of a regional near real time flood monitoring service by SERVIR-Mekong: challenges, innovations and upcoming deliveries
- The Historical & Ecological Impacts of Dams
- The market viability of an avoided wildfire GHG emission accounting framework for the western United States
- Towards more Accurate Riverine Flood Forecasting over the Lower Mekong Basin: Assessment of the Rainfall Forecast CHIRPS-GEFS for the Mekong River Commission